NewLife Anglican : Oran Park in Oran Park | Religious organisation
NewLife Anglican : Oran Park
Locality: Oran Park
Phone: +61 438 093 412
Address: Cnr Marcus Loane Way and Central Avenue 2570 Oran Park, NSW, Australia
Likes: 830
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25.01.2022 Morning NewLife and Oran Park community, our updated advice on our ministries for this afternoon/evening and Sunday is that we will run them this week. We are taking the decision to run our ministries this week as there have not been any further reported cases in Oran Park or additional venues identified in our immediate vicinity. We will continue to run all our events as a COVID Safe venue and with all the care and precautions that entails. ... It also means that if you are at all concerned you are encouraged to stay home and that if you have even the mildest symptoms that you should get tested and isolate. And.. that you'd be welcome if none of those things apply to you :-) We look forward to seeing you soon. Grace and peace, Stuart and the NewLife team. #covidupdate
25.01.2022 Feeling a little weary? It's probably connected to the long term impacts of COVID on our bodies. This Sunday Michael will be taking us to God's Word to hear what our Maker has to say on the topic of tiredness and weariness. Join us on site from 9:30am: Or online: We look forward to you joining us as we find God's strength for the weary. Grace and Peace, Stuart. #newlifeisfoundhere #GODoverCOVID
25.01.2022 Psalm 96 opens with these words: Sing to the LORD a new song; sing to the LORD, all the earth. Sing to the LORD, praise his name; proclaim his salvation day after day. Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples. (Psa. 96:13 NIV11) The idea of global trade is in retreat at this moment of heightened tensions between the super powers. The idea of global travel is on pause. It seems like global cooperation and interconnection is at a low ebb. ... Not so in this Psalm. Here we see truly global praise lead by the creation itself. And the message to be shared? Tell of His salvation day by day. This is wonderful news about the character of the Creator of all things - He is the strong and mighty saviour of Israel. He alone is the living God who reigns in glory above. It appears that those listening to this new song have a job to do too - they must, declare His glory among the nations. Christians like you and me are the recipients of that call. We know of God’s saving work in Jesus and we long to see those we know joined into the family of the faithful singers declaring God’s praises. Perhaps we can start not with the nations (though God lead us there!) but where we are right now today. Maybe at a breakfast table. Maybe on a train on our way to work. Maybe in a lunch room. Maybe over a coffee whilst the kids play at your feet. Who can you tell there? What could we share of what we’ve seen of God’s goodness? Maybe it’s as small and genuine as a phrase like, Thank God it’s a long weekend! Let’s make a start - the whole earth is waiting. Dear Heavenly Father, it stirs my heart to think of the whole creation singing Your praises. We look forward to the day when we will see that in all its fullness in glory with You. In the mean time Father, please help me to be able to speak of Your glory in some small way today. Amen. Stuart. #readingfornewlife #newlifeisfoundhere
24.01.2022 If we’re all running somewhere the destination matters.. #newlifeisfoundhere #truesecurity
23.01.2022 This Sunday we're starting a five week series seeking hope and assurance from the Word of God for the challenges we've faced in a year of COVID. This first week we'll be looking at the God of comfort in a year of Grief. We'll then work through fatigue, constant change, anxiety, and struggle. Along the way we'll be considering the power and beauty of Isaiah 40 where God says to His terrified nation that He will, "give strength to the weary and increase the power of the weak."... It seems we all need some of that as we move towards the end of this extraordinary year. We'd love you to join us this Sunday live on site - or online here: Grace and peace, Stuart. #newlifeisfoundhere #GodOverCOVID
23.01.2022 Wonderful quote from our new Archbishop - Kanishka Raffel, on his consecration last night: "I am cognisant of the weighty responsibilities committed to me. I have made solemn promises. There is an element of tradition and history. I have been robed wth vestments and tokens of authority. But do not let the paraphernalia obscure the message. Do not be deceived. At the foot of the Cross, which is all the world to me, I am nothing more and nothing less than a grateful and forg...iven sinner. Though I have been given particular responsibilities, I have no higher dignity or title than 'child of God'. If that title is yours too give thanks for it, and if it’s not yet then we invite you to find out more with us this Sunday. Grace and peace, Stuart. #newlifeisfoundhere
23.01.2022 If they say good fences make good neighbours.. then this seems to make sense.. #newlifeisfoundhere #ancientwisdomformodernliving
22.01.2022 Hey NewLife (and Facebook friends), this is a quick update to acknowledge the COVID cases in Oran Park and our plans. In short at present we've taken the step to cancel MOPS for tomorrow and will make decisions over the coming days as more information emerges on JCrew and NewLifeYouth which run on Friday afternoon and our Sunday Service. This will be a good spot to find an update and we'll be in touch soon. Value your prayers for our suburb and the leadership team.... Grace and peace, Stuart. #covidupdate
