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25.01.2022 With Our Own Eyes continues until Wednesday 7th October at the Rusty Pantry 10 am to 4 pm each day. These two Cobargo empowered, upcycled resilience dolls made by Cobargo textile artist Nelia Eichler, for kids who lost their homes and toys, have dropped into Eurobodalla for our Kids section - @Rustic Pantry, Moruya's arcade windows. Supported by Rustic Pantry Wholefoods and 350Eurobodalla ... #foreverfires #RiverOfArt #brouleepsychology #riverofart2020 #ResilienceSafetyAction #parentsforclimateaction Other images - 'With Our Own Eyes' by 8 y.o Poppy Mitchell, black cockatoos & banksia linocuts 'upcycled' with permission by Guerilla Bay's Mark Ward and Golden Carmichael's drawing - and The Bushfire Book - book avail #moruyabooks

25.01.2022 In "War and Pieces" Phil Smith explores the battles many of us fight against our governments, not with violence or weapons, but with insight, compassion & consideration for our planet and it's inhabitants, for a cleaner, safer and fairer future for all. Read the article on the webpage.

25.01.2022 I AM Greta - film showing this weekend at Husky. Sussex Inlet. Shellharbour. The story of teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg is told through compelling, never-before-seen footage in this intimate documentary from Swedish director Nathan Grossman. Starting with her one-person school strike for climate action outside the Swedish Parliament, Grossman follows Greta a shy student with Asperger’s in her rise to prominence and her galvanizing global impact as she sparks sch...ool strikes around the world. The film culminates with her extraordinary wind-powered voyage across the Atlantic Ocean to speak at the UN Climate Action Summit in New York City. I AM GRETA Greta Thunberg - teenage climate activist.A force of nature. Inlet Cinema Sat 17th - 3:50pm Sun 18th - 1pm Tue 20th - 10:30am Huskisson Pictures Fri 16th - 2pm & 6:20pm Sat 17th - 1:35pm & 6pm Sun 18th - 6:30pm Tue 20th - 12:45pm & 6:30pm Wed 21st - 11am & 6:55pm

25.01.2022 Join this special Shoalhaven online meeting HEADING FOR EXTINCTION AND WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT It is the sad and scary truth that we are at a time of converging crisis, as the pandemic hoards attention, this community still holds the scars of the black summer. ... Our scorched land and the silence left behind from the animals who should still be here are a stark reminder that we are still in a Climate and Ecological Emergency. Meanwhile, our government continues to fund fossil fuel companies with our tax dollars and empower gas executives in the economic recovery commission. The corruption is a slap in the face to our community who have suffered so much. This is an emergency + our government refuses to act = Time for direct democracy. This online Zoom meeting is set in three parts: 1. An overview of the science so far. We will explain why this is a global emergency and communicate the urgency for change. 2. A look at how systemic change has happened throughout history and what we can do from here to affect change. It will delve into Extinction Rebellion tactics and philosophy. 3. Connecting with each other and planning for locally coordinated action and next steps. There is still hope, but we are running out of time. [RSVP BELOW]

25.01.2022 One century ago a brave woman withstood negative community attitudes and sexist ridicule to become the first woman parliamentarian in Australia. Someone who crashed through this glass ceiling would obviously be an extraordinary person.

24.01.2022 "Shoalhaven residents denied opportunities for better health and community outcomes." By Bradley Stanton. Shoalhaven City Council has again denied Shoalhaven resident's the opportunity of a first-class greenfield hospital in a location more suited to current population growth... Read the full article here

23.01.2022 Homelessness - an area largely misunderstood and often ignored, is bravely tackled in this article by Jade Lee. Homelessness comes at a high social and economic cost to society, and with political will, homelessness could be easily and cost-effectively addressed. It costs a lot less to invest in vulnerable people and help build them up, than to mop up the disaster of hardship and difficulties that erode our sense of self day after day. Although far from an ideal solution, t...he Gateway Caravan Park, closing over the next 12 months for redevelopment will add another 60 to the numbers looking for affordable and secure housing in Nowra. If you are in need of housing or homelessness support please call Link2home on 1800 152 152 See more

23.01.2022 Dora Rognvaldsdottir’s Gateway sculpture installation brings together the bushfire affected communities across the Shoalhaven, connecting lived memories and experiences, trauma and healing.

20.01.2022 What is it with the number of recent political defamation cases? Does our government fear all criticism, as if by stopping publication it will wipe all truth from the feeble minds of the voting population? Great article by local political writer Andy Hutchinson.

