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25.01.2022 Urgent Google Chrome Security Alert! Updating to the latest version of Chrome right NOW is highly recommended. The "Zero day" exploit is being activly used right now by malicious sites to run commands on operating systems that they just shouldn't be allowed to.... So you, yes you, whether you're on Windows, Android, iOS, Linux, or any other platform out there, if you're running Google Chrome, update it now. #cyberSecurity #GoogleChrome #ZeroDay

23.01.2022 Facebook has announced they will be taking Onovo, their VPN app off the Android App Store after criticism of its data collection practices. I'm wondering how many use a VPN for work or personal use, and tell us in the comments how aware are you of what the VPN provider is doing with any data they might collect from you.

23.01.2022 Is daylight savings wreaking havoc with your Scheduled Facebook posts? Since 2am Sunday, on both the Android App and the web page, if you schedule a post, it lets you set a time and date, but then when you go through your scheduled posts, they're set to an hour later than what you initially set - and an hour later is when they are actually posted. So heads up, this is a thing now, and I'll let you know when it changes.

21.01.2022 A nice little primer I found for home based businesses wanting to embrace the digital economy.

21.01.2022 A $47 million Dept of Finance Expenses processing system, developed in house (with all the inherent problems discussed before) is: - running 25% over budget at this point - is now expected 2 years late in July 2022 - will not be fit for purpose on completion anyway. ... No word yet on how well expenses are being vetted at present

20.01.2022 Following the horrific tragedy in New Zealand, strap in for an opportunistic landslide of News Corp attacks on new media, YouTube and especially Pewdiepie. The company that used the power of political donations and sweetheart deals with our politicians to knobble the NBN, and pay less than zero in taxes, have been unable to keep up with technological developments. They are slipping into irrelevance, and they aren't fading away quietly. Rupert Murdoch's News Corp employs of th...e likes of Andrew Bolt, Ross Cameron, Mark Latham, Tucker Carlson, Bill O'Reilly & Sean Hannity. Their bread and butter is encouraging racial hate and/or violence. I can't tell you why the New Zealand shooter referenced the Subscribe to Pewdiepie meme before opening fire, but I can tell you it plays straight into the hands of the old media organisation that preaches both villification of minorities and rejection of media they don't profit from. Please spare a thought for the victims of today's tragedy and take some time to bring some love back to your community and neighbourhood. A simple smile and a "hello" to a stranger can do much more for us than hand wringing over a Swedish meme reviewer.

20.01.2022 I don't want to kick into Bill too much, I don't think I have any new reasons to hate on him. But this made me lol

19.01.2022 The short answer: Things that will make people unfollow you. Longer answer and infographic at the article #SocialMediaFauxPas

19.01.2022 Exciting news!! After being banned from social media for inciting an insurrection against the US Capitol, Ex President Cheeto Jesus has finally launched his new social media platform. Forget old hat ideas like an Oprah style TV channel, taking over Parlor or launching an Alt Right version of Twitter, the Orange One has started a WordPress Blog. ... On his blog, you can read his latest thoughts (presumably direct from a toilet somewhere at Mar-A-Lago). You can like them or share to Twitter & Facebook. Time will tell if Facebook and Twitter will let him keep this backdoor access to his followers' feeds. So far he's kept on ranting about how unfair it was when he lost the election. Not that he admits losing. He's still calling it stolen. The site also invites you to join their mailing list so you can be notified of new posts and opportunities to top up Commander Bonespurs's bank accounts when needed.

19.01.2022 Although detail has been very scant, its encouraging the Australian Government was so forthcoming with last week's news of the hack that penetrated the Parliament House network, and the networks of the ALP, Libs and Nats. Anyone with any data of value is a potential target, and the more valuable the data, the bigger the target they will be. The Australian Financial Review has joined the chorus of voices saying businesses should avoid keeping their heads in the sand in relatio...n to cyber security and data loss, and look proactively at what they can do to minimise risk when they inevitably become a target. #cyberSecurity #dataBreach

18.01.2022 4 hours and counting until the historic First Flight on Mars. Was initially scheduled for last week, but last minute software glitches put us back to 8.15 tonight Melbourne time. Watch live at NASA's FB page

16.01.2022 Devices can now run faster and more efficiently thanks to a recent breakthrough in photonics that will crash us through the physic barriers of electronic circuitry. #photonics #MooresLaw

16.01.2022 Check your online payments for ongoing subscriptions. They're more common than you'd think.

15.01.2022 Have a look at our quick background on the new copyright laws in the EU, and a round of bonus memes. :)

15.01.2022 While western governments are engaged in smear campaigns against Huawei for unspecific "potential" problems with 5G, 4G networks have been leaking like sieves. By all means, assume that your infrastructure provider is doing their best, but always be aware that it's up to you to ensure your backside is covered.