22.01.2022 We can sing again! Kids ministry is full of energy! Morning tea is back! God's Word is living and active! It's a great Sunday to come to church with us at NewLife. Join us in the building this week as we fellowship as God's people. If you're new to #oranparktown then be encouraged you won't have to pre-book and we'd love to welcome you. After the 9:30am service this morning (at around 11am) we'll be taking time to pray for the situation in India and those of the Indian commun...ity who are affected by the tragedy unfolding there. Even if you can't make the service please feel welcome to join us for that special time. We look forward to seeing you soon. Grace and peace, Stuart. #newlifeisfoundhere #PrayForIndia
22.01.2022 Hey.. more tech is fun posts. Our updated service recording with no jitters is here. Enjoy as we unpack the God who has an Unshakeable Kingdom from Hebrews 12. Grace and peace, Stuart. ... #newlifefoundhere
21.01.2022 It’s comforting and challenging to consider that ultimately, I’m ok with it, won’t be the last word.. #newlifeisfoundhere #Jesusisourhopeonthatday
20.01.2022 How beautiful is the moment we discover that we have new family in Jesus.. #newlifeisfoundhere #wearehereforyou
20.01.2022 Planning like we know who’s plan will prevail makes us humbler - and wiser! #newlifeisfoundhere #ancientwisdomfortoday
19.01.2022 There's lots more information to come but we'd love ot see you onsite or online as we celebrate Jesus this Christmas at NewLife. You can find our services on Christmas Eve at 5pm (for kids), 7pm (for everyone), and on Christmas Day at 9am (for everyone). If you'd like to join us onsite please book in via our trybooking link here: Or if you'd like to stream the services with your family you'll be able to find the 7pm and 9am services live on youtube: We all need some hope and joy this Christmas - join us as we celebrate the one that angels sung about and shepherds worshipped. Join us as we discover Jesus - the God who is with us.. even in a year like 2020. Grace and peace to you and your families, Stuart. #newlifeisfoundhere #wearehereforyou
19.01.2022 All 100 seats for our 9:30am service are ‘sold’! But you can still join us for church online where there is seating available - at your place see you live on our YouTube right here: Stuart. P.s. we’ll be celebrating the Lord’s Supper today so grab some juice and bread to prepare for that. #newlifeisfoundhere #wearehereforyou
18.01.2022 You're invited to join us this morning as Michael unpacks Hebrews 13 and we hear God's encouragement to open our houses in hospitality. We don't have to be 5 star about it - but Hebrews reminds us that this too is an aspect of Christian living that is often neglected. I look forward to seeing you live at 9:30am or 'on demand' when you wake up on this rainy Sunday morning. Grace and peace, Stuart. #newlifeisfoundhere
17.01.2022 Practical ways to love your soul.. #Newlifeisfoundhere #ancientwisdomfortoday
17.01.2022 Thankful for those who gathered after our service this morning to share their stories of grief and loss, hardship, and the pain of isolation from friends and family back in India. Amidst it all it was encouraging to be reminded of God’s compassion and to pray for His mercy and comfort in fellowship together as brothers and sisters in Jesus. It really is a tough time please lift up the continent and its people. #prayforindia ... Grace and peace, Stuart.
16.01.2022 Hey everyone - tech is fun! We are working on it. Will need you to revisit the stream from :-)
15.01.2022 Hey NewLife friends and family, apart from my over enthusaism at reading proposed government restrictions on singing in church (I was wrong!) this video should give you an update on what we're planning for tomorrow. In short, we've opened up the Oran Park Anglican College hall for our older kids groups and that means mores pace for kids in our services *and* for adults. To find out how NewLifeKids will work check out the one page summary in the comments below. So.. you're in...vited back to church! We'd love to see you. Please book in and join us onsite from 9:30am tomorrow. See you then, Stuart. #MakeSundayGreatAgain #WeAreHereForYou #NewLifeisfoundhere
14.01.2022 Hey NewLife, if it's a been a while since you were last with us in the building let me encourage you to give it a shot this Sunday. It's really simple to do - just jump on this link and book a ticket: We're COVID safe, everyone is masked up and what's more God's people are gathering in person to encourge and be built up together. Of course if you have health concerns please continue to enjoy our stream:... But if it's been 6 months and you're not sure.. let me encourage you to take as step of faith and remind yourself why it's so good to gather in God's name. Grace and peace, Stuart. #newlifeisfoundhere #gatheringforHisglory
14.01.2022 Exciting times in our neck of the woods.. more connections for our growing suburb Stuart.
14.01.2022 Or reading today is from Psalm 95 and the Sons of Korah have a beautiful version that brings the joy and warning of the song bursting to life. Enjoy. Stuart.