19.01.2022 Forestry Corporation has identified as many as 13 sites across the Shoalhaven that they are considering for future logging including three more sites in bushfire affected areas in the South Brooman State Forest. Eighty-five per cent of south coast state forests were burnt in last season’s fires. Yet when the Brooman community asked for Shoalhaven Council’s support, a majority of Shoalhaven councillors blocked discussion, Guile taking to social media and saying Quit wasting our time.

19.01.2022 Academic, and human rights advocate Stuart Rees’s new book Cruelty or Humanity is due out in bookshops in Australia on 23rd September. Bonnie Cassen caught up with Stuart this week to chat about his new book, what motivated him to write it and the state of humanity and cruelty both in Australia and the world today.

18.01.2022 With the 2020/2021 bushfire season now officially upon us, Cathy Gorman shares her reflections on the devastating 2019/2020 fire season and how Kangaroo Valley prepared and strengthened during last summers bushfires.

17.01.2022 Despite what we have been seeing of late in both the federal and state regional recovery plans, gas is not a transition fuel. It is a fossil fuel just like coal but made up of methane instead of carbon. And as we know methane is even more dangerous than carbon. If Australia is going to make any serious attempt to do its bit toward keeping global temperature increases below 1.5 degrees; no new fossil fuel projects can go ahead. With submissions to the Independent Planning Co...mmission, regarding the Santo’s Narrabri Gas Project closing on August 10, this wet weekend is a perfect time to get up to speed on the issue. It may even get you in the mood to write one yourself. [Read the full article on our webpage]

17.01.2022 It's not too late to join up for the #AussieBirdCount - it starts tomorrow (October 19th) and runs for a week (until October 25th). You can register today at -

16.01.2022 Tomorrow, Monday 9th November, independent member of parliament Zali Steggall will table her Climate Change Bill in federal parliament. The Climate Act is a proposed law to ensure the long-term safety, security and prosperity of Australia by achieving Net Zero emissions by 2050. The Bill can then either be debated or referred to a Parliamentary Committee for inquiry. This will mark the beginning of the next stage of the mission to secure climate action for Australia. ... While the bill does not go far enough for the level of recovery needed (net zero needs to be achieved by 2035) it is a start and generating any sensible debate on climate in parliament is important. The full details of the proposed act, a signup that already has over 91,000 supporters and info on how you can become more involved click below.

16.01.2022 Stuart Rees Payne and Andrews are muttering the script given by their so called Christian leader, unable to show a vestige of courage by thinking and saying enough is enough. .

16.01.2022 All of us know someone, perhaps a family member, a work colleague or a friend, who just doesn’t hear you when you talk about climate change. If logic, facts and information are getting you nowhere, Rebecca Huntley, based on 15 years of research on the area, suggests refocusing on emotion, imagination, and loyalty. Stephen Young reviews her new book How to talk about climate change in a way that makes a difference [Read the book review on our webpage]

15.01.2022 I am Earth - Three powerful and creative stories from the RD Walshe Memorial Writing for the Environment Prize for young writers in 2020. This event is run annually by the Sutherland Shire Environment Centre, providing a great opportunity for creative writing while addressing urgent environmental concerns. The theme for 2020 was I Am Earth... The winning stories published here are: Germinate by Olivia Rushin Tired, Tired Earth by Charlee Rose Murtough-Coombes and I Am by Katrina Hayler We are very excited to share these stories with you, they are clever, creative and very powerful and also an absolute pleasure to read.

14.01.2022 please write and share

14.01.2022 Glebe Books presents Stuart Rees in conversation with Mary Kostakidis discussing his new book 'Cruelty or Humanity'. Rees is a good friend of The New Bush Telegraph a Shoalhaven resident and a widely acknowledged global peace activist. The book is now available for purchase in Australia and this free Zoom event on October 21st is well worth attending. Rees’ dramatic new book identifies the worldwide, massive crises facing humanity. The choice is ours to make now towards the ...future world we want to leave to our grandchildren. The planet is burning, civil wars continue, authoritarianism and religious fundamentalism are on the rise, refugees’ rights are trashed, yet in democracies, dictatorships and theocracies, leaders promote violence and cruelty as a policy priority. The humanitarian lifebuoy for people, animals and the planet lies in ’A language for humanity’ which displays humane governance, explains the philosophy and practice of non-violence, and promotes human rights in every context and culture. ‘Cruelty or Humanity’ is highly original in linking political analysis with inspiring poetry. The great US jurist Richard Falk says This is a roadmap for humanity, Melissa Parke describes the book as a work of inspiration and astonishing breadth, Professor Joe Camilleri judges the book a work of brilliance and compassion and the Inimitable Professor Noam Chomsky argues, here is a wonderful guide for the challenges we face.

