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Newport RSL Sub-Branch Inc. in Newport, Victoria, Australia | Social service

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Newport RSL Sub-Branch Inc.

Locality: Newport, Victoria, Australia

Phone: +61 3 9391 3892

Address: 24-28 Market Street 3015 Newport, VIC, Australia


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25.01.2022 25 years ago today we lost a dozen and a half good men. Among them, a friend. May they forever Rest In Peace but may they NEVER be forgotten. Lest We Forget

25.01.2022 BREAKING NEWS - has now been launched. Special thanks to Maggie Thistleton for her great work...and putting up with the technical genius of the Newport RSL Secretary / Treasurer. hahahahahahaha!!!!!

25.01.2022 Remembrance Day, 11 November... Victorians are encouraged to safely mark Remembrance Day on Wednesday 11 November, as we continue our sustainable steps out of restrictions. The following is allowed on Remembrance Day: At outdoor venues such as memorials and local cenotaphs, groups of no more than 10 people can gather. All must wear masks. RSL venues that serve food and drinks, , can have 40 patrons per venue indoors, subject to density of 1 person per 4m2 and a maximum of 10 people per space and up to 70 patrons per venue outside, subject to density of 1 per 2m2 and maximum groups of 10 persons. Community venues such as libraries and halls may have up to 20 people, with 10 per space, subject to density quotient of 1 per 4m2. All must wear masks. You may also commemorate Remembrance Day at your house with two people from two different households (and their dependents) if they have not visited anyone else’s house on that day. Ways to recognise Remembrance Day include: observe the traditional one minute of silence at 11.00am on 11 November watch the virtual State Remembrance Day Service via the Shrine of Remembrance’s Facebook page or YouTube channel from 10.45am buy and dedicate a virtual poppy to loved ones online as part of the RSL Poppy Appeal children can create a messenger bird leave a message of thanks on social media using the hashtags #RemembranceDay20 #VictoriaRemembers #RedtoRemember #lestweforget Join in the Shrine’s free 45-minute virtual tours from 1-10 November, commencing at 11.00am or take a virtual behind the scenes look at The Ray of Light from 11.50am on Remembrance Day. Red to Remember In the lead up to Remembrance Day, ten of Melbourne’s iconic cultural and civic buildings will be lit red to honour the service and sacrifice of veterans and their families and to commemorate 75 years since the end of World War Two. The Shrine of Remembrance, Old Treasury Building, Melbourne Star Observation Wheel, Arts Centre Melbourne, National Gallery of Victoria, Royal Exhibition Building, Melbourne Town Hall, Bolte Bridge, Victoria Harbour Lighthouse and 101 Collins Street will all be lit up to mark the occassion.

24.01.2022 From the President & Committee of the Newport RSL.

24.01.2022 See below for details on the recent statewide RSL membership draw. Membership is a worthy gift for family & friends at Newport RSL Sub Branch. Just go to or call in to see us over the bar from Jan 14th from 4pm.

24.01.2022 We are closed for the 7 Day lockdown. And we will be missing this night. Is was promising to be pretty special! We are working on another date asap! Stay tuned! Stay safe! See you all on the other side of lockdown!

23.01.2022 It's that time of year again! RSL Victoria is giving away a NEW CAR to one lucky member of a Victorian RSL who renews their membership before Tuesday 22nd December 2020. Simply drop into the club, contact us here or go to to be in the running.

22.01.2022 Looking forward to the Newport Folk Festival in June!

21.01.2022 The Newport RSL shares the recent statement made by RSL State President Dr Robert Webster OAM which reads: Today the Chief of the Defence Force (CDF) released the long-awaited Afghanistan Inquiry, also known as the Brereton report. The report outlines very serious allegations of wrongdoing by a small number of current or former ADF personnel between 2005-2016. To everyone who served in Afghanistan, in any role, you should be justly proud of your contribution. You made a diff...erence, and you served your country with honour. Nothing will ever change that. Be proud and stand tall. The RSL has always been there for our veterans, and at this time, the wellbeing of veterans directly and indirectly involved must be our priority. RSL Victoria can help connect current members of the ADF and veterans with counselling and mental health support as well as direct welfare, advocacy and wellbeing services. Victorian Veterans in need of support can contact your local RSL Sub-Branch or RSL Victoria’s Veteran Central (VETCEN) between the hours of 9-5 Monday to Friday via 1300 MILVET (1300 645 838). 24-hour support is also available through Open Arms Veterans & Family Counselling. You can contact Open Arms via 1800 011 046. Additional support services are listed on the Defence website.

