Newtown Neighbourhood Centre in Newtown, New South Wales | Non-profit organisation
Newtown Neighbourhood Centre
Locality: Newtown, New South Wales
Phone: +61 2 9564 7333
Address: 1 Bedford Street 2042 Newtown, NSW, Australia
Likes: 6425
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25.01.2022 Prior to COVID, our Aged Care Social Support Groups met weekly at the Centre. Our Former Yugoslavian Group has been meeting for over 30 years so it is not surprising that being unable to meet face-to-face has had a large impact on all of our group members. Our group coordinator, Dushanka, has been facilitating social catch ups via telephone calls and encouraging people to send through images of what they are getting up to. Socially distanced walking, gardening and cooking ar...e among the popular activities that are keeping the group members busy, while others have taken to knitting and making masks. There have also been a few birthdays, and while we couldn’t celebrate as a group, there is still plenty of cake, and now with the warmer weather, many are getting out and enjoying the recent sunshine. We hope you are all keeping safe and we look forward to seeing you back at the Centre soon. See more
23.01.2022 Still looking for somewhere to get your tax done? Well we have great news! Newtown Neighbourhood Centre has been able to extend our Tax Help volunteer till the end of October. Available Wednesdays 10-1pm or Thursday 2-4pm, the ATO volunteer is able to help with any questions you may have and can assist in lodging your annual tax return. To make an appointment contact Colin on 9564 7333 or [email protected]
21.01.2022 Happy NAIDOC WEEK! This week, 8th 15th November, we join that nation to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. The annual celebration is usually held in July but was unfortunately postponed due to the pandemic.... This year’s theme ‘Always Was, Always Will Be’ recognises that First Nations people have occupied and cared for this continent for over 65,000 years. We encourage all encourage all non-Indigenous people to continue to learn about the history and achievements of Australia’s First Nations people. Check out this week’s events at #NAIDOCWeek2020
21.01.2022 Since 2019, Newtown Neighbourhood Centre has been co-facilitating a Youth Smart Recovery (Self-Management and Recovery Training) with Marrickville Youth Resource Centre. The free group addiction program is normally conducted face-to-face and assists anyone with any problematic behaviours, ranging from moderate to significant in scale, tackling addictions such as drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, gambling, food, shopping and even screens. Since the sessions moved online in March, the group has grown substantially and our reach has now extended beyond the Inner West and the group now includes a member from Coffs Harbour and several from Victoria! A big thanks to both facilitators! To find out more about attending a SMART Recovery session, please go to
21.01.2022 This week we began our free Tax Help appointments with our lovely ATO volunteer, Stephanie. For the next four weeks, Stephanie is available on Wednesday’s between 10-1pm and Thursdays 2-4pm. Tax Help is for people on low incomes including, but not restricted to, those who are also seniors, students, people from non-English speaking backgrounds, people with a disability and for anyone who earns $60,000 or less a year. Take advantage of this free support and book your appointment today. Call 02 9564 7308.
20.01.2022 With COVID restrictions slowly starting to ease we are thrilled to have our partners from Orange Sky Australia returning to Newtown from next Thursday 24th September. Every week the friendly team will wash and dry your clothes and they are always up for a chat. Pop by with your laundry between 10am-1pm every Thursday
18.01.2022 We have exciting news for all our families in the Inner West! On Friday we received a special delivery from Garranga Bumarri our very own egg! Rumour has it that if you sing and read to the egg, it will grow and one day hatch. Newtown Neighbourhood Centre are proud partners of Paint Inner West REaD and are looking forward to visiting children and family groups in the near future to encourage reading, singing and writing in our local community.
18.01.2022 As we celebrate NAIDOC Week for 2020, we encourage all Australians to continue to learn about the history and achievements of Australia’s First Nations people. 50 Words Project is an interactive online map where you have the opportunity to hear Aboriginal languages spoken all across the continent. ... The site gives you the ability to search by language or common words and phrases including hello, welcome and what is your name. We think it is a great tool and can’t wait to increase our knowledge of Indigenous languages!
