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25.01.2022 I am trying to drill this into my son's head, to no avail. He is scared of making mistakes and suffers anxiety trying ANYTHING new. Making mistakes is essential to growth, learning, empathy, problem-solving, critical thinking, memory...the list goes on. We learn from our mistakes, we grow from our mistakes and we find compassion for ourselves and others. Mistakes are a crucial part of living, so let's learn all we can from them so we can make better choices. . . . #motivation #growth #wisdom #mistakes #mistakeshappen #autismsupport #autismacceptance #selflove #adhdsupport #adhdproblems #adhdisreal #selfcare #loveyourself #anxiety #performanceanxiety
25.01.2022 Neurodiversity is here to stay (and it always was!). We're all different, so let's make accomodations so that we can all function optimally. People will function at a deficit in the wrong environment, but will thrive when they are heard, respected and given accomodations. . .... #neurodiversity #neurodiversityparadigm #neurodiversityrocks #neurodivergent #neurodivergentlife #autism #adhd #dyslexia #dyspraxia #tourettes #ocd #bipolar #schizophrenia #apraxia #dysgraphia #autismsupport #adhdsupport #autismlife #adhdlife #autismlove #adhdlove See more
23.01.2022 These questions were summarised from an ADDitudemag.com article. It is important to find a doctor that has had a lot of professional and even personal experience with ADHD, one who sees a lot of patients with ADHD and is knowledgeable on any new findings and treatments out there. You want the doctor to know the difference between evaluating children (when he should be guided by the criteria in the DSM-5 and using rating scales like the Connors Scale), know the differen...ce between symptoms more common in boys vs girls, and also that the DSM-5 is child-focused, so to ask different questions of an adult. You want the doctor to be able to rule out (or discover) any comorbid conditions. As approximately 85% of people with ADHD will benefit from taking ADHD medication, you want the doctor to be extremely knowledgable on medications, doses and side effects. Ask how often you can meet to evaluate treatment, because often dosages need to be tweaked or medications changed. And definitely ask for everything to be written down for you, as you are likely to forget something otherwise (you have ADHD, remember?). These questions are pertinent to me now, because we have just moved nine hours north and have had to give up our brilliant GP who specialises in autism, ADHD and paediatrics. He is the only doctor who has ever really listened, and helped us, and this is because he has 20 years experience, an autistic son, an ADHD son, and an NT son. He will be sorely missed! . . . #adhd #add #adultadhd #adhdlife #adhdproblems #adhdawareness #adhdisreal #adhdwomen #additudemagazine #additudemag #adhdsupport #lifewithadhd #adhd_life #adhdparent #adhdmeds #adhddoctor See more
22.01.2022 Look at these beautiful people! @asd.and.mummy "If ever there was a top designed for me... it was this one And of course Mummy had to buy herself something too!" "This is genuinely the only clothing item Raymond has ever paid any attention too! So we’ve decided to team up and become ambassadors to help shine their light. And they also donate a portion of their profits to The Organisation for Autism Research! ... Simply use code RAY15 at checkout for 15% off!" ndrenegade.com #NDRenegade #autism #autistic #autismawareness #autisticadult #autisticlife #differentnotless #autistmacceptance #autiegirl #aspiegirl #differentlywired #autismwarrior #autismsupport #autismspectrum #autie #aspielife #autisticculture #autismfamily #aspie #autisticpride #autisticwoman #autisticgirl #autisticwomen #autisticboy #autistickidsrock #autisticgirls #autisticandproud #autisticcommunity #autisticson #autismfamily