15.01.2022 Australia's Prime Minister has announced the Liberal, National and Labour Parties have suffered an alarming data breach in an "attack", which originated at the Australian Parliament House computer network and infiltrated the 3 parties' systems. "The methods used by malicious actors are constantly evolving and this incident just re-enforces yet again the importance of cyber security as a fundamental part of everyone's business." he said. The attack is so sophisticated that onl...y the US, Russia, China and Israel are though to be equipped to have managed it. Details of what has actually happened are sketchy, but there is a lot of talk about the vulnerability of the email systems and comparisons to the DNC hack in the 2016 US election that saw damaging DNC emails leaked to Wikileaks. Stay tuned for more as it becomes known.

14.01.2022 Did you notice the similarities in all the outage graphs from the social media outage? #FacebookOutage #SocialMediaOutage

14.01.2022 Expand your online reach. Hackers can get you and your customers onto the dark web. Make yourself an irresistible low hanging fruit by failing to secure your data. Australian property valuation firm Landmark White left 5 years worth of private data available on the internet with no security. Now 57,000 invoices, plus related files are available on the dark web, and people can't stop talking about LMW.... #DataBreach #CyberSecurity See more

14.01.2022 Well April Fools day is underway again around the world, the day when you have to think twice before you believe anything you see on the internet. (As opposed to every other day when you actually probably should do the same.) Here:s a list of some of the early breaking pranks to watch out for. #AprilFools2019

14.01.2022 Professional ethical hacker group, Independent Security Evaluators have discovered major security flaws in a number of password managers for Windows 10. The issue is the password managers can store your passwords in plain text in unprotected memory, and that a malicious program or user could then access them under certain conditions. The advice is to keep using password managers, but be aware they have their own limitations and in the event of a malware infection, know to cha...nge your passwords as part of the recovery process. #CyberSecurity

12.01.2022 #GmailOutage 3 days ago, Gmail invited us to have a look. Maybe the ad worked too well? Either way the post has become a hotspot for reactions to today's ongoing outage.

12.01.2022 Australia's new Minister for Industry, Christian Porter, is facing a revolt from the Tech Industry, who are promising to reduce engagement with government and refusing to meet at all with him personally. Industry giants like Microsoft are citing a perceived signal from government that women's issues are less than important in an industry that is expected to lead Australia out of Covid-19 (Sorry for the paywalled article. See also Google News who are offering a broad selection of industry players all canning the appointment, including a science group who are apologising for intially welcoming Porter's new role.)

12.01.2022 Stuart Robert strikes again with a legal framework that will optimise the government's ability to trade your private data with anyone they like.

12.01.2022 Did you get one of these this morning. News is emerging that its a large malware attack on millions of Australian computers simultaneously, and its gotten through OptusNet's mail servers to happen. The X-Originating-IP address resolves back to a .ru domain.... I downloaded mine, which was a zip file, and looked at it with a text editor and can see its a vbs script. So, happily, my Linux systems would have to launch it in a Windows Emulator to have any problems. Stay tuned to on Facebook for more updates as this develops.

11.01.2022 The French Fencing Federation has officially recognised lightsaber duelling as a competitive sport with official rules and competition equipment. Look out for a lightsaber competition coming to you soon.

11.01.2022 Ongoing coverage of this issue at

10.01.2022 Interactive voice ads are shaping up to be the new frontier in digital advertising with Pandora announcing testing to begin later this year. Soon we'll be programming AI bots to speak with potential customers, understand the replies and build a conversation based on the progress of the responses. Exciting times :)

10.01.2022 Worse than a puppy jam

09.01.2022 Do not try this at home, or work, but when you do: know you're experimenting with science that will lead to more efficient directed energy, photonics and high-intensity laser pulses.

