New Leaf Fitness and Wellbeing, Blue Mountains and Western Sydney | Fitness trainer
New Leaf Fitness and Wellbeing, Blue Mountains and Western Sydney
Phone: +61 422 975 784
Address: 63 Booker Rd 2777 Hawkesbury Heights, NSW, Australia
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25.01.2022 This is the only dishware my family used when I was growing up...And our print is in here...
21.01.2022 What an amazing start to the day! How do you start off your day? I ask, because it matters.... If you start your day off doing something for yourself, or have a routine that sets you up well for the day, that will carry through to your activities of the day. The same can be said for a negative start to the day. If we have a routine that doesnt nurture our needs, or that fosters stress and anxiety, its a lot harder to then get into a positive mindset for everything else we will face. Having a positive start to the day that carries through to the rest of what you do, can be as simple as getting up 15 minutes earlier. Do a little bit of exercise. Reflect on what youre grateful for. Have some time to yourself. Listen to your favourite music. Little changes can have a big effect! A big one for me is getting ready for the morning... in the evening. Its easy! Have everything organised and ready to go for the morning. Set your clothes out the night before. Give yourself more time so that youre not rushed and stressed out. We all have the choice in how we start our day. It just takes a little practice to make it positive. x Gillian
21.01.2022 20 Years of Marriage, Adventure and Love With This Guy.
21.01.2022 Mind full? Thoughts racing? Overwhelmed? Then you, beautiful woman, are in need of a nature break. Get outside amongst the trees, or sit under one tree. Walk in a field, on a beach, through a park, under the sun, or moon and stars.... Turn off technology. Turn off your worries. Connect back in to this awe-inspiring natural world, and know that you are an essential part of it, and it is an essential part of you. Let nature hold your gaze and calm your mind. Just be. x Gillian
21.01.2022 Last night I made clear-the-cupboards curry. Anything that was in the fridge, freezer and pantry was fair game. It’s the perfect dish to use up the little bits of produce remaining at the end of the week before the next grocery shop. And it was delicious, as it always is. It ended up including:... Peas Cauliflower Onion Garlic Broad beans Tomatoes Beetroot tops Orange lentils Coconut milk Chicken stock And all the fragrant spices I could find: cinnamon, ginger, coriander, Cumin, Turmeric, paprika, mustard seeds, plus salt. I’d love to know, what’s your go to clear-the-cupboards dish?
20.01.2022 Dear Women. Please listen. Jane is so knowledgeable. One of my boys was affected by these chemicals, born with a severe birth defect, and required 4 surgeries before he was 4. Maybe my thyroid and early menopause too??? I now look for these in products all the time and dont buy. The health of you and your family are more important than using a product you like that contains these insidious chemicals.
20.01.2022 There I am, one of only a very few certified Pregnancy and Postpartum Corrective Exercise Specialists in Australia, and the only one in the Blue Mountains and Greater Sydney area. The Pregnancy and Postpartum Corrective Exercise Specialist Course is the world’s leading women-focused corrective exercise certification for fitness and healthcare professionals. If you have a body, regardless of whether or not you've been pregnant or are even a woman, the techniques and exercises ...I learned will help you. There are so many reasons to work with me: getting your abs working like they're supposed to (and knowing what's not right in the first place) healing a diastasis moving well and comfortably, keeping abs and supporting muscles connected as long as possible in pregnancy preparing for or properly recovering after childbirth preparing for or properly recovering after gynaecological surgery improving pelvic floor concerns such as leaking and prolapse posture perfection making all parts of your body move and feel better and stronger than they have in a long time improving athletic and sporting performance Ready to do what you love and feel great doing it? Get in touch! I'd love to talk to you to find out if working with me is the right fit for the both of us. x Gillian
18.01.2022 Yes, hes talking to YOU! The challenge, if you choose to accept it (and I really hope you do) is to not only believe it, but start this dialogue with yourself. Every. Single. Day. Its hard in the beginning. Really hard. But training this positive mindset muscle, consistently, makes it stronger and quicker to leap into action.... So, go on! Start right now! Activate this everyday superpower, that we ALL have within us. x Gillian
