Newlife Brisbane in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia | Church
Newlife Brisbane
Locality: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Phone: +61 444 444 444
Address: Albert Street Uniting Church 4000 Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Likes: 619
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25.01.2022 POSITION VACANT: NEWLIFE BRAZILIAN (PORTUGUESE SPEAKING) PASTOR Newlife Church is currently undergoing a search for a part-time Pastor to fill the position fo...r our Portuguese speaking congregation. The Newlife Family of Churches are passionate about seeing more people more like Jesus. We are a multi-generational church & this role will have a unique focus on reaching Portuguese speaking people with the gospel and equipping and forming Christ Centred, Spirit-Filled disciples. The Pastor will work 2 days per week from our Coolangatta Church office and Sunday services will be held there as well. The Newlife Family is looking for someone who reflects their values (Adventurous Faith, Scriptural Discernment, Empowering Leadership, Genuine Love, Creative Worship, Fervent Prayer) and is deeply passionate about Jesus and His Gospel. Newlife Church is Elder governed and Staff led. We believe that God calls, and the Holy Spirit equips both women and men to lead across all facets of church life. Newlife Church is a congregation of the Uniting Church in Australia (UCA). The UCA was formed in 1977 by the coming together of the Presbyterian, Methodist and Congregational churches. The missional and ecumenical vision of the UCA is beautifully articulated in The Basis of Union. This is an awesome opportunity for a part-time Pastor to build and grow the Portuguese speaking community on the Gold Coast. If you are: Able to speak fluent Portuguese and an excellent communicator, both orally and written in Portuguese Experienced in church ministry, leading teams, and passionate about shepherding the people of God, especially Portuguese speaking people Formally Trained in Theology and Ministry Gifted in preaching and teaching the word of God on a regular basis Able to connect and collaborate with other pastors both within and outside of the Uniting Church. You will be: Faithfully pastoring the Brazilian community so they may flourish in their walk with God and ministry in the world Strategically building the Portuguese speaking community and leaders to see it transformed for the glory of God Preaching and teaching the word of God on a regular basis Applications close at 4:00 on Wednesday 4th January 2021. A detailed position description is attached or can be requested from [email protected]
25.01.2022 We can’t wait to gather with you tomorrow Newlife! It’s not too late to register for our 4pm service, head to to save your seat! If you’re unable to join us for physical gatherings, come hang out online at 8am & 10am for Newlife Online! Head to But wherever you decide to join us tomorrow, we believe that God will meet you there. Let’s be expectant and ready to worship and hear from His word!
25.01.2022 "Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the LORD will do amazing things among you." [Joshua 3:5] Tomorrow night at 7pm we're gathering together on the Wesley Mission Rooftop (behind the church) for our J35 Prayer + Worship night. We'd love to see you there! If you joined us on Sunday, you'll know we're anticipating this to be a moment where the space between heaven and earth grows thin as we worship, pray and spend time in the manifest presence of God. February 17 also marks the... beginning of Lent. Lent has always been a time of preparation and focusing on the important place of the Easter narrative in our world. The season of Lent begins 40 days from Good Friday. That’s why we want to mark this night with a J35. As you prepare yourself to lean in at J35, be praying about lent. Is this a time, while we dive into the scriptures as a church family, that God is calling you to go without something in order that you might draw closer to Him? See more
24.01.2022 Happy Mother’s day for yesterday Newlife Brisbane Our community is filled with incredible women who are role models, teachers, comforters, prayers, encouragers, and people of great faith. What are blessing you are to our community and the city of brisbane. We thought what better way to celebrate than ask some of our incredible kids across the Newlife family to hear why they love their mums. We hope you enjoy!
23.01.2022 What a year it's been! In the midst of the chaos #2020 has been, we have to take a moment to express our gratitude for the incredible people who have been steadfast in living out our vision to see more people more like Jesus - our volunteers! As a part of that thanks, and to give our volunteers a day to be still and rest, we won't be holding physical services on the 27th of December. We'll still be streaming at 10am, with a special edition of Newlife Onlin...e. We'd also encourage you to take an intentional day of rest after a crazy year. We'll be back January 3rd, where we'll begin our sermon series, Rhythms, exploring how to steep our lives in the repose Jesus promises us in Matthew 11:28: Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. See more
21.01.2022 We loved getting to worship with you yesterday Newlife Brisbane and we’re so grateful for all that God is doing in and through our church family. Don’t forget it’s not too late to invite someone to our Christmas Eve service at the Pullman Hotelyou can send them the invite from a couple of posts ago!
21.01.2022 We have LOVED our times of gathered worship over the past few weeks. But Sunday is not the only time this can happen why not build into your weekly schedule some times where you stop to worship God. Maybe it’s pumping some worship music in your car on the way to work or maybe it’s even pausing to say a prayer before your next meal. How could you pause to worship God today?
