Natural Healing and Wellness with Renae | Businesses
Natural Healing and Wellness with Renae
Phone: +61 420 608 531
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24.01.2022 "And the people stayed home. And read books, and listened, and rested, and exercised, and made art, and played games, and grew gardens full of fresh food, and l...earned new ways of being, and were still. And listened more deeply. Some meditated, some prayed, some danced. Some met their shadows. And the people began to think differently. "And the people healed. And, in the absence of people living in ignorant, dangerous, mindless, and heartless ways, the earth began to heal. "And when the danger passed, and the people joined together again, they grieved their losses, and made new choices, and dreamed new images, and created new ways to live and heal the earth fully, as they had been healed." ~Kitty O'Meara
24.01.2022 Recently, I’ve had enquires come through requesting information on my ‘Location Energy Clearing’. These can be likened to spring cleaning your home or workspace on an energetic level. Great after renovating or moving into a new home or office, to clear negative energies that have built up. Fantastic for those wishing to sell their home too. These energies are often created by occupants, their visitors, general arguments or illnesses. After a clearing, the vibe feels much lig...hter; general well-being and sleep often improve; and persons within the space feel inspired and uplifted. Space clearings are great on a seasonal / regular basis too, to clear stagnant energy; when you’re feeling ‘stuck’ in life, tired, anxious and needing a fresh start. If you’re located in the Illawarra, DM me for more information. Each clearing is different. PLUS: all Location Energy Clearings booked in June will receive a Energy Clearing Mist, made by me, valued at $25 FREE #energyclearing #newbegginings #illawarra
24.01.2022 I missed the live version last night, though looking forward to sitting down with a cuppa tonight to watch this with hubby
22.01.2022 They say it takes 21 days to change a habit right?! How have you all been getting on with our daily ‘gratitude’ ‘movement’ and ‘meditation’ goodness?! I for one have seen a massive upgrade in my ‘movement’. I’m feeling more myself. I’ve had an increase in energy levels and loving the extra hours in my day. Plus, a clearer head space to plough on through it. Yep, all thanks to a simple gym ‘time switch’ to early morning classes (from 9am to 6am); something I religiously did pre-kiddy days!! What daily habit are you upgrading on this 21 day challenge?! #switchitup #dailyhabits #routinemaintenance
22.01.2022 & . 1. You are comfortable setting boundaries around your time & energy. (Self love) ... 2. You no longer react to external circumstances, but respond instead (this one takes a lot of time, the more mindful you become, the more you let go of ego the easier it happens) 3. You don’t accept that things run in the family. You hold yourself accountable & recognise certain unhealthy traits. (Letting go of core beliefs & generational healing) 4. You embrace having different opinions/perspectives as an opportunity for growth & not about being wrong. (You listen mindfully without reaction & judgement) 5. You are identifying & uncovering where your destructive habits stem from & trace them to the root of why. (An ongoing awakening) Do these resonate with you? Please share........ @sophmylo #selflove #mindfulness #generationalhealing #nojudgement #awakening See more
21.01.2022 Although both my girls are immunised, given the current environment factor I’ve decided to start educating myself more on this controversial topic. I must add that I do not like what I’m hearing / seeing and alarm bells have started sounding. This documentary is worth a watch if you’re interested
20.01.2022 Have you been indulging a little more during isolation...?! It’s never too late to turn back and change the habit.
20.01.2022 F R E E D O M ! #forthem #awake #notsleeping
20.01.2022 This week I’m making a conscious effort to slow down; to rest, restore, and recover. It’s been one crazy year! What conscious habit are you creating for you this week? #habits #consciousliving #rest
19.01.2022 "A letter from a school principal and teacher (shared) ...... Dear parents with school aged children You might be inclined to create a minute by minute schedule for your kids. You have high hopes of hours of learning, including online activities, science experiments, and book reports. You’ll limit technology until everything is done! But here’s the thing...... Our kids are just as scared as we are right now. Our kids not only can hear everything that is going on around them, but they feel our constant tension and anxiety. They have never experienced anything like this before. Although the idea of being off of school for weeks sounds awesome, they are probably picturing a fun time like summer break, not the reality of being trapped at home and not seeing their friends. Over the coming weeks, you will see an increase in behavior issues with your kids. Whether it’s anxiety, or anger, or protest that they can’t do things normally - it will happen. You’ll see more meltdowns, tantrums, and oppositional behavior in the coming weeks. This is normal and expected under these circumstances. What kids need right now is to feel comforted and loved. To feel like it’s all going to be ok. And that might mean that you tear up your perfect schedule and love on your kids a bit more. Play outside and go on walks. Bake cookies and paint pictures. Play board games and watch movies. Do a science experiment together or find virtual field trips of the zoo. Start a book and read together as a family. Snuggle under warm blankets and do nothing. Don’t worry about them regressing in school. Every single kid is in this boat and they all will be ok. When we are back in the classroom, we will all course correct and meet them where they are. Teachers are experts at this! Don’t pick fights with your kids because they don’t want to do math. Don’t scream at your kids for not following the schedule. Don’t mandate 2 hours of learning time if they are resisting it. If I can leave you with one thing, it’s this: at the end of all of this, your kids’ mental health will be more important than their academic skills. And how they felt during this time will stay with them long after the memory of what they did during those weeks is long gone. So keep that in mind, every single day..."