18.01.2022 Women, our bodies are amazing. Love yours unconditionally!
18.01.2022 CAN YOUR LOW BACK, SI JOINT, HIP, OR GLUTE PAIN BE CAUSED BY A TIGHT PELVIC FLOOR? Yes! Other common consequences and symptoms of a tense pelvic floor include, but arent limited to:... -Decreased mobility of the hip joints, spine -Tight hip flexors and/or hamstrings -Low back tightness and pain, tailbone pain, glute pain, hip pain or SI joint pain -Urinary incontinence (leaking) -Other urinary issues (having to wee frequently, having an uncontrollable sudden urge to wee, pain during urination, having trouble starting a wee, having a slow flow, not being able to empty fully) -Bowel issues (constipation, issues with emptying the bowels, faecal incontinence) -Developing/progressing pressure in the pelvic floor -Developing/progressing pelvic organ prolapse (bladder, uterus, and/or rectum sink into the vaginal wall) Find out why this happens, and the steps to take to fix it in my simple, short article at:
17.01.2022 Cant beat this scenery for a training walk/run. Hubbys down there somewhere, coming from the other direction. Ive just got to find him...
17.01.2022 What a lovely and unexpected early gift from the Springwood Neighbourhood Centre. I’ve facilitated their FUNctional FITness 60+ group class for a year and a half, and I simply love it! I’m honoured to be able to help those 60+ keep moving well, start to move with more strength and confidence, and have a fun time! If you know anyone 60 and over who is looking for an exercise class, fully supported by a corrective exercise specialist/fitness trainer, then please pass on these d...etails! FUNFIT60+ runs Tuesdays during the school term from 9:40-10:30 am and costs $10. The class is held at LKM Dance Studio in Faulconbridge. Contact me or SNCC if there are questions. We don’t do any work on the floor, so getting up and down is unnecessary. But we do work towards you getting strong and stable enough to do it! Most abilities can be accommodated. x Gillian
17.01.2022 This affects all women. How about we shape health care to give post natal women the support they need to heal properly, and prevent development of long term problems. Treated early, so much heartbreak, suffering and disappointment can be avoided. Lets do this for our daughters and granddaughters.
17.01.2022 Fabulous afternoon with hubby. But he went 24. Running is a totally different experience after doing some work on myself over the past 11 weeks. I can breathe better, with my diaphragm moving down further on my inhale. My entire back and sides of my rib cage expand more for a bigger breath. ... Because of this big breath into my back, my back muscles were so comfortable and relaxed. I didnt feel any tension or tightness whatsoever. The entire run I felt supported and lifted by my lower abdominals, rather than feeling like I was losing the battle against gravity. There wasnt a moment when my abs lost control of the stability of my spine and top of my pelvis. How do I know? No lower back or hip flexor niggles. Not a single one. And I never reverted to the slight pelvic tilt out of neutral that was getting my body into so much trouble. Needless to say, Im celebrating!
16.01.2022 Celebrate your wins! Please write one in the comments No matter what they are, how big or how small, you need them to resonate and impact your life. Today, I had what I consider a BIG win for both me and my son: he went for a bush walk with me!... In fact, it was the second one in 3 days! They werent big. They werent long. But they happened. We were intentional about it. We did it for the mental and physical benefits that come with physical activity, nature, and sunshine. We did it to improve our performance in work and school. So we can excel at what we do. So we have clarity, focus and energy. And the company and connection was pretty darn good, too.
16.01.2022 Breathe. Slow down and connect with your body during your exercise. Lets make your session into one that relieves stress, rather than one that increases it. ... Youre in competition with no one. Your workout can be unique to your needs. Breathe. Thanks for this fab post Womens Works Physiotherapy
16.01.2022 The positions we put ourselves in will either help us or hurt us. How do you feel after hours of desk work? Great? Tight? Headache? Sitting in chairs is firmly in the hurt us camp. So is the postural set-up of most of you doing desk work/computer work. Switching between well set-up positions is important. As is your physical ability to be in good posture.... Standing is great for a while, but your body needs to be able to properly support you, in good posture, using the correct muscles (hint: most dont/cant, and need help connecting with these muscles). Otherwise, you end up with a sore back and tight neck, just like if sitting in a chair. Whichever position you choose, your keyboard should be close to your body and at bellybutton height. If you have to reach, your neck and upper back are instantly under tension that they really arent built for, and youre going to pay for it. Keep your chin tucked, and keep the back of your neck lengthened. If you can, set up a monitor a little lower than eye level. I dont have one, but the rest of my set up keeps my body happy. Lastly, take regular breaks for movement! This will increase your productivity. How well can you work if youre uncomfortable/in pain/your body is crying out??? Do some cat and cow, walking, yoga poses.... anything to give your muscles the change-up they need! If any of this resonates with you, get in touch, and lets talk. Message me. @newleaffitandwell x Gillian
15.01.2022 How are you lowering your exposure to toxic/harmful ingredients in your personal care and cleaning products? Is there a tip or website you can share in the comments? This year I grew my own loofahs to use in place of synthetic sponges for cleaning, and to use in the shower. And it was a bumper crop from one plant! And such a fun process to grow them, watch them change and dry, harvest, and now prepare for storage and use.... I certainly dont get all of that satisfaction from buying synthetic sponges. Another great bonus is that loofahs can be eaten when small, used like zucchini.
