The Women's Library | Community
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25.01.2022 Women Scientists Launch a Database Featuring the Work of 9,000 Women Working in the Sciences.
24.01.2022 Can you support one of our most powerful lesbian love stories in Australian history? ‘Why Did She Have To Tell The World?’ is underway, but the project needs your help! "This documentary plans to preserve our history, confront unfinished activism and encourage conversations between different generations of the LGBTQIA+ community."... DONATE NOW AT:
24.01.2022 The deadline for Herland II - Our Land is rapidly approaching. So it's time to get your proposal in! If you have any issues with your submission contact us at [email protected] and we'll get back to you ASAP. The submission site closes at 12am tonight. Good luck! #thewomenslibrarynewtown #feministlibrary #innerwest #iwd2020 #internationalwomensday2020 #cityofsydney #herlandourland #womenwhoart
24.01.2022 Happy International Women's Day Sydney! Join us at The Women's Library in Newtown this evening For HERLAND 2 - OUR LAND Exhibition opening at 5:30pm. Hope to see you there!
23.01.2022 "The young girl of the West learns from all these subliminal signals to distrust, to dislike, and be ashamed of her own body and feelings, and those of other women. The femaleness she knowsbody hair, sweat, monthly bloodflow, menstrual odor, ovulation dischargemust be hidden, taken care of in secret; while the femaleness men want to see must be enhanced, publicly flaunted. Whether she really feels like doing this or not, she sees all the other women doing it. The message is... that she must depend on something outside herself (men, male taste) for her self-definition. And she is on her own, isolated. The modern community of women exists only to show her how to hide her femaleness. She comes, crazily or with resignation, to associate menstruation with hurts, wounds, body waste, disabilities, shame, curtailment of her freedom. She comes to believe her lack of freedom comes from nature, how own biology, rather than resulting directly from patriarchal oppression and male fear. - Monica Sjoo & Barbara Mor, The Great Cosmic Mother LOVE YOUR BODY! IT IS YOURS IT IS NATURAL IT IS RIGHT!
23.01.2022 Due to the recent increased health precautions regarding COVID-19 (coronavirus), The Women's Library management committee has decided to close the library temporarily from today Monday March 16, 2020. Information regarding coronavirus is changing daily, so if you wish you can access the latest information from NSW Health here: And from the World Health Organisation here: You can also read NSW Healths FAQs here: And regarding overseas travel, see here: We hope you and your families are well. Please do get in touch if you have any questions.
23.01.2022 Online free event Thursday 28 May 7pm. Registration required. The Event will be held on Zoom and details will be emailed.
19.01.2022 Submissions are open for the Radical Womn Film Festival (RWFF) 2021! Submit your films on the Film Freeway Page - link below. There are no entry fees for Australia Films!...
19.01.2022 "The first gender social norm index analysed data from 75 countries that, collectively, are home to more than 80% of the global population. It found that almost half of people feel men are superior political leaders and more than 40% believe men make better business executives. Almost a third of men and women think its acceptable for a man to beat his wife."...
18.01.2022 Lesbians On The Loose - The first 9 years of this hugely popular magazine are now available to read online in Trove.
17.01.2022 In the US, women were the driving force behind the creation of many of the most popular national parks. From Joshua Tree to Great Sand Dunes... here are 6 special places protected today thanks to their female champions.
16.01.2022 No longer waiting
15.01.2022 Can you support one of our most powerful lesbian love stories in Australian history? Why Did She Have To Tell The World? is underway, but the project needs your help! "This documentary plans to preserve our history, confront unfinished activism and encourage conversations between different generations of the LGBTQIA+ community."... DONATE NOW AT:
15.01.2022 We've extended the deadline for Herland II submissions by an extra week! That gives you more time to get those submissions in!!! If you have any questions or queries email us at [email protected] Visit: for more information and submission entries or our website for more information about our organisation at: #herland #thewomenslibrarysydney #internationalwomensday #iwd2020 #feministlibrary #womenwhoart #herlandutopia #herland2ourland #artists #opensubmissions #womensspace #contemporaryart #communityspace #newtown #innerwest #cityofsydney
14.01.2022 On this evening! The Feminist Classics Book Club is discussing Virginia Woolf’s A Room of One’s Own at its first virtual meet-up! Members and supporters of The Women’s Library are welcome to join us tonight from 7:00pm in a room of our own... aka our virtual TWL Zoom Room. If you would like to be part of the discussion, follow the link below to let us know, we will send you the the event details and how to join us on your device. If you have any questions get in touch via our email - [email protected]
14.01.2022 Call for photographs from all over Australia of International Women's Day Marches in 1975 (8/3/1975)!
14.01.2022 Even during a pandemic ...
14.01.2022 An important reminder today: don't forget to dance Happy International Women's Day!
14.01.2022 A graphic tribute to Naiad Press.
12.01.2022 Come on Australia!
12.01.2022 "Spinifex was founded in March of 1991 by Susan Hawthorne and Renate Klein. The press began as a pushback to the cuts that threatened feminist and literary publ...ishing during Australias recession. Susan and Renate started out with four titles. Since then, Spinifex has gone from strength to strength. They publish everything from fiction to poetry to political tracts. "Almost 30 years on, Spinifex Press has now published over 200 books. Theyve shared writing by some of the most relevant and necessary voices in the modern feminist movement. Among their authors are Robin Morgan, editor of the iconic Sisterhood is Powerful anthology, and Rachel Moran, an abolitionist campaigner. Other notable writers include Julie Bindel, Unity Dow, and Sheila Jeffreys. "It is no coincidence that Spinifex has ended up home to such a wide range of feminist and fiercely political books. To its founders, publishing is a political act as well as a creative one. They have made a conscious decision to amplify womens voices and promote womens interests. And this approach has earned Spinifex a loyal international following."
