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25.01.2022 Huge day today training the lads at HIGH RISE CARPENTRY & DESIGN, LLC! Training is key to implementation of Neo Intelligence Construction Software in your business and we have a dedicated team ready to support you, your team and your business! Give us a call today and book a demo! ... #constructionsoftware #concreteconstruction #buildingconstruction #Software #technology #transform #operations #operations management
25.01.2022 We just love seeing our software at work! The beauty of it is, you can be anywhere and be able make decisions, run reports, schedule your team all from an iPad! #software #constructionsoftware #constructionoperations #neointelligence #buildingconstruction #concreteconstruction #gopaperless #technology
24.01.2022 We sat down with Emil Klobas from OCON GROUP to chat about his favourite story where Neo Intelligence Construction Software has saved the day! Interested to know more about the great features of our #software? Book a demo today... [email protected] #constructionsoftware #constructionoperations #gopaperless #buildingconstruction #software #technologyco
23.01.2022 Construction Industry Technology: Top 10 Trends! Check it out #constructionsoftware #concreteconstruction #Software #builders # #buildingconstruction #construction #technologycompany #craftworkers #goingdigital
23.01.2022 Its happening! We are on our way to the US to exhibit at the World of Concrete in #Vegas! Come on down to booth #N1871 in the North Hall and see how we can help you! #woc2020 #construction #concreteconstruction #buildingconstruction #constructionsoftware #goingdigital #software #concretejungle #makeconcretegreatagain #woc
20.01.2022 The countdown is on! 5 days to go til we exhibit at World of Concrete in the US! #woc2020 #construction #constructionsoftware #constructionoperations #gopaperless #constructionoperationsmanagement #goingdigital #buildingconstruction #vegas #software #N1871
20.01.2022 The power of #LinkedIn! Shout out to Kiki Makrogiannis for introducing me to Anthony Brown from All West Surface Prep! LinkedIn is an incredible platform that is able to connect people from different backgrounds and countries globally!... So glad I got to meet you in person brother and looking forward to building on our relationship! #constructionsoftware #worldofconcrete #woc2020 #networking #software #worldofconcrete #Denver #Colorado #tradies #operations #constructionindustry #buildin #gopaperless #godigital
19.01.2022 Now that is a good looking stand! The moment youve all been waiting for....Neo Intelligence Construction Software is officially exhibiting at World of Concrete in #Vegas! Come past booth #N1871 for a free beer of coffee and let us show you how we can save you $150k* operationally!... #woc2020 #goingdigital #worldofconcrete #constructionsoftware #software #concreteconstruction #constructionindustry #buildingconstruction #digital
18.01.2022 Come and join our founder Daniel, at this weeks American Society of Concrete Contractors (ASCC) webinar on tech in construction where he will be talking about how to Use Technology to Guarantee HIGH Workforce Productivity & Project Quality! The webinar is free for all American Society of Concrete Contractors (ASCC) members and $35 per person for non members. Register here at this link #content #quality #construction #technology #software #gopaperless #buildingandconstruction #operations #webinars
18.01.2022 Here is a great example of Neo Intelligence Construction Software at work! Shout out to Tony Makara for showing us the before and after of Neo Intelligence Construction Software being implemented. Theyve gone from paper plans and whiteboards, to paperless operations and allocating jobs via our software! ... Curious how Neo can help you and your business save you thousand in operational costs? Book a demo today! #constructionsoftware #concreteconstruction #buildingconstruction
17.01.2022 And this is just how easy it is to schedule a job with Neo Intelligence Construction Software! Find out more [email protected]... #constructionsoftware #constructionoperations #buildingconstruction #gopaperless #digital #software
17.01.2022 We welcome Classic Concrete Pumping to the Neo Intelligence family! We are very excited to be part of your journey and success! Looking forward to implementing immediate efficiencies and increase productivity of your business.... #constructionsoftware #concreteconstruction #buildingconstruction #goingdigital #software #technology
16.01.2022 We just love seeing fast results! Thanks you RCFA for the testimonial! Neo Intelligence Construction Software can help gain back the time you need for more of the important things in life.... #constructionsoftware #constructionoperations #buildingconstruction #concreteconstruction #constructionoperationsmanagement #software #technology #timeismoney #schedulingmanagement #operations
