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New Dreaming


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21.01.2022 THE ABORIGINAL ELDERS ARE LEADING THE ACTION FOR CLIMATE EMERGENCY: They are meeting settlers to plan 'The Way Through' for good thought, action, and living with the Earth, April 2020. YES, THEY ARE COMING! The First Peoples' response has been tremendous. The conversations will be remarkable and unprecedented, regarding threatened lineages, survival and love. In the short timeframe, and working across cultures with little knowledge and contacts - many would come who canno...t at this time. However - from the Deep Talks will flow wider call-outs from First Peoples and their ancestral knowledge; and from their growing audience of listeners to their message of generosity, equitable sharing, respect and care and love for Life and Earth spirit. THEY CAN LEAD AND PREPARE US AS GOOD EARTH CITIZENS, to act together to stop the fearful consequences of our wilful cultural greed and depredations - our children abandoned to exponential heating, suffering, losses, extinctions, geologic threats, social breakdown, water wars. See more

20.01.2022 Share this fire & stay connected!

18.01.2022 To all our New Dreaming friends - Hello to all, and good wishes for safety during these difficult times. Hopefully all are coming through safely, and looking forward to the lightening up ahead. At present we can have no prediction that people can (or will) travel for physical meeting in the months ahead. Especially as a viral 'second wave' is possible.... The invited Elders to the Gathering are now planning to gather from all across the continent, in a very modern way, via Zoom! This first meeting will happen in late June. The wildfires, the extinctions, the suffering, the Black Lives Matter movement, the prospect of another burning summer, the future for the Earth - there is much to talk of urgently, for the Way Ahead. The settler group are also likely to Zoom, and hopefully all then come together! So the Elders Gathering is indeed starting to take place, in a different way. The Way Ahead will shape up from these meetings. We won't be able to make them 'public' on Zoom - but the topics and conversations will be relayed to our Google Group and New Dreaming Facebook after meetings. And there will surely be (when people can travel) big Ceremony and Corroboree, in Canberra and around the country. The Elders will decide. We will keep you up to date as talks happen. Here are some pictures of the good, the bad, and the ugly. Which we must and will change together!

18.01.2022 SHALL WE ALL SHARE A FEW CUPS OF COFFEE WITH THE ELDERS? Find UNCLE KEVIN BUZZACOTT in the photo below - lifelong warrior to save his beautifus and once-pure Arabunna Lake Eyre country from the radioactive poisons (half-life 250,000 years) pumped underground as waste into the deep aquifers, after uranium extraction. Join and help Uncle Kev and the Elders save the Old Country and Waters and Life, for future generations! Uncle Kev is now resident at the Tent Embassy, awaitin...g the arrival of other Elders - and any other good-hearted visitors too! MANY ELDERS, PEOPLE OF INTELLECT AND KNOWLEDGE ARE COMING: They lead the urgency of our climate crisis. Settler scientists and people of knowledge are signing up too. New Dreaming is a grassroots group of volunteers to support the Elders' initiative for 'Deep Talks' Gathering; where First Peoples of law and learning will meet in conference with settler peoples of knowledge and concern; to plan 'The Way Through' to considerate use of land and waters, control of carbon emissions, and a respectful love for the living sentient Earth who cares for us (until she's too injured to do so any longer.) The Elders will be travelling from locations all around Australia - an unaffordable journey to most. PLEASE DONATE to help cover their travel costs, as well as the costs of supporting the Tent Embassy with items such as food, amenities and any additional accommodation that may be required. As little as $10 can help! PLEASE OFFER A FEW CUPS OF COFFEE TO THE ELDERS! Check 'Donate' at the crowd-funding site (pinned above) - Thanks!

17.01.2022 Need something to do while we wait to reschedule New Dreaming? Right now, Australia's main piece of Environmental legislation, the EPBC Act, is up for review. This only happens once every ten years. We can trace much of Australia's environmental issues back to the incompetencies of this Act... This review is a chance to get the Act changed or replaced, and to request that the voices of the Custodians of this land are heard Submissions close tomorrow (Friday 17 April), so be quick about it! All it involves is writing 300+ words about why we need better nature laws and further consultation with Traditional Land Owners. Here's a guide to writing your submission: Here's the place to submit: All you have to answer on the submission page is Q1, Q7, and Q8. Ignore all the others, and just attach a document with your views at Q7.