14.01.2022 #batemansbay Wow. Post from a Batemans Bay residents below and the article show the town is angry. Eurobodalla will have the opportunity to vote a new Council in come September. This year, with inappropriate development and land clearing risking wildlife extinctions it will be important to think carefully about the future you want to see before you vote.

13.01.2022 Sarah Ellyard reports on Adani’s attack on activist Ben Pennings, claiming his successful campaigning for the Galilee Blockade has led to key contractors abandoning involvement in the project. The fight against mining in the Galilee basin is now ten years old, and successful activism has kept insurers, investors and contractors at bay.

13.01.2022 Shoalhaven City Council has recognised the one-year anniversary of the end of the Currowan Bushfires in the Shoalhaven with the release of a short video titled: Our Shoalhaven: 2019. The video reflects on the impact of the bushfires for the Shoalhaven and features Shoalhaven City Council Mayor Amanda Findley along with community leaders from the region, including Father Michael Dyer from Shoalhaven Rises, Peter Dover from Salt Ministries, Jan Frikken from the Shoalhaven Mul...ticultural Community Group and Vic Channell from the Ulladulla Community Land Council. The video shows aerial footage witness to the vast devastation of forests and wildlife. It also reinforces the community connection, resilience and kindness that accompanies recovery, fear and pain. This video reinforces the need for a moratorium on all clearing of all remaining areas of forest and habitat from development, mining, forestry, farming or any other purpose. The devastation of our forests across the east coast of Australia has changed everything and all remaining habitat must now be protected to avoid local and wider extinctions. But these developments are still going ahead at an alarming rate and farmers are still clearing masses of land for grazing and agriculture. It is left to the community to fight against each development and to appeal bad planning decisions. It is tiring and it is unfair. Communities can’t regain strength and resilience when everything precious is under attack.

12.01.2022 In "Shoalhaven stepping up for climate" Bonnie Cassen introduces the new Shoalhaven Extinction Rebellion group which is part of the broader international movement that established in Australia in 2018. The introduction follows the group's first local action, a peaceful climate protest in the form of a 'Die-in' in Berry. Read Bonnie's article here

12.01.2022 Don't miss Postcards from the Fire at the Mogo Gallery - on now until the 11th October 10 to 4 pm.

11.01.2022 WITH OUR OWN EYES A community’s response to the deviation of last summers bushfires. Nature observations, sightings, recollections Exhibition on now at the Rustic Pantry, Moruya. ... Experiencing 'Black Summer' firsthand, the damage we have seen in Eurobodalla WITH OUR OWN EYES has left an indelible mark. Rising again into resilience & renewal, we remember, we honour, & we see the importance of safe ways forward. We are connected. To each other. And to the natural world on which our happiness, health & survival depends. River of Art Images/artworks #RiverOfArt2020 Rustic Pantry Wholefoods

10.01.2022 In our latest article "Cleaning up our parliament - greater women representation is the catalyst for political change" Brad Stanton writes about difficulties and prejudices faced by women in politics...... Australian politics can be lively, aggressive, and at times, uncontrollably exuberant. Where larrikin members of Parliament, who somehow keep getting elected, thrive in the surroundings - and where, for too long, women have suffered in silence. Read the full article on the webpage.

10.01.2022 A fun, inclusive, community-building family day where residents and visitors alike can share info & learn from each other to build greater awareness of the precious heritage - Indigenous, natural, cultural, and built - of our area. We will be looking at aspects as diverse as the value of trees, finding family connections, threats to birdlife, boat restoration and stories & memories from local Elders. The event kicks off at 10am with a Welcome Ceremony in front of the JB Marit...ime Museum & continues on at Huskisson Community Centre. It will feature an auction of a painting by John Hatton OAM, a photo competition, fascinating talks, info stands, kids' art workshops, music & food vans. A detailed event program will be posted closer to the date. For details of the Photo Competition go to

10.01.2022 In "Prevention, instead of reaction-we can build a better society if we try a better way, Bradley Stanton explains exactly what ‘defund the police’ means - and it is far from anarchy. He addresses how ‘defunding the police’ would open society up to better ways and shows us an example of how this concept is already working in some parts of Australia. [Read the full article on our webpage]

10.01.2022 Today, the 7th of September is National Threatened Species Day. Kim Stephenson, in her article "Threatened Species Day, what does it mean?", recognises what this day means to Australian native flora or fauna species.

