Nicole Davidson Growth to Success in Menai, New South Wales | Business service
Nicole Davidson Growth to Success
Locality: Menai, New South Wales
Phone: +61 424 160 421
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24.01.2022 Would you like help to a create a plan to create huge drive, purpose and connection to whats important to you in 2020? Let me know in the comments below :)
24.01.2022 Would you like help creating a plan to build the business you desire, thats designed to support your lifestyle and delivered with excitement every day?
24.01.2022 WHICH END OF THE STICK ARE YOU FOCUSING ON? The law of attraction states that that which is like unto itself is drawn. As with all universal laws, like the law of gravity for example, its immutable and working all the time, whether we know it or believe in it or not. Were always attracting. Everything is two ends of the same stick - that which is wanted and the absence of that which is wanted. ... So often, especially with goals, we can be focusing on the absence of what is wanted (the goal) until it appears, yet its in consistently noticing its absence that it cant appear. Hence the dilemma! Everything is vibration. Its identifying and focusing on the feeling we want to experience through the achievement of the goal thats significant, not the goal itself. For example, I want to earn X number of dollars. Why? To feel secure, to feel expansive, to feel proud, to feel free. I can feel those things now, and its in the consistent feeling of them now that by law what I want must appear (though not necessarily in my timing). The beautiful thing about it all is that those feelings of security, expansiveness, pride and freedom that I focus on feeling now dont have to relate to my goal of money (and often its good if they dont as that can activate the feeling of absence). Simply find areas of your life in which they exist now. I feel secure in my relationship. I feel expansive as I notice how far Ive come on my path, I feel pride in the work Im doing with my clients and I feel freedom in my ability to think whatever thoughts I like and imagine an inspiring future that totally lights me up. There are often conflicting energies going on within, and without being aware of them its difficult to bring into being what we truly desire. Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt. Its why I help my clients identify and release those unconscious beliefs and notice where mine are playing out. Which end of the stick are you focusing on? #lawofattraction #vibration #energt #focus
23.01.2022 Precious Lessons in Living and Dying - Part 3 My mum passed away on the 23rd June, 2019. The pain of learning that her life was coming to an end is something Ill never forget. Being there at the end is something Ill always treasure. I look at people through different eyes now and with a more open heart. I look at me with a more open heart too. ... Ive always loved what I do. After this experience, Im much clearer on why I do it. This is why I do what I do. Lifes short. Moments matter. Theyll pass whether were aware of them or not. We get to make them count. I dont care whats important to you. I just care that its important. With love. #GrowthToSuccess #whatmattersmost #thegiftoflife
23.01.2022 I used the word ‘agency’ the other day with a client. I NEVER use that word. I used it in the context of explaining that what we seek is not so much ‘control’, but the ability to shape our own experiences and make choices that are right for us. There’s a difference. ... I know about wanting to control. I was a master at it for a very long time (or so I thought!). Control is an illusion. In trying to control, we can only ever operate from our current level of understanding. We’ll usually continue to create what we’ve always created in the past. The irony is it can often be what we're most desperate to escape. You’re in control until you’re not. It’s only been in the letting go have I come to realise how rich life can be. Equipping yourself with the internal resources to remain upright and steady in times of uncertainty allows you to create an unshakeable certainty within that’s not dependent on anyone or anything else. It’s a far more powerful place to be. If control’s your thing and you feel it’s not working for you, send me a message and let’s uncover what’s at the heart of it. I can pretty much guarantee that on the other side of that control is everything you've always wanted. #control #mentalhealth #wellbeing #GrowthtoSuccess #realestate #realestateagents #realestatepricipals #wirensw Photo by Rachel Cook on Unsplash
22.01.2022 To living the full catastrophe. The final part in my series on balance. Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail - Ralph Waldo Emerson... Thanks for joining me!
21.01.2022 Expecting to hear some stats from Natasha Janssens about women and finance, what I heard instead was an incredible tale of adventure and survival at the Real Women In Real Estate Catch Up With the Property Girls. A powerful takeaway? Its not the cards youre dealt in life but how you play your hand.
21.01.2022 Would you like help creating a plan to build the business you desire, that's designed to support your lifestyle and delivered with excitement every day?