21.01.2022 I think the originator or this quote is Corrie Ten Boom (a very interesting woman who is worth looking up!), and she was referring to worry. Either way, the point is to live in the present. Worrying about what might happen in the future is a fruitless way to spend one's time. Anxiety causes fatigue, listlessness, insomnia, depression and a lowered immune system, so try to practise mindfulness and live in the moment. This is definitely advice I need to heed myself! . . . ...#neurodiversity #selfcare #selflove #mentalhealthmatters #gratitudeeveryday #gratitudeadditude #invisibledisability #motivationalsupport #positiveaffirmations #loveyourself #takecareofyourself #youareenough #dothebestyoucan #youcandothis #encouragingquotes #keepgoing #autismstrong #adhdisreal #neurodiversityisbeautiful #autismadvocate #youareworthy #positivereminders #thingstoremember #selflovefirst #selflovejourney #notetoself #findthegoodineveryday #changeyourmindset #findthegood #positivemind See more
20.01.2022 This. I found this quote on Twitter, and how apt is it? If there is one good thing to come from this terrible crisis we are living through, it is the fact that the employment playing field has levelled. Not completely, of course, but how can companies possibly deny any person with disabilities the opportunity to work from home anymore? This pandemic has taught us that working from home is entirely doable, and possibly even preferable, as many people, particularly neurodiv...ergent people, can work far more efficiently in their own environments. Yes, there are still pressures from Zoom calls and deadlines, but working from home enables people to create their own schedule, work without distractions, be in a safe and calm environment. Working from home allows people with disabilities to contribute to the workforce, and this can be denied them no longer. . . . #autism #autismintheworkplace #autismawareness #autismacceptance #adhd #adhdisreal #autismlife #autisticlife #autismpride #specialneeds #autismlove #adhdlife #adhdpride #adhdsupport #autismsupport #invisibledisability #spoonie #spoonieproblems #spoonielife #dyslexic See more
20.01.2022 I believe this wholeheartedly, and I hope people feel that way when they get to know my children. I know that I am truly blessed, that's for sure.
19.01.2022 Ableism is discrimination of disabled people. It permeates every area of our society, and can be obvious and not-so-obvious. We have grown up with ableism, as did our parents, but this does not make it right. We have the ability to teach our children about ableism and its wrongs, but first we have to learn about it and recognise it ourselves. Hopefully these slides can help a little. #ableism #ableist #ableismawareness #ableismexists #disabilityawareness #ableistculture #invisibliedisabilites #inclusion #disabilityacceptance #invisibledisability #autismacceptance #autism #autismawareness #autismlife #autismstruggles #neurodiversity #neurodiversityawareness
19.01.2022 @motherhoodphasing, this might just be my favourite photo ever! Look at the joy on his face! He makes my heart happy! #neurodiversity #neurodivergent #neuroatypical #neurodiversesquad #neurodiversityaccepetance #neurodiversityrocks #neurodiversityisbeautiful #autism #autistic #adhd #adhder #dyspraxic #dyspraxia #dyslexic #dyslexiaawareness #bedifferent #dyslexicandproud #bedifferentbeyou #invisibledisability #invisibledisabilities #tourettes #tourettessyndrome #apraxia #dyslexicadvantage #autismpride #adhdisreal #autismlove #adhdlife #bedifferentbeyourself #autismsupport
18.01.2022 I love the Cree word for autism. It is absolutely perfect. But can someone please tell me why living on a reserve in Canada would disqualify someone for supports? It doesn't make any sense. Thanks @thinkingautism for your Twitter quote. #autism #autistic #autismawareness #autisticadult #autisticlife #differentnotless #autistmacceptance #autiegirl #aspiegirl #differentlywired #autismwarrior #autismsupport #autismspectrum #autie #aspielife #autisticculture #autismfamily #aspie #autisticpride #autisticwoman #autisticgirl #autisticwomen #autisticboy #autistickidsrock #autisticgirls #autisticandproud #autisticcommunity #autisticson #autismfamily #autismrocks