20.01.2022 We cannot wait to see you tomorrow Newlife Brisbane! It's going to be an awesome Sunday in church. Make sure you save your seat at
20.01.2022 Who are you BECOMING? It’s Vision Sunday at Newlife this week! We hope you’ll lean in with us as we explore what it means to be a people becoming more like Jesus. Save your seat at and we can't wait to see you at 4pm!
19.01.2022 As we wrap up our series, The Expectation Gap this Sunday, here’s a quick recap from Ps. Stacey Tarrant’s message! If you missed this message or any others in the series, head to either our website or our app to catch up with the podcast!
19.01.2022 a message from our Lead Minister, Stu Cameron!
19.01.2022 Bold prayers honour God, and God honours bold prayers. God isn’t offended by your biggest dreams or boldest prayers. Mark Batterson
19.01.2022 Hey Newlife Brisbane, Due to the lockdown we will not be holding physical services this Sunday at Newlife Brisbane - but we have been here before and have a back up planned. On Sunday, we would still love to gather at 4pm on Zoom for our very first Zoom Church Service, we will worship, laugh, hear the word of God and have interactive moments as well. We will be sending the zoom link to everyone registered for our 4pm service, you can register here: ... If zoom does not suit you, you are more than welcome to join our livestream at 10am via These moments can be overwhelming, frustrating and hard - but we will walk through this together. I love and am praying for you all, Mike and the Newlife Team
18.01.2022 We can’t wait to gather with you today for Newlife Online!! You can join us for our family wide services at 10am & 6pm at or join us for our Newlife Brisbane live service at 4pm on zoom. Whatever service you choose to join us at today, we are so excited & expectant for however God will move in our midst. ... See you soon Newlife!
17.01.2022 Friends, Sunday has arrived! We can’t wait to worship with you all this afternoon at 4pm. Remember to save your seat at See you soon!!
17.01.2022 It’s day one, Newlife! We’re so excited to begin reading the Scriptures together over the next year as a church family. We’re believing for a fresh wind of the Holy Spirit as we dive in and become people more like Jesus. If you didn’t catch @mikehands777 Vision Sunday message yesterday, this will be news to you it’s also not too late to join us! Head to our YouTube channel or podcast this week to catch his full message and then head to to download the reading plan! Let’s be intentional about who we are becoming!
15.01.2022 Was such an honour having our lead pastor Stu Cameron bring the message to us on Sunday. Here are some notes to save, share and reflect on this evening
15.01.2022 How great was our time together last Sunday?! We were so glad you could make it! Here's a quick highlights reel
15.01.2022 This Sunday is the second last week of our series, The Expectation Gap. Last Sunday we delved into God’s promise of rest and looked at how Jesus modelled a life of rest to us. Be sure to catch up on the podcast if you missed it. All messages from this series can be found on our website or our app!
14.01.2022 This weekend is going to be incredible Newlife! We have our Beach day on Saturday & our good friend Ps. Stacey Tarrant is preaching on Sunday! To register for both of these events, head to our website! We are so so excited to spend some quality time with you this weekend.
14.01.2022 Friends! we are so excited to hang out with you this Saturday for a Hike up Mount Nebo! For more information & to register, head to our Facebook event! See you tomorrow!!
12.01.2022 Dispassion, disbelief and disappointment are three things that often keep us from praying. But if we choose, by faith, to pray anyway, He always comes through and answers because our prayers become more in line with His heart. We pray these sermon notes prompt you to reflect on your own prayer life as you dwell on God’s promise that He will do whatever you ask in His name. For a super helpful analogy about prayer and traffic lights, or to listen again, head over to our website or the free Newlife app and scroll down until you see Newlife Brisbane!
12.01.2022 From Bubz & BigKidz to our 4pm gathering, we believe it’s going to be a great day in church!! We are genuinely so excited to see you!
12.01.2022 And I will lean back in the loving arms Of a beautiful Father Breathe deep and know that He is good He's a love like no other. - Lean Back, Capital City Music
11.01.2022 We are so thankful for all God did on Sunday! Check out some of our highlights
11.01.2022 It was such an honour to gather together yesterday for worship, teaching, prayer and community. Here’s a few notes to save, share and reflect on, as we apply what it means to live out the call and the cost of the crossto repent, to believe and to passionately follow Jesus, that we might see more people more like Jesus.
