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25.01.2022 We kick off Saturday OCT 10th! This body of work has been bubbling away under the surface.. well.. forever! Lol. It’s what I DO. ... It’s who I am. I talk about it all day long. I live my life erotically embodied and AWAKENED to the depth of the current of possibility coursing through me.. always. And I’m obsessed with teaching others how to find their erotic aliveness and their own authentic currents of BLISS The erotic is always there..its just waiting for us to call it forth, unblock the pipes and ALLOW it to flow.. On a shitty day when you’re tired and bleeding - the erotic is there to nurture and soothe you. When you’re UP and ovulating and pulsing with hope- the erotic is there to guide and serve you. In this series we will explore : - what eroticism means, looks like and FEELS like to you and your life - Learn how to embody your erotic nature in everyday as an embodied frequency that will turn into one of your greatest allies! - Discover limiting beliefs or factors that may be blocking your erotic current - Learn the foundations for your own erotic embodiment practise In our 1.5 hr group coaching call you can ask questions, practise the somatic tools and get coaching on your specific needs and examples Starting October 10th, 11am AEST All details and booking link in here : #erotic #embodiment #embodimentpractice #somatichealing #somatictherapy #somaticsexeducator #sexcoach #somaticsexologist #sexologist #soma #womanownedbusiness #blackgirlmagic #blackcoach #blackownedbusiness #humansexuality #bodypositivity #sexpositivity
25.01.2022 I K N O W THIS POST wont get the same engagement as a pic of me in my undies - Because ITS HARD for us to talk about this stuff. BAD LUCK. I want this to INTERRUPT you I want this to DISTURB YOUR DAY ... I want you to whisper fuck under your breath as you realise you WONT say anything about this on your perfectly white washed social media situation. This is a NOT A BLACK/ USA ISSUE. This is about ALL HUMANS. Im inviting YOU TO FEEL THE IMPACT of yet another innocent black man being murdered by a white cop. I wanted to look away so bad but I HAD TO WATCH the white mans KNEE with his entire body weight sitting on the NECK of another human. I watched a man being murdered. I wanted so badly to look away because You know, it really doesnt serve me to look at graphic imagery because you know, I dont see the point in becoming upset, thats not going to help anyone! MY humanity demands I look and feel and get contact with the rage and my felt sense of injustice that this is constantly happening. If we dont let ourselves SEE AND FEEL the truth of these deep injustices we remain in passive privilege and deadened in our ability to calve space for the WORK that needs to be done so we all LEAN THE FUCK IN when this shit happens instead of throwing it in the too hard or the yeah but basket. These images could easily be of the indigenous flag or POC anywhere else in the world - its all the same terror they are facing. With all of us looking on. Today I will let my sensitive soul bring tears to the surface and grieve this man as if he were my father, neighbour, bother or lover because he deserves the same - My love, my anger, my grief, my respect & my tears and heart ache. Its not enough to be aware or not racist We all have to be OUTWARDLY ANTI RASICT. If YOURE NOT YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM. Fight me on it, I dare you. Say his name. Post it on your pretty lil insta feeds. Rest in Power George Floyd. There is a petition you can sign at @shaunking Instagram. @ Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
23.01.2022 Being in the state of non rational & nonsensical. Returning to states of wonder, innocence gentleness and awe to allow eroticism ... #erotic #gentle #childlike #innocence #wonder #somaticsexeducator #somaticsexcoach #sexcoach #learning #dreaming #humansexuality #somatichealing #soma #theorgasmicmama
22.01.2022 Im so stoked to be part of this fantabulos podcast by Roger Butler at Curious Creatures - EP 59 "4 sex educators walk into a bar- Part 1" THIS was a super fun and very honest chat...we had some giggles and some real moments of depth and vulnerability. Check it out! T. x
20.01.2022 Q&A Tuesday This question was from a human who identifies as a woman who is also in a hetro long term relationship. I do these live over on IGTV so jump on over to insta to ask any questions and get involved in my weekly q&a shenanigans ... IG: tamicawilder_ (link in comments)