19.01.2022 Are you living in your own sanctuary?!
19.01.2022 Mini Distance Healing Sessions available for all women around the globe; designed to give you a reiki taster on how distance energy healing works. Chakra Cleansing is a supportive technique for stress reduction and relaxation, that allows everyone to tap into an unlimited supply of 'life force energy', to improve health and enhance the quality of life. Total investment $55. Longer sessions also available. #energyreset #chakrabalancing #relaxation
18.01.2022 A special shout out to my wonderful clients. Thank you for your kind thoughts and messages. I’m forever grateful and missing you all and your beautiful smiles dearly #wereinthistogether #hanginthere #love
18.01.2022 When hubby says ‘work your white magic’’. The manifestation is so obvious that it can no longer be ignored Believe and you shall receive. Do you manifest often? #manifestation #awakening #gratitude #love
18.01.2022 They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old; Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning. We will remember them.... Lest We Forget. #lightupthedawn #ANZACday2020 #poppies #anzacday2020 #anzacathome #wewillrememberthem #loveiseverywhere @ Woonona, New South Wales, Australia
16.01.2022 Considered ditching the baby shower for a Mother Blessing...? There is nothing quite like a circle of loving women to get that delicious hormone, oxytocin (the hormone of love and bonding) flowing! ~ A woman who is given lots of love has more love to give ~. Mother Blessings are all about nurturing the mother, and filling up her cup, so it overflows with love and confidence, as she awaits the impending birth of her baby. ... It involves a gathering of the mother-to-be’s most trusted friends and family, who sit in the power of a circle and share amongst one another. I incorporate some healing mortalities of choice, into the circle space too and we add a meditation. A Mother Blessing helps the woman prepare herself for the birth, emotionally, spiritually and mentally. She feels ‘held’ and supported by those she loves and respects a great way to help her release any blockages that she may be feeling and to allow her to embrace what’s to come. Circle is very affirming, empowering and uplifting for all participants. One in seven new mothers will be diagnosed with post natal depression (excluding undiagnosed cases). It’s time to give some back to mothers and make a difference. DM me for more information or to tailor a unique package for you. Or tag a Mumma to receive a complimentary essential oil roller on the day of her blessing #blessingway #mothertobe #wollongongmums
16.01.2022 Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart. Winnie the Pooh. #findyourownpath #yourtribewillfindyou #chooselove
16.01.2022 Let’s take a moment to think about that one. Powerful ha? #conciousparenting #generationalhealing #intentionalliving
16.01.2022 Who has experienced this Or are ready to give it a good darn go?! How great is life on the other side #releasing #conditioning #gratitude #dreamscometrue
15.01.2022 This is beautiful
15.01.2022 LowTox words to remember this week with the kiddies!! Love this Happy Monday
15.01.2022 Lockdown has lifted, the days are getting shorter, colours are changing, and the colder days are quickly approaching. . Now, is the perfect time for us to realign with our individual 2020 goals; by dedication to daily self care. Who is with me? . 21 day challenge ... . 1. Meditation 2. Self Alignment 3. Movement Starts Monday 8th June. Comment with your favourite emoji to join me. #strawberryfullmoon #newbegginings
14.01.2022 Yum yum! Can't wait for this to happen.... NOT! You would have to have ‘lost your marbles’ to hand your body over for this... Shared post-... Because RNA vaccines let your body do most of the work, they don’t require much material. That makes them much faster to manufacture. There’s a catch, though: we don’t know for sure yet if RNA is a viable platform for vaccines. Since COVID would be the first RNA vaccine out of the gate, we have to prove both that the platform itself works and that it creates immunity. It’s a bit like building your computer system and your first piece of software at the same time. ~ Bill Gates Two new technologies are in the COVID testing pipeline as we speak: DNA and RNA vaccines. They have never been released for public use. DNA technology is actually gene therapy. Genes are injected into the body, and they permanently alter the genetic makeup of the recipient in unknown ways. RNA vaccines would carry the danger of triggering autoimmune reactions, meaning the body basically goes to war against itself. The vaccine that is being tapped by the US government under its National Institutes of Healththrough drug company ModernaHAS NEVER BEEN USED ON THE PUBLIC BEFORE. IT IS NOT LICENSED FOR PUBLIC USE. RNA VACCINES AND THE TECHNOLOGY THEY USE ARE ENTIRELY EXPERIMENTAL. AND THIS IS THE TYPE OF VACCINE BEING RUSHED INTO EXISTENCE IN 90 DAYS. What in the world could possibly go wrong? One way to find out is to unleash it on millions of people, stand back, and see. ~Jon Rappoport Are ready for your family and your children to be used as guinea pigs in the largest global health experiment ever conducted?