09.01.2022 Yesterday the Independent Planning Commission (IPC) approved Santos' Narrabri Gas Project in the Pilliga Forest. The approval completely dismisses the rights of the community and the detailed scientific evidence provided. More than 10,000 public objections and disapproval of the Gomeroi/Gamilaraay people towards the project have been largely ignored. Our latest article - Bonnie Cassen's article "Independent Planning Commission gives green light to Narrabri Gas Project" can be read on our webpage.

08.01.2022 Nature’s beauty is everywhere on the South Coast and hidden gems are never far away. If you haven’t yet found the Bomaderry Creek Regional Park, it is 250 hectares of walking trails, waterways and wildlife only minutes from Nowra. Brad Stanton reflects on the biodiversity of the area and what needs protecting for the future.

08.01.2022 Bravehearts and Angels Call Out Woodchipping Bega experienced a taste of Extinction Rebellion as activists disrupted Liberal MP Andrew Constance’s office in Bega this week.

08.01.2022 In 'Is there anything 'good' about 2020? - yes, I think so.', Jane Ewin looks at how obstacles can trigger our mental health and shows how we can better cope with the many challenges 2020 has brought to us. Ewins recognises that traditional methods can inadvertently keep us stuck in the victim role and provides an alternative way forward for those ready to take back their lives. Ewins takes us through three situations to demonstrate how our thinking and framing can help us shift unconscious patterns that may be ruling our lives.

07.01.2022 Next Tuesday 1 June at the Jervis Bay Maritime Museum.

06.01.2022 On Tuesday 24th of November Councillor Nina Digiglio will again present a motion to accept the declaration of a Climate Emergency at the Shoalhaven City Council meeting. With the acceptance of this declaration our Council would take on a leadership role in focusing its efforts towards reaching zero emissions within an ambitious timeframe. Both large and small council decisions have long lasting consequences for the safety and prosperity of our community. Please read Bonnie Cassen's article 'Are we in a Climate Emergency or Not? Accept it Shoalhaven, then Declare' it here. There is an opportunity to support this important motion joining an Extinction Rebellion Shoalhaven gathering from 4pm outside council chambers on Tuesday 24 November, please spread the word.

05.01.2022 Two new articles on the website addressing the referral of Boral's sand mining extension proposal to the Independent Planning Commission, coving some important environmental and cultural heritage perspectives. 1. For "Sand mining at Minnamurra - a contentious environmental issue" by Richard Maitland click here 2. Bonnie Cassen's article "Dunmore sand mine referral to planning commission but strong community opposition says NO to Boral" ...can be read via this link The area pictured here will be cleared and then flooded by residual water from the mining process. Another eight hectares of water where land and habitat once stood.

05.01.2022 News from the Nature Conservation Council is the National Party is moving to take control of environmental policy in NSW by stripping the Environment Minister’s power to block laws that harm nature. Apparently, National Party Agriculture Minister Adam Marshall is pressuring Premier Gladys Berejiklian to change laws that protect wildlife so the Environment Minister will no longer have a say. The Nationals have shown time and again they are unfit to manage our precious natura...l resources and priceless natural heritage. We cannot allow them to grab more power. If this happens, the consequences will be disastrous. The Nature Conservation Council has started an ‘email your local NSW MP campaign’. If you want to find out a bit more click on the image below.

04.01.2022 Is Australia really exceptional? We certainly think we are - more so now than ever before. But are we really an exceptional country? In some areas, yes - take science and medicine; but in others such as human rights, we are very unexceptional. The 2001 federal election set off a fury of devastating refugee policy that is today ongoing - the offshore detention debacle of Manus and Nauru still far from over, and one day the government should, rightly, be held to account. And this is only the tip of our un-exceptionality. Read Australia’s ‘Exceptional’ Human Rights Record by Stuart Rees on the New Bush Telegraph website by clicking on the image.

03.01.2022 BirdLife Shoalhaven and Saving our Species present: Dinner with the Birds Webinar Series This series of talks on the web has been developed for all bird enthusiasts just in time for National Bird Week (Oct 19 - 25). All talks start at 7pm - hence the "dinner" reference! The series kicks off with "Birds for Beginners" on Oct 15 and "The Shoalhaven - a mecca for birds and birdwatchers" on October 20 before moving onto talks about Powerful Owls, heathland birds, Glossy Black-...cockatoos and shorebirds. For more information and to book your place for all talks go to: See more

03.01.2022 The ongoing saga of the Tamil Biloela family where cruelty is overshadowing any forced concessions Immigration have made in reconnecting the family in Perth. Stuart uses Trump as an example but he may well be articulating thoughts on Morrison, also a political expert at eluding the truth.