15.01.2022 BELIEF (A Positive Message, I Promise ) This is non-negotiable. If you dont have any of this, nothing else matters in relation to attaining a goal, fulfilling your vision, reaching your desired outcome. You can have every single other support in place, have an amazing, real-life-achievable plan, have mapped out the steps, thought of the obstacles and planned for them. But, if YOU DONT BELIEVE WHAT YOU WANT TO ACCOMPLISH IS POSSIBLE, YOU WONT FOLLOW THROUGH.... Without a tiny sliver of belief, your brain will make the executive decision that you shouldnt invest effort in the process. Consciously or unconsciously, it will stop you from taking action. Luckily, all you need to start making your way on this journey towards your desired destination, to reach your goal, to fulfil your vision, is a glimmer of belief. You only need to believe that maybe, just maybe, you might be able to do this thing. And, let me tell you right now, you CAN do it. I KNOW you can. Deep in my heart and soul, I BELIEVE in you and your ability to take tiny micro-steps towards your desired outcome. Absolutely EVERYTHING you need to reach your goal lives inside of you. When people discover this truth about themselves, they become unstoppable. Taking tiny micro-steps becomes a joyful journey in life. When obstacles appear on their path, they know they have the ability to clear them out of the way. Fear fades. Doubt dissolves. Self-belief soars. So, repeat after me, "Absolutely EVERYTHING I need is found within." Now, repeat as needed. x Gillian
15.01.2022 Do you have a happy body? How you hold your body determines which muscles are able to work properly... or not! (This is a good news story, so stay with me here.) Currently, you may not be able to get your body in good, happy alignment because of compensations that are already taking place! Take one example: those ROLLED FORWARD SHOULDERS and chin poke. These are caused by muscle compensations influencing your posture. In the beginning, youre not using the correct muscles to... keep you in a good alignment. Later on, the muscles change so much that you simply cant keep yourself in good posture, no matter how hard you try! And this affects so much more than just your neck and shoulders. THIS HAS IMPLICATIONS FOR YOUR WHOLE BODY. Once youve started down this path, you enter a spiral that gets bigger and bigger, affecting more and more of your muscles. (I SWEAR that this has a HAPPY ENDING! ) What started off as only neck tension leads to shoulder impingement, pain, and loss of arm function. Your diaphragm cant work properly in this posture, so your abs also cant work properly. This means some other muscle has to work harder to stabilise the spine and pelvis, so you end up with low back tightness and pain. With that heavy head forward, your mid-back loses mobility, and your hips do as well. You just cant move like you used to. Pelvic floor issues, knee pain, tight muscles that you cant seem to stretch no matter how hard you try, headaches.... most of you will attribute all this to getting older. Nope. THIS CAN ALL BE UNWOUND. THE HAPPINESS OF YOUR WHOLE BODY CAN BE RESET. We just need to take a whole body approach, and not get stuck looking at where the pain or tightness is currently coming out. This is what I do with TARGETED EXERCISE SOLUTIONS, starting at the core, and working our way outward. Contact me to discuss how I can help you REMOVE the harmful cheating that your body is currently doing, and REBUILD THE FOUNDATIONS & CONNECTIONS that hold your body strong and stable and comfortable. New Leaf Fitness and Wellbeing, Blue Mountains and Western... x Gillian
14.01.2022 Get out and EXPLORE & EXPERIENCE Blue Pool! I mean, come on. Look at that amazing swimming hole and surrounding bushland. It's a paradise right here in our own Lower Blue Mountains. With the upcoming hot weather, cooling off in this secluded and serene location is just what you'll need. Most of the more boistrous crowd tend to spend their time in Jellybean Pool, meaning Blue Pool is the place to be for a relaxed dip.... Located in The Blue Mountains National Park in Glenbrook, you'll need a day or yearly pass to get access if you plan to drive in. Your other option is to park outside the gates and walk down. Do you have any other favourite natural pool suggestions? Please leave them in the comments below! x Gillian
13.01.2022 Core imbalances are very often at the heart of problems throughout the rest of the body. Poor posture, neck pain and headaches, shoulder dysfunction, back pain, hip flexor tightness, pelvic floor issues... the list goes on and on. But, good news! This is alllll reversible! We can totally unwind these issues and start to get back your mobility, decrease discomfort and pain, have you move through life with amazing posture and grace. Join me tomorrow for Part 2, in which I shed ...light on some common types of core imbalance! Dont hesitate to get in touch to set up a Discovery Call to find out if working with me is the right fit for you. x Gillian
