We are Being Education | Public figure
We are Being Education
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23.01.2022 We are Being is about looking,listening into our essential humanity -our common threads that tie us all together -it is about the letting go of our egoic struggling -our struggling to be accepted -approved of and ultimately loved It is about learning to see and embrace what we think of as our.mistakes n flaws -learning to see our light as well as our shadows in every moment We are Being Education aims to teach us bit by bit -to loosen the shackles of what we habitually tie our minds to It is a beginning that doesn’t ever end once we commence -it is about clearing away what is ultimately unnecessary x Sacha
20.01.2022 Be ..just be..breathe..take in what is here..again simply n profoundly be ..welcome your being..nowhere no when else to be be you the whole you the real you ..be that & breathe into your beingness
19.01.2022 A flower is a part of nature. A tree as well, of course, is a part of nature. Nature simply is. Nature is a part of something much larger. Just like you and l. That is you and l. Where we get lost sometimes is in what we have been told and taught to try to be, to try to become. We miss the point of our very being. Being here.... With nothing to do, no one to impress, nowhere we should be .other than when and where we actually are. Like the flower, we can and will blossom as we were born to. So relax.though the world seems to be changing and the outside is out of our control, we can remember what it is to be, to breathe and understand our fragile yet very strong humanity.
19.01.2022 In these times of worry for our safety n wellness ...there is something inside each of us that we can draw upon .. that something is not definable n not even explicable.. however the offer is that ..what is inside us..what we can not name or even directly know ..can guide us n sustain us Humanity may wobble we may actually change for the better x
15.01.2022 The Nude - Can we each be naked raw and real in this world? -when can we be? when are we?... who is it that holds us in? who is that who holds us back? who is it inside this shell? who is looking out who is looking in? who knows and who is it ,that doesn't know? we are being - and in "being" first lets drop away, our masks,our clothes step back into being the nude herself a bundle of softness n hardness the nude reclines - towards her sleep perhaps to dream or rest who is that who wonders who you are?
14.01.2022 a bridge - a place- a time- a moment- the "you" and the" l" the skies and the water underneath- colors sharp then fading- our eyes looking and taking in- yet everything seen and heard is now seen and heard through our screens and our make-believes- "we are being education" - is first and foremost about revealing to our selves that we each walk around in a kind of self-hypnotic world- induced by states we have created over time and experience-we experience the effects so often of our own memories - not directly -not where we are and who we are now with- we relate from our past and have too often lost touch with our essential ability to "be"
10.01.2022 a few things that could come out of our cv crisis ... Realizations that the quality of our life truly does matter to us Our family and friends are even more valuable to us than earning our money... Our kindness and compassion towards one another are a few of our stepping stones when it comes to our every day joy in living Our depth of being, our growth in humility, and humanity depend on all of us seeing and living from the multiple perspectives present. Take care x
10.01.2022 thank you for liking my page xo
07.01.2022 In this moment This is here How it is Here it is Here now... In here In there In the well In the mix Breathe this Have this Listen n look at this That’s all See more
06.01.2022 you aren't what they say you aren't what you say either you aren't what you know you aren't what you've learned along the way... you aren't found in any mirror you aren't found on any street or photograph you aren't the "you", you think you are or feel you are or should be then the question remains who are you ...really?
04.01.2022 The Nude - Can we each be naked raw and real in this world? -when can we be? when are we?... who is it that holds us in? who is that who holds us back? who is it inside this shell? who is looking out who is looking in? who knows and who is it ,that doesn't know? we are being - and in "being" first lets drop away, our masks,our clothes step back into being the nude herself a bundle of softness n hardness the nude reclines - towards her sleep perhaps to dream or rest who is that who wonders who you are?
04.01.2022 somewhere sometime, you may find a moment a moment to breathe, a moment to pause in your tracks, a moment to sit or stand,in that moment you might catch a thought, before it even happens,you might wonder from where a thought comes ,you might catch youre wondering- a glimpse into what lies behind or beyond your thinking- what is that or who is that that is thinking- what is actually going on as you breathe- before a thought happens- in that moment- there you are- there you be...- perhaps as close as you can be - to being you-essentially you- a real and unbiased you- {if thats at all possible} a you like when you were born- that had no idea about anything or anyone including "you" xo the message - look for the tiny glimpses into a universe where no thoughts live- may you be you - there