Ness the Naturopath | Alternative & holistic health service
Ness the Naturopath
Phone: +61 417 960 930
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25.01.2022 Oil of the moment - Spikenard Oil It is derived from a flowering plant of the Valerian family traditionally used to anoint people of high honour in the Ayurvedic practices of India. Historically, Spikenard was used for its uplifting and relaxing qualities. Today, the oil is commonly used in perfumes and relaxing massage oils for its woody scent. Spikenard promotes clean, healthy-looking skin and encourages feelings of calmness and relaxation. It is used frequently used in... aromatherapy and meditation for its grounding properties. Diffuse to promote feelings of calmness and relaxation. Create a personalised fragrance by combining Spikenard with Clove, Cypress, Frankincense, Geranium, Juniper Berry, Lavender, Myrrh, Wild Orange, Rose, and Vetiver in a carrier Combine with a hydrating cream for softer and smoother feeling skin. Add one to two drops to your favourite cleanser to help promote healthy-looking, glowing complexion. Spikenard oil blends well with essential oils of frankincense, geranium, patchouli, lavender, vetiver and myrrh oils.
25.01.2022 Herby Hero of the month - Siberian Ginseng Siberian Ginseng boasts adaptogenic and general tonic properties meaning they can help nourish our bodies, especially adrenal glands, helping us adapt and cope with stress, especially chronic stress. Siberian Ginseng is especially good at increasing mental alertness and physical endurance. But wait there's more! Siberian Ginseng also packs antioxidant, immuno-modulating & stimulating properties! With chronic stress and depressed immune system linked this herbaceous hero steps up to make it ideal for convalescing or times of endurance.
24.01.2022 Yoga Jess Astarte Mind Body Studio starts 25th August 6am, whose in?
23.01.2022 How many of you do I advise to STREEEETCH almost every time I see you? Now is your chance, right here at the Studio! See below for details
22.01.2022 The Active side of the Studio is slowly emerging - yay! Michelle's Pilates will be back 15th June, see below
22.01.2022 Mangos "In the summertime when the weather is high You can stretch right up and touch the sky. When the weather's fine You got Mangoes; you got Mangoes on your mind" original inspiration Mungo Jerry's Summertime.... Mmmm Mangoes, they are a classic part of Australian summer! Eating them with the juice dribbling down your hands and then sucking on the seeds trying to extract every last bit of their deliciousness. The humble and delicious mango is packed with vitamins, minerals and fibre but is relatively low in calories meaning that the magnificent mango is a perfect summer snack! One cup of raw mango contains only 107 Calories but a whopping 3g of fibre and over 70% of your daily vitamin C and 25% of vitamin A daily requirements, as well as minerals such as copper, potassium and magnesium! Just when you think the mighty mango has no more surprises, it also contains powerful antioxidants such as zeaxanthin, quercetin, astragalin and beta-carotene! #nessthenaturopath #naturopath #naturopathy #wellness #health #wellbeing #naturalhealth #healthy #alternativemedicine #foodismedicine #herbalmedicine #westernherbalmedicine #shellharbour #astartestudio #albionpark #lbionparkrail #heathyfood #healthylifestyle #aromatherapy #wellnessjourney #essentialoils
21.01.2022 Elderberry - Sambucus nigra Elderberry’s healing properties were discovered in ancient times with the Egyptians using it to heal burns and help improve their complexions. In contrast, today, its use is more closely aligned with that of the traditional European use of colds and flu treatment. This is due to the anti-viral and immunostimulant properties of these potent purple berries. Studies confirm that the use of Elderberry Syrup can help reduce the duration of colds... and flu ( & as well as symptoms of sinus infections and allergies ( and was even used during the Panama Flu outbreak in 1995 in the US to help control the epidemic. But these berries aren’t done yet! Research indicates that extracts of Elder can stimulate glucose metabolism and the secretion of insulin, which could potentially help lower blood sugar levels which is good news for people with diabetes everywhere! One last note, Elder, is fantastic at getting elimination pathways moving again your bowels and bladder love these guys as they gently stimulate action and help get those toxins out.
20.01.2022 Awesome advice here
20.01.2022 A couple of new Pilates classes next Term, see below
19.01.2022 Sweet Potatoes A great source of fibre, vitamin A, vitamin C and manganese, these orange wonders have made their way back to being a staple in many people’s diet. Sweet spuds boost compounds which can help stabilise blood sugars, boost brain function, increases immune function and help nourish our eyes.