14.01.2022 Wealth is not as steady a foundation as it seems.. #newlifeisfoundhere #ancientwisdomfortoday
14.01.2022 Hey NewLife friends and family, as we’ve reflected on the costs of COVID it’s become clear that it’s our children who have ultimately been lumped with the biggest burden. For almost 9 months our kids haven’t been able to see their friends or gather in a large group to enjoy the fellowship that has been so foundational to our church. So what can we do? a) We could expand the building (attractive, but slow, costly, and ultimately unrealistic)... b) Expand our services (attractive, but unsustainable when a sniffle can take out a rostered person and their family at the drop of a hat) c) Something out of the box! We went with option c) because we think we’ve got a way to help us all regather again. We want to Make Sundays Great Again :-) Starting next Sunday we’re planning to run our three oldest age groups for our kids down at the hall of Oran Park Anglican College. That will mean our Blue Group (K to 2), Yellow Group (3-5), and Green Group (6-8) will be gathering as a big group again! Friendships, fun, and a great opportunity to learn together again open up. On top of that with only our Red group (2-5 year olds) in the building we’ll have space for 140 adults! That’s enough space for the average adult attendance of our pre-COVID 8:45am and 10:30am services all at the one time of 9:30am. There is of course lots to work out and we hope that the documents linked to below will help answer some of the questions you might have. FAQ document: Overview of the plan and how it will look logistically: Naturally, there will be more questions and I’d be glad to answer them below if you put them into the comments section - or you can drop me an email. I can’t wait for this new plan to get started and to invite you back to church so that together, under God, we can Make Sunday Great Again! Grace and peace, Stuart. #newlifeisfoundhere #wearehereforyou #MakeSundayGreatAgain
13.01.2022 This Sunday we'll be continuing our series, "we are here for you," and looking at what it means to be here for others at church. It can be quite radical to think about what we bring rather than what we receive. If you'd like to join us please do so up at the building at 9:30am or you can join us online: I can't wait to 'see' you then.... Grace and peace, Stuart. #newlifeisfoundhere #wearehereforyou
12.01.2022 Once a term we run a course called Jesus for the Curious. It’s for those who are figuring out where they stand with the Christian faith, those who have a faith but want to rekindle it, and those with doubts who want a safe place to ask questions. We’re starting the four week course tonight up at the church at 7:30pm and you’d be very welcome to join us. It doesn’t cost any money, and you won’t be asked to pray or read out loud. What you will find is a place to hear the acco...unt of Jesus’s life as recorded by Mark. I hope you can join our group and look forward to seeing you soon. Grace and peace, Stuart. #newlifeisfoundhere #JesusfortheCurious
12.01.2022 How valuable is the one who knows the heart of another.. #newlifeisfoundhere
11.01.2022 Don’t forget it’s daylight savings today - so check your phone or watch has realised what day it is and enjoy church with us today. If you’re joining us in the building the time is pretty important. However if you’re watching us online you can find the stream here from 9:30am or on demand at whatever time you deem church to start at your place Grace and peace, Stuart. #newlifeisfoundhere
11.01.2022 This year has been crazy and left many of us feeling well, at least a little messed up. An recent article I read put it simply, "The discomfort you're feeling is grief." Grief? If that's true then what can we do? This Sunday we'll be considering the comfort that we can find for our accumulated grief from the God who is called, "the Father of Compassion," and, "the God of all Comfort." Join us onsite: or online: as we seek God's consolation for the year. We'll also be receiving the comfort of celebrating the Lord's Supper together, so if you're joining us from home please gather some bread and juice or wine for that too. I look forward to seeing you soon. Grace and peace, Stuart. #GodOverCOVID #newlifeisfoundhere #wearehereforyou
11.01.2022 Morning all. Today you're invited to NewLife Anglican Church as we celebrate the Lord's Supper. If you'd like to do that in person you can grab a spot online here: Or, if you're at home you can join us online by clicking here: The service starts at 9:30am and today I'll be explaining the what and how and why of the Lord's Supper - particularly in a manner that's accessible to kids as they will in the service with us. If you've ever wondered or had questions this should be a helpful service. And of course if you're at home please prepare some bread and juice (or wine) to join in. Look forward to seeing you soon - either online or onsite. Grace and peace, Stuart. P.S. I'm pretty sure it won't look as fancy as this beautiful picture! #newlifeisfoundhere #LordsSupper
09.01.2022 ... then open my ears Lord.. #newlifeisfoundhere