15.01.2022 How Technology Is Reshaping the Construction Industry! What does a pickup truck, a nail gun, a portable circular saw, a cement mixer truck, and a modern hydraulic excavator all have in common? Lets find out!... #constructionsoftware #concreteconstruction #technology # #buildingconstruction #Content #branding #software
14.01.2022 Thought leaders like Becky Finch, Director at American Society of Concrete Contractors (ASCC) wouldn't recommend technologies like Neo, if it didn't have the potential to turn around a Contractor's business. Stop Procrastinating, Explore the idea with an open mind! Neo Intelligence Construction Software guarantees at least $150k savings for Contractors running operations manually*. ... Find out exactly how with an obligation free call/demo! #constructionsoftware #concreteconstruction #buildingconstruction #constructionoperations #gopaperless #technologycompany #software
14.01.2022 Our approach - become part of your Team! We love having strong relationships with our clients. Superior account management is at the forefront of our service offering. It's what separates us from others in the marketplace!... We always spend time learning your business comprehensively and thus being able to implement cost efficiencies to drive your business growth & tame the Day to Day operational chaos! #constructionsoftware #concreteconstruction #buildingconstruction #goingdigital #Software
13.01.2022 Meet the sales operations dream team! A strong and dynamic team are the foundation of a high-performing business! I am honoured to have these guys by my side! ... Dedicated, talented and always there for our clients! From left to right, William Tsakmakidis, Christine Petropoulos, Matt Loft, Irene Filippou and I. #constructionsoftware #software #constructionoperations #gopaperless #goingdigital #paperless #technology #industry
13.01.2022 If you have an ounce of doubt about Neo, this video with the President of the Master Concretor's Association / supporter of Neo, will tear it apart!! Chris Jones, it is an honour to have you as our customer at QRC! #constructionsoftware #technology #software #masterconcreter #operations #constructionoperations #gopaperless #construction #digital
12.01.2022 One thing that we love doing most is looking after our clients! We love spending time with them and training them so they are fully equipped and comfortable with our software! By providing your team with in depth training and support, they'll benefit from increased knowledge and will be able to solve issues by themselves, thus increasing efficiency and saving you time and money!... Find out more 0418 942 695 [email protected] #operationsmanagement #constructionsoftware #construction #software #operations #technology #building
12.01.2022 The Neo boys are back in town! Touchdown #Vegas! We have arrived and already pumped about exhibiting at the World of Concrete!... Come past booth #N1871 for a beer or coffee! #woc2020 #goingdigital #worldofconcrete #constructionsoftware #concreteconstruction #constructionindustry #constructionoperationsmanagement #timesheets #building #Software
12.01.2022 Today we sat down with Emil Klobas, the patching foreman from OCON GROUP - Concrete Placement to talk about how Neo Intelligence Construction Software has made a difference in his day to day! Stay tuned for more live reviews #constructionsoftware #constructionindustry #building #reviews #buildingconstruction #constructionoperations #operationsmanagement
11.01.2022 It was great spending time with the boys from Classic Concrete Pumping! Training is such an important task to ensuring the success of implementation. Looking forward to being part of your success! ... If you have a Concrete Pumping, Saw Cutting or Traffic management Operations, you will want to check out our Equipment Calendar!! #construction #constructionsoftware #software #tradies #constructionindustry #gopaperless #goingdigital #constructionoperationsmanagement #technologycompany
11.01.2022 It was so amazing to meet Bev Garnant from American Society of Concrete Contractors (ASCC) at World of Concrete yesterday! The World of Concrete has been such an incredible experience and we have met some amazing people along the way! #construction #constructionsoftware #woc #woc2020 # #concreteconstruction #buildingconstruction #software