19.01.2022 The first Live Facebook from some of our awesome Astarte conglomerate! So proud of our courage to give it a crack and the fact that we embraced that the camera was still rolling at the end for, oh, long enough!
17.01.2022 When you feel like you are falling to pieces - Shock Absorber Tribe of the Tree flower essences During and after times of shock and uncertainty, it’s common to feel destabilised, uncertain and even immobilised all of which makes it difficult to settle yourself, rebuild and move forward. Shock absorber helps you pull yourself back together, centre and ground yourself, finding your fortitude and resilience in the face of upheaval and uncertainty.... A grounding, calming and centring flower remedy, and is suitable for both adults and children. Shock Absorber Flower Essence is Tribe of the Tree's made from the Australian Bush Pea flowers, which are renowned for their potent energy of resilience and strength, and will help you to rediscover your own when you need it.
17.01.2022 Vital Vitamins B2 or Riboflavin is often better associated with fluoro yellow coloured wee after taking multivitamins or B supplements, but it also has other roles in our body. B2 is essential to maintaining healthy blood cells and is critical to cellular energy and metabolism. Additionally, Riboflavin helps to keep our eye health. It may aid in slowing the aging process by especially with our skin and hair through its vital role in collagen formation and function.... Riboflavin may also have a neuroprotective effect, with supplementation believed to be able to provide some protection against migraines. Deficiency of Riboflavin can lead to cracking and reddening of the lips, inflammation of the mouth, mouth ulcers, sore throat, and even in extreme cases, iron deficiency anaemia. The good news is Riboflavin (b2) is found in many everyday foods: Beef, Poultry, Wild Rice, Almonds, Mushrooms, Eggs, Soy, Parsley, Cashews, Lentils Sesame Seeds, Rye, Broccoli, Avocados, Asparagus (more stuff to make your wee funny) and dark Leafy Greens.
16.01.2022 Taking a bath has been proven an effective way to positively influence your general wellbeing and improve your sleep. But what if you could take your bathing relaxation to the next level? Introducing Amazing Oils Magnesium Bath Flakes! Magnesium Chloride bath flakes, 100% Australian owned and sourced!! ... Magnesium is an essential element to helping our tight muscles relax as well as providing numerous other essential body and cellular function. Dietary intake can be compromised due to a variety of reasons but taking magnesium transdermally (directly through the skin) can get the magnesium straight to the areas we want quickly. To use simply add a cup of Amazing Oils Bath Flakes to your regular sized bath, soak, relax and enjoy the benefits. Don't Have A Bath Don’t fret. These guys work just as well in a foot baths too! Just add a tablespoon to the foot bath to reap the rewards. 1 x 800g pack equals approx. 10 luxurious soaks or 25+ foot baths or exponential relaxation . Hint: Add a couple of drops of your favourite essential oils such a Lavender, Frankincense, AromaTouch or Balance for EVEN MORE relaxation!!!
16.01.2022 Just a Reminder #nessthenaturopath #naturopath #naturopathy #wellness #health #wellbeing #naturalhealth #healthy #alternativemedicine #foodismedicine #herbalmedicine #westernherbalmedicine #shellharbour #astartestudio #albionpark #lbionparkrail #heathyfood #healthylifestyle #aromatherapy #wellnessjourney #essentialoils
16.01.2022 In Wednesday Wellness with Wine this eve, we delve into the Poo topic again and what colour, loud or quiet flatulence can mean as well as other colourful clues to your health through what your #2 can tell you
16.01.2022 Vitamin C Vitamin C could be considered the celebrity of the Vitamin world with its essential role in our immune system and as an antioxidant. But did you know Vitamin C is deemed vital to looking like you have had a dip in the fountain of youth? The mighty vitamin C is essential to collagen synthesis, yep the very thing we need to help keep our skin looking youthful and help our joints maintain function.... Found in: Oranges, pineapples and all citrus fruit, strawberries, kiwi fruit, capsicums, guava, blackcurrants, broccoli, parsley, kale and thyme (gram for gram Thyme has more vitamin C than oranges!!!)