21.01.2022 The Nullarbor 2014. Memories of that time? Silence. Space. Time to think. Time to dream. ... When I feel myself getting caught up in the stresses of life I go back there in my mind and immediately feel the serenity. Where do you go? #balance #serenity #peaceofmind #productivity
19.01.2022 To living the full catastrophe. The final part in the series on balance. Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail - Ralph Waldo Emerson... Thanks so much for joining me. #GrowthToSuccess #balance #wellbeing #mentalhealth
19.01.2022 Maybe you’re feeling displaced, having trouble thinking and that you’re doing everything with all that’s going on right now. Should you keep calm and carry on? Or should you just head to the local supermarket and invest in another stash of loo paper to provide some much-needed inner security? I don’t have all the answers, not sure anyone does!... But I want you to know that I’m here and I’m in this with you. In the last few days I’ve been speaking with many business owners. And here are my top takeaways that I hope will help you navigate this time 1. There are people who need you and what you have to offer. Let people know you’re here for them. 2. People are looking for certainty. You can provide that for them. 3. Your beliefs will impact your actions. What are you choosing to believe about this time? 4. What you focus on will grow. Focus only on what you want to create. How are you handling business as we deal with this crisis? Share with me in the comments. #business #businesscoach #mindset
18.01.2022 FESTIVE SEASON ADVICE FROM KENNY ROGERS (and me) Kenny Rogers once sang, Youve got to know when to hold em, know when to fold em, know when to walk away, know when to run. I think this is fabulous advice for the festive season, so Id like to offer you my festive season guide:... Hold em - unkind words that, if said, you wont be able to take back. Fold em - plans that are just too hard. Yes, they may be great, but the effort needed is just not worth it at this point in time. Allow that to be ok. Walk away - from people and situations that cause your stress levels to rise. You can simply do this in your mind if you cant avoid particular people or a situation. Run - from expectations from others that dont take you or your happiness and wellbeing into account. The great news is youre in control of a lot more than you think. Thank you for allowing me to a part of your world this year and for being part of mine. Whatever you celebrate at this time of year, enjoy. Wishing you a new year ahead that seriously sets your soul on fire.
17.01.2022 Last week I ran my first event for men, Breaking Out - From Frustrated to Free. Why? Because Ive met too many really good men who are so busy living up to their responsibilities and being a good bloke that theyve lost sight of themselves and what it means to be truly happy. Thank you to all the good (actually great) blokes who came along and learned about the importance of being your own best mate and how you can do that in simple ways on a daily basis.... A huge thank you to Mick de Haan from Care to Grow and Nathan Rigney from NGR Accounting Pty Ltd and Shire Professional Connection for bringing such a great group together and for your generosity in putting on a fabulous lunch to make it even more special. #men #goodbloke #connection #mentalhealth
17.01.2022 A buyers agent client of mine just signed a multi-listing client in the midst of everything thats going on right now. This client came to her seemingly out of the blue. Her reflection?... I probably wouldve sat out a bit longer but you planted that seed and I was like, Ok, lets get back in there again. I wouldnt have done that on my own. Your leadership and guidance with that was critical. You made sure that I was still present. All I did was challenge her beliefs about what this time could mean for her business. What are you choosing to believe about events right now? Its been a rollercoaster for sure, which is why its important to continually adapt to the changing conditions. What was true a month ago may not be true now. What was true yesterday may not be true today. In this time more than ever, its important to focus on what you can control, to create your own certainty wherever you can. Its important to be sensitive to the needs of others. However, its not wise to assume that you know what the needs of others are. As the saying goes, Were in the same storm but not all of us are in the same boat. Whats been your biggest learning about yourself or your business during this time? #businesscoach #buyersagent #realestate
16.01.2022 Lest we forget.
15.01.2022 Precious Lessons in Living and Dying - Part 1 Last year was a doozy. I said goodbye to my beautiful mum. Along with the heartbreak there were so many lessons.... I shared this video on the 6th of June last year. Id made the 3-hour trip up to Newcastle from Sydney that morning to attend a networking breakfast. My mum was in hospital up there so it gave me an opportunity to focus on my business while also spending precious time with her. Navigating both was hard. By this time Mum had been in hospital for close on 6 months and it had been an emotional rollercoaster. Id been making the trip up there each week, staying overnight at my in-laws place about 40 minutes away. I also had my own family to care for. My partner was amazing. I caught myself thinking the day before I made this video. I was feeling the tension caused by running a business that relies on me while having responsibilities outside of it. Ill admit to feeling quite stressed about it all. Then it came to me. These trips are my schedule. This is what I choose. In that moment I was able to release the resistance thats caused by making ourselves or a situation wrong. In recognising I was making a choice, I then had the power to organise my time in a way that honoured me and the people that I love.