17.01.2022 Boundaries define the space around you. They let people know your limits, what you like and dislike, and what you value. Boundaries are crucial for having mutually supportive relationships and without them you are doing yourself and those you care about a disservice. Setting boundaries becomes easier the more you do it. It's something I'm not great at, but I know how important it is and I'm working on it. #neurodiversity #selfcare #selflove #mentalhealthmatters #gratitude...everyday #gratitudeadditude #invisibledisability #motivationalsupport #positiveaffirmations #loveyourself #takecareofyourself #youareenough #dothebestyoucan #youcandothis #encouragingquotes #keepgoing #autismstrong #adhdisreal #neurodiversityisbeautiful #autismadvocate #youareworthy #positivereminders #thingstoremember #selflovefirst #selflovejourney #notetoself #findthegoodineveryday #changeyourmindset #findthegood #positivemind See more
15.01.2022 Many people in our culture believe that being a perfectionist is a positive thing, but studies prove that to be untrue. Perfection is unattainable. It is self-defeating and undermines your potential, making you avoid mistakes and not try to reach your goals. Perfectionism is linked to anxiety, depression, self-harm, social anxiety disorder, OCD, insomnia, and even suicide. Perfectionists have unrealistic standards and feel guilt, shame and anger when faced with failure. My... son suffers performance anxiety and is definitely a perfectionist. It can cripple him and make him unable to try any new tasks. Instead he gets very angry. The only thing I can do that will help in the long run is to teach him to have self-compassion. Currently he has none. We have a very long road ahead of us. . . . #perfectionism #perfectionist #anxiety #selfcompassion #autism #autieboy #neurodiverstiy #mentalhealth #ADHD #ADHDisreal #autismlove #autismlife #adhdlove #adhdlife #invisibledifference #differentnotless #dyslexicandproud #dyslexia #tourettes #bipolar See more
15.01.2022 It's GIVEAWAY time! Our friend @ameliablackwater has organised this giveaway. You can win an ND Renegade tee of your choice, a Releafpack of your choice, and a signed copy of Amelia's poetry book! To enter:... 1) Follow @ameliablackwater @releafpack and us @ndrenegade. 2) Like this photo. 3) Tag a friend in the comments below * Extra entry for sharing in stories (make sure to tag us so that we see that you shared it) Giveaway ends Sunday 5/16 11:59pm PST Winner will be chosen on Monday 5/17 at 4pm PST. See slides for ambassador codes! Good luck! #neurodiversity #neurodivergent #neurodiversityawareness #neurodiversityacceptance #autism #autismawareness #autismacceptance #autismadvocate #autismsupport #autismpride #austimproud #adhd #adhdsupport #adhdhelp #adhdadvocate #adhdlife #dyslexia #dyspraxia #apraxia #bipolar #autismlove #dyslexicandproud #neurodiversityrocks #autismproducts #autismtee #autismtees #autismshirts #autismshirt #autismtshirt #autismtshirts
15.01.2022 These guys! My reason for everything; my ND Renegades, my pride, my joy, my worry, my sleepless nights, my loves. This was a great day, exploring our new location (we have recently moved nine hours north), lunch at a restaurant, sea breezes and park play. Look at those smiles. Some days (sadly few and far between) everything just goes right, and this was one of them. . . . #ndrenegade #autieboy #autismchild #autism #adhdgirl #adhdkid #adhd #autisticlife #adhdlife #autismlove #autismproud #autistic #neurodiversity #neurodiversesquad #adhdisreal #makingmemories #happyday
13.01.2022 The totally awesome @ariel.cullison sporting our Authentic tee. Love #autisticadults #influencer #authentic #autistic #ndrenegade #aspergers #empowerment #acceptance #advocate #autisticwoman #autisticwomen #autiegirl #autismadvocate #autismacceptance #autisticadult #autisticpride #autismproud
13.01.2022 On using the word 'disability'...I agree with Jessica McCabe. As I've said before, people are only as disabled as their environment allows. Being disabled means people require accommodations to function successfully. This might be a wheelchair ramp, training materials in Braille, a sign language interpreter or a designated sensory retreat room. The sooner it is recognised that being disabled does not make disabled people less valuable, the sooner accomodations can be made for them in all aspects of daily life.