09.01.2022 Its somehow appropriate that as the official date for the end of Internet Explorer product support grows ever closer, Microsoft has taken to finally asking customers to stop using it. Have a look at the article for some Classic Microsoft recontextualising of the issue. Learn new phrases like "technical debt". Be subtly reminded that as Windows is run in hospitals, this could be a matter of life or death. And chortle as the company that came late to the internet, and threw... at us a terrible program that nearly broke the internet, turns back on everything they've said to sell their anti-trust defying browser. Some of the comments are gold too. Enjoy :)

08.01.2022 Working from home, or"Telecommuting" isn't a new concept, but it's a new reality for many people at the moment. Take a moment to bring yourself up to speed on the traditional wisdom and the new challenges of working remotely.

08.01.2022 It will be buggy, overrun by bots, and there won't be a piece of information it won't collect on you. Should be fun to watch.

07.01.2022 Massive apologies to anyone who tried to reach one of my sites today. Crazy Domains has been down since late afternoon and although they keep saying shortly, there's no actual word on what's happened or when we'll be back. In the mean time, feel free to visit Evening Moos for some light entertainment. ... We had the wisdom to at least move that site off Crazy Domains a while back.

07.01.2022 Well this couldn't possibly go wrong, could it?

06.01.2022 When you get an email from hackers quoting your secret password at you.....

06.01.2022 Update on the OptusNet Email Malware story! Its beginning to look like a major data breach. And the perpetrator wants everyone to think he's Russian. So far:... - emails being sent to random Australians (not necessarily Optus customers) contain a variety of malware attacks. - these emails sent from Optus SMTP servers, apparently using actual customer credentials for access. These have been happening since Feb 8. - Optus webmail is reporting the emails as being sent from a Russian domain - customers receiving unexpected bills and upon logging in are being called Vladimir and the screen keeps refreshing. - Screenshots showing URL of account page as Optus-dot-com-dot-au domain - Optus not saying much at this point, but are aware of the issue. Clearly there's a sophisticated cyber attack in process. The attacker has gained access to Optus customer accounts, at the very least, and is using them to spam random others for further different, untargeted attacks. I say untargeted because mine came in a random email from a random stranger, and wasn't suitable for any of my operating systems. One possibility I'm following up on is that earlier malware attacks have spoofed Optus's customer web servers and are collecting login details there. A realistic alternative is that attackers have gained access to Optus's systems in a gigantic #DataBreach, are running amuck in there and using the position to launch new attacks. Follow to keep up with this developing story, and of course let us know if you have any concerns, or need some help. :)

06.01.2022 The ins and outs of Remote Access Trojan viruses. What they are, how to avoid them, how to recognise them and how to eliminate them.

04.01.2022 I for one welcome our new backflipping robot overlords, and remind them that as a trusted social media commentator, I can be helpful in rounding up others to toil in their underground titanium and bauxite mines. #WelcomeOurRobotOverlords #SkynetHasBeenActivated

04.01.2022 Worth checking. Look in the Chrome Menu for a "Managed by..." notification.

04.01.2022 Beginning on February 28, Facebook will begin notifying users if you upload their info into targeted advertising lists. The information will appear from the "Why am I seeing this?" link on any targeted ads, and is being promoted as an advance in helping users understand how their data is used. For marketers, it's intended to create more accountability, and puts the task on them to build relationships more transparently.... #FacebookAdvertising #DigitalMarketing

03.01.2022 If you've been meaning to upgrade WinRar to the full version for the past 20 years, but never got around to it, this article is for you :)

03.01.2022 There's a global disruption to GMail and Google Drive happening at the moment. Hold on, grab a coffee, they'll have it back up shortly no doubt. (Apparently only effecting some, but don't crash their whole system by everyone checking at once ;) )

03.01.2022 Thinking about taking your business online? New to online retail? Or just looking for inspiration to give your online store that extra oomph?... The Vogue Online Shopping Night (2019) is underway until lunchtime tomorrow and it's an event well worth having a look at for how a large media multinational does things.

02.01.2022 Facebook have fixed the scheduling issue caused by daylight saving finishing. :)Facebook have fixed the scheduling issue caused by daylight saving finishing. :)

02.01.2022 Remember the Y2K bug? It's back. This time global GPS systems are heading towards a tick over to zero moment on April 6 when they will revert to zero and start counting up again.... The issue will only occur for one second, but with GPS now embedded in a lot more applications than there were computers in 2000 for the original Y2K, it is unknown how much fault tolerence there is for when this moment hits. You will probably be fine, but be on the lookout for any GPS dependent apps malfunctioning on April 6. #GPS #MillenniumBug2

01.01.2022 I know, I know....

01.01.2022 It couldn't be easier

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