14.01.2022 Wednesday Wellness with Wine is back - With Vanessa Wilson and Allison Faulkner - Naturopath from Fundamental Wellbeing talking about the Fundamentals of Wellness
14.01.2022 Herb Hero Cinnamon (Cinnamon Zeylanicum a.k.a. Cinnamon Cassia) Cinnamon is a sweet aromatic spice popular in cooking and as a warming remedy that can help ward off infections and help improve digestion. Commonly in Western Herbal Medicine cinnamon is utilised for its carminative, aromatic digestive and astringent properties, making it ideal for aiding with indigestion, nausea and colic conditions as well as the relief of mild diarrhoea. Additionally, Cinnamon is high in m...agnesium and possess warming, blood sugar balancing and circulatory properties make it ideal in the treatment for female reproductive conditions such as PMS and PCOS. When used in cooking Cinnamon acts not only as a natural preservative but also sweetener. However, before you get too excited excessive consumption can cause liver toxicity. Fun Fact: Cinnamon is harvested from the inner bark of trees in the Cinnamomum genus. The use of Cinnamon dates back thousands of years as far as 4,000 years ago to Ancient Egypt. As a sign of devotion and due to the value of the spice, Cinnamon was commonly gifted to Royalty. #cinnamon #spice #herb #nessthenaturopath #naturopath #naturopathy #wellness #health #wellbeing #naturalhealth #healthy #alternativemedicine #foodismedicine #herbalmedicine #westernherbalmedicine #shellharbour #astartestudio #albionpark #lbionparkrail #heathyfood #healthylifestyle #aromatherapy #wellnessjourney #essentialoils
14.01.2022 Wave your hands in the air if they are dry, cracked and sore from overexposure to harsh soaps and chemicals! Rejoice you are not alone and we have a solution! Meet our amazing No Nasties Hand Sanitiser... Alcohol free - Proven to kill 99.9% of bacteria & viruses Plant & Mineral based ingredients Lemongrass flavoured Bring your own bottle for filling/refilling or - grab one of ours. BYO Bottle 60ml $5.50 One of Ours 60ml $7.50
13.01.2022 Guiding Light - a comforting and reassuring flower essence from Tribe of the Tree flower essences that invites you to develop a sense of safety, while reminding you that you’re surrounded by unconditional support and approval. For times when you've been feeling let down or poorly treated. When events of the past have led to you feeling on edge, mistrustful or defensive towards others, and your intention is to become comfortable enough to let people in again.... Your self-esteem has been impacted by neglectful or hurtful behaviour of others and you need a reminder that you’re perfect, just the way you are. Your intention is to access a sense of being unconditionally supported as you rebuild your self-acceptance and self-confidence You're keen to make changes in your life or circumstances but are having difficulty choosing a path that feels safe and comfortable. You need help finding the courage and sense of safety that will enable you to bravely move forward and make changes in your life. The ritual of taking flower essences is a great way to focus your attention on the energetic state you'd like to embody and your intention of consciously creating it. Tribe of the Tree’s Guiding Light flower essence encourages you to take a big-picture view of your circumstances so that you can identify the little adjustments that can lead to big changes over time.
13.01.2022 Another "episode" of Wednesday Wellness with Wine - Bringing you our top tips for detoxing and embracing life after lockdown with our favourite Mudgee Naturopath Allie Faulks from Fundamental Wellbeing
13.01.2022 Trish is back up and running for Reiki for your energy needs
13.01.2022 Herb Hero Devil’s Claw Harpagophytum procumbens is primarily used in herbal medicine for its anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anti-rheumatic properties. Additionally, devils Claw is a bitter herb helping aid digestion including appetite loss and indigestion. Traditionally Devil's Claw is used to support healthy connective tissue such as muscles and joints and aid in the relief of arthritic conditions, muscle aches and pains. However, Devils Claw isn’t suited for everybody.... People with conditions such as peptic ulcers, congestive heart failure, gallstones or are on medications such as anti-arrhythmic and blood pressure medications should seek advice of a qualified Naturopath before taking. Fun Fact: Devils Claw required good intestinal bacteria for full therapeutic benefits and may have its effects reduced by antibiotics.