21.01.2022 We want everyone to stay safe so we can get to the other side of this - together. If you cannot get out, and need someone to help pick up shopping/essentials, let’s us know and we can help.

21.01.2022 New COVID Safe Operating Procedures have been implemented that directly affect Newport RSL Sub-Branch. We will reopen this FRIDAY 11th June @ 1600hrs. 1. QR-CODE - Remember to SIGN IN using the QR Code (located throughout the premises) 2. MASK - Bring one with you and wear it if you cannot socially distance... 3. STAY - Seated throughout your stay unless you need not to... 4. RESPECT - Our team are all VOLUNTEERS. Please respect them for the work they do. Food and Drink Facilities, (Newport RSL Sub-Branch): Open for seated service only Maximum patron cap of 100 people 50 people indoors Group sizes to a maximum of 10 people Density quotient of 1 person per 4sqm applies

21.01.2022 Do you recognise these medals? Footscray police are looking to return these precious World War II medals to relatives of the recipients. The medals were located... at the Footscray Railway Station and handed in by the finder. The service medals are in the name of L.R. STONE (Leonard Robert) and E.E. GREGORY (Edna Eileen married name STONE). Items of jewellery were also located with the medals. Anyone with information should contact Sergeant Steve Meehan or Property Officer Tayla Anderson at Footscray Uniform on 8398 9800, Proof of ownership will be required.

20.01.2022 Just to rub salt into the wound. We note that most other clubs, in our area with this bonus will have received $26,000+ Newport RSL- $ ZERO.

20.01.2022 Newport RSL Sub Branch stands with our friends @Lilydale RSL following the loss of their president Paul Payne. Paul was a long serving member of the Royal Australian Navy with over 20 years of dedicated service. He also dedicated many years to Lilydale RSL and served in a number of roles including treasurer, secretary, vice-president and recently as club president. He had a long and continued involvement in the local community. Our thoughts are with his family and friends.... Lest We Forget. See more

20.01.2022 Just over 20 years ago, on September 20, 1999, an Australian led, multinational peacemaking mission known as INTERFET (The International Force East Timor) helpe...d to bring peace and stability to East Timor after years of unrest. In the days leading up to the INTERFET deployment, the Chief of the Defence Force at the time, Admiral Chris Barrie, said INTERFET would be ‘the most significant military undertaking we [Australia] have had since World War Two.’ To help commemorate this significant anniversary, RSL Victoria has published seven stories from servicemen and women, civilians and journalists who were in East Timor during INTERFET. Their stories are ones of service, resilience and hope. We encourage all of our followers to click this link: and explore our commemorative feature on INTERFET. Image Courtesy: Australian Defence Force. #INTERFET21

19.01.2022 $4 Great Northern SCHOONERS tomorrow night @ Newport RSL Get On The Beers!!

18.01.2022 No. It's not a new pool table cover!! It's some Certificates of Appreciation to the businesses and individuals who rolled their sleeves up and helped Newport RSL Sub Branch raise a record amount for the 2021 Anzac Day Appeal. #rslvic

17.01.2022 It is with a heavy heart that we advise of the passing of Pat Franks. Pat was a mentor to many, and was instrumental in the planning stages for the reopening of the Newport RSL Sub Branch. Pat was a sounding board and gave of her time freely. Pat, some may recall, was the returning officer at our last AGM and has provided guidance on several matters to our club executive as well as serving as club secretary of the Altona RSL and as secretary of the RSL Region 3. Pat was a Go...ld Life Member of RSL Victoria and Life Member of Altona RSL. She will be sadly missed by all who knew her. Our thoughts and prayers go out to her family and to our friends at the Altona RSL. (For those who may not know of Pat, think of Hetty in the NCIS series) May she rest in peace.

