Ocean Tales Children's Books | Media
Ocean Tales Children's Books
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25.01.2022 This read made my morning coffee taste better. Thanks @illawarramerc for the great article
24.01.2022 So if this wasn’t 2020, this is what we’d be doing in November. 3 years ago we designed this tour in Norway and if you told me I’d be swimming with orcas in arctic waters, I would tell you that you’re crazy! But it was the most magical trip... orcas, fjords, northern lights, hot tubs, huskies and reindeer... I really hope that 2021 will be the year we can go back @majesticwhaleencounters
21.01.2022 Ok so I might be alone here, but I am the person that has 2739 tabs open and it really bothers a lot of people hahah! #sorrynotsorry
18.01.2022 Holy moly this guy got air! @savingthewaves These Energetic and Powerful Animals can leap up to 20 feet in the Air! ... #SavingTheWaves These bottlenose dolphins are not small by any means, in fact they are much larger than an average sized person, weighing in at 1,300lbs and reaching lengths of up to 12ft long! To imagine that these beautiful creatures are able to hurl their bodies out of the water with such effortlessness is incredible, but actually seeing it with your own eyes is really something else. - Don’t Wait For Change, BE The Change - : @lawofthelandnsea See more
17.01.2022 Omg.. Duchess Sarah Ferguson read our book on her YouTube channel!! Never ever would we imagine that our book would be in the hands of Fergie! Thank you so much @sarahferguson15 , not only for reading our book but for all you do to encourage children to read
15.01.2022 Hey guys! We are SO excited to reveal our absolutely gorgeous main character for our next book! Thank you so so much to @zuzana_svobodova_illustration for creating him, we are just in love! What do you guys think?
13.01.2022 Such a hard decision!
13.01.2022 We reached 1000 followers on Instagram today, feel free to join us over there @littleoceanwarriors
13.01.2022 This adorable book by Jana Buchmann is day 8! A favourite in our house
13.01.2022 Mesmerising footage of this gorgeous blue whale @oceanconservationresearch with @make_repost Blue whales can grow over 100 feet (33 meters) in length, which is over 2x as long as a t-rex! It never gets old watching watching these gentle giants move with such grace. : @adam_ernster... Join us in our efforts to save whales & their food source by contributing to our research now: bit.ly/SaveTheWhalesFoodSource (link in bio) See more
10.01.2022 Celebrating Day #10 of Be Kind To One Another Days (BK21A Days) 2021 with this wonderful story about accepting and loving our differences. Written by Children'...s Author and MSPT Physical Therapist; Hillary Sussman. This book will be available mid-June! You can find out more details by visiting her website here: https://www.adventuresofroxy.com/ For more books on KINDNESS, follow: Wee Bees Learning Centre
10.01.2022 Who knows what the biggest type of shark is?
10.01.2022 This gives us a realistic vision of how pollution impacts marine life. Thank you @jonoallenphotography and @lonubreak for your efforts in helping this beautiful creature #Repost @jonoallenphotography with @make_repost Whale shark rescue... We were just about to start diving when this juvenile whale shark approached our boat completely entangled in rope and plastic. Seeing the distressed animal we jumped in the water as fast as we could. As you can see @lonubreak didn’t even have time to do up his wetsuit. Quickly swimming over we managed to get close enough to cut loose the main tight rope that was cutting into its back. Unfortunately though the ropes have also cut deep into the sharks left fin and we don’t know if the rope has managed to dislodged itself from deep within its wound. I took the knife straight after this video to try cut the remaining rope loose but the distressed shark instantly disappeared deep into the depths. We spent hours looking for it again but had no luck, I just really hope we can find it tomorrow and make sure it’s completely been set free Plastics and the demand for fish products leads to deadly debris and ghost nets like this drifting in our oceans, a disastrous result for our marine life. Please consider lowering your plastic & fish consumption where possible to help reduce the amount of lethal nets and traps that plague our oceans! #whaleshark #sharks #oceanplastic #ghostnets #marinelife #ocean #marineconservation #whalesharks #shark #rescue
10.01.2022 Whenever Logan wants to paint... - 10 minutes setting everything up - 20 minutes cleaning everything - 2 minutes of actual painting ... Worth it for his little smile though
10.01.2022 What ruins it for you?
09.01.2022 Find out more about Parker The Purple Penguin by Children's Author Marybeth Wishart as we celebrate Day #9 of BE KIND TO ONE ANOTHER DAYS 2021! Children will l...earn valuable lessons on loving the skin you're in and learning to accept each-others beautiful differences! IG @parkerthepurplepenguin.book, FB @Parker the Purple Penguin Find more amazing books here every day in the month of May! Wee Bees Learning Centre -with Confidently Chloe
08.01.2022 I also feel when I make a coffee and sit down, it’s cue for the baby to wake up
08.01.2022 Oh pre kid showers.. how I miss thee
08.01.2022 3 and a half years of parenting and this is my very first sudocrem incident. I’d say we got off pretty lightly! He even put the lid back on I’m sure you guys have lots of stories about what your kids have gotten into... let’s hear it!
07.01.2022 If you can finish this line, you’re my people Who was/is a fan, and who is your favourite character? Mine is Carlton
06.01.2022 Our amazing illustrator @zuzana_svobodova_illustration is working away on the main character of our brand new book. We will be ready to show you next week, and we just can’t wait! In the mean time, let’s see if you can guess what kind of animal this book will be about. Here are some clues.... - They spend their time both in and out of the water - Diet consists of krill, fish and squid
03.01.2022 Another gorgeous book that I absolutely love day #8,9; BE KIND TO ONE ANOTHER DAYS 2021
03.01.2022 Without checking Google, can you take a guess how many brains an octopus has?
02.01.2022 Loving this article from the Illawarra Mercury. Can’t wait to see the printed piece in the paper soon
02.01.2022 Good morning everyone and happy Monday :) Found little gem from when I was ten years old