13.01.2022 Vitamin A A fat-soluble vitamin essential to skin, bone, and eye health as well as having a dramatic impact on our immune and respiratory health. This potent antioxidant can be helpful in relieving inflammation in the body and can be found in three main forms: retinol, retinal and retinoic acid. Primarily the two most common forms of Vitamin A found generally both plant and animal foods are beta-carotene commonly associated with orange, red and yellow foods such as carrots... and sweet potatoes, and active vitamin A retinol found in animal foods such as eggs and organ meats. Absorption issues possibly leading to deficiency in vitamin A can be affected by excessive alcohol intake, gluten sensitivities and leaky gut, inflammatory bowel disease, pancreatic, liver or gallbladder issues, low stomach acid or dietary restrictions. Signs of possible deficiency can be changes in sight and thickening of the cornea, dry eyes, hair and mouth, increased incidents of respiratory, sinus or ear infections. Skin complaints such as dry flaky skin, cystic acne, dry scalp or dandruff. Low vitamin A intake may also adversely affect reproduction, foetal and infant development. How to get more vitamin A in your diet: butternut squash, Sweet potato, Kale, Carrots, Beef Liver, Spinach, Dried apricots, Broccoli, Butter, Eggs (yolks). Caution with supplementation as toxicity may occur at high doses or interactions with medication can cause adverse reactions. Always seek advice from a qualified professional before commencing any supplements
12.01.2022 ITS CHERRY SEASON!!!! Cherries not only taste amazing but are high in antioxidants anthocyanins and cyanidin making them high in up the anti-inflammatory food chain. Just when you think these tasty lobes couldn’t get any better, cherries may also aid with weight loss! yes you read that correctly - In a 2009 study published in the Journal of Medical Food, rats that received whole tart cherry powder for 90 days, mixed into a high-fat diet, didn’t gain as much weight or bu...ild up as much body fat as rats that didn’t receive cherries. Tart cherry intake was associated with a reduced concentration of fats in the blood, percentage fat mass and abdominal fat weight. Not only are cherries low in calories, but research suggests that they help reduce the concentration of fats in your blood too! Animal models showed substantially lower levels of inflammation, which is linked to diseases like heart disease and diabetes. By consuming tart cherry juice or a cherry supplement, you reduce inflammation and lipids in the blood, which lead to heart conditions and weight gain. One cup (approximately 138 grams) of sweet cherries has about: (15) 87 calories 22 grams carbohydrates 1.5 grams protein 0.3 gram fat 3 grams dietary fibre Fun Fact: In Traditional Chinese Medicine, cherries are used to build qi, boost blood circulation, improve skin health as well as to help relieve exhaustion and fatigue. #nessthenaturopath #naturopath #naturopathy #araomatherapy #essentialoils #cherries #foodismedicine #reflexology #shellharbour #albionpark #naturalmedicine
11.01.2022 Limited spaces are available in Monday night’s Pilates Basics class for Term 3. To book your spot contact Michelle on 0438342094.
09.01.2022 Free Pilates class pass! Try before you buy . Check out Michelle’s generous offer below :
09.01.2022 Vanessa Wilson a.k.a Ness the Naturopath and @Allison Faulkner - Naturopath of Fundamental Wellbeing talk all things supplements. Ever wondered why some products are way cheaper than another’s for seemingly the same thing? Learn how to choose safe and effective supplements for you and your family.