13.01.2022 What are you feeding your mind, body and soul today? #lifestylechoice #simpleswaps
13.01.2022 Vouchers available for Massage/Reiki/Energy Clearing at Natural Healing and Wellness. Great for Mother’s Day. Can arrange over the telephone or by email at [email protected] #treatmum #relaxation #giftoflove
12.01.2022 I’m currently in the process of eliminating additives from my kiddies diets wherever possible. Small steps. This is an interesting read to assist with identifying additives terms in general too. Happy reading.
12.01.2022 My heart is open to receive the energy of love. I radiate this essence. I walk my path with ease and grace. The heart chakra is located in the centre of our chest and supports joy, forgiveness, compassion, empathy, trust, love and belonging. It’s unique quality is contentment, however, when imbalanced it can lead to sadness, grief, clinging and loneliness. When your heart chakra is blocked you may find it difficult to open up to others, fearing hurt, fearing rejection, actin...g in a guarded manner or being unable to let go of a situation. You may feel the need to fix others, show conditional love, hold unbalanced relationships and/or have feelings of abandonment. You may also experience weekness in your lungs, thymus, upper torso, shoulders, arms, hands and circulatory system. All fruit and vegetables that are green support balance the heart chakra. You can also dilute essential oils with fractionated coconut oil, rub over the heart chakra whilst saying allowed an affirmation that resonates with you; Essential Oils: Rose, Melissa, Neroli, Frankincense, Bergamot, Jasmine, Lemon, Roman Chamomile, Sandalwood, Rosemary, Cypress and Cinnamon. Affirmations: I love who I am I am loveable It’s safe to be loved I open my heart to love I trust in love I forgive myself I forgive easily and completely I am forgivable I have room in my heart for love My relationships are peaceful and balanced I accept others as they are I am able to freely love without fear of rejection I love unconditionally I am worthy and accepting of unconditional love I no longer need to earn love Am am supported I allow myself to experience fulfilment I nurture easily Love is the purpose of my life I love those who need forgiving for not being what I wanted them to be I deeply and truly love and approve of myself I acknowledge my own loveliness I open myself to the healing powers of love Love is everywhere and I allow myself to experience it. Sending you all love x #heartchakrahealing #heartchakra #affrimations #positiveaffirmations #dailyaffirmations #green #heart
10.01.2022 And watch your garden bloom. #simpleisbest #goodtimes #cherishedmoments
09.01.2022 Giveaway Salubelle Beauty Blend She’s a twice-a-day ‘must have’ part of my daily skin routine!! . An Anti-Aging Blend formulated to help reduce the appearance of premature aging and moisturise aging skin. She’s a blend of essential oils that help my skin look smooth, radiant and youthful (yep she’s a pricey one) with Frankie, Hawaiian Sandalwood, Lavender, Myrrh, Helichrysum and Rose; she’s all things great for love (heart chakra) too. Fancy one? Let me choose a new for her... To enter; Save this post ~Be liking @naturalhealingandwellness ~Tag your friends, one per comment ~Share to stories and tag @naturalhealingandwellness for a BONUS two entries That’s it!! Winner will be announced at 8pm Sunday 10th May. . Good luck . *open to Australian Residents only
07.01.2022 And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music. H Nietzsche #dancethroughlife #togetherwearestronger #lifeisgood
07.01.2022 Smile, it’s Monday!! A new week, a fresh start, new goals...what’s making you smile today #smileisfree #happythoughtshappylife
06.01.2022 Some weeks just seem to flow better than others right?! We have been so crazy busy the past few weeks, that this little ‘checkin’ habit slipped away... and the cray cray crept right back in As part of our goal planning this year, hubby and I set a weekly habit to ‘intentionally checkin’ to plan our week ahead. This may look like us sitting in bed on a Sunday night with a cuppa and our diaries, discussing where we each need to be on certain days, what support we may be ...needing. And all the things that we’d like to trial, implement or remove with reflection on the previous days. It may be as-simple-as moving a gym appointment time, to ensure a smoother school drop off. Dedicating time for a kidless lunch together, having the breakfast table set before bed, or identifying that one of our girls needs some one-on-one time. Our weekly intentional checkin has made the-world-of-difference, to the flow of our days, that I wanted to share and ask...what weekly habits do you implement to support a smoother week?! Let’s share#dailyhabits #intentionalliving #calmthechaos