14.01.2022 This put a smile on my dial this morning. I used to think that people who disagreed with me simply didnt understand what I was trying to say. How incredibly self-centred was that? Of course I didnt see it that way.... It honestly didnt occur to me that they may simply disagree with me. Now I dont need people to agree with me which has allowed me to become more curious as to how they see the world. It makes for a more peaceful existence and far more satisfying relationships. How does disagreement sit with you? #realestate #realestateagents #wirensw #realwomeninrealestate
14.01.2022 Life was never meant to be a struggle. - Stuart Wilde Nothings changed yet everythings changed. - My Client... It really can be that easy. Ask me how. #realestate #buyersagent #transformationspecialist #GrowthToSuccess
12.01.2022 Maybe youre feeling displaced, having trouble thinking and that youre doing everything with all thats going on right now. Should you keep calm and carry on? Or should you just head to the local supermarket and invest in another stash of loo paper to provide some much-needed inner security? I dont have all the answers, not sure anyone does!... But I want you to know that Im here and Im in this with you. In the last few days Ive been speaking with many business owners. And here are my top takeaways that I hope will help you navigate this time 1. There are people who need you and what you have to offer. Let people know youre here for them. 2. People are looking for certainty. You can provide that for them. 3. Your beliefs will impact your actions. What are you choosing to believe about this time? 4. What you focus on will grow. Focus only on what you want to create. How are you handling business as we deal with this crisis? Share with me in the comments. #business #businesscoach #mindset
12.01.2022 Beyond excited to hear that in the first 40 days of the year my client has 6 listings on the go and is on target to become a million dollar agent this year. The best part is shes having fun doing it while doing it on her own terms. Now thats living!... #lifeonyourownterms #realestate #wirensw #realestateagents #realestateprincipals
12.01.2022 Very honoured to have been a finalist in 2 categories at the Bx Business awards. A heart-felt thanks to BxNetworking for Business for all the support you offer to small businesses. #networking #smallbusiness #bxnetworking
11.01.2022 Heres Part 1 of my 5-part series this week on balance. Balance. The Why. Love to hear your thoughts. ... #balance #mentalhealth #truenorth
11.01.2022 I used the word agency the other day with a client. I NEVER use that word. I used it in the context of explaining that what we seek is not so much control, but the ability to shape our own experiences and make choices that are right for us. Theres a difference. ... I know about wanting to control. I was a master at it for a very long time (or so I thought!). Control is an illusion. In trying to control, we can only ever operate from our current level of understanding. Well usually continue to create what weve always created in the past. The irony is it can often be what were most desperate to escape. Youre in control until youre not. Its only been in the letting go have I come to realise how rich life can be. Equipping yourself with the internal resources to remain upright and steady in times of uncertainty allows you to create an unshakeable certainty within thats not dependent on anyone or anything else. Its a far more powerful place to be. If controls your thing and you feel its not working for you, send me a message and lets uncover whats at the heart of it. I can pretty much guarantee that on the other side of that control is everything youve always wanted. #control #mentalhealth #wellbeing #GrowthtoSuccess #realestate #realestateagents #realestatepricipals #wirensw Photo by Rachel Cook on Unsplash
11.01.2022 'Life was never meant to be a struggle.' - Stuart Wilde 'Nothing's changed yet everything's changed.' - My Client... It really can be that easy. Ask me how. #realestate #buyersagent #transformationspecialist #GrowthToSuccess
10.01.2022 On Saturday morning I woke up, grabbed my phone and looked at the newspaper. I felt an overwhelming sense of fear and panic - at the growing number of people dying, at the length of time this may impact our lives and the financial implications now and into the future. I was scared. I felt like my body was in freefall. I acknowledged my fear. I didnt make it wrong. I noted how uncomfortable I felt and knew I didnt want to continue down that path. ... I cant live the life I want to live from that place. I focused on what I could control. My thinking, my focus. I immediately felt more calm. Its from that place I want to live. I can live from there regardless of whats going on around me. Its from there I make really good choices. Our emotions are merely signposts. Theyre valuable. Its important that we aknowledge them. Do you want to go this way or that way? Daniel Tolson Nini Tolson
10.01.2022 Hump day of my series on balance. Part 3 - The Derailers. Do these apply to you?... Id love to know if youve identified any more? #balance #mentalhealth