19.01.2022 Some thoughts about what could be stopping you from making adjustments during sexy times
16.01.2022 Starts tomorrow !!
16.01.2022 Aww!! As a professional somatic sex coach and educator , this is seriously the most epic compliment and affirmation I could receive Ive never shared testimonials and reviews publicly. It feels uncomfortable for some reason...... Well, the discomfort is telling me something - its time I started to share them! Thank you to all of the delicious humans who continue to share in the high vibes and good juju of this powerful work with me. I love you
15.01.2022 A return to innocents, wonder, awe.. the non rational. No one , no where, to time or place. Letting go to allow the erotic space to thrive and BE
15.01.2022 THE DEEPER and deeper we dive into connection with our power source, our bodies, the womb and delightful mysteries of the base The more we attune to intuition, deep inner knowing and wisdom. These qualities begin to walk along side us in our day to day meanderings. As we learn to re-attune to your inner knowing, intuition, sexual pleasure and sensuality... the clearer our desires and needs become. ... When were awakened and turned on from the inside out, were less able to tolerate ANY bullshit - be it with self or other. When you choose to dive into the work of re-awakening parts that have been laying dormant you can expect to feel a big fat dose of divine discontent. Also a fair chunk Of grief and sadness. You can expect to mourn the loss of the pieces of your identity that have become soooo comfy that now they MUST fall away in order for you to grow. Sometimes it feels like rage and fear of the unknown. BRING IT ON Sexual pleasure and the thorough reclamation of our bodies and being will awaken the inner activist in us all. Turn ON, tune IN Learn to allow the current of your aliveness guide you to divine action while you shed old skins and live into the radiance and luminous love intended for us all Thank you @catharinasuleiman6 for this beautiful art #womb #wisdom #conscioussexuality #femalesexuality #humansexuality #somaticsexcoach #sexcoach #sexpositive #sexpositivity #womxn #blackownedbusiness #blackgirlmagic #curveygirls #pleasureactivism #humanrightsactivist #life #bodypositive #purple #vagina #anatomy #flowers
14.01.2022 AND ANOTHER THING! How do we continue teaching the next generations about s ex, consent, body sovereignty, pleasure and eroticism when ... ACCURATE, CANDID, PLEASURE INCLUSIVE S EX-EDUCATION is still frowned upon and obviously lacking from the current systems? EVERYONE KNOWS we dont just have s ex to make babies... So WHY do we let humans fall into shame, confusion, and internal conflict when It comes to thoroughly ENJOYING our bodies and our capacity for pleasure? Why are we ok with these things being taught almost exclusively through PORN & POP CULTURE? The current s ex-ed system leaves us with almost ZERO language to express pleasure based desires and curiosities. It leaves us FILLED with shame and uncertainty about our felt experience of pleasure. And pop culture that perpetuates the male gaze can often do the same. Imagine empowered s ex-education that had nothing to do the pleasing others , performance, body shape or size, gender or religion Centred around consent, accurate anatomy, sovereignty, humanness, equality, s exual health and pleasure Im a FUCK YES to this If you LOVED the WAP video and how great it was that womxn are starting to talk about their own pleasure then Id LOVE to see you also rally for the other systems we learn this stuff through to CATCH THE HELL UP! So humans have multiple places to play in their shameless expression of their sexuality... And the stigma around feeling goooooood can be lifted #sexeducator #sexed #somaticsexology #somaticsexologist #bodypositive #bodypositivity #humansexuality #education #blackgirlmagic #woman #feminism #pleausure #embodiment #embodied #shameless #blackcoach #sexologist #sexcoach #sexcoaching #cbt #therapy #confidence
14.01.2022 I KNOW! These shots together might buckle your brain...Youre welcome IM A GREAT MUM In both of these shots - Im a great Mum. ... With texta all over my 3.5yr olds face. Im an excellent Mum Being a good Mum does NOT mean ENDLESS sacrifice of your sexuality, your pleasure, your life force, your sensuality, your playfulness, your eroticism or your Joy!! Part of being the best Mama I could be to my lil Kings involved me letting go of the WILD BELIEFS that had me settling for the mundane and mediocre. The more I learnt to lead with my erotic energy, FEEL all there is to feel in this human body, access states of authentic pleasure and orgasmic energy... The more grounded, calm, patient, honest, surrendered and