17.01.2022 November 25 is the International Day to End Violence against Women. The day marks the start of the United Nations initiative 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence. The United Nations campaign calls for the prevention and elimination of violence against women and girls. Domestic and Family Violence is a leading cause of homelessness and we unfortunately see many individuals experiencing, or at risk of DFV, present to the Centre.... Let’s start the conversation and end violence against women!
16.01.2022 Newtown Neighbourhood Centre is now offering a new service for women needing support, advice or case management around a domestic or family violence situation. Once a week, women will be able to access a case manager MOMO (Moving Out, Moving On Domestic Violence Service Management) via Zoom in a private and safe space. Due to the current COVID restrictions unfortunately we aren’t able to offer this service face-to-face, however we feel it necessary to have a response to Dom...estic and Family Violence due to the increased incidents during COVID. Once COVID restrictions have eased, MOMO staff will be available to meet in person. If you or anyone you know would benefit from this service please drop in on a Wednesday between 10am-12pm or call the Community Strengthening Team on 9564 7333.
16.01.2022 Volunteers are integral to neighbourhood centres like ours and allow us to have a greater reach in the community. If you are an engaged and caring person who is looking for a meaningful way to connect and give back our Community Strengthening Team are currently looking for: * 2 x Community Connectors who will assist the team with outreach * A qualified generalist counsellor who will work with clients on a regular basis... For more information on both roles and to apply please contact Mel on 9564 7309 or [email protected]
15.01.2022 2020 saw Newtown Neighbourhood Centre roll out our Newtopian Volunteer Outreach Program in Sydney CBD. It was a year of hurdles with volunteers having to wait until July before they could participate and complete their training. Their patience, understanding and willingness to stay involved through the uncertainty was a sign of the genuine commitment of these volunteers to support people sleeping rough in the CBD. ... A big thank you to all our Outreachers. Diana Skypula Koshka Media
15.01.2022 During COVID we had to unfortunately stop our Outreach Information and Referral to Marrickville Metro but we are excited to say we are back! Come down and say hi to Newtown Neighbourhood Staff every Monday between 10am 12.30pm at our local services information stall. This is a great opportunity to meet the team, learn more about what NNC offers and also what support is currently available in your local community.... We will be located right outside KMART and look forward to seeing you there. See more
12.01.2022 A big shout out to everyone who hosted their very own Newtown Festival Backyard Party. One lucky Backyard Party received a special visit from Andy Golledge and Caitlin Harnett & The Pony Boys who helped bring the Festival spirit with some special tunes. Thanks to Young Henrys for supplying these local legends. We hope everyone had a great day and don’t forget to upload your photos to show us how you turned your Backyard Party into Newtown Festival 2020! ... Yeah Rad #NewtownFestival2020 #NewtownFestivalBackyardParty
12.01.2022 During the pandemic, our staff members have continued to support the most vulnerable members of our community. From social calls, to grocery purchases and ongoing case management, their roles have been essential to ensuring everyone feels connected and cared for. We believe our staff, and all community sector workers, deserve to be recognised for their contribution and hard work which is why Newtown Neighbourhood Centre is joining the Australian Services Union NSW & ACT in their Save Equal Pay campaign. The campaign is advocating for the government to continue to fund the SCHADS Award increases beyond 2020. To learn more about the campaign visit
12.01.2022 During the pandemic we were overwhelmed by the number of people that expressed interest in volunteering with the Centre. And we were not alone, with other local organisations reporting similar accounts. Today we got the opportunity to host Addison Road Community Organisation, Rozelle Neighbourhood Centre Inc., Inner West Neighbour Aid and the Asylum Seekers Centre along with the Inner West Council for a roundtable discussion about how we can potentially collaborate when it co...mes to harnessing volunteer potential in the Inner West. We are all conscious of both the growing needs of our community in light of Covid19 as well as our community's strong desire to help. We all shared our experiences around volunteer programs and systems, and agreed there is great potential for collaborating to better promote and support volunteering across the inner west in 2021. Watch this space! See more
12.01.2022 In need of an updated wardrobe? Next Thursday, 17th September, our wonderful friends at Thread Together will be bringing their Mobile Wardrobe to the Centre. Pop by from 2-4pm to register with the Centre and visit the wardrobe. We look forward to seeing you there.
