GKR Karate, 29 Martin | Other
GKR Karate, 29 Martin
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23.01.2022 good morning to all, up so early today, why? I am so excited for training today, and also 3 of my family members are going to grading today, my sissy, Jae, Her son Cody, and my boy, Arapeta, they are off to attempt there grading for yellow belt. I know they will all pass, as they have been training very hard, im so proud of them all. good luck, go hard and bring home that yellow belt. have a great day Nelly Martin
21.01.2022 New class starts today at murarrie progress hall, queensport rd murarrie, 9am to 10am, all those in the area, come train with Sensei Tracey and myself Have a great day Nelly Martin
21.01.2022 Some our youngest students doing 1st kata, so cute, Wynnum dojo Wednesdays
20.01.2022 entry of competitors, world cup 2013, Sydney australia
19.01.2022 Toni, Daniel and Marina, said a kata practice, they did awesome for their 1st try. Wynnum dojo Wednesdays
19.01.2022 Rochdale bring a friend legend
17.01.2022 Great class at Wynnum dojo last night, lots of happy people, enjoying their karateka
17.01.2022 what a great class today, and what an even greater bunch of people. but wasn't it hot, omg did we sweat it out. glad to see some old faces back, as well as some new faces. without you all, their would be no class, Sensei tony and I would like to express our gratitude to all those who are as dedicated to training as we are, to all the parents, who bring your kids week after week, without you guys there would be no class. We come every week because you all come every week. we love you all dearly, we are a karate family, region 29, shailer park dojo, sundays 9am to 10.30. check your timetable, come have a train with us, have a great week Nelly Martin
16.01.2022 Lol who else's clothes line looks like this after 1 class, 6 gi's, 6ppl in the 1 house training, 5, 7, 9, 36, 40 and 49yr olds. How awesome is that, although hate washing them. Lol
16.01.2022 cmon guys 3 days to go. It takes a little. Above $2 is tax deductable, Please help a sick 6yr old
15.01.2022 The newest editions to this great Sunday class Shailer Park Dojo 16/02/14. and a yellow tip grading, for Bharat Mudalair
15.01.2022 Omg massive surprise today at training, Sensei Gary graded me today, 5th kyu blue belt, so rapped at the moment, very happy, my karateka is coming along nicely, 1 grade closer to black belt. Very greatful to Sensei Gary, region 29 rocks Have a great day Nelly Martin
14.01.2022 Some photos of R29 instructor breakup dinner, Wat a fantastic night shared by all
13.01.2022 well done to some of the shailer park students taking part in the regional tornament on the weekend. bringing home the medals. fantastic effort from everyone. shailer park champions
12.01.2022 Here are some fantastic reasons to do karate, message me for more details to get yourselves involved Have a great day Nelly Martin
12.01.2022 Yay so happy, graded to 4th kyu, red belt today. Thank you Sensei Gary, for all your teachings and hard work to get me there, thank you for putting up with me through all the injuries and all the groaning, and so on, it has been a journey so far, I'm very excited for the next year of training, thank you Sensei Gary Luxton. also want to say big thank you to my personal instructor, my inspiration and my darling husband, Tony Martin for all that you have given to me through out... this journey so far. You have come along way with your karate Ka, that I know,!with your support I will reach those goals too. I love you babe And love Gkr karate. Have an awesome day everyone Nelly Martin See more
12.01.2022 So proud of these boys
11.01.2022 Some photos from Australian national titles What a great day
10.01.2022 Massive awesomeness class today. Thanks to sensei Tony for a great class. Damo.
10.01.2022 Well it has been a while since I've had time to update you all, what can I say, I love karate, and GKR karate is the best family club out there, a lot has been happening over the last few months, lots of new classes being opened, lots of new students coming along with they karateka, new classes at murarrie,Wellington point, a new class location coming to Norman park, black belt grading a too. Well don't forget if you would like to get involved give me a call, and we can chat about the best family club in the world. Have a great day all. Nelly Martin
09.01.2022 Well done to jaxon eastment Did his 1st class today, welcome to the club, Sensei tony and nelly
08.01.2022 Col watzek, certificate of achievement, for being awesome, well done col, Wynnum dojo Wednesdays, with Sensei Tony and Jimmy
08.01.2022 Great class Shailer Park 16/02/14. What a way to start a Sunday morning, but with a great bunch of students who are dedicated to their karateka
06.01.2022 this was me after my yellow belt grading, I know how you are all feeling today. you are all champions, have a great grading Nelly Martin
06.01.2022 Shailer park dojo, 23/02/14, watching a kata demonstration, by Sensei Phil, Gabby and Caleb, another awesome class
06.01.2022 Kayleigh Lowe, yellow tip, on her way to black belt, big congrats Kayleigh. Awesome effort put in every week.
05.01.2022 quote for today
03.01.2022 What an awesome day for the Martin family, Katrina graded to 8th kyu, yellow belt and Arapeta graded to 7th kyu, orange belt, we are all very proud of you both, bring on your next grading. Love you my babies Nelly and Tony
02.01.2022 Whoop whoop what a day, sissy Jae and Arapeta both graded to 8th kyu yellow belt, congrats to them both, also got mine and Toni's belt racks up and donned with our previous belts and medals to date, karate ka going on hard in this house. Very happy. Have a great day Nelly Martin
02.01.2022 Cmon lets get behinds these young boys and help. It dont take much money
02.01.2022 Hi folks Thursday night class at eagelby has moved to WEDNESDAY NIGHTS 6-7pm!! Can't wait to see my regular students and many new faces !!! Heaps of training Heaps of fun ! ... Sensei Jill See more
02.01.2022 good morning all, what a week it has been, karate karate and whoah more karate, lucky I love it that much, theres lots of practice goin on right a across all our dojo's for the up and coming tornament, if u havnt put in your entry form yet, come on get on it,it is goin to be a hoot, lol good on those who have put their entries in so far, have a great day Nelly Martin
02.01.2022 come join the fun
01.01.2022 Wynnum dojo's latest students to grade. Col Watzek, Kayleigh Lowe, Adam Sims, and Toni Martin, and Angus Lynn who didn't make the photo, Well done to all, we are very proud of you all. Nelly and Tony Martin