13.01.2022 Oh, baby, it's going to be HOT! Escaping to the Upper Mountains for a cool dip and fabulous views of the Grose Valley might be just what you need. If so, head to Victoria Falls Track. There are TWO places to soak in the sparkling, refreshing water: Victoria Cascades and Victoria Falls.... Victoria Falls Track is located at the end of Victoria Falls Road, which is on the right side of the Great Western Highway just before reaching Mount Victoria when driving from the Lower Mountains and Sydney. At the end of Victoria Falls Road is a lovely little picnic area, and Victoria Falls Track starts there. The first part of the track to Victoria Falls Lookout, offering up gorgeous views, is easy and well-maintained. Heading down to Victoria Cascades, the track is moderate. On our way down we met a young woman and children who were on the return trip from the cascades. The pool at the base of the cascades would be a lovely spot on a hot day. Continuing on to Victoria Falls is a much more difficult, eroded, narrow and steep track only for the sure-footed. Your efforts are rewarded when you arrive at the base of Victoria Falls with its serene, enchanted beauty. You'll feel like the rest of the world has disappeared. The trek back up is hard. Give yourself a lot of time compared to the trip down. You might want to save the visit to Victoria Cascades for on the way up so you can cool down again in the water! Here's one of several websites I found with more information. Trek smart! Love the look of this but need to improve your fitness (and confidence to take on the challenge) before heading out? Get in touch. Private sessions will get you out on the trails and adventuring in the least amount of time! x Gillian
12.01.2022 Its PIZZA NIGHT! You, too, can celebrate making (and eating) gourmet pizza in your home.... Why make it, when you can order in? Ohhhh, for so many varied and wonderful reasons. Check out my post to get our recipes, perfected over years of trial and error! And maybe youll also get to celebrate pizza night for all the other reasons that we do!
12.01.2022 Listening to this amazing episode this morning. Not only does it give excellent tools, but explanations as to why they work physiologically (my favourite part). So interesting. Incredibly useful for all of us. This is the kind of information I instantly share with my kids and put in play in my family. That way we get to use the tools AND my sometimes moody teens get to hear the info from an expert rather that from Mom... win-win!... Theres a free version of Spotify. I hope you get to listen.
10.01.2022 Turn Stress to Joy, Overwhelm to Calm. How? By being present. Holding our attention in the moment at hand. Staying in the now. Concentrating on the current task or situation. Focusing on one thing at a time.... Bam. Thats it! If you practice staying in the present moment, you can absolutely change the way you experience everything. I remember, as a child, playing hide and seek with my cousins and friends. Nothing else in the world existed outside of that game, that place, with those people. It was so richly experienced. It was deeply satisfying. And it held such significance in my life. We were immersed fully in that game with each other. Even though I may have had school work to do, swimming practice coming up, my room to tidy, absolutely none of that was in my mind while playing. Somewhere in life, I became distracted, anxious, dissatisfied, sad, fearful, overwhelmed. Years went by. Life was hard, even though it was always a good life. I had forgotten how to stay in the moment. I was always thinking ahead. Or I was thinking of the past. At all times. No time for the present. Im grateful, several times in those years, to have stumbled upon the message to stay in the present moment. Finally, there came a time when I was open to the message and ready to try. It took consistent practice. But I knew it was what was needed. Now, every task is a meditation. Im present in the moment, and feel the experience deeply and richly. Every moment takes on significance, and nothing is a means to an end. Nothing is to be mentally rushed to get to something more important. What I am doing, right now, is important. Do you experience stress, anxiety, overwhelm, fear, dread in your life? Are you ready for a change? Are you ready to practice bringing your focus to the present moment? Do you want to feel more joy, satisfaction, peace and connection? You can pick any moment in your life to practice. It really doesnt matter what it is. Simply focus on what you are doing, right now. If your mind wanders, just notice that it has wandered, and direct it back to the present moment or task at hand. Being fully present and connected during exercise and movement is a part of every class, offering, and private session at New Leaf Fitness and Wellbeing. Not only does it make life more satisfying and joyful. It ensures you are more connected to your body, allowing you to have better use of your muscles and stronger, more stable movement. Now, who wouldnt want all of that! Like to have an exercise experience like that? Get in touch. x Gillian
