Neurosymmetry in Halls Head, Western Australia | Business service
Locality: Halls Head, Western Australia
Phone: +61 400 232 908
Address: 228 McLarty Road 6210 Halls Head, WA, Australia
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25.01.2022 Whatever you decide, it's time to relax.
25.01.2022 Anxiety has long been an issue in modern life, but with Covid-19 it has become even more so. Fortunately, a lot of people are taking the opportunity to spend the Government's extra payments on self-care. Gym equipment has been rushing out the door along with other means of looking after yourself, including brain training. This is great. I hope people keep up this self-care regime, whether it is with regular massages to stimulate the immune system, going to the gym (now that we can), kinesiology to ensure the system is balanced and neurofeedback for a sense of calm in this ever changing world.
25.01.2022 What can neurofeedback do for you? It can reduce stress and improve focus.
25.01.2022 Thanks to Brain & Co for this one. I hope you're feeling well and truly over any Monday blues but if you're not, check this out. #stress #anxiety #Busy
25.01.2022 Come along and try NeurOptimal neurofeedback for yourself. Contact me to make a booking
24.01.2022 Ahhh. Sunday. A chance to slow down, take some deep breaths and just relax. Enjoy your day.
24.01.2022 86 billion neurons in our brains! And a subset of them are the ones which enable us to adapt to change. In these times of Covid-19, change is what it is all about. If you want to improve your ability to deal with these changes and any others that life throws at you, neurofeedback here at Neurosymmetry can help. Ask me how. 0400 232 908
24.01.2022 This is me out boating one day. It's thanks to NeurOptimal neurofeedback that I live the relaxed and enjoyable life that I do. How has it helped me? It's controlled my auto-immune disease (Crohn's) It's calmed my central nervous system so I now feel totally relaxed, even when things go wrong (as they do!) It's enabled me to enjoy competitive sport without becoming anxious about the outcome. It's helped me to feel more comfortable talking to new people in my life (strangers...). It's meant I can now address groups of people (public speaking) without feeling overwhelmed. As another provider pointed out, it's strengthened my nails! Strange but true. So, if there is something you want some help with contact me and I can tell you if I believer neurofeedback is for you. Meanwhile, have a great day. See more
23.01.2022 Today we're looking at neurofeedback. What is it? Basically it is a process where the brain is taught to be more resilient. There are two forms of neurofeedback, linear and non-linear. In the linear type a brain-map is usually taken, the practitioner interprets from that the area of the brain which needs to be strengthened and sets up the program. The client then manipulates their thoughts and brain patterns to affect the images on a screen. There are a variety of progr...ams that use the linear style of neurofeedback. In the non-linear neurofeedback process the brain is seen as dynamic and constantly changing. This program simply listens to the brain, picks up any areas of disturbance (non-optimal performance) and reflects that back directly to the brain. The brain then chooses how to respond to that information. As the brain is the body's main operating system it is there to look after the body. Consequently, the information it receives enables it to improve neural performance or strengthen the neural pathways in the brain. Just like going to the gym to build muscles, this brain training is a process where the brain learns to respond positively and build resilience as a consequence. The system I run at Neurosymmetry is non-linear neurofeedback. Here the client's brain is in charge of the outcome. After seven years in practice I am very happy with the results my clients receive. If you'd like to know more, please contact me and I'd be happy to discuss the program with you. See more
23.01.2022 I posted this before but it wasn't accessible. Hopefully, this post will work. It's a short video explaning neurofeedback. Have a look and let me know what you.think. Thanks Saji Bowden for pointing out the problem
23.01.2022 This is exciting! I'm offering free trials of NeurOptimal Neurofeedback this Saturday. If you'd like to find out how it works and give it a go, contact me to make a booking
23.01.2022 Want to just float away while still on the ground? Try some relaxing neurofeedback.
23.01.2022 Here is a short explainer video for you. But if you want to build mental resilience and emotional intelligence, neurofeedback can help. And what does that do for you? It makes the ups and downs of life easier to navigate. #mentalhealth #fitness #motivation #resilience #wellbeing
22.01.2022 If any of you have been wondering what this month's special is, here it is. Five brain training sessions to give you a real taste of what neurofeedback has to offer. It's a great way to continue what many of you are doing, prioritising your self-care.
22.01.2022 September is Dementia Awareness month. Know that there is help available. For sufferers and their families and carers Alzheimer's WA. Alzheimer's is just one form of dementia but information is available on all forms. Be gentle with yourselves.
22.01.2022 Ahhh. The day of rest. #rest #relaxation #destress #fun
21.01.2022 Is it shopping day? This might be worth considering when buying the weekly groceries.
21.01.2022 This Dr. Seuss quote from KeepInspiring.Me is very apt. Fresh air is wonderful for mind, body and soul. Make sure you make time to get out there in the bush or along the beach or river to enjoy the air as a friend once said, "that hasn't been breathed before."