11.01.2022 At Newtown Neighbourhood Centre we want to ensure all the services we provide are of the highest quality. In June this year, we were audited against the Australian Service Excellence Standards (ASES). We are extremely pleased to announce that we successfully achieved accreditation! This result recognises the hard work and dedication of our staff to create a quality organisation. ... The auditor fed back that NNC’s commitment to focus on people who are most vulnerable was consistent across all of his interviews and that the clients he spoke with expressed the importance and value of NNC's services. A big thanks and congratulations to all of the staff and clients who were involved in the audit process.
11.01.2022 Yesterday we were fortunate enough to have Support The Girls Australia back in Newtown. This is the second time in the last few months that the team have visited the Centre and supported our female clients with correctly fitted bras, underwear and sanitary items. They had an extremely busy morning seeing 10 clients and we would like to say a big thank you to Support the Girls for the work they do in empowering women.
10.01.2022 How glorious is this weather! The staff at Newtown Neighbourhood Centre took the opportunity to meet face to face outdoors in the sun and in a COVID friendly way. It was great to see everyone in person, especially as some staff haven’t seen each other except via a screen since the beginning of March. A big thank you to The National Centre of Indigenous Excellence for providing our delicious lunches.
10.01.2022 Radio Skid Row 88.9FM is a local community radio station based in Marrickville who focus on giving local people a voice and sharing stories from multicultural and Indigenous communities. They have always been a friend of the Centre, advertising our fundraising events and empowering locals to engage with our services and support the Centre. Unfortunately they have recently been told that they will no longer receive funding to continue the operation of the station and are need of your support. If you are in a position to make a donation or can share with your networks please check out their website and ensure that this unique grassroots station is able to continue to focus on everyone in our community.
08.01.2022 Don’t forget to pop into the Centre tomorrow afternoon! Thread Together will be setting up their Mobile Wardrobe AND staff from NUAA NSW will be offering HEP C testing and information. Come by between 2pm and 4pm and check out the hive of activity.
07.01.2022 Looking for a little extra social support? This Thursday we are launching our new program ‘Chat and Connect’. Each week we will be providing the space for individuals to come and have a chat to one of our Community Strengthening Team members and have a coffee or cup of tea on us. Open from 10am-12pm, we hope to see you there.
06.01.2022 Next week is shaping up to be quite a busy Thursday. Not only will we be joined by Thread Together’s Mobile Wardrobe, we will also have NUAA NSW (NSW Users and Aids Association) popping by the Centre. The team will be offering Hep C Testing and will also be providing information around treatment and harm reduction and breaking down some of the myths around Hep C.... Available next Thursday, 17th September, from 2-4 pm at the Centre.
06.01.2022 Do you have lived experience of homelessness? This role might suit you... Newtown Neighbourhood Centre is part of the #constellationproject - a collaboration of organisations working across sectors with the vision of ending homelessness in Australia. The project is committed to ensuring the insights of people with lived experience of homelessness are embedded in the work. This role will help ensure the voice and experience of people who know best about homelessness is front and centre. If you or someone you know has lived experience and would be interested in a 6 month contract role, please apply today.
06.01.2022 Our Aged Care Social Support Greek group has recently started venturing back out (in a COVID safe way). Each Tuesday in small groups they have been visiting outdoor venues and Marrickville Library. This group has found the past few months extremely hard as they have felt isolated and lonely, and due to limited computer skills have been unable to participate in online social activities. It’s great that they are now able to meet in small groups for a chat and catch up and we hope to see them back at the Centre in the near future.