17.01.2022 New freezer on the way to the club! Thank you to committee member Ken Turner for giving of his time to help out the club

17.01.2022 Not RSL related directly, but... Now is a good time to do those checks around the house. Clothes dryers are getting a good workout during our unfavourable weather and the dryer gathers lint which can become a fire hazard if not managed. Take a few minutes to check it and clean it out. For those of you who don't know how, contact us. Safety first!

17.01.2022 We will Remember Them

16.01.2022 If any of our veterans require a slide projector to view your older style slides, ask at the bar where we will only be too happy to help you.

13.01.2022 Cold last night, but it was nice & warm by our open fire Although Winter is on the way, we hope you won’t forget to support your local RSL when you can. It keeps it going for our Local Veterans and our Local Community. We are still accepting new Memberships and Membership renewals, pop in, we’d love to see you!

13.01.2022 All, Update: Thursday 6th of August. Department of Health & Human Services... Please see attached circular relating to stage 3 and 4 restrictions that was received by RSL Victoria’s HR provider (SIAG) today. This advice is distilled from the below advice from the Department of Health & Human Services website: The following link is also from the DHHS website and goes into further detail regarding restrictions: If you have any information on those veterans who may be in need of our assistance or any related queries, please contact us. Stay Safe! Newport RSL Sub-Branch

13.01.2022 This coming Friday 28th May 8pm! Free Entry! Get in early if you can. It’ll be a good one!

13.01.2022 Our 2020 Remembrance Day Poppy Appeal @ Newport RSL is underway!

12.01.2022 Lockdown guidelines announced today. If you know of any service, or former service personnel in need of assistance, please ring the Newport RSL Secretary / Treasurer - Ian Nicholls 0419 524 454

12.01.2022 Remembrance Day with a difference @ Newport & Williamstown today Thank you to Brendan Dowling, Phil Barber, Bruce O'Brien, Bob Gladysz for your efforts and to councillors Jonathan Marsden & Peter Hemphill for representing the people of Hobsons Bay.

12.01.2022 This week's edition of the Star Weekly features two our our newer Service members

10.01.2022 This from a friend...very poignant: He was getting old and paunchy And his hair was falling fast, And he sat around the R.S.L.,... Telling stories of the past. Of a war that he once fought in And the deeds that he had done, In his exploits with his mates; They were heroes, every one. And 'tho sometimes to his neighbours His tales became a joke, All his mates listened quietly For they knew where of he spoke. But we'll hear his tales no longer, For ol' Jack has passed away, And the world's a little poorer For a Digger died today. He won't be mourned by many, Just his children and his wife. For he lived an ordinary, Very quiet sort of life. He held a job and raised a family, Going quietly on his way; And the world won't note his passing, 'Tho a Digger died today. When politicians leave this earth, Their bodies lie in state, While thousands note their passing, And proclaim that they were great. The Media tell of their life stories From the time that they were young, But the passing of a Digger Goes unnoticed, and unsung. Is the greatest contribution To the welfare of our land, Some smoothie who breaks his promise And cons his fellow man? Or the ordinary fellow Who in times of war and strife, Goes off to serve his country And offers up his life? The politician's stipend And the style in which they live, Are often disproportionate, To the service that they give. While the ordinary Digger, Who offered up his all, Is paid off with a medal And perhaps a pension, small. It is not the politicians With their compromise and ploys, Who won for us the freedom That our country now enjoys. Should you find yourself in danger, With your enemies at hand, Would you really want some cop-out, With his ever-waffling stand? Or would you want a Digger His home, his country, his kin, Just a common Digger, Who would fight until the end? He was just a common Digger, And his ranks are growing thin, But his presence should remind us We may need his likes again. For when countries are in conflict, We find the Digger's part, Is to clean up all the troubles That the politicians start. If we cannot do him honour While he's here to hear the praise, Then at least let's give him homage At the ending of his days. Perhaps just a simple headline In the paper that might say: "OUR COUNTRY IS IN MOURNING, A DIGGER DIED TODAY." If you are proud of our Armed Forces, then send it to ALL your friends You'll be glad you did.

08.01.2022 Williamstown Cenotaph April 2020

07.01.2022 Newport RSL opened today and Pete got to enjoy the First Beer Pulled since the lockdown. We would like to thank all of our members for following the Covid Safe Regs, sanitising, signing in and out, social distancing, remaining seated, mask wearing when not seated. A huge thanks to our volunteers, all following our Covid Safe Plan.