09.01.2022 This Sunday morning at 11am (after our 9:30am service) we'll be spending some time praying for the nation of India in the midst of the COVID pandemic. All are welcome. We'll be praying for those who are here in Australia mourning family they have lost, for those who are supporting friends who have, and for all who are simply anxious and feeling far from those they love. We do so in hope because of the sovereignty of our God and with great trust in His mercy and compassion:... Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God. (2 Corinthians 1:34 NIV11) Grace and peace, Stuart. #prayforindia
09.01.2022 Hey NewLife Family and friends, Here's an update on our plans for tomorrow - Sunday October 18th. In short, out of love for our wider community and our congregation members, we're planning to run church tomorrow online only. ... Our stream will kick off at 9:30am and we'd love to have you join us then. You can find us at right then - or on demand when you're ready across the day. These aren't easy times for our community and we would value you joining us in praying for those families directly affected, for the rest of Oran Park, and for God to stay the spread of this virus. We love you Oran Park and we can't wait to get back to in person meeting again - just as soon as it's wise and practical to do it. See you online tomorrow. Grace and peace, Stuart. #COVIDupdate #wearehereforyou
08.01.2022 There have been many kinds of griefs in this past year. Some of them obvious - restricted funerals and job losses. There are others that seem more intangible - like holidays forgone, families that have been unable to gather. Each of us carry a variety of 'griefs' all our own. This Sunday we'll be considering the comfort that we can find for our accumulated grief from the God who is called, "the Father of Compassion," and, "the God of all Comfort." Join us onsite: or online: as we seek God's consolation for the year. Grace and peace, Stuart. #GodOverCOVID #newlifeisfoundhere #wearehereforyou
08.01.2022 Join us tonight as we respond to this command in Ephesians 5, Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our Prayer and praise night is an online opportunity to praise (your home is a safe place to sing!) and pray (God is always listening to His people who meet in His name). So join us online from 7:30pm tonight: ... We’ll open with a great set of praise and then move into prayer with four separate opportunities to pray for the needs of our church and beyond before closing in song again around 9pm. Grace and peace, Stuart. #newlifeisfoundhere #prayerandpraisenight
07.01.2022 Tonight I’ll be running a course we call Jesus for the Curious. It’s a chance to consider who the man from Nazareth is, where questions are welcome, and investigation is the theme. It’ll start up at the church from 7:30pm. Bring you doubts, questions, and interest. ... Grace and peace, Stuart. #newlifeisfoundhere
07.01.2022 Three quick thoughts from the prayer I read this morning in Valley of Vision (a book of Puritan Prayers). 1) Order all my ways by thy Holy Word, is a great prayer to bring to God. In other words, sort out my priorities by Your priorities. How could one know them? The answer of course is by knowing and loving the Word of God. It’s in Bible reading that we discover the heart of God and can then seek to align ourselves with His heart beat. 2) them I may have happy conve...rse with thee. The phrasing is very much ye Olde English but the meaning is helpful. By making God’s commandments our joy we will find a life of glad relating to our God. When Jesus says, in John 14:23, Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching, He is getting to the very heart of this. Obedience leads to happiness because the best pattern of living is found along the path of God’s good plan for us expressed in His commands. 3) May I grow in thy love and manifest it to mankind. Our joy in God is never to be kept for ourselves. Humanity around us is to be blessed through our growing love of God - one thing naturally leads to the other. So.. to pull it all together, the prayer is asking that we align ourselves with God’s heart as we have come to know it in His Word and that doing this will lead to a closer walk with Him and a blessing to mankind. So we can pray: Order all my ways by thy holy Word and make thy commandments the joy of my heart, that by them I may have happy converse with thee. May I grow in thy love and manifest it to mankind. Amen. Stuart. #newlifeisfoundhere
03.01.2022 Love to see you at church this morning. We’ll still have to wear masks during the service and the government has told us that we can’t sing.. but we’ll be bringing back morning tea this week, our NewLifeKids ministry is ready to rock and roll, and God’s Word will be preached as we gather. So join us today at either 9:30am or 6pm tonight. We probably should be praying that the restrictions lift on Monday too!... (And if you’re unable to make it in person you can find our livestream here: Grace and peace, Stuart. #newlifeisfoundhere
01.01.2022 If you’re joining us this morning as part of our Make Sunday Great Again plan this is how you’ll find our NewLifeKids program. We’ll be glad to see the kids and sign them in from 9:15am. If you’ve not registered yet we’d still love to see you and you can sign them in at the carpark. ... Look forward to seeing you soon Stuart. #newlifeisfoundhere #makesundaygreatagain
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