13.01.2022 Here is the "Philly beauty wizard by day, award-winning cabaret sonstrexx by night" @iamfarrahthorne representing in our Differently Wired tee. Check out her IG, she's a talent! . . . #differentlywired #differentoperatingsystem #hyperqueen #fauxqueen #bioqueen #artist #performerlife #performanceart
13.01.2022 Approximately 40% of autistic people are also diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, but some studies say the true number is closer to 84%. Approximately 50% of people with ADHD also have comorbid anxiety. These are such devastating statistics because anxiety can be debilitating, and is one of the leading causes of suicide among autistic people. We need to advocate for neurodivergent people, and be understanding to their needs, particularly when they have comorbid anxiety. Do...ing nothing is just not good enough. . . . #anxiety #autism #asd #autismawareness #autismlife #aspergers #adhd #specialneeds #neurodivergent #add #mentalhealth #adultadhd #adhdlife #mentalhealthawareness #adhdproblems #adhdawareness #adhdisreal #adhdwomen #adhdsupport #lifewithadhd #adhd_life #autismsupport #advocate #mentalhealthmatters #depression #neurodiversity See more
13.01.2022 Happy New Year everyone! Let's hope 2021 kicks 2020's butt! . . . #neurodiversity #selfcare #selflove #mentalhealthmatters #gratitudeeveryday #gratitudeadditude #invisibledisability #motivationalsupport #positiveaffirmations #loveyourself #takecareofyourself #youareenough #dothebestyoucan #youcandothis #encouragingquotes #keepgoing #autismstrong #adhdisreal #neurodiversityisbeautiful #autismadvocate #youareworthy #positivereminders #thingstoremember #selflovefirst #selflovejourney #notetoself #findthegoodineveryday #changeyourmindset #findthegood #positivemind
12.01.2022 SALE! SALE! SALE! Our once a year 25% off sale! Entire store is on sale! Get your tagless tees, your cozy hoodies, your Christmas gifts NOW! .... . . #autismapparel #adhdapparel #autismtee #autismtees #adhdtee #adhdtees #neurodviersityawareness #neurodiversityacceptance #autismawareness #autismacceptance #adhdawareness #adhdacceptance #autism #adhd #tourettes #dyslexia #dyspraxia #bipolar #schizophrenia #neurodivergent See more
11.01.2022 These are the books on my shelf that I have read over the course of the past year. Does anyone else have any great book recommendations? . . . #autism #ADHD #raisingkids #raisingresilientkids #parenting #lifewithkids #parenthood #raisingboys #specialneedsparenting #specialneedskids #autismfamily #specialneedsparent #specialneedsfamilies #autismmom #autismeductaion #autismsupport #adhdisreal #adhdsupport
10.01.2022 Disabled does not equal less than. "A disability is any continuing condition that restricts everyday activities. The Disability Services Act (1993) defines ‘disability’ as meaning a disability: - which is attributable to an intellectual, psychiatric, cognitive, neurological, sensory or physical impairment or a combination of those impairments... - which is permanent or likely to be permanent - which may or may not be of a chronic or episodic nature - which results in substantially reduced capacity of the person for communication, social interaction, learning or mobility and a need for continuing support services. With the assistance of appropriate aids and services, the restrictions experienced by many people with a disability may be overcome." Please read that last sentence again! Don't you think it's time to define disability for what it is? It's the inability to be 'able' in different environments. It is ALL about the environment. It is time for the world to be made accessible and inclusive to all people of all abilities, and for this variety of human life to be accepted and respected. Let's make 2021 the year! . . . #neurodiversity #neurodivergent #neuroatypical #neurodiversesquad #neurodiversityaccepetance #neurodiversityrocks #neurodiversityisbeautiful #autism #autistic #adhd #adhder #dyspraxic #dyspraxia #dyslexic #dyslexiaawareness #bedifferent #dyslexicandproud #bedifferentbeyou #invisibledisability #invisibledisabilities #tourettes #tourettessyndrome #apraxia #dyslexicadvantage #autismpride #adhdisreal #autismlove #adhdlife #bedifferentbeyourself #autismsupport