10.01.2022 Events are back on! I had an absolutely fabulous Sunday with friends, running at the Bare Creek Trail Run. Participant numbers were kept low, staggered starting was put in place and it was really well planned out to keep us Covid-safe. I ran the 6 km event and wished I could have run more! We were running through the stunning Garrigal National Park, which included a creek crossing up to my knees. Fun!... Between events, we had time to head to the beach for a stunning picnic lunch. What a day! If you'd like to take part in events but don't know if you're ready or where to start, private sessions are the perfect option for you. Let's get you confident, strong, and past that fear! Get in touch. I'd love to help you fully live your life in motion. x Gillian
09.01.2022 The most amazing event: Ultra Trail Australia! Join me! The scenery, the trails, the electricity and joy in the air, the participants, the volunteers.. .all of it simply something you need to experience. Hubby has done a smashing job on the 50 and 100 events. I volunteered in 2019 and was supposed to run the 22 this year... which has now been rescheduled to May 2021.... Entries for the remaining spots are on sale 3 December and will sell out lightning fast. Don't blink or you'll miss out. If you don't get a spot, join in the fun (it really is!) by volunteering! It takes an army of volunteers to pull off an event of this magnitude, and every single one is so valued. I was brimming with joy volunteering at the finish line and recovery area. So, JOIN ME! Sign up for the 11, 22, 50 or 100. If you're a regular walker and are ok on steps, you can be ready for the 11 or 22 by May 2021 with guidance, regular strength and trail training. Get in touch. Private sessions and commitment from you will get you ready and confident in your ability. x Gillian
09.01.2022 Stay cool! Here's a teaser of the pristine scenery and waters of Victoria Falls that awaits the bold trekker. Head to my facebook page @newleaffitandwell for pictures and a description of the track, posted Friday. Have a lovely Sunday.... x Gillian
09.01.2022 I love this from my friend Cathy’s page. All a matter of perspective
09.01.2022 See and hear the violin? That’s my son, Ethan. Besides a plug to support this fabulous cultural project (it’s free and can be watched live worldwide!), there’s an obvious parallel to what I see in my work. Practice, patience and consistency bring results in anything, but it takes time.... These three together are a magic recipe for making positive progress. I frequently see women who want the results, but aren’t willing to use these three tools together. So they make little to no progress, stay frustrated, and move on to the next quick fix. Just like learning an instrument, you need to apply yourself to moving step by step, consistently doing your exercises, eating well, being kind and loving to yourself, etc. Ethan started violin when he was 6. First starting out, consistent practice was 3 or 4 times a week for a half hour. As he progressed, he could move to a new level with his results...he could play more complex music. Now, consistent practice is up to 3 hours most days. It’s become built into his life. This never would’ve been possible or desirable in the beginning and would’ve been a recipe for failure. His goals have been reached step by step over the years. And the results, how he plays violin and how he feels playing, are a direct result of applying practice, patience and consistency. Your results will come, but only if you consistently apply the right amount of movement and nutrition, reduce anxiety and stress, and treat yourself with loving kindness. Practice. Patience. Consistency. x Gillian
08.01.2022 Time to have an ADVENTURE and get out for a SECLUDED SWIM in SASSAFRAS GULLY! We started our nearly 14 km adventure at the Corridor of Oaks in Faulconbridge, starting out on the VICTORY TRACK. This part of the trail is only for those with a good level of fitness and sure feet, as the track is fairly steep and in poor shape. Luckily, there are other ways into Sassafras Gully that are not necessarily as taxing, and take some kms off the trek to the swimming hole.... Most of this trail is well-shaded and good for hot weather trekking. Do carry a good map, because the many track entrances and signs can be you'll see in the photos! Here are a couple of resources. We ran to Perch Ponds then turned around, stopping off for a swim at the pool about 2 kms down the track on the way back. The swimming hole was beautiful, clear, clean and refreshing. I'm not sure what it's called, but it was a good depth when we visited last weekend, and exactly what we needed after running in the heat for 8 kms or so. There's a camping clearing right close by. Years ago, when my boys were 8 or 9, we walked to this pool from one of the closer trail entrances. It makes a lovely outing for an active family. Hope you can get out to this gem! Do YOU have a favourite spot to go to with the family? Please share in the comments!