21.01.2022 Tomorrow is the big day! If you'd like to find out what this amazing technology is all about, book in a session for Saturday. It tomorrow doesn't work for you, maybe we can find another day and time.
21.01.2022 Exciting! A new working week. Go get 'em. And if you need a bit of a mental kick start, give me a call.
21.01.2022 A bit of brain brightening could be fun, for you or your loved one. This Spring Special offers five brain training sessions for just $375. A great way to give neurofeedback a try.
21.01.2022 Like dogs need it to be Sunday to relax!
20.01.2022 Enjoy your day.
20.01.2022 If you've noticed a shortage of posts lately, it's because I have been in hospital for 10 days. More a matter of caution than high drama but a lengthy stay anyway. So a very apt reminder to appreciate what you have, whether it be your health, your family, friends or the wonderful healthcare system we enjoy here in Western Australia. My thanks to all at Sir Charles Gairdiner Hospital for their professional and caring attention during my stay.
19.01.2022 While many are struggling with the changes brought about by Covid-19, I am happy to say I have noticed more patience and good manners being shown on the roads and in some of the shopping centres. Driving up the freeway with everyone being considerate and doing the right thing is almost a pleasure at the moment. Kindness counts.
19.01.2022 This week is mainly about information. And today's post is looking at nutrition. Eating fresh and healthy is not only great for the body and the energy levels but studies in prison have shown good nutrition improves moods and behaviour. So, if your family seems a little out of whack at times, perhaps increasing their intake of fresh fruit and vegetables will help.
19.01.2022 We are living in an era of constant change. Learn to accept it and take advantage of it where you can. Remember, we are all experiencing this together.
18.01.2022 We've been having some wintery weather here so relaxing in bed is most enjoyable.
17.01.2022 As this is Dementia Awareness month, let's look at what dementia is: "a chronic or persistent disorder of the mental processes caused by brain disease or injury and marked by memory disorders, personality changes, and impaired reasoning." as stated in the online dictionary. So, it is a slowing down of brain function due to damage or disease which can cause personality disorders and does result in reduced cognitive function. In reality, it can be very distressing for the su...fferer, who realises they are literally losing their grasp on reality, and for their carers, family and friends who lament the loss of the person they knew as they watch them mentally drift away. Fortunately, information and support is available through Alzheimer's WA, Dementia Australia and various online support groups. Meanwhile, many people have found neurofeedback helpful in enabling a sufferer to feel more comfortable, while their carers have found the process helps them to cope better. Remember, that person is still there. Be in the moment with them to enjoy their company and brighten their day. And look after yourselves as well. See more
16.01.2022 Neurofeedback is a brain training process whereby clients are helped to transition from a place of discomfort to being more resilient and able to handle life's challenges. That discomfort can be physical or emotional. Some people use it to improve their performance, whether it be in sport, at work or in their relationships. As the training simply reflects back to the brain what it is doing, there can be no guarantee as to the result. The brain chooses how it will respond.... What tends to happen is that the brain self-optimises and dealing with life's challenges becomes easier as a result. Building brain resilience is like going to the gym. Once or twice is not enough. It might be pleasant but really for long lasting effects I find most clients require at least 10 sessions. Because this process brings about change as the brain learns how to respond to outside stimulation in a more positive fashion, part of my job is to help people understand these changes as they occur. This is why,I book each session for at least 50 minutes. The training itself only takes 33 minutes but the discussion of the process can take up that extra time. This is a client focused process so is conducted at the speed which suits the client. Contact me if you'd like to know more. Vicki See more
16.01.2022 All you parents (and grand parents) out there, I thought you might find this article useful. Thanks to Lisa Smith and Spreading the joy!
16.01.2022 If your brain feels like it's headed for the Bermuda Triangle, I'm not surprised. As I said in an earlier post, Covid-19 seems to have made most of us feel a bit hazy. If you'd like to clear the brain fog, neurofeedback at Neurosymmetry can help.
15.01.2022 As a neurofeedback provider my clients always ask me, "How many sessions will I need?" It's like going to the gym, the more often you go, the greater the benefit. However, as a guide, I recommend a minimum of ten sessions to put the basic training in place. There are various options and it is always the client's choice as to how they wish to proceed.
15.01.2022 Always look for the opportunities created by change. You'll be amazed at what you find.
15.01.2022 The first thing that happens in our house in the morning is the heater goes on. Self-care+comfort. After that it's a cup of tea.
15.01.2022 Thanks to Roz Light for this great descriprion of the NeurOptimal Neurofeedback process and how it can help.
14.01.2022 Neurofeedback can give you a different perspective and better way to look at things.
14.01.2022 Neurofeedback brain training can help put things in perspective for you. Just relax while building emotional resilience and learning to live the life you want.
14.01.2022 When listening to music from their own era, people are taken back to their memories of that time. It is relaxing and reassuring.