09.01.2022 Thanks @r3llie, you're rocking it! Been enjoying this wonderfully comfy tagless T Shirt by ndrenegade !! Neurodiversity is A word to remind me that everyone’s brain works differently & the more we can understand our own minds, the better we can navigate the world. . .... . #neurodiversity #aspiegirl #actuallyautistic #asd #autisticadults #autismacceptance #autismawareness #aspiesofinstagram #authentic #autismlove #unmasking #autismlife #autisticpride #autismproud #autismstrong #autistic #autisticwoman #becoming #aware #empowerment #neurodivergent #artistsofinstagram #neurodiversityawareness #taglesstshirt See more
09.01.2022 HAPPINESS. Mahatma Gandhi said "Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony." In other words, be you! Happiness to me is the feeling that life is good, satisfying, and as it should be. Yes, I am tired, yes I have struggles and worries, but when I look at the big picture I see contentment, love, pride and gratitude. And this makes me smile, which also makes me happy. It is so important that we feel happy! What makes you feel happiness?... . . . #happy #happiness #mentalhealth #selflove #selfcare #loveyourself #wellness #gratitude #positivity #selfworth #autismlife #adhdlife #autismlove #adhdlove #autismpride #adhdsupport #advocate See more
09.01.2022 Here's an illustration I did of my daughter Boo, wearing her noise blocking headphones. She's very sound sensitive, but it seems to fluctuate. Our town we were living in was surrounded by bushfires in January of this year. Later when we drove through the burned areas, Boo was so distressed by what she saw that she was doubled over in the car because the noise of the car on the highway was hurting her ears. She has never been bothered by car noise before, but she was so upset, and it really unsettled her. My son also has sound sensitivities to loud noises, but also to any repetitive noise that his sister makes, which is a lot with her ADHD. I have one child who can't sit still, and one child annoyed by any repetitive sound or movement!
08.01.2022 Our chameleon tee, designed for those who mask . . . #autism #autistic #autismlife #autisticlife #autismlove #autismproud #autisticpride #autismacceptance #autismawareness #autismtee #autismclothing #autisticandrpoud #autismsupport #autismadvocates #autismwarriors #autismworld #acceptance
07.01.2022 Conversations can be really difficult for neurodivergent people - there are receptive language delays and expressive language delays (and combinations of both) that can hinder communication. Many people have problems finding the right words, losing train of thought, interrupting (because they think they will forget what they are going to say, or they might just be very excited), and reading non-verbal cues. All of these difficulties and more can cause social anxiety. I kno...w this first hand because my daughter has a speech disorder called cluttering. She did intensive speech therapy last year and thankfully it made a huge difference! The more NT people are aware of these conversational difficulties, the better things will be. NDs need more time to think, more time to process and more time to speak, so let's be patient and let that happen. It's a simple thing that will make a huge difference to many people! . . . #socialanxiety #speechdisorder #apraxia #ADHD #ADHDer #ADHDtroubles #ADHDproblems #ADHDstruggles #autism #autismstruggles #autismtroubles #autismproblems #autismsupport #adhdsupport #tourettes #tourettessyndrome #adhdlife #adhd_life #autismlife #autism-life See more
07.01.2022 I love this quote, and I cannot believe I am yet to read Neurotribes! It's shameful! That will be my next read. Does anyone else have any books to recommend? And how good is this quote? . . . #autism #autistic #autismawareness #autismadvocate #autismpride #autismcommunity #autismlove #autismstars #autismstrong #autismparenting #aspielife #aspiepower #aspies #autisticchildren #autisticadults #autismacceptance #asd #autisticboy #autisticproblems #aspie #autiegirl #autie #aspiegirl #livingwithautism #allautistics #autismspectrum #autismrights #aspiesofinstagram #aspiesofig #autisticpride