08.01.2022 Don’t like going out at night. Try our daytime Pilates class.
08.01.2022 Just a reminder I'll be on Holidays from the 24th- if you need any supps or supplies to get you through the holiday period let me know ASAP xx
08.01.2022 With the rest of the crew returning to Astarte really soon we Thank You all for adhering to the protocols outlined below Astarte Mind & Body
07.01.2022 Wave goodbye to dry, cracked, and sore hands. Meet our amazing No Nasties Hand Sanitiser Alcohol-free -... Proven to kill 99.9% of bacteria & viruses (including Covid-19) Plant & Mineral based ingredients. Lemongrass flavoured Three sizes Purse size is $5.50 60ml is $8.50 120ml is $11.50 Contact me to grab yours today! #nessthenaturopath #naturopath #naturopathy #araomatherapy #handsanitiser #reflexology #shellharbour #albionpark #naturalmedicine
06.01.2022 Oil of the Month - Balance Blend Oil A grounding blend offering a tranquil aroma bringing harmony to the mind and body and helps to balance the emotions. A perfect blend of Spruce, Ho Wood, Frankincense, Blue Tansy, Blue Chamomile creating a warm and woody aroma helping bring another level of relaxation to any massage as well as providing a clamming and tranquil atmosphere.... Diffusion: Use three to four drops in the diffuser of your choice our favourite is with Wild Orange smells amazing Men tend to love the smell of this essential oil, so its a great introduction to essential oils for the males in your life. Topical use: Apply one to two drops to desired area. Dilute with a carrier oil to minimise any skin sensitivity. Start each day by massaging a few drops of Balance on your feet to help ground and balance you for the day Balance is ideal to add to oil blend to use during a Hand Massage. Or apply to your wrists or neck for a grounding and clamming perfume Fun Fact: Spruce, was used by Native Americans for health and spiritual reasons and is still used today to bring harmony to the mind and body
06.01.2022 Oil of the Month Helichrysum Referred to as the everlasting flower because of its rejuvenating properties, used to prevent the signs of aging and improve complexion Helichrysum oil helps reduce the appearance of blemishes, and it promotes a glowing, youthful complexion. Diffusion:... Use three to four drops in the diffuser of your choice to create an uplifting aroma. Topical use: Apply topically to reduce the appearance of blemishes. Apply to the face to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and to promote a glowing, youthful complexion. Massage into the temples and the back of the neck for a soothing sensation. Fun Fact: Helichrysum has been used in herbal health practises since ancient Greece with the oil being highly valued and sought after for its many health benefits. Caution Possible skin sensitivity. Keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant, nursing, or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and sensitive areas. #nessthenaturopath #naturopath #naturopathy #araomatherapy #essentialoils #doterra #reflexology #shellharbour #albionpark #naturalmedicine
06.01.2022 Spring Special It's spring, and we're feeling "special" and want our clients to feel special too. During September purchase any Immune Supplement or Tonic and receive a FREE handbag size hand sanitiser. *Only while stocks last
06.01.2022 One week 'til holiday time! #nessthenaturopath #naturopath #naturopathy #wellness #health #wellbeing #naturalhealth #healthy #alternativemedicine #foodismedicine #herbalmedicine #westernherbalmedicine #shellharbour #astartestudio #albionpark #lbionparkrail #heathyfood #healthylifestyle #aromatherapy #wellnessjourney #essentialoils
05.01.2022 Amazing Almonds All the power of almonds, these mighty nuts might be small but what they lack in size they make up for in goodness. One small handful (about 28) of humble almond comes equipped with a... Whooping 7.3mg of Vitamin E!!! Vitamin E a potent antioxidant known for good skin health and healing as well as several studies have shown that adequate Vitamin E might help prevent against heart disease, some cancers as well as Alzheimer's!!! Not to mention 57 milligrams of magnesium!!! Yep, our almond amigos are amazing stress-busting foods helping you keep your cool, potentially helping to lower your blood pressure and well as serving for over 300 other enzymatic activities in the body. High in Monosaturated fats (the good ones) bundled with protein and fibre, almonds make the perfect between-meal snacks as they can assist in helping stabilise our blood sugars (reducing the frequency of hangry moments). What's more, they are slow to breakdown and digest with some studies suggesting that almonds may even help boost metabolism!!!!!
05.01.2022 Peppermint Oil Arguably one of the most recognisable fragrances, this mighty oil packs a punch as big as its list of therapeutic uses: Freshens breath Help relieve headaches... Relieves digestive dysfunction Help relieve respiratory congestion Improves circulation Repels insects and bugs Relieves nausea To use: Apply with a carrier oil to stomach in a circular motion to help relieve nausea and digestive complaints. Add several drops to your fave diffuser blend to help relieve respiratory congestion and coughs or to help create a lively atmosphere. Did you know? 1 drop DoTerra peppermint oil = 28 cups of peppermint tea WHAT THE!?
03.01.2022 New Stretch class starting next Term! See details below :)
02.01.2022 Pears Pears pack a punch in vitamin and minerals: Vitamin C helps the immune system & helps keep our joints more mobile Fibre feeds our microbiome and keeps the bowels moving... Vitamin K important for bone and blood health Potassium helps nutrients and waste move in and out of cells Antioxidants Cleaning up free radicals and limiting oxidative damage See more
02.01.2022 Need an Energy Tune Up? Give Trish a buzz
02.01.2022 More Stocking stuffer ideas - Elf on a Shelf Bean Bags a.k.a Spikey Balls. Help your loved ones experience how much of a pain in your backside they have been all year! $12 each or 2 for $20.
01.01.2022 Happy Father's Day to all the Dads
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