11.01.2022 Rise Up - The herstory of The Women's Movement through song . Since women was not allowed to make speeches, they put their words into song
11.01.2022 And Still I Rise! Art by Kate Shaw
10.01.2022 The Women's Library is pleased to announce our upcoming art exhibition herland II - Our Land which will open March 8, 2020 on International Women's Day. It's been a tough summer for Australia, and we've faced some very confronting realities in our environment in what has been termed as a 'climate emergency'. Herland II will turn its focus towards the land - our land - and how Women will instigate positive change in our environment. We will announce our very exciting artist up shortly for what we anticipate will be a considered, vigorous and thought-provoking survey of the interconnection between Women and the environment. Opening event will begin at 5.30pm, March 8, 2020. For all inquires please contact us at [email protected] #feministlibrary #thewomenslibrary #herland2 #herlandourland #innerwest #womenwhoart #cityofsydney #ecofeminism #climatechange #climatemergency
09.01.2022 Happy Mardi Gras Sydney!! #Welovelesbians!!! #Welovedykes!!! #Thewomenslibrary
09.01.2022 "Did you ever get the sense that your history books are just one big boys club, filled with accomplishments by men, for men, and often to the exclusive benefit of men?... And if it does feel that way, where are all the women? Did women really do nothing more than pop out babies and make pot roasts from the dawn of civilization until Cher overshadowed Sonny Bono in popularity and the whole world changed? Of course not. Its just that human history is littered (and I do mean littered) with greedy men who stole their very best ideas from brilliant women."
09.01.2022 Attention! The Feminist Classics Book Club is discussing Virginia Woolf’s A Room of One’s Own at its first virtual meet-up! Members and supporters of The Women’s Library are welcome to join us on Thursday 29th October from 7:00pm in a room of our own... aka our virtual TWL Zoom Room. If you would like to be part of the discussion, follow the link below to let us know, we will send you the the event details and how to join us on your device. If you have any questions get in touch via our email - [email protected]
08.01.2022 Please join us tonight for the launch of Denise Thompsons new book, Masculinity and the Ruling of the World. The launch will be held via Zoom this evening, Friday 7 August from 7:00pm. Please register for the event on Humantix (link below) so that we can send you the details.
06.01.2022 9 podcasts hosted by American Indigenous women
06.01.2022 Girls are so powerful ...
05.01.2022 Do you like films? Well, have you heard about The Womens Library Film Club? Over the past few months TWL has held an online film club each Sunday afternoon at 4.30pm for our volunteers but were now extending a welcome to our members to join us. Jump on our website (link in bio) for further info on how to join our movie watching and discussion afternoons. All films are by Women, and freely available on SBS On Demand. If youre not a member but would like to join in please se...nd us an enquiry via our Contact pageand we will get back to you within a few days to discuss your application. See you Sunday! Image: Wadjda directed by Haifaa Al Mansour, Saudi Arabia. #women #thewomenslibrary #womeninfilm #womendirectors #films #covidclub #filmclub #twl #newtown
03.01.2022 On Saturday Herland curator Freÿa Black chatted with 2SER 107.3FM's Nicole Beck about the upcoming Herland II - Our Land exhibition on 'So Hot Right Now'. You can catch the podcast here -
02.01.2022 On today 11am @ Hyde Park Sydney for International Women's Day 2020. Get to it!
02.01.2022 Wangar Maathai (1 April 1940 25 September 2011) was a renowned Kenyan social, environmental and political activist and the first African woman to win the Nobel Prize. In 1977, she founded the Green Belt Movement, an environmental non-governmental organization focused on the planting of trees, environmental conservation, and women's rights
02.01.2022 Support each other
02.01.2022 In times past, when frustrating circumstances demanded new ways of expressing what it means to be alive, it was often female writers who sculpted the fresh coinages that kept language rippling with poignancy and power. The word frustrating itself, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, makes its first appearance in print in George Eliots novel Middlemarch, where she presciently describes the hampering threadlike pressure of small social conditions, and their frustrating complexity.
01.01.2022 The Herland II organisers from the Women's Library would like to give a very big thanks to the event sponsors for donating so generously with the delectably vegan spreads, platters and finger food. #OhMyDaysGlebe @ohmydaysglebe #SuzySpoonsVegetarianButcher @SuzySpoonsVegetarianButcher #plantbaseddiet #veganfriendly @#HerlandOurLand #thewomenslibrarynewtown #internationalwomensday Suzy Spoon's Vegetarian Butcher Oh My Days