07.01.2022 @completely.puzzled, thank you for representing! . . . #ndrenegade #autismtee #neurodiversity #neurodivergent #specialeducation #specialed #advocate #autisticchildren #differentnotless #invisibledisability #invisibledisabilities
07.01.2022 Our Twice Exceptional hoodie, one of my personal faves . . . #neurodiversity #neurodivergent #neurodiversityawareness #neurodiversityacceptance #autism #autismawareness #autismacceptance #autismadvocate #autismsupport #autismpride #austimproud #adhd #adhdsupport #adhdhelp #adhdadvocate #adhdlife #dyslexia #dyspraxia #apraxia #bipolar #autismlove #dyslexicandproud #neurodiversityrocks #autismproducts #autismtee #autismtees #autismshirts #autismshirt #autismtshirt #autismtshirts
06.01.2022 @chronically_divergent You won!!! Finally, our most loyal entrant! Hope this makes your birthday even better! . . . #giveawaywinner #autismtee #autismtees #adhdtee #adhdawareness #autismawareness #advocate #autismadvocate #adhdadvocate #neurodiversity #neurodivergent
05.01.2022 This little cutie needs a service dog and her mamma is doing everything she can think of to get one for her. If anyone would like to help, go to @b_michelina and click on the link in her bio. #autismservicedog #servicedog #servicedogs #servicedogsofinstagram #servicedogsofig #autisticgirl #autisticchildren #autismsupport #autismhelp #autism #autistic #autismlove #autismlife #gofundme #gofundmeplease
05.01.2022 My son has a tough exterior that can be hard to break. I have been highly disappointed this week because after three sessions of equine therapy at a new center, I was told that it will not work out with my son. We have been doing equine therapy for two years; my son can walk, trot and canter on a horse. His old instructor had a brilliant and loving relationship with him. His new equine therapist could not handle my son's grumpiness due to anxiety (a new center, new horses..., different reins, new instructor, smaller arena) and my son's refusal to participate with happiness. The therapist could not find it in himself to search for my son's 'precious bud of self-identity'. I am very angry, and this quote speaks to me. We must always look beyond the exterior and find the gem inside each child. Every child has one, and when you can tap into it, the child will shine. . . . #autism #autieboy #autisticboy #autisticchild #autismkid #autismawareness #asd #autismlife #autismfamily #aspergers #specialneedskids #autismparents #specialneedschildren #equinetherapy #autismeducation #autismacceptance #autismlove #autismlife #autismsupport See more
04.01.2022 Our new Human tee, one of my faves . . . #autismtee #autistichuman #autismadvocacy #autismacceptance #autismawareness #autism #autistic #autismsupport #autismadvocate #advocate #autismlife #autismlove #autismpride #autisticpride #autielove #autiegirl #autie #autisticwoman #autisticwomen #autisticadult
04.01.2022 Painting is my happy place. Most of you don't know that I am an award-winning artist here in Australia, with work hanging in Parliament House. When I am not creative on a consistent basis, I become very stressed. It is my downtown, my me-time, my meditation, and my time to let everything else go. It is essential that we all create this space in some way. Our mental health can suffer without it. What do you do to find this happy place? . . . #happyplace #meditation #mentalhealth #selflove #mindfulness#selfcare #anxiety #mentalhealthmatters #wellbeing #autismadvocate #autismacceptance #autismfamily #adhdadvocate
02.01.2022 FLASH SALE! Get ready for winter with one of our cosy hoodies or sweatshirts. They are 15% off for three days only! * Sale runs Oct 1-4 #neurodiversity #autismacceptance #autismawareness #adhdacceptance #adhdawareness #advocate #autismmerch #autismadvocate #adhdsuppot #dyslexia #dyspraxia #apraxia #tourettes #bipolar #autism #adhd
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