08.01.2022 When I was younger I never could have fathomed feeling like this. Join me in this amazing feeling, dear women. We've been tricked into believing that our bodies and minds slow down, contract, shrivel starting in midlife. But it just isn't so. This happens because we stop, or never have done, what is necessary. Let go of suffocating self-doubt, judgement, disappointment. Experience the here and now rather than constantly being overloaded with thinking of the future and past.... Get in touch with your body and find out how amazing it is. Move and feel better heading into, and deep into, the second half of your life. All it takes is learning what you need to do. And that is easy. I will walk beside you through it and you'll never have to feel lost. The hard part is believing you matter enough to take the first step. And you do, dear woman. If not now, when? I''d love to help you make this transformation in movement, comfort, confidence, and belief in yourself. Get in touch. I can't wait to hear from you. x Gillian
07.01.2022 Merry Christmas to you and your family, near and far. Merry Christmas to you and your family, near and far.
07.01.2022 Change. Happens. Now. Change happens in the present moment. No amount of planning for the future makes the changes happen. Progress occurs when you implement change in the present moment, doing what's needed right now, with this moment, this decision, each and every present moment.... When you implement change consistently, those present moments add up and are transformational. There's no stopping you once you get that. Whether it's work, fitness, health improvement, injury rehab, weight loss, your goals and dreams become attainable. I recently wanted to increase my mobility. My plan included doing yoga at least 3 days per week, self-myofascial release work (massage ball, self-massage, foam rolling) every day, special breathing and corrective exercises every day. I had to decide every. single. day. in the present moment, to follow through. Consistently. No amount of wishing, thinking, hoping, putting it off because I didn't feel like it, was going to improve my mobility and give me relief from the tension and tightness I was experiencing. Within 3 months I had made a mobility transformation. At 47 years old, I'm more flexible than I've ever been since I was a child. And it feels great. What change are you committed to making? x Gillian
06.01.2022 Can you move as well as you did 10, 20, 30 years ago? How would you fare scrambling over these rock ledges and boulders? I refuse to buy in to the limiting thoughts and beliefs of others, who proclaim aging as the cause of dwindling mobility, increasing tightness and pain of muscles and joints. Hubby and I had the pleasure of boulder scrambling this past Sunday in Glenbrook. ... And I was thrilled that, since starting on my corrective exercise certification journey, I had regained a significant amount of mobility through my hips and torso! My movement flowed. Nothing felt stiff or stuck. I was able to use my body so much better than I had in years and years. Gone was the tension holding my joints stuck. Gone was the feeling of always needing to stretch, but never gaining any ground. I could scramble all over those rocks with freedom in my body. And, woman, does that feel good. Age is a number and state of mind. If you want to gain some whole body freedom and relief from tension throughout your body, get in touch for a chat. @newleaffitandwell x Gillian
06.01.2022 No judgement. Just information. It took me a good lot of thinking over the months leading up to my break-up with alcohol. What it came down to for me was that the positives I was getting from alcohol just werent really positives. Having a beer or a glass of wine just left me feeling grumpy and low, not relaxed and satisfied. ... And the negatives.... weight gain, blood sugar spikes, etc... well, I just didnt want the beer or wine as much as I wanted to avoid all of those. I cant say that Ill not drink a glass here and there. But it doesnt get bought for home consumption anymore. And I feel better because of it.