03.01.2022 Bradley Stanton’s update on the Jervis Bay Road intersection upgrade.

03.01.2022 Bradley Stanton visited the site at Culburra Beach where many mature Banksia Trees were vandalised last week. His report "Culburra Beach latest victim of Banksia attacks." and photos of the butchering of the Banksia Trees can be read here.

02.01.2022 Submissions to support wildlife recovery and oppose this development are open until this Thursday (3rd June) and can be made via email to Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment urging them to reject this controlled action and to recommend the land be formally protected for conservation purposes. Here is our submission below... More details in the article link. The Black Summer bushfires hit the Shoalhaven hard burning through 80 percent of its forest areas. Wil...Continue reading

02.01.2022 Today we question the motives behind celebrating Australia Day - do Australians really just love a good party or are we clinging onto a history of patriotic lies packaged as truth. The answer may lie in our actions - already at 7am this morning, tents and shelters, gazebos, lined our more accessible coastlines, eskies bursting with food and alcohol - music cranked. Party time. And on Thursday, Scotty from Marketing, our embarrassment of a PM, showed ignorance and arrogance i...n his dressing-down of Cricket Australia and its fairly benign stance on taking references of Australia Day out of its usual promotion around today's event and simply calling it 26 January. Today is a national day of shame and mourning and this country has a lot to do in working towards true reconciliation and Treaty. Read the full article by clicking the image below and join in the discussion.

02.01.2022 In his article "Can trees protect against bushfires" Howard H Jones reflects on last season's unprecedented bushfires from his property in the subtropical rainforest at Saddleback Mountain, Kiama. Mr Jones raises questions about both hazard reduction burning around rainforest areas, and the anti-solution being thrown around that clearing trees will help protect homes and lives from the unprecedented wildfires that are now our future. Read the full article on The New Bush Telegraph webpage.

01.01.2022 Extinction Rebellion Shoalhaven will be holding a peaceful Funeral Procession for the Planet in Huskisson on Sunday 13th June 2021 open to all. Meet at 11.30am at White Sands Park, wear black and join in as part of a Funeral Procession for the Planet as we walk along the main street to the jetty area ending at the park. From midday, stay for the wake at the Voyager Memorial Park for an informal picnic and chance to discuss what we're building towards, and for you to find yo...ur place in the Rebellion. Please BYO Picnic things. There will be theatre, there will be fun, there will be a coffin, and placards and banners. XR would love your support. Be part of the action, be part of the Rebellion RSVP for updates & details

01.01.2022 Today, Saturday 5th June, is World Environment Day and an important time to reflect on the climate and extinction crisis that is having a devastating impact on our natural world. This crisis is made worse by the destruction of forests and habitat that support wildlife and local extinctions are a reality that leads to total extinctions. Local actions are really important and in this article Kathy Rice and Jodi Keast, Kiama Greens members, talk about the importance of protecting the unique natural environment of the Kiama Local Government Area in which they live.

01.01.2022 Extinction Rebellion Bega are at Andrew Constance office in Bega bringing attention to the governments' commitment to destroying our forests and forcing extinctions of wildlife. Brave individuals exposing crimes against our planet and future generations. XR actions are important to break through public complacency and trust in a self-serving and dishonest government. It takes courage to stand up for what is just and right when others are yet to see the urgency of what is unfolding.

01.01.2022 If you have ever thought about buying an electric vehicle, or perhaps if you haven’t, Tom Hunt's article is well worth a read. Tom shares his experiences, trips, savings, and joy at owning an EV. And they handle and drive surprisingly well and are fast too.

01.01.2022 Friends of Minnamurra River met yesterday afternoon at the proposed Boral 5A site to remind locals of the urgency of the sand mining issue. With the extensive loss of forests in last summers bushfires, over 5 million hectares in NSW, and 80 per cent of forests in neighbouring Shoalhaven, all corridors of habitat locally now need protection. But the consequences of this approval are worse with the old Minnamurra tip and its underbelly of toxic waste remains at risk of contamin...ating the river under the extra stress of mining activity and the water residue the mining process creates. We recorded this little three minute video with the Friends of Minnamurra River group to help get their message out. Richard Maitland and Warren Holder talk about the main dangers of the project going ahead. The Boral modification has been referred to the Independent Planning Commission for a decision with an online public hearing set for 28th October. The group encourages those who feel strongly on the issue to consider making a submission to the IPC. You are able to review the proceedings so far, read submissions and make your submission own via this link The New Bush Telegraph has also published two detailed articles on the Boral modification here and here

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