Network of Education Associations of Tasmania | Community
Network of Education Associations of Tasmania
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25.01.2022 A huge loss. Thank you for your inspiration, Sir Ken. You have left us far too soon, but educators the world over will remember you and all that you stood for. Your ideas, advice, and energy will live on. RIP Sir Ken Robinson.
22.01.2022 Fantastic development for ACT students for improving reading, inquiry research and functional literacy outcomes: * ACT Liberal party 2020 election platform guarantees a Qualified Teacher Librarian in every public school! * ACTLabor announced a promise of 25 TLs, if elected. We still need to address the workforce shortage for dual qualified TLs, or even the affordances of community school/public libraries, but a WIN for students and teachers to increase the capacity for effective government school libraries! Hoping this momentum rubs off on ALL state and territory leaders.
22.01.2022 #literacy #StudentsNeedSchoolLibraries
17.01.2022 A new podcast from the Secretary, Dept of Education with Professor Rufus Black. The screen capture of the FB story is a timely affirmation today that we share the work of our many peak national professional and subject association networks in Tasmania [with our affiliation to the Australian Professional Teachers Association] building teacher capacity in Tasmania. #APTA #teachernetworks #PLNs
17.01.2022 What will you enter? A drawing...? ENTRIES ARE NOW OPEN - THE NATIONAL TEACHER-PRIZE 2021 Winner receives $10,000 cash and $10,000 in art materials for their s...chool. Judges: Del Kathryn Barton & Henry Ward #teacherartprize See link in below for more details: See more
17.01.2022 Calling APTA/NEAT members and management committees of the the member and affiliated associations. NEAT is happy to facilitate a 'drop in' working group via MS Teams channel next Wednesday 23 September 5pm - 7pm [latest possible date] to provide joint feedback for the Scoping Papers Stakeholder Consultation Please contact via [email protected] if interested to participate
17.01.2022 Congratulations AATE, we did it again! Best Secondary Teaching Resource for 2019 #EPAA2020 Educational Publishing Awards Australia.
17.01.2022 Are you teaching Kindy? Need tips for teaching spelling? Robyn Wild (literacy consultant and author) offers practical suggestions for using rich reading and wri...ting experiences to support spelling development and confidence in Early Stage 1: ‘Launching spelling through reading and writing’ See more
15.01.2022 Digistorm’s post on safeguarding brand and reputation applicable to professional associations as well, whilst managing communications as a deliberate business continuity plan strategy.
13.01.2022 Outstanding resource and online library of journals, ebooks and primary sources for students' self-directed inquiry and research
12.01.2022 AITSL is developing an Indigenous Cultural Competency framework (which some states/territories already have). Information here:
10.01.2022 Don't miss our final webinar for 2020 - Transforming Orientation and Welcome Presenter: Kirsty Liljegren and Kerrie O'Neill Date: Monday 30 November 2020 Time:... 7.30pm - 8.30pm (AEDT) $50.00 AU for members and $65 for Non Members. All webinars will be recorded and made available to participants the day after the webinar for a period of 48 hours.
10.01.2022 The first stage of feedback on the information provided in the Years 9-12 Project Scoping Papers will be open to the 25th of September 2020. Each course in the first stage will have four formal points of consultation for interested stakeholders between September 2020 and June 2021. There will be consultation on: Course Scope Structural Overview and Key Features (Nov/Dec) Initial Draft Course (March 2021)... Final Draft Course (June 2021)
09.01.2022 A lovely shout out for 'Creating micro stories' from Aus author Tristan Bancks Two of Tristan's short stories are included in the book.
07.01.2022 It was great to see everyone for STAT’s first online conference - Celebrating Science. Inspiring key note presentation by Stas Shabala from UTAS about Astrophys...ics followed by a series of workshops - Climate Change Activists: Launceston Colleges Freya Cooper and Bethany Bilowus and Amelie Hudspeth from Hobart College shared their reasons for studying science and using their knowledge to communicate the need for Climate Action. Minister for Science and Technology - Michael Ferguson joined in the forum and announced the STEM Excellence Awards for Teachers had been extended to Friday 25 September! Celebrating Science was a collaboration between STAT, TAS Geography Teachers Assn, UTAS and Tasmanian government departments. Thank you to everyone who presented and participated! See more
03.01.2022 This site has free 3D models of a number of phenomena.
03.01.2022 Just imagining a new and accessible city hub for Libraries Tasmania with or near the cultural gallery, concert and museum spaces!
03.01.2022 Did you know that membership of TATE = membership of AATE? Join your local ETA (English Teachers Association) today! For 2021 TATE Membership, visit:
01.01.2022 Celebrate teacher achievement throughout this unusual year by nominating a teacher or principal for a NEiTA award - National Excellence in Teaching Award - this year celebrating 25 years of acknowledging and rewarding teacher excellence. Applications are streamlined in recognition of the challenges of this year, and they close on 29 September.