06.01.2022 Do you limit yourself, not do things, not reach your goals, because you’ve a voice in your head telling you you can’t? Well, beautiful woman, those are your programmed thoughts. That’s the cassette tape you’re currently listening to in your mind, and maybe have for a large part of your life. Who the heck pressed play on that one anyway? That message being played over and over has got you brainwashed. ... That cassette of old programmed thoughts has you believing, you’re not capable of doing what you want. It has you believing that you can’t, or aren’t worth, reaching any of your goals for your health, fitness and wellbeing. It has tricked you into thinking you need to give up on your body, or even hate your body. It’s keeping you down. It’s keeping you suppressed. It’s stopping you from living a life you love. Because, despite having material wealth, an amazing family, career success, and appearing outwardly successful in life, that message that’s playing is making you miserable. And I would wager that you blame yourself for feeling that way. But, guess what? We can switch out the old cassette for a new one! You can change your programmed thoughts! That new cassette can play positive, affirming messages of belief in yourself. Of being enough. Of being worthy of feeling joy while living the life you want! It can convey the TRUTH that everything you need is already within you. You access all of your inner strength and resources by being in the present moment. By making sure the NEW cassette is playing and putting the old one in the trash bin. By being vigilant in ensuring neither you nor anyone tries to switch back in the old cassette. The more you play the NEW cassette, the easier it becomes to forget the old messages of doubt and unworthiness. Just like committing an entire album to memory until you know every word and note of every song, you’ll need to listen to this new cassette daily. Repeatedly. Consistently. Until you feel it in every fibre of your being. Until it becomes part of who you are. Until the content of that old cassette is pushed out of your brain by the glorious new rhythm of belief in yourself. X Gillian
05.01.2022 I firmly fall in this camp. But Im working on it. Will you work on it with me? Heres to a weekend in which we can surrender, and move a little bit closer to our authentic selves and true potential.
05.01.2022 Sometimes Things Are Just Bloody Harder Than Expected. Thank goodness! When that happens, go with it! Try to recognise that you have been presented with an opportunity that will teach you so much more than your usual, simple, straightforward experience. Yesterday, hubby and I went on our Sunday run. Which turned into more of a Sunday stair climb interspersed with bits of jogging accompanied by a muttered stream of self-encouragement, interspersed with the occasional curse wor...d. (Or more than occasional? Not sure any more.) I knew I was going to find our outing a challenge. The day before, I had completed my longest, hardest swim squad session since recently starting back up with the sport, and my body was still pleasantly tired. Everywhere. Thats swimming for you. Now, when I say pleasantly tired, I mean I was pretty wreaked. Not hurting. Not aching. This type of tired feels like good work has been done: the limbs are heavy, the muscles arent quite up to their normal tasks, and you know your body is working on adapting and getting stronger. So, it was no surprise when we started out, that I didnt have my usual level of energy. And then we reached the stairs. And more stairs. And more stairs. And what I soon realised, was that my darling hubby had taken me on a trail of perpetual stairs. There I was. In this amazingly beautiful place. Wanting to have a lovely Sunday training run. But my body simply wasnt up for doing a run on that trail, on that day. And yet, I got so much more out of that trail than simply working on running faster. This was an opportunity to learn. This was an opportunity to work on mindset in the face of challenge. This was an opportunity to practice keeping my form when, in a running event, I will eventually get to this level of knackered. So, I kept going, even when hubby kindly offered to run back and get the car to pick me up. Instead of trying to do the run quickly, I shifted my focus to facing up to this challenge. Physically that meant, each and every step, staying on top of my form, not letting gravity and cheater muscles take over. I stayed with nose breathing for the whole track. My glutes were truly working hard and to the best of their ability. I had to pause multiple times to check the support of my abdominals, because they were so tired that I couldnt actually register what they were doing anymore. It meant having a mindset of resilience and knowing how this experience fits into the bigger picture of being able to overcome difficult situations. And following through on my commitment to being a lifelong mover. And never giving up on myself. And always looking for a lesson to learn. Sometimes things are just bloody harder than expected. And what a gift that is. I hope you can see the opportunity in challenges that come your way. Every single one is a learning experience for the taking. x Gillian
04.01.2022 You dont have loss of mobility throughout your body, chronic neck pain, tension headaches, diastasis, prolapse, leaking or a myriad of other complaints, because your body is giving up, incapable, or getting old. IT IS DIRECTLY RESPONDING TO WHAT YOU ARE TELLING IT TO DO. It is directly responding to how you tell it to move, what muscles to use, how much tension to hold.... THE GOOD NEWS is that you have the ability to CHANGE THE INPUTS SO THAT YOUR BODY HAS A BETTER RESPONSE! Let me help you start to use the proper muscles for the moves you make in daily life and exercise. Let me help you stop overworking your neck, back, hip flexors with everything you do, so that you can start to get real, lasting release of tension from these poor, stressed muscles. Theyre not meant to be doing many of the tasks youre asking of them! Contact me to discover an option that can work for you. Start on your path to relief. Because life it too precious to wait any longer. New Leaf Fitness and Wellbeing, Blue Mountains and Western Sydney x Gillian