loving I got inside my home and relationships I had a buckled pelvic floor after an insanely traumatic birth with my second critter. If I can come back to that and build pleasure pathways to deeply nourishing and expansive sensation and pleasure - ANYONE CAN Come and learn how I did it, and what YOU can do to start leaning more into your sexual potential... Saturday Sep 19th, 11am AEST 2hr Zoom Mini Masterclass $44 Youre first month in the OMama Membership is included... Booking link in comments! Men - youd be very clever to share this post with your wives and girlfriends #human #body #mother #humansexuality #sexcoach #conscioussexuality #somaticsexcoaching #sexcoaching #blackcoach #blackgirlmagic #somatic #healing #energy #womansempowerment #sensuality #alive #erotic #workshop
13.01.2022 IVE SAID IT BEFORE AND ILL SAY IT AGAIN! When we ignore or reject out erotic nature.. we cut ourselves off from living FULL LIVES! I know were tired and stressed at times. Your erotic CAN survive it. ... I know youre trying to work out how Your erotic needs you to SURRENDER I know were used to placing our sex, desire, eroticism and pleasure over with ANOTHER The erotic demands you turn your gaze INWARDS and follow your Flow Bliss Play Beauty Nature Wonder Fantasy & Awe All the way to the core of your erotic truth... No one can teach you how to be erotic.. Only guide you on how to find whats already there... The erotic is the pulse of life thats in every moment your heart beats! You just need to be bold enough to fully choose it and FULLY CHOOSE LIFE Watch my latest video for my full vibes around this topic.. it lights me the hell up!! Come to my mini workshop series: ATTUNE - Meet your authentic erotic pulse 4 x 1hr workshops 1 x 1.5hr group coaching Worksheets and notes First month in the OMama membership is included $188 AUD We start Sat October 10th ** This is the first time Im running this work in this intimate format and the LAST time at this price ** Link in link tree (ATTUNE) I love you #eroticism #eroticintelligence #sexuality #humansexuality #curiosity #play #wonder #confidence #sexpositivity #sexcoach #sexcoaching #somatichealing #somaticexperiencing #somatic #transformation #blackgirlmagic #blackcoach #blackwoman #blackownedbusiness
12.01.2022 R E P E A T A F T E R M E. . . When shit gets rough We often harden... Close up Shut down TURN OFF JOY TURN OFF OUR SEX TURN OFF OUR VITALITY AND HOPE Not today yall Heres my invitation to you to do the EXACT OPPOSITE. Embodying JOY as personal revolution. ALIVENESS begets ACTION Allow SOFTNESS, allow HOPE Can you enjoy your body with TENDERNESS? Can you allow your sensuality to heal and guide you? Your sex is MEDICINE Your sensuality the ANTIDOTE EROS is life Can you choose it over and over and again? Cry, dance, laugh, fuck, breath, yell, shake, slap, moan, spit, open, crack, writhe, shimmy, yawn, twirl, prance, rub... let it ALL GO And youll get it ALL BACK #sexualhealing #sexcoach #sacredsensuality #sensuality #somaticsexcoach #somaticsexologist #sexpositive #bodypositive #emotions #emotionalhealth #emotionalawareness #somatictherapy #somaticmovement #blackgirlmagic #blacklivesmatter #womanofcolor #poc #allow #pleasure #softness #soft #radicalselflove #love #mama #eros
12.01.2022 Pace, placement, awareness, sounding, intentional holding... are just a few of the many powerful ways to use breath while connecting with your body or during sexy times with a partner Unfortunately were often.. Making sounds we dont really mean Taking tiny shallow breaths... Holding our breath Breathing habitually and unconsciously during sex Its time to P L A Y with how different breaths F E E L inside your body! What happens when you quicken the pace? A lil head rush? What about when you slow right down? Do you drift of into space? How do your breaths change your sensations or your conscious connection to the present moment? What breaths allow authentic and nourishing sounds to fall from your throat to heighten youre enjoyment of the moment? Its time to pop breath on the top of your list of go to sex toys! #sexuality #conscioussexuality #sexcoach #sexcoaching #somaticsexeducator #somaticsexology #sexology #sexologicalbodywork #woc #bipoc #poc #blackgirlmagic #blackwomanownedbusiness #relationships #bodypositivity #sexpositivity #sexpositive #sexpositivefeminism #breathe #breath #toy #play