06.01.2022 For almost 4 decades Newtown Neighbourhood Centre has been located at Newtown Town Hall. Last night Inner West Council voted to make Newtown Town Hall a Pride Centre. While we are happy to move, and to support a safe inclusive space for the LGBTIQ community, we will also continue to advocate that the Town Hall always remains a valuable community asset. We know it has been an important space for many clients, community groups, activists, and small local businesses over the ...years. For a long time the Centre has needed major renovations, and we were going to have to move out for a couple of years while these occurred. We will now be permanently relocating to 11-13 Darley Street (currently known as the Tom Foster Community Centre), probably by late 2021. We are looking forward to the move as we will have the opportunity to re-design the building’s layout and space according to our programs and needs. The space also has a warm and welcoming outdoor garden that will be able to be utilised by staff, volunteers, clients and community members. We currently have staff located in two separate offices and this will give us the opportunity to come together as one team, and to invest what we would have spent on rent into services for our community. In the meantime, we are still here for now, and we'll keep you posted on plans as they unfold.
03.01.2022 We thoroughly enjoyed seeing everyone’s memorable moments and photos from previous festivals over the weekend. One of our favourites was from our CEO, Liz Yeo who shared her Then and Now Festival shots. The first photo was from the mid 90s when Liz worked for Community Support Network and the second photo was from last Sunday where she and her gorgeous pup Ziggy celebrated a Newtown Festival Backyard Party.... We would also like to say a big thank you to Sassy Treats Pet Food, for their continued support of the Festival and the Centre and for running the Dog Show for all these years.
03.01.2022 When the Coronavirus pandemic first hit Sydney back in mid-March, Newtown Neighbourhood Centre worked closely with Sydney Local Health District: Community and Events to provide free Community Wellbeing Clinics where boarding house residents could access information on the virus and COVID testing. Boarding house residents are at extreme risk of increased spread due to shared facilities and less consideration of proper hygiene practices. Paul Adabie, our Client Services Manager, was recently interviewed by The Sydney Morning Herald, to highlight the importance of continued targeted education to keep this group of vulnerable people safe. Read the article here
02.01.2022 Last week we launched our first Chat and Connect outside the Centre and it was wonderful to see 24 people stopping to have a coffee. Every Thursday, the team will be setting up between 10am and 12pm and anyone is welcome to pop by for a cuppa and a chat. A big shout out to Paul who kindly donated a coffee pod machine through one of the local Pay it Forward’ groups. The machine coffees were definitely preferred over instant. If anyone does have spare Aldi pods that they would like to donate, we would be extremely appreciative.
02.01.2022 It’s Tax Time Again! Newtown Neighbourhood Centre is proud to be offering Tax Help until the end of September. This free service is run by a network of Australian Taxation Office-trained and accredited community volunteers who provide a confidential service to help all members of the community who have simple tax affairs and earn $60,000 or less. Appointments are necessary and available between 10-1pm on Wednesday and 2-4pm on Thursday. ... For more information call Colin on 02 9564 7308 or email at [email protected]. Alternatively pop in to the Centre (between 10-1pm on Monday and Wednesday) to make your appointment! See more
02.01.2022 Earlier in the month, NNC case manager Jason and volunteer Greg attended parliament to share their thoughts and experiences as part of the inquiry into the protocol for people experiencing homelessness in public places. Listen to Greg speaking about his experience of Neighbourhood Centres, like Newtown, and how they are integral to providing safe, inclusive spaces. These are the places where conversations often start that result in pathways out of homelessness and isolation. Jenny Leong Local Community Services Association
02.01.2022 Applications are open for Inner West Council’s Pride Centre Reference Panel. Council wants the project to benefit from the lived experiences of the LGBTIQ community with the panel reflecting its range of gender, sexual, age and other diversities. Applications will be open until 13 November. First panel meeting will be 2 December. More info and application here
01.01.2022 Today is the big day! Time to bring Newtown Festival to your home and host your very own Newtown Festival Backyard Party!!!! Don’t forget to check out our ideas page on the website and pop on the Newtown Festival Playlist through the years to set the mood. We can’t wait to see how your get creative and bring the Festival vibe to your backyard. Our favourite photo from the day will win a $100 Westfield Voucher and the best inclusion of a pooch will receive a special from Sassy Treats Pet Food. #NewtownFestivalBackyardParty #NewtownFestival2020 #NFBackyardParty See more
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