11.01.2022 Last year, we had multiple interested customers come to us asking whether Neo can apply it's magic on Operations of not just the Concretor, Steel Fixer, Form Workers, Brick layers and Civil Contractors; but also for Concrete Pumpies, Saw Cutters & Traffic management. Guess what!! You asked and we delivered!! Again!! ... Celebrating success of our last year's launch of Equipment Calendar. It is truly a game changer for our Contractor friends out there! Tell us what you want to see next? Swipe across to check out the industries we specialise in streamlining. #constructionsoftware #concreteconstruction #buildingconstruction #software #technology #operations #contractors #tradies #steel #buildingandconstruction
10.01.2022 Are you constantly chasing timesheets Are you aware of how much $$ time theft is costing you If youre a trade business with 10-20 staff, you are loosing at least $50k* every year in time theftYes ... All that hard earned money down the drain Neo Intelligence can help... Find out how 1300 242 525 #digital #technology #intelligence #smallbusiness #operations #operationsmanagement #constructionindustry #business #buildingconstruction #development #software
10.01.2022 Welcome to Neo Intelligence Construction Software FGA Steel Fixing! We are excited to be part of your journey! If you want to spend more time doing the things you love then give us a call!... #constructionsoftware #buildingconstruction #software #gopaperless #constructionoperationsmanagement #constructionindustry #operationsmanagement #technology
09.01.2022 If there was one thing that could be improved in your Day to Day Operational Chaos, what would it be? We would love to hear your thoughts below #constructionsoftware #concreteconstruction #buildingconstruction #constructionoperationsmanagement #gopaperless #software #digital #branding
09.01.2022 We welcome TKM Construction Group to the Neo Intelligence family! We are very excited to be part of your journey and success! Looking forward to implementing immediate efficiencies and increase productivity of your business!... #constructionsoftware #concreteconstruction #buildingconstruction #goingdigital #software #technology
08.01.2022 Thank you to this legend! Gareth Dawber played a huge part in the implementation of Neo Intelligence Construction Software within Boral DMG! A massive thanks for all your help mate and wish you the very best with your future endeavours! ... Dont be a stranger and lets make sure to catch up for that game of golf Thanks for the support! #constructionsoftware #buildingconstruction #goingdigital #Software #branding #future #constructionindustry #constructionoperationsmanagement #operations
06.01.2022 A great article about using more data in Australias construction sector thats set to cause disruption, which will see growing volumes of data being used to drive better decision making! Love to hear your thoughts
04.01.2022 And thats a wrap! What an incredible experience exhibiting at the World of Concrete in #Vegas! Looking forward to attending next year! ... #woc2020 #worldofconcrete #constructionoperationsmanagement #concreteconstruction #constructionsoftware #buildingconstruction #goingdigital #Software
04.01.2022 Did you know that you can organize your crews and send off sms notifications in bulk in under 15mins? Save time and keep every week organized with Neo Intelligence Construction Software! #constructionsoftware #buildingconstruction #software #technology #futureofconstruction #future #operations
04.01.2022 Im taking you back to where it all began... Im Daniel and the Founder of Neo Intelligence Construction Software and this is my story! #constructionsoftware #buildingconstruction #constructionindustry #business #Branding #software
03.01.2022 WOW!!! WOC!!! Just 6 days to go until Neo Intelligence Construction Software exhibits at the World of Concrete in the US! Come and say hi at Booth #N1871. The Beer and Coffee is on us!!!... #constructionsoftware #constructionindustry #software #worldofconcrete #americansocietyofconcretecontractors #technology #concreteconstruction #building
03.01.2022 Great catching up with Scott Howard from Melbourne Masonry talking all things tech in the construction industry! Scotty has been using Neo Intelligence Construction Software for over 2 years and its been a privilege to be part of their journey and see his business grow! #constructionsoftware #constructionindustry #buildingconstruction #masonry #operationsmanagement #software #growth #wespeaktradie
02.01.2022 Always great seeing Matt Loft from Neo Intelligence Construction Software catching up with Tim and the boys from SDC Group chatting about favorite features! Want to see how we can help your business? Book your demo today! #constructionsoftware #buildingconstruction #constructionindustry #constructionoperations #constructionoperationsmanagement #Software #gopaperless #wespeaktradie #goingdigital
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