13.01.2022 Here's wishing you one of these kind of days.
11.01.2022 Ahhhh. Sunday.........
10.01.2022 We are currently enjoying beautiful Spring weather. Make sure you take the time to get out and enjoy it.
09.01.2022 September is also Spring and to celebrate I have a Spring Special on. Clear out those winter cobwebs and re-tune the brain ready for the fun to come with the sunnier weather. A great introduction to brain training with five sessions for just $375!
08.01.2022 Freedom can be from many things. Here we are lucky in that we do still live in a free country even if we are expected to obey the special rules brought in to control Vovid-19. And thankfully, in this State most people are being sensible for the greater good. If, however, you would like to experience freedom from feeling stressed or anxious, neurofeedback can help. Contact me if you'd like to know how. 0400 232 908
08.01.2022 I spoke to someone the other day who was wearing a watch that also monitors heart rate. When the heart rate was too fast an alarm went of and the wearer would stop to take 10 deep breaths to calm it down. A great use of technology. Breath and correct breathing is very important for stress management and physical health. Here is a sample of a great breathing technique to practice and employ whenever things are getting a bit hectic.
07.01.2022 It's almost the end of the month but there is still time to take advantage of my August Special. What a great way to prepare for Spring by feeling refreshed and ready to take on the world.
06.01.2022 It's time to chill and enjoy the day
06.01.2022 It is amazing, the number of new opportunities that have occurred during this current crisis. It has forced us all to look at our situation differently and to find better ways to do things.
05.01.2022 A Chinese Proverb states: "A crisis is an opportunity riding the dangerous wind." All change offers the chance to do things differently. While Covid-19 has been a major (and sometimes tragic) challenge for us all, it has also given rise to the opportunity to do things differently. How have you adapted? What positives are you taking out of this experience?
05.01.2022 So, do you want to know how many people took advantage of yesterday's Open Day? PM or have a guess in the comments below
05.01.2022 Sometimes, life just gets on top of us. If that is you and you're feeling stressed, angry or annoyed, brain training with neurofeedback can help get you back on an even keel. #anger #stress #annoyed #relaxed #calm
04.01.2022 As it's Dementia Awareness Month, let's look at some of the factors that can increase your chance of acquiring dementia. A recent article from Cambridge Brain Sciences takes research from The Lancet to point out the following: higher early education levels increase your odds by 8% in mid life hearing loss, hypertension and obesity all add to the likelihood of acquiring dementia in older age the factors include; smoking, diabetes, lack of ... exercise, depression and social isolation. Surprisingly, diet wasn't mentioned in the article. However, once again research shows that, if you look after your body you are also looking after your brain. See more
04.01.2022 It was such a beautiful day yesterday, hubby and I decided to visit Cape Bouvard Winery & Brewery and listen to Rockin Ronnie while tasting some local wines. A lovely way to spend the afternoon. We'll be back soon.
04.01.2022 Whatever life throws at you it is your choice how you respond.
04.01.2022 One of my clients refers to NeurOptimal neurofeedback as a 'miracle in a box' which is a lovely way to describe the benefits this amazing technology in a laptop can provide. Want to know more? Message me. #stress #anxiety #angermanagement #ADHD #relaxation
03.01.2022 Yeah! Another Monday. Just imagine all the amazing things this week has in store for you #happymonday #fun #adventure #joy #exciting
03.01.2022 If life's challenges are a bit overwhelming at the moment, why not tune up those neurons (brain cells) and find better and easier ways to deal with them. And this month I have a Special Taster Pack available to get you started.
03.01.2022 There are lots of ways to look after yourself and eating a variety of foods is one of them.
02.01.2022 If this is you and you can't stop rehashing things over and over again, you need to try brain training via neurofeedback with me.
02.01.2022 Neurofeedback works by stabilising the central nervous system and reducing that 'fight or flight' response to stimulii. It feels like a 'massage for the mind' and with enough training leads to a much more enjoyable way of being in the world.
02.01.2022 Who can neurofeedback help? "Anyone with a brain," said its co-creator, Dr Valdene Brown.
02.01.2022 An important part of self-care is about good nutrition. Studies have shown that a diet of fresh fruit and vegetables improves moods and brain function.
02.01.2022 This one from Spiritual Quotes reflects our experience as cruising yachties. Change is constant so we need to be flexible to adapt to it.
01.01.2022 While it is Dementia Awareness month, I feel I need to mention the strange way Covid-19 is affecting people. People seem to be operating under a cloud. So things take longer, can be less efficient and generally people seem hazy. Even though here in WA we have no community transmission, we are still affected by the restrictions imposed on us to keep the virus at bay. Some of us have friends and relatives overseas and interstate that we are separated from, and worry about. And constant change; of the rules, to our finances, to the venues we can and can't attend, etc creates a feeling of uncertainty. And that uncertainty leads to this general uneasiness. All I can say is, be kind to yourself and others. We're all affected by this in some way. So we just need to understand that this too shall pass.
01.01.2022 Ahhh. A fresh new week to fill with lots of fun, great results and exciting adventures. What do you have planned?
01.01.2022 I saw this as a Reader's Digest post and loved it. I hope you had this kind of day.
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