09.01.2022 Listen up! Did you miss out? We had the lovely Nicole Davidson, business coach, empowering business owners to shift and ensure they feel and listen within themselves. She also shared her book How To Put The Balance In Your Business - An Owners Guide To Having It All and helps women in real estate to connect with what they truly value. For more contact: Email: [email protected] Download your free electronic copy of the book at www. Our second guest Judith Bragado Viado aim to leave a legacy to have each person cooking on safe, non toxic cookware and keeping people healthy. Judith is a highly accomplished Netsuite specialist and global online business entrepreneur. While Judith enjoys her full-time job and managing her global online stores, she and her husband Richard started their own cookware brand with a simple goal of changing peoples lives. On the weekends, Judith and her family teach people healthy food preparation methods without using oil, salt, artificial seasoning, and how to prevent contamination. She promotes keeping ingredients in their purest form, enhancing their natural flavours and maximum nutritional value. Judith strongly believes that since this style of cooking has dramatically changed her familys lifestyle, it will likewise have a huge impact on others lives. She aims to educate more people to learn to eat well, live well and free from metal toxicity. contact details Judith B. Viado, Co Founder Mobile: 045 220 4900 Email: [email protected] WEB:
08.01.2022 How honest are you being with yourself in your business? I know that for a long time I wasnt being honest with myself. I was telling myself that things were fine when I was investing a lot of time for little financial return. ... I told myself that I was on the right track and that I just had to keep going. Im an expert at holding the vision! I stayed on my path, convinced that my time would come. It didnt. The stress this was putting on my relationship was immense. We create our reality. The reality I was creating was not the one I either wanted or intended. I put up with that unsatisfying reality for way too long. What I know now is that it didnt need to be that way. Isnt hindsight a beautiful thing? With everything thats going on right now, its the perfect opportunity to take stock so that in this moment and moving forward you can live from a place of truth and strength. This wont only impact your business, but all areas of life. Would you like like to create a plan to do just that? Send me a DM or comment yes please in the comments below. Id love to help. #businesscoach #takingstock #creatingreality
08.01.2022 Part 2 of my 5-part series this week on balance. Balance. The Mechanics. Its the how-to thats a sticking point for a lot of people when it comes to balance. ... What are your sticking points? #balance #mentalhealth #emotionalawareness
08.01.2022 Im delighted to be speaking at this conference on mindset. Focusing on four pillars of business growth - marketing, digital marketing, sales and mindset, its sure to be a valuable day.
07.01.2022 You can listen live from 4-5pm today.
06.01.2022 The hardest lesson I've had to learn as a business owner is that I need to consistently make my business a priority. Reflecting on my first years in business, I realised how easy it was for me to put other people’s needs before my own. I know I’m not Robinson Crusoe here!... I’d take time out so that I could care for and support family members, especially in times of ill-health. I regret none of it as there were so many blessings and I wouldn’t change it for quids, but there were some valuable lessons learned. There are costs to every decision. What’s become abundantly clear to me is that I can’t support the people I love in the way that I want to, or feel fulfilled in the way I want to, if I don’t remain focused on the vehicle that’s going to allow me to do that. The failure to get my business humming also came at a personal cost I knew I was capable of so much more and the frustration was intense. I now keep my eye on the prize in my business and in all areas of my life. I know what’s important and why. Equipped with a greater awareness of the longer-term consequences of my choices, I’m able to make better choices for me and make them more deliberately. It feels good! What's the hardest lesson you've had to learn in your business? #lessons #choices #businesscoach
06.01.2022 I felt so moved reading about Julie Goodwins experience with depression and anxiety and why shes needed to take time out. There are lessons in it for us all. It was around six months ago that Julie found the dual pressures of running her own cooking school and working in breakfast radio became too much.... Her lesson? Treat yourself the way you would treat someone you love. Dont work more than you would allow your partner or child to work. Dont speak to yourself with harsh words youd never use towards your friends or colleagues. Be as kind to yourself as you try to be to others. And if youre overwhelmed, if youre struggling, ask for help. Do it before you can no longer hear the logical voices, the clear and good voices. Do it before its too hard to see a way forward. If you wont do it for yourself, do it for the ones who love you the most. My hope is that more of us start heeding this advice. Things dont become too much overnight. It happens in moments and there are always signs. Pay attention to how youre feeling, or if youre not. That in itself is a sign. If you notice things are getting on top of you, please reach out to someone. Send me a message. Youre never alone. #balance #wellbeing #mentalhealth #ruok
05.01.2022 Have you ever found yourself in a painful situation and thought, I cant believe Im back here again? Its a difficult place to be. Often we make superficial changes and expect things to change. Or we gloss over problems in the mistaken belief that if we dont look at them theyll go away. ... While things may feel better for a while, the same scenario will continue to appear because the root cause of the issue hasnt been addressed. Once it has been, real transformation can occur and the magic can begin. #transformation #resolution #peaceofmind
