Neural Knitworks | Community
Neural Knitworks
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25.01.2022 It’s getting closer! We can’t contain our excitement about the upcoming Indigenous Science Experience at Redfern - Family Fun Day on Sunday, August 18. Over the... next few weeks we'll be highlighting our activity providers, many of whom are volunteers. We're looking forward to spending the day with: Yaegl and Bundjalung Elders, Modfab 3D Printing, Australian Indigenous Astronomy, Fizzics Education, Stone and Bones, Birdlife Southern NSW, Barragun Aboriginal Cultural Services, Walanga Muru - Macquarie University, Australian Museum, Ngukurr Bush Medicines, Neural Knitworks, Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Mathematics Alliance, Departments of Physics, Molecular Sciences and Chiropractic and Numeracy Centre (Macquarie Uni), Walanga Muru (Macquarie Uni), and Storymotive! See more
21.01.2022 Thank you to the cool junior doctors who helped make neurons and talk to people about children's health at Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge UK
17.01.2022 Just something that happens at work..... Today I had the pleasure of meeting Pat Pillai at Chris O’Briens LifeHouse Neural Knitworks doing her thing! Creating beautiful artworks of neutrons crocheted and sequinned exquisitely!!! How gorgeous and clever!
12.01.2022 Spectacular images of the Night of Art and Science by the University of Groningen, Netherlands, including a brilliantly coloured display of knitted neurons, the culmination of their very successful Neural Knitworks project. #neuralknitworks #inspiringaustralia Art and Science Soiree in Cambridge
10.01.2022 Getting ready to start our neurons firing with beads and bling, #NeuralKnitworks with #Arterie at Chris O'Brien Lifehouse.
09.01.2022 Sophie @artandsciencesoiree with Kirsty @kirstylothian at Addenbrookes Hospital Cambridge UK making Pat Pillai's beautiful bound neurons and connecting communities involved in brain health.
09.01.2022 For those academic extreme knitters- a conference to discuss knitting at work
08.01.2022 Neural Knitworks - UK is supporting the Healthy Child Healthy World initiative on Universal Children's Day at Addenbrookes Hospital Cambridge with Christine Harkin and @ACTcharity @MeganWisbey @CambGHP @artandsciencesoiree
06.01.2022 Excited and ready to talk about the work of Active and Neural Knitworks at the Paediatric Psychology Network Conference 2019 (follow @thePPN_uk on Twitter) KL
03.01.2022 Inspired! I feel a neural knitting project coming Pat...
02.01.2022 Join the Knit-In for WIRES, Tuesday 28 January, 10am12pm Come to the library and help our regular knitters make pouches for injured and abandoned joeys and wildlife. Can't knit? You can still help by donating materials for our knitters. We need: 8 ply pure wool needles size 8 in old UK sizing, or new UK size 4mm pure cotton or flannelette to make pouch linings. WIRES Riverina will make sure the pouches get to wildlife carers across our region.
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