17.01.2022 Country is calling, what will you do?

14.01.2022 What does wiinybangarra mean to you?

12.01.2022 Yamandhu Marang In my old people's language Wiradjuri this means are you well I have been told it is the appropriate way to begin asking if one may be welcome... on country. This is how I asked to enter my friend's country Djab Wurrung, when my friend saw me he welcomed me as a brother and as Bunjil flew past always keeping an eye on things, my friend Zellanach Djab Mara sang songs his old people have been singing for thousands and thousands of years, we stood between grandmother & grandfather Red Gum trees surrounded by allies who were there in defence of these ancient trees natural right to exist and the rights of Djab Wurrung people to continue using these places in the ways of their ancestors for generations to come. As I stood behind the lines of the Djab Wurrung Heritage Protection Embassy defenders blowing my Yidaki I watched, I watched as Zellanach was removed from the sacred sites of his old people and arrested by the police acting as attack dogs for the corrupt governments and institutions that desecrate country, I watched as his allies were forcefully removed and arrested on country they were welcomed on, I watched as Djab Wurrung women were removed from their ancestral birthing grounds, I watched these actions of continued oppression of First Nations people their laws and cultural heritage on the orders of bureaucrats and politicians who clearly choose not to see the reality of their decisions. After bearing witness to these deplorable actions I ran to a space in time where I could sit and keep my Yidaki blowing(which my friend had requested of me), as I was sitting there peacefully practicing culture on country I was welcome to be on, the police snuck up from behind and arrested me as they had done to so many others already, I was processed and released in under ten mins where I was left to watch while contractors erected fences around these ancient irreplaceable trees and began getting ready to destroy this culturally significant heritage site, I can not tell you what happened to my friend after he was removed I still do not know. What I can tell you is when I last saw these ancient trees we desperately tried to protect; they were still standing (1:00pm on Tuesday the 27th of October). This means there is hope if collectively today (Wednesday the 28th of October) people from all walks of life take up this call for help and demand as loudly as we can that these trees are left standing and an alternate route is found for this highway which the state of Victoria values so highly. If you’re in Vic start by calling the office of Daniel Andrews ((03) 9548 5644) then your local MP. If you are outside of Vic call the office of Susan Ley the federal Minister for the Environment ((02) 6277 7920), if you have any better ideas please communicate them or just straight up get it done. Dilaang minhi mawang YAALA! (Wiradjuri: Brother Sister Altogether now) please help me find #JusticeforDjabWurrung

12.01.2022 THE CORONA VIRUS HAS TEMPORARILY COME BETWEEN US! The invasive arrival of Corona virus into Australia has been at the forefront of our thought and worry. The virus has now shown its pattern of spread. It is a risk to older people, and to people travelling, and to people coming together in groups. This is simply too great a risk to Elders' health and safety. ... The Tent embassy, Elders, and support group organisers have decided together to POSTPONE (NOT CANCEL!) UNTIL SPRING the great Gathering of Elders to for Deep Talks upon land, waters, species, and survival of future life; and the outcome statement "The Way Through". THE NEW DATES WILL BE POSTED VERY SOON - probably around SEPTEMBER 2020. We and the Elders' followers are disappointed indeed. But we must look upon this as an OPPORTUNITY TO BUILD THEIR MESSAGE OF LEADERSHIP AND GUARDIANSHIP of country, waters, and life: Spread it across the land, and together carry the Elders and their purpose. The interest and anticipation generated by this Gathering, have been enormous. Many excellent people have accepted the Invitation to participate in Deep Talks. The messages we receive are clear: We are so glad you Elders are calling out to us! We so need your way through! We want to listen and learn - for the future of ourselves, our children and our Earth and life. STAY WITH THE WAY THROUGH: We will continue with updates, and the Gathering will be uplifted again as soon as the time is safe.

11.01.2022 Hello to all the great supporters of the Elders Gathering with settlers, to talk of the state of country, waters, and future for life: In these present uncertain times, the greatest certainty is that we will not be able to travel or meet in crowds for quite some time to come. This weekend a number of Elders from around Australia i.e. from many First Peoples' countries, are gathering together in a first historic 'zoom' meeting !... This first 'gathering' is initially a meet-and-greet, amongst people many of whom have not met each other before. They will also talk on the big issues that most concern them: planning an agenda for further discussion with settler thinkers and scientists at a later date. The settlers will likely call a zoom meeting soon, to discuss the First Peoples' and their own agendas, and eventually come together to Zoom! The first Zoom amongst Elders will be a most interesting and unprecedented meeting. The Government's response to the coronavirus and its painful fall-out for jobs and economy, is moving into deeper dependence on ore mining, fossil fuel extraction, and broad-scale agri-business. Addressing climate change, land and forest and species abuse, and water pollution and depletion are issues far down the list. Amid our present necessary restrictions, it is hard sometimes to remember the increasing and critical harm to the Mother Earth who provides for us. But isn't it great to see all the interconnecting thought, review, and creativity coming out of 'lock-down', and our determination to do things better! The national public support for the 'Black Lives Matter' movement has been unprecedented and remarkable. The first Zoom meeting will likely be recorded, and a written report will be posted on our Google group circulation, and on the New Dreaming Facebook page. The Elders know about their Google Group and Facebook supporters, and we will put together some good messages from them!