11.01.2022 P.S.A Religious dogma has no place inside your sex life!! SO many honeys I talk to are living with the shame and guilt that RELIGION has place inside their divine human nature. ... Fuck! Im sick of it The good girl. The proper The virginity garble The sex is between two people who love each other The sex before marriage is sinful The god is watching you masturbate!! DEAR GOD THIS NEEDS TO STOP! By all means - enjoy sex with someone you love Enjoy meaningful and deeply connected steamy situations Use ritual, intention and EMPOWERING spiritual practises to blast you into sexy outer space And do the work to liberate and disentangle your sexuality from any religion filling your head with messages of shame and your body will thank you Like anything really fucking great... it may not be easy but golly GOSH its worth it! Ill be covering building liberated beliefs inside my Orgasmic Mama Masterclass. SATURDAY SEP 19th, 11am AEST 2hr Zoom Masterclass with me Keep the recording Your first month inside the OMama Membership is included Join a community of like minded Mamas $44 Booking link in bio and linktree #religion #humansexuality #somaticmovement #somaticsexcoach #liberate #mother #motherhood #mothernature #sexcoaching #somaticsexeducator #sexeducators #sexlife #womanownedbusiness #womansempowerment #blackgirlmagic #blackcoach #selflove
11.01.2022 Y O U D E S E R V E I T I spend my days teaching people how to bring sensation and pleasure into their bodies and reminding couples how to connect with their genuine desires that have been buried in stress, domestic demands and apathy.... They remember theyre not dead yet and together we create the space for the truth of their wanting to be heard. The fact is - the rebellious act of choosing your self, your pleasure and your erotic expression is a skill that can be taught and learnt. But... You have to be willing to do the belief work that comes with it. This is not dancing around in your undies. This is the rigorous rewiring of any and all beliefs youve ever held, that are robbing you of your divine right to life Try surrendering to these little love bombs...every day...again and again and again.. I am enough I deserve this I am worth it I can learn how to feel safe in my body Perfect doesnt exist Im learning to own my desires Its ok to change I am learning to love my body I am powerful I am free I can shine bright Joy and pleasure are my birth rites Practise placing these puppies into your body with somatic tools like breath and sound and movement and youre well on the way to making pleasure a HABIT - an unconscious, ingrained, life giving piece of bliss youre tethered to forever. Bliss thats connected to and congruent with every fibre of your being. Go on. Try it. You deserve it @_wilderminds_ #pleasure #erotic #blackgirlmagic #magic #embodiment #somaticsexcoach #sexcoaching #sexology #somaticsexology #woc #bipoc #love #humansexuality #beliefs #personaldevelopment #psychology #sexpsychology #blackbody #blackandwhite #curveygirls #curve #curvemodel
11.01.2022 M Y G O S H I W I S H having great sex was as easy as it is to lay on my bed in a g-banger and read a book with the heater on during some strange rare pocket of alone time in my messy bedroom with salt lamp juju and a cup papa tea!! Hahaha ... B U T (for most of us) I T S N O T !! And whoever tells you it is, may very well be lying to you. GREAT sex in marriages and long term relationships takes a shit load of education, identity deconstruction, unlearning and relearning.. then learning a little bit more It takes embracing CLUNKINESS Re-igniting IMAGINATION Negotiating DISTANCE Building MYSTERY Dissolving EXPECTATION Taking annoying amounts of SELF-RESPONSIBILITY Disassembling your need to LOOK A CERTAIN WAY Its OWNING THAT WHICH YOU WANT And showing up for yourself to do the work If you didnt know how to cook lasagne, and you wanted to try and make one, what would you do? Youd look up a recipe and learn how to make it! Yes? Well, if you wanna have great sex, get to work on finding out how! STOP Telling yourself its natural and you should just know how. Thats a piece of bullshit that will keep your sex shit. Or at best, just the way it already is I love you! #sexcoach #sexcoaching #neosoma #embodiment #embodiedsexuality #learning #sexeducation #sexed #womanofcolour #blackgirlmagic #poc #woman #womansempowerment #love #intimacy #desire #naked #bodypositivity #sexpositivity #sexpositiveculture #sexpositivefeminism #healing #natural #erotic #eros