07.01.2022 Something for you to take your mind of COVID-19 for a few minutes!

07.01.2022 Your President, and committee looking for new volunteers to help run the Newport RSL. Any takers???

06.01.2022 Today marks the anniversary of the Battle of Long Tan. Each year on the 18th of August also known as Vietnam Veterans Day, we honour and commemorate all those w...ho served in Vietnam, including the 521 Australians who died and more than 3,000 people who were wounded, injured or became ill as a result of the conflict. The Battle of Long Tan, on 18 August 1966, was one of the fiercest battles fought by Australian soldiers in the Vietnam War, involving 105 Australians and three New Zealanders from D Company 6RAR. A total of 17 Australians were killed in action and 25 were wounded, one of whom later died of his wounds. 53 years on we still remember these brave men and women who fought our freedom and will never forget the sacrifices they made to protect our beautiful country. Please keep these brave individuals in your thoughts today. #lestweforget Images Courtesy: The Australian War Memorial

03.01.2022 A story from our RAAF friends. No one in this story is amongst our ranks but we thought a little humour may take your minds off of things COVID-19 for a moment. One of the the funniest things that happened was the day my mate sold the KOALA up the tree to the YANKS. It was during K2 .They had landed in a KC142 .Ian was standing under the tree next to the old fuel farm and air movements talking at the KOALA up the tree telling him to get down out of the tree saying he didn't ...have all day. The YANKS came out of the KC142 aghast at this guy talking to a KOALA. The master sergeant was at him in no time begging to buy the KOALA BEAR. Naturally IAN said he couldn't sell his pet. The YANK offended IAN a heap of money. To good to pass up so he took it. Of course the yank wanted to know how he was going to get him down so IAN suggested to go over to get a long ladder. SGT KEN STANLEY and STRETCH FLANNERY were watching all of this going on. We were standing near the pumps pissing ourselves with laughter. So the Master sergeant got his mates to give him a hand. So this twit climbs the bloody ladder, got near to the KOALA and naturally went up further. So the yank comes down off the ladder and extends it and went up again, getting to the KOALA it turned on him. We all know what sort of claws they have. Blood went everywhere. This bloody yank held on for dear life. Naturally he was pissed. By this time we had all shot through. I was told he had 34 stitches. That night up at the piss shack IAN put the money on the bar and drinks all round until it ran out. After we had had a couple the YANKS arrived and it was on tables and chairs went everywhere. Then in walked the orderly officer with a couple of spits. Putting an end to it. Through our arms around each other's shoulders saying it was a bit of a misunderstanding then settled down to drink until the money was all gone. Somebody tried to do the same during SUMMER RAIN but the YANKS had wised up. They were so gullible i sold my slouchie for $ 40 .This is a true story. See more

03.01.2022 What a fabulous end to the year after the year we have had. Thank you to all that ventured over to The Newport RSL last week from Thursday through to Sunday. We will be closed for the Christmas New Year period from 21st Dec until the 14th January 2021. Our President Robert (Bobby) Gladysz & The Committee would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas. Please be safe over the break and may 2021 be a year of happiness & good health for all

03.01.2022 Please read this ..

02.01.2022 Join us to commemorate Vietnam Veterans Day, marking the anniversary of the Battle of Long Tan (1966), where D Company 6 Royal Australian Regiment (6RAR) fought... a fierce battle against North Vietnamese and Viet Cong troops close to the village of Long Tan. In 1969, 6RAR veterans held a memorial service there and, over time, the date became synonymous with all those who served in Vietnam, until 1987 when Prime Minister Bob Hawke officially declared Long Tan Day as Vietnam Veterans Day. The Shrine is a living monument, a building with a soul. Throughout our closure period, we will continue to honour the service and sacrifice of hundreds of thousands of Victorians. See more

02.01.2022 Signage Up! Signage Down! Outdoor furniture washed! Getting ready for Thursday!

01.01.2022 Today Sunday 23rd May 3pm! Pop in for a play, sing, or listen. Lovely day to sit out in the beer garden with a nice beverage! Today’s specials $8 Aperol Spritz Hahn Super Dry 330ml Bottles $4.50!

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