11.01.2022 Meet our friend Dan! Earlier this year Dan decided he really wanted to start attending youth & church again! He asked his mum about it, who talked to a colleague who she knew attended Newlife Brisbane and they both became regular faces in our communityboth on Sundays and at Newlife YTH BNE. In just a few weeks we’ve gotten to witness Dan’s faith come alive as he’s gotten to know Jesus more, and celebrate with him as he decided to publicly declare his faith in Jesus and get b...aptised! This is what more people more like Jesus looks like in living testimony! #storiesofnewlifebrisbane
10.01.2022 An important update for our Newlife family
10.01.2022 Hey Newlife Brisbane! Due to restriction upon singers/musicians still needing to wear facemarks, and proximity to CBD - Newlife Brisbane will be meeting via zoom this weekend. We expect and hope to be meeting physically asap. However, if comfortable, we would love you to watch together in groups/in homes where and if appropriate. ... Register at to receive the link! See more
10.01.2022 We are so stoked to see you all tomorrow at church, it’a going to be a powerful service! Make sure you save your seat at
09.01.2022 Such a great reminder from Michael Hands on Sunday in our 'Rhythms' sermon series. Watch the full sermon online: Didn’t hear it? You can listen to the PODCAST on the Newlife website, app or search 'Newlife Church' on your preferred podcasts app for all our latest sermons.
09.01.2022 As a community, it’s so important that we love each other well over the next few days. Who could you could call or text today? _____________ If there is anyway we can pray or help you during this period, send us a message!
09.01.2022 What would it look like to BECOME a people more like Jesus? Join us today across the Newlife family for VISION SUNDAY. Save your seat now at See you at 4pm Brisbane!
09.01.2022 How good was Ps Mike’s message for our second week of our advent series exploring the promises of Christmas! Have a look at a few of our sermon notesSwipe for the main idea, Luke 2:8-15, a prompt to practice gratitude for the joy of our salvation, and for info on where to find the message to listen again!
08.01.2022 Save your seat!! ________________________ Registrations have been filling up for our 4pm Sunday gathering, so make sure you head to our website to secure yours! We can’t wait to see you!
07.01.2022 Fervent prayer is a core value for us at Newlife. We believe it should be both the heartbeat of everything that we do as a church but also as followers of Christ. Monday to Friday at 7 am, we gather for our online prayer room where we pray and intercede for our city, our nation and our world. We would love for you to join us! ... Send us a DM for the link. See more
06.01.2022 SOCIETY DEEMS TO CANCEL, BUT GOD DESIRES TO REDEEM // We have loved unpacking the richness of Ephesians together. On Sunday Aaron shared around two words that hold so much power and hope - but God. We were dead in our trespasses, but God through His love and mercy has made alive. If you’ve missed any messages from our series on Ephesians, head to or the Newlife app to catchup!
06.01.2022 Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of his household, 20 built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone. 21 In him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord. 22 And in him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit Ephesians 2:19-22 Calvin brought such a great word to us last Sunday about how together, we are the people of God. If you missed this message or would like to catch up, head to or head to the Newlife app.
05.01.2022 Hey Newlife Brisbane! It’s been so exciting to see how much God has deepened, but also expanded, our family over the last few months. We passionately believe that everyone belongs so, if you are new, newish, looking for next steps or just haven’t done Pathways yetwe’d love to invite you to join us in September! Wednesday 16/9. Week 1: Know God, Know Us... Wednesday 23/9. Week 2: Know You, Know Purpose Both sessions 78:30PM via Zoom DM us or email Lauren ([email protected]) for more information or to sign up!
03.01.2022 Just one more reminder that May Pathways begins this Wednesday night at 7PM on zoom! It's the best next step for you to discover who we are as a church, what we believe about God, and how he has gifted and positioned you to help see more people become more like Jesus. Head to and click on 'Brisbane' to sign up!
03.01.2022 Hey Newlife! We've had an amazing few weeks at Newlife Coolangatta! We have loved gathering together again physically and God has been so faithful to us and the Gospel. We've had so many new people come to Newlife for the first time and sensed the presence of God and found a loving community full of passionate followers of Jesus. It's so good to gather together to worship our God and encourage each other for the mission God has called us to in Coolangatta. We're so grateful for your continued prayers as we seek to see more people more like Jesus in Cooly! Grace and peace, Ps. Scott and the Cooly team!
02.01.2022 It’s been so amazing to see how Holy Spirit has been moving in our midst during our gatherings and times of lingering. There truly is something powerful that occurs when we gather as God’s ecclesia; His people. Our prayer as a church is that we would continue to grow in our wonder & expectation. That we would see His kingdom come & will be done in Brisbane as it is in heaven. #morepeoplemorelikejesus
02.01.2022 Sunday was such a beautiful reminder of what God is doing in and amongst our community. We can’t wait to gather again this evening at 7pm for J35 on the Wesley House Rooftop (located behind the church) as we worship, pray and wait on God together! Register now at
01.01.2022 It has been so incredible watching our community grow over the past few weeks. From sharing dinner after church to gathering midweek in homes for small group, we have loved doing life together with you! Coming up this Saturday is another opportunity to be in and enjoy community! We will be heading to Kings Beach in Caloundra from 10am (we'll be set up on the grass near the fountains - look out for the Newlife Flag) and we would love for you to join us!! Head to our Facebook event for more information and to register!
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