03.01.2022 Core Balance is important for having a happy body! What are some common core imbalances? This is part 2 of 2. See yesterdays post for part 1. Core muscle imbalances are very often at the heart of problems throughout the rest of the body. Poor posture, neck pain and headaches, shoulder dysfunction, back pain, hip flexor tightness, pelvic floor issues... the list goes on and on. But, good news! This is alllll reversible! We can totally unwind these issues and start to get back... your mobility, decrease discomfort and pain, have you move through life with amazing posture and grace. Dont hesitate to get in touch to set up a Discovery Call to find out if working with me is the right fit for you. x Gillian
03.01.2022 Does this look like a joy or fill you with feelings of stress? What is one, or several, of your favourite homemade things? Please share in the comments! Would you like to know where to start & how to make THIS actually do-able without driving yourself crazy? Simple. Start small! ... I sometimes forget that not everyone has the kitchen skills and nutrition knowledge to quickly, consistently and sanely serve up daily homemade meals that deliver the building blocks that run our body, brain, and keep us healthy. I now take it for granted that this is a part of our daily lives. That we can make these meals in a flash. That my boys know their way around a kitchen, and how to eat to support our body, mind and energy. But I didnt gain these skills overnight, or all at once! There was no magic cooking skills course that taught me all of this. Ive steadily been building my knowledge of nutrition and cultivating my cooking skills for close to 20 years. But I really ramped it up in the past 10 years, and went into overdrive in the past 6 years. Steadily, I switched from buying what we eat, to making it. I was driven by the desire to eat as fresh food as possible, as real and whole as possible, and eliminate food additives from what we consumed. At first I would have to follow recipes because I didnt have kitchen skills or have a good understanding of food combinations and flavourings. This was OK, but took more brain power. After years of learning, bit by bit, I now know what works and what we like. Rarely do I follow a recipe, which makes the process so much easier. So, start with ONE recipe this week, or this month. Learn ONE new skill and get good at it. Before you know it, youll find whats going on in this picture a regular scene in YOUR house that fills you with joy! Bit by bit. One step at a time. x Gillian P.S. Pictured is: chicken noodle soup made yesterday by my son, Owen; sourdough bread made by my husband; chicken stock made with the leftover carcass and veg scraps from making the chicken soup; beans soaking for use in tonights soup; two jars of culturing cream for making the best butter youll ever taste; loaf of bread that is amazing with the chicken soup
03.01.2022 First squad session since 1994 complete! I had all sorts of butterflies fluttering around in my tummy thinking about how hard it was going to be, wondering if I had forgotten my technique, hoping that Id be able to make it to the end. But I consciously reframed the experience of what I was feeling from thinking about it as nervousness, to excitement.... Your body has the same physiological reaction to both of those, and you can choose which way to experience it. I certainly didnt want to be nervous, so I chose to be excited. The next time that youre faced with a situation that you find difficult or that is new, see if you can reframe whats your feeling to make it a more positive experience. You have that power within you. Now excuse me while I go collapse on the sofa for the rest of the day. x Gillian
03.01.2022 Flashback to 2002. Put your guess in the comments. How many weeks was I here??? *Edit: I was 37 weeks, with twins. This is the day I went in to be induced, because one of my boys had growth restriction. Great day meeting our boys for the first time . Glad I was in Canada where I had a team of obstetricians who encouraged and supported vaginal birth! I dont ever remember feeling rushed or swayed to go for C-section. When I look at this picture, I am always reminded of how a...mazing the body is. Im grateful for everything it has done for me, and will never stop treating it like the treasure it is. After all, its the only one Ive got.
02.01.2022 Im attempting a swim squad session tomorrow at 6:30 am. Last one was 25 years ago! And its outdoors, in winter! Wish me luck!Im attempting a swim squad session tomorrow at 6:30 am. Last one was 25 years ago! And its outdoors, in winter! Wish me luck!
01.01.2022 Excellent article. I would add that women feel pressured to exercise like they did pre-pregnancy, when their bodies are absolutely not ready to support this movement. In effect, this is disordered exercising. This pressure comes from media, and even the fitness industry itself. The short & long-term effect? Abdominals that dont get effectively re-connected to protect the spine and stabilise the top of the pelvis. Pelvic organ prolapse because women went back to activities to...o soon and without proper training. Pain, injury and dysfunction in muscles and joints throughout the body. Ive experienced it. It sucks. And its avoidable. But, if you, like me, didnt get the information you needed, or didnt heed the advice at the time, you can still get correctly connected to reduce pain, and protect and strengthen you going forward. Contact me if this resonates with you. x Gillian @newleaffitandwell