09.01.2022 WONDERING ABOUT NAMES - ? A few people have asked about the names of Elders planning to come, and of those who started New Dreaming support group. ND is now far too big to list names! - but was founded by the usual small group of concerned grassroots citizens, of all ages, many are parents and grandparents who love life, and whose descendants are threatened by heat and suffering. Our early names were (more or less) Georgina, Hazel, Honey, Iris, Janet, Jono, Ludwig, Trac...ey, others joined too Fiona, Hamish, Jane, John, John, Karla, Kass, Jake, Stephen ... and others joining behind the scenes, through PCA, climate actions and justice and Earth care groups and beyond. The Elders who can come in April will only be known to us as the time approaches. Many have health issues, ceremonial and family responsibilities. Let us be patient! The groundswell of response has been really good for both First Peoples and settler participants. You will recognise a number of well-known names amongst all contributors. We will be able to offer some names and more info towards the DEEP TALKS time - Now narrowed to TUES. - FRI. APRIL13 to 17, to allow for age and tiredness during the conference. PS. PLEASE, KIND PEOPLE, DONATE (pinned post) and SHARE to friends and groups - to help bring these gracious old people to talk with settlers about our shared future! See more

07.01.2022 There is a great need for FIREWOOD AT THE ABORIGINAL TENT EMBASSY - Please offer if you know of some! The winter this year is very cold and rather wet. The Sacred Fire can never go out, and there has been need for personal small fires too. They have a little van they can pick up firewood in. PLEASE HELP - Phone 0429 873 384,

07.01.2022 May everyone remain safe and protected from the viral epidemic. There is much compassion for those whose livelihoods and comfort have been so drastically affected by the coronavirus. May we all rise to this occasion too, and share the load with a more fair and equitable future. At present, it is impossible to plan for occasions, meetings, Gatherings, dates, bookings - until the epidemic is definitely beyond risk of causing any more harm.... This of course could take a while, as no one knows whether there will be further waves of spread. Australia has done well so far, and been fortunate. But we do know also, that the consequences for mobility and economic well-being are very uncertain. So we cannot offer a forthcoming plan or date for our Gathering with Elders and people of knowledge. All we can say is: It will happen! The coronavirus appears to have broken out from wild species into human beings, because of a callous and cruel world abuse of wild creatures, and massive destruction of their habitats. Habitat pillaging is a world-wide shame, perpetrated by the one human species upon billions of other creatures. The virus has jumped hosts for reasons of human need (social and economic iniquities), and human greed (gourmet fancy for wild animals split open on porcelain plates.) We are somehow all reaping what we deserve. We've never needed to listen to the Elders' wise experience and considerate world view, as much as we do now. We will keep readers informed from time to time, as the future possiblities become clearer. The one thing we are sure of - that the Deep Talks and publication/broadcast of these, will take place. We hope very much for early to mid summer - ? More news later.

06.01.2022 Greetings to all our Elders Gathering supporters still staying at home. We are presently using the quiet time to hold personal conversations between Elders and supporters. We are even thinking of moving to a more regional-based form of meeting and planning, perhaps even film-making of poor old country and the many voices rising across our lands. We may widen our ideas regarding how to bring forward the voices of the First Peoples. We will advise our Google Group and Faceboo...k as the new ideas are advancing. Here are a few lovely piccies taken from the air, passing over remote parts of Oz. Not all of us get to see this privileged view of our gracious old country. This is the beautiful old lady we are working together to save. Responses and ideas and connections are most welcome from all our supporters, on our FB page, and also through our google group Elders-Gather-for-Life. See more

04.01.2022 THE GATHERING WITH ELDERS ABOUT HARM TO OUR ENVIRONMENT WILL TAKE PLACE - WHEN THE VIRAL HARM HAS RETREATED. The Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture, the meeting-place for the Gathering, are not making new dates for bookings until June or July. We must wait for the public health crisis to pass. The spread of the virus, probably due to man-made environmental forces (like the Ebola virus 1976 and 2014), gives us yet more reason to come together and listen to t...heElders, about the cultures and attitudes that promote such threat to life. We are maintaining communication with our wonderful invited Elders and settler thinkers, and will use the intervening time to talk and consider the deep issues that await us in conversation together. We aim to post ideas and messages during that time. So on behalf of the Tent Embassy, the Elders will Call Out again, and we will commit again to bringing our good minds and hearts together to work out ‘The Way Forward.’ And listen at long last to the voices of the First Peoples.

03.01.2022 A REMINDER ABOUT THE COUNTRY WE LIVE ON, as we prepare to meet with visiting Elders to Canberra: THE FIRST PEOPLE OF CANBERRA REGIONAL COUNTRY loved and cared for its bounty and beauty for 60,000 years or more. These First People were invaded and attacked. Many were killed despite fierce defence, and driven off their mother country. Survivors were forced into distant poverty-stricken shanty camps, out of sight of new settlements, where services and care were almost non-exist...ent. Many fled for refuge in other country, losing family connections, love and support, culture and language. There are many painful oral histories associated with both belonging and with exile. There are many who have rightful lineage here, even if not recorded in written history (Aboriginal people weren't even documented as citizens till 1967) - they certainly had tragic living memories to tell. There are those living, who still remember the Yellow Line on the Yass Hospital waiting room floor - beyond which Aboriginal people could not step. They waited last in line, were seen and discharged, and were never admitted as resident patients. After their visit, they had to find a way back to their camp, relocated 25 km away from Yass settlement. No car, bus or bike. . WE RECENT CANBERRA SETTLERS GIVE HONOUR AND RESPECT to the First People of this their country, their ancestors and descendants.

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