05.01.2022 The concept of balance itself isnt really all that sexy. I see it as a means to an end. What it results in is good decision making, living on purpose and being able to focus on the things that matter most. Now thats sexy! ... When youre coming from that place, things just flow. Nothing changed for my client but their inner game. #GrowthToSuccess #results #innergame
05.01.2022 The hardest lesson Ive had to learn as a business owner is that I need to consistently make my business a priority. Reflecting on my first years in business, I realised how easy it was for me to put other peoples needs before my own. I know Im not Robinson Crusoe here!... Id take time out so that I could care for and support family members, especially in times of ill-health. I regret none of it as there were so many blessings and I wouldnt change it for quids, but there were some valuable lessons learned. There are costs to every decision. Whats become abundantly clear to me is that I cant support the people I love in the way that I want to, or feel fulfilled in the way I want to, if I dont remain focused on the vehicle thats going to allow me to do that. The failure to get my business humming also came at a personal cost I knew I was capable of so much more and the frustration was intense. I now keep my eye on the prize in my business and in all areas of my life. I know whats important and why. Equipped with a greater awareness of the longer-term consequences of my choices, Im able to make better choices for me and make them more deliberately. It feels good! Whats the hardest lesson youve had to learn in your business? #lessons #choices #businesscoach
05.01.2022 Really excited to be catching up with the property girls on Thursday night to share some tips on staying balanced and connecting to the part of you that knows whats right for you. Its where the magic lies in your business. Sydney real estate women, would be great to see you there! CLICK HERE to book: #rwire #womeninrealestate #propertywomen #catchupwiththepropertygirls #realwomeninrealestate #realestateagents
04.01.2022 Very honoured to have just received this Google review. Totally why I do what I do. #innerwealth #GrowthtoSuccess
03.01.2022 Here's the mantra I repeat to myself when things get tough... Things are always working out for me, even when they look like they're not working out for me. Do you have a mantra or routine to get unstuck?... #businesscoach #mindset #gettingunstuck
02.01.2022 Irony. Working as a teacher with school holidays off and no children to care for. Running a business with no school holidays off and a child to care for. ... I absolutely wouldnt have it any other way, but the irony doesnt escape me :) I wont pretend its easy. Im learning new skills and doing my best to practice what I preach. Hit me with your top tips for navigating school holidays as a working parent. #worklifebalance #parenting
02.01.2022 Precious Lessons in Living and Dying - Part 2 The fact is I was actually organising my time in a way that honoured me and the people I love all along. The shift came from recognising that I had the power to choose how I saw the situation. In situations like this there is no manual. Were making our way blind. Emotionally it was a place I hadnt been to before.... All along I kept checking in with myself as to the person I wanted to be. I came out the other side secure in the knowledge that I had honoured my mum. I know shed have been proud. Throughout the whole thing, I felt what I needed to feel and said what I needed to say. In times of high emotion it becomes even clearer that we all see things from our own point of view. Navigating my own expectations and those of others was hard. I know I did it with compassion. It wasnt always easy. I continually tried to put myself in other peoples shoes. Sometimes lifes just too raw to share at the time. Were all in this together. There is no separation. I am you and you are me. We never know what someone is going through but everyones going through something. We dont need to do it on our own. I received incredible support from my networking group for which Ill be eternally thankful.
01.01.2022 I felt so moved reading about Julie Goodwin's experience with depression and anxiety and why she's needed to take time out. There are lessons in it for us all. It was around six months ago that Julie found the dual pressures of running her own cooking school and working in breakfast radio became too much.... Her lesson? Treat yourself the way you would treat someone you love. Don’t work more than you would allow your partner or child to work. Don’t speak to yourself with harsh words you’d never use towards your friends or colleagues. Be as kind to yourself as you try to be to others. And if you’re overwhelmed, if you’re struggling, ask for help. Do it before you can no longer hear the logical voices, the clear and good voices. Do it before it’s too hard to see a way forward. If you won’t do it for yourself, do it for the ones who love you the most. My hope is that more of us start heeding this advice. Things don't become 'too much' overnight. It happens in moments and there are always signs. Pay attention to how you're feeling, or if you're not. That in itself is a sign. If you notice things are getting on top of you, please reach out to someone. Send me a message. You're never alone. #balance #wellbeing #mentalhealth #ruok
01.01.2022 Decision. Values. Boundaries. Contrast. Forgiveness. The foundations of balance. Enjoy Part 4.... Love to hear your thoughts! #balance #mentalhealth #foundations
01.01.2022 Heres the mantra I repeat to myself when things get tough... Things are always working out for me, even when they look like theyre not working out for me. Do you have a mantra or routine to get unstuck?... #businesscoach #mindset #gettingunstuck
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