10.01.2022 I was mostly disappointed and bored. Im left asking.. How can we create more authentic, potent, powerful and meaningful expressions of the erotic to HEAL THE COLLECTIVE sexuality wounding - instead of perpetuating the narratives of a broken system built by the patriarchy? ... I fucking LOVE hip-hop and the culture- but this is not it. I am a HUGE stand for fully expressed sexuality in ALL forms, but to me, this is not a sex positive video. ESPECIALLY when candid, inclusive, diverse, accurate sex-ed that INCLUDES PLEASURE is still frowned upon in the current systems. In my bones and in my belly and when filtered through my values and beliefs and the countless conversations I have with people everywhere who are trying to UNDO the damage this transmission of sexuality leaves them with - I feel its the opposite. It feels oppressive, limiting and OLD. I actually feel that sharing imagery of ethical, genuinely pleasure based, womxn focused, real porn would be better that this! but no...thats too... porny. Hmmm Though in some of the lyrics I did enjoy the nod to speaking directly about pussy owners pleasure. But the pleasure positive messaging that could have been even more the heroine of this song, get over shadowed by the same old same old. HOW can I say that as someone who majorly loves and celebrates pussssyyyy power!? Ummm.. EASY! Watch me. I want humans who watch it to remember that this expression is NOT AN AUTHENTIC representation of ALL sexuality. Its a PRODUCT & A COMMODITY. I want MORE from those with power, money and influence. More awareness, more depth, more originality, more leadership. I want us to STOP fighting for equality inside a broken structure. And.. I know change isnt always possible until equality inside the current structure is achieved. If womxn still feel unacknowledge, unseen, unheard and expected to be SMALL and QUIET and put our needs LAST.. then those with influence are going to keep making this type of overt art and calling it a step in the right direction. So. How can we create more authentic, potent, powerful and meaningful erotic expression to HEAL THE COLLECTIVE sexuality wounding, instead of perpetuating the narrative of a broken system built by the patriarchy? A question Ill keep asking myself #humansexuality #sexcoaching #blacksexcoach #hiphop #cardib #wap #pussypower #sexpositive #sexpositiveculture #sexologist #somaticsexeducator #erotic #art #blackgirlmagic #blackwoman #power #sexeducator #womanempowerment #womanownedbusiness #authenticity
10.01.2022 A little yarn about orgasm for your Saturday arvo... This is about dropping the transactional elements of orgasm and training your body to come into an Orgasmic State of being... As per my Q&A Tuesdaaaaays recorded live on IG:@theorgasmicmama... The question I received was : Why cant I have internal orgasms!? Enjoy xx
10.01.2022 One for the Mums! xx
08.01.2022 Last week on Wurundjeri land, I had the honour of frolicking in the forest with @erotic_and_benevolent lens. This is a snippet of the sunny delight. Thank you @ryan_lee_adams youre an absolute gorge. Around you, its easy to be me. ... Thank you @georgiesonsie for hosting us and filling our bellies with Chai after the shoot! Ahh life! You saucy little minx! #erotic #art #film #forest #spirit #aboriginalland #bagercreek #benevolient #blackgirlmagic #curvy #curvygirl #curvywoman #woc #afro #wild #wildwoman #nature #sexpositivity #sexpositive #humansexuality #womanempowerment #blackownedbusiness #somaticsexologist #somaticsexology
08.01.2022 Repeat after me - sex is not inherently BAD, WRONG or HARMFUL! A yarn inspired by a workshop Im creating on how to create sex positive households ... #sexpositivefamilies #sexpositiveparenting #sexpositive #children #sexuality #sexeducator #sexed #somaticsexologist #sexologist #somatic #eros #mother #humansexuality #family #conditioning
08.01.2022 B I L L Y H O Y L E This man stands behind me in all the ways on all the days - no matter what. ... Hes never tried to dim my light. Hes never tried to change me. He stokes the fire so the Phoenix can rise. He says yes to my wild. Yes to my dreams. Listens to my voice. Fathers our children like an absolute boss, lord, king, mega Dad legend. This man is evolving and growing through the most intense challenges. Challenges and lessons I know many others would shrink away from. He leans in. He chooses love. He chooses to expand and grow and together we hold the vision of MORE LOVE. Free love. Love without conditions. Love without the beliefs that dont serve us and our family. Gosh. What. A. Human. @billyhoyle._ I love you. Im proud of you... of us Were doing it Peter!! (Peter pan reference- obviously) #man #king #legend #sexologist #somatictherapy #freedom #love #openrelationships #polygoals #magic #interatialcouple #sexcoach #sexcoaching #relationshipgoals #relationshipcoaching #evolve #evolvetogether
06.01.2022 Friday 26th 9am AEST - I have some discount codes for anyone whod like to join in this 2hr chat with me and these next level sexperts
05.01.2022 Tomorrow night, lovers
01.01.2022 I often go on these fun rants on IG but dont share them here. Im gonna start... Some tough love (not that tough) around getting you into ACTION and fully claiming your life
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