06.01.2022 Our energy systems are blueprints, the key to our soul, they know who we are, where we’ve been and what is happening in and around us. When we clear old ways our spirits are set free. Kinesiology is a energy clearing modality that Renae incorporates into her Reiki Therapy Treatments. This tool allows access to subconscious thinking, through muscle testing, to release outdated patterns and programming that no longer serves us, providing a more positive outlook and flow to life #muscletesting #lowtoxliving #clearing #freespirit
05.01.2022 I am aligned with my highest truth. I communicate this with love and honour. My words echo softly within the universe. The Throat Chakra is located in the area of the throat, jaw, neck, mouth, and thyroid. Although it’s main quality is unity, it supports honesty, integrity, truth, trustworthiness, expression and intention. However, when imbalanced the Throat Chakra can lead to feeling of lost, vulnerability, stifled and shut down. Our Throat Chakra can be weakened by lies (...especially the ones we tell ourselves), failing to express who we really are and keeping in what we really need to express. It may involve failing to speak up our truth, feeling that your conversations are not good enough, often avoiding the truth or facing painful facts. Using busy-ness as a way of avoiding truth. Expecting a no response when asking for help, seeing a rejection of help as a rejection of self. All fruit and vegetables that are blue (or wearing the colour blue) supports balance of the heart chakra. You can also dilute essential oils with fractionated coconut oil, rub over the throat chakra whilst saying allowed an affirmation that resonates with you; Essential Oils: Basil, Bergamot, Chamomile, Cypress, Eucalyptus, Frankincense, Jasmine, Lavender, Marjoram, Neroli, Peppermint, Rose, Sandalwood, Spearmint, Tea Tree, Ylang ylang. Affirmations: I am able to harness my will power to control addictive influences in my life. I speak my truth. I am comfortable with my authentic self. I no longer fear rejection when I speak honestly. My honestly of expression enables others to speak up too. Love opens the door for me to feel whole and complete. Everything I do is an expression of love. It is now safe to express myself. I am ready to put negative habits aside and express my creativity. #throatchakra #communication #expression #blue
03.01.2022 Growth demands a temporary surrender of security. It may mean giving up familiar but limiting patterns, safe but unrewarding work, values no longer believed in, and relationships that have lost their meaning. The sooner you start believing in yourself the sooner you’ll start seeing results. #bepatientwithyourself #surrendertotheflow #trusttheprocess
02.01.2022 Looking for some diffuser blends to help you purify the air in your home? I’ve had a few of you reach out for these lately. Maybe you want to get rid of funky smells coming from the kitchen. Perhaps you are tired of the musty aroma that follows the kids into the house after soccer practice. Or maybe you find yourself in a stuffy hotel room and want to use essential oils to refresh the air. No matter where you are, you can purify the air using essential oils by making your own... diffuser blend. For a few ideas that I use, check out the essential oil diffuser blends below: 3 drops Purify 2 drops Pink Pepper oil 1 drop Green Mandarin oil ... 2 drops Eucalyptus oil 2 drops Lemon oil 1 drop Thyme oil ... 2 drops Tea Tree oil 2 drops Arborvitae oil 1 drop Marjoram oil ... 3 drops Lemon oil 3 drops Green Mandarin oil 2 drops Juniper Berry oil ... 2 drops Lime oil 2 drops Marjoram oil 2 drops Douglas Fir oil ... 3 drops Siberian Fir oil 3 drops Lemon oil 1 drops Cypress oil ... Which diffuser blends do you like to use to purify the air? Comment with your favorite combinations below! #purification #essentialoils #detox
02.01.2022 [Note to Self] My will and Devine Will are one. I am connected to the abundant flow of the Universe. I easily manifest my dreams. #manifest #dreams #solarplexuschakra
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