Nhulunbuy Baptist Church in Nhulunbuy, Northern Territory | Baptist church
Nhulunbuy Baptist Church
Locality: Nhulunbuy, Northern Territory
Address: 89 Chesterfield Circuit 0880 Nhulunbuy, NT, Australia
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20.02.2022 This coming Sunday 6/2 we will be meeting at 9.30am in the Town Hall. There will be no Combined Churches service held Sunday evening.
11.02.2022 Church will resume this Sunday 9:30am at the Town Hall. We are looking forward to reconnecting after the holiday break and hope to see you there. Our aim is to provide a weekly opportunity for followers of Jesus to gather together & encourage each other in their walk thru life & their relationship with God. For our regulars, please consider how you can help with our Sunday gatherings.... NT Government requires Covid19 protocols - NBC's are listed below: 1. If cold/flu like symptoms - stay home. 2. Face masks (as per the current NT mandate) wear inside when unable to maintain 1.5m Not required when eating or drinking. 3. Sign in with the App using the Town Hall QR code, alternatively a friend can sign them in, or hard copy of contact details can be kept (in case of no smart phone). 4. Hand hygiene - hand sanitizer & wash hands. 5. Physical distancing, keep 1.5m from non family, & if unable then minimise face-to-face to under 15 minutes. Seat rows spaced at least 1.5m apart, sit in family groups (which is promoted by rows being only 7 seats). 6. Disinfecting of high contact surfaces eg door handles, bathroom taps etc. 7. COVID-19 is spread from person-to-person through close contact and droplets including: direct contact with infected persons; or contact with droplets from an infected person’s cough or sneeze; or touching contaminated objects or surfaces (like doorknobs or tables), & then touching your mouth or face.
25.01.2022 We look forward to seeing you all as we begin a new year. As we meet together, we hope that you will be encouraged in your faith in Jesus Christ & in your journey through life.
25.01.2022 This Sunday (15 Nov) we will meet at 9.30am at Town Hall for a regular service. For our message, we will continue watching from the Israel's Mission series by Ray Vander Laan, The Lost Son: In a Far Country. Jesus’ brilliant three-story parable reaches its climax when a father loses his younger son. Having rejected his family’s values and beliefs, and dishonoured his father the lost son set out for a distant country a far country. What did Jesus’ audience understand... a far country to be? What did they think the young man faced and what did a reckless life involve? All Jesus followers have been commissioned as God’s people always have been to be light in a far country. Our mission is no different from that of Joseph, Jonah or Daniel who lived in such a world, or Paul, who travelled from one far country to another. Sustained by the Holy Spirit and the community of Jesus followers, we are to live in order to seek out the lost.
24.01.2022 We hope everyone has had an enjoyable break during the school holidays and we look forward to resume meeting together again this Sunday. Please remember that we must continue to implement hand hygiene practices, social distancing and follow all other Covid-19 restrictions of the NT Government . If you or anyone in your family is feeling unwell, please remain at home.
23.01.2022 Below is a small summary of last Sunday's message, Jesus Renews His Mission: Seeking the Lost which is episode 3 of our Sermon series Israel at Sinai.
22.01.2022 Hope to see you all this Sunday at Town Hall. Please remember that we must continue to implement hand hygiene practices, social distancing and follow all other Covid-19 restrictions of the NT Government . If you or anyone in your family is feeling unwell, please remain at home.
22.01.2022 This Sunday 22/11 we are meeting at 9am at the NCC undercover sports court for Breakfast Church. Everyone is welcome to come and share breakfast and enjoy a short kid friendly message. Please bring a plate of food to share, camp chairs or yappa mat. Tea & coffee provided.
22.01.2022 Next Sunday 09/02 we will commence a new sermon series, Jesus the Game Changer Season 2. The spread of Christianity across the centuries is a remarkable story. It has become a truly global faith which transcends cultures, social classes, language and ethnic groups. But what compelled ordinary people to face difficulty, danger and even death, to take the message of Jesus to the ends of the earth? Jesus the Game Changer Season 2 follows host Karl Faase around the world telling some of the great stories of vision, faith and sacrifice.
20.01.2022 This Sunday 08/03/20 we will be meeting at 9.30am at the Town Hall. This week we will continue listening to sermon series Jesus the Game Changer Season 2 - The Persecuted Church. What compels ordinary people to face difficulty, danger and even death, to take the message of Jesus to the ends of the earth?... "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword? As it is written, For your sake we are being killed all the day long; we are regarded as sheep to be slaughtered. No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:35-39
19.01.2022 Please see below the schedule for our Sunday meetings this month. November is a bit different to our usual calendar due to other community events being held at Town Hall. Remember that we must continue to implement hand hygiene practices, social distancing and follow all other Covid-19 restrictions of the NT Government . If you or anyone in your family is feeling unwell, please remain at home.
19.01.2022 Tomorrow, Sunday 13th September, we will meet for a regular service at 9.30am in the Town Hall.
19.01.2022 We look forward to seeing you at church this month! For our regulars, please consider dates that you can help volunteer for the roster (set up, pack up, laptop, prayer leader, worship, kids talks, communion message). We are also need Kids Church/Sunday school leaders... (Ochre Card & training required). "Have unity of mind, sympathy, brotherly love, a tender heart, and a humble mind." 1 Peter 3:8
19.01.2022 Tomorrow, Sunday 30th August, we will meet for a regular service at 9.30am in the Town Hall.
18.01.2022 Please see below revised schedule for May. This Sunday we will be meeting for Cafe church at NCC undercover sports court at 9.30am.
18.01.2022 Compassion child sponsorship kids message from Colin Buchanan. https://www.compassion.com.au/colin-buchanan
17.01.2022 Please see below the schedule for our Sunday meetings for December. Remember that we must continue to implement hand hygiene practices, social distancing and follow all other Covid-19 restrictions of the NT Government . If you or anyone in your family is feeling unwell, please remain at home.
15.01.2022 This Sunday 29/11 we are meeting from 9.30am at the Nhulunbuy Aquatic Centre. Everyone is welcome to come and enjoy a relaxed morning of fellowship and fun together. There will be no message. Please bring everything you need to enjoy a morning at the pool... See more
15.01.2022 T E E N S T R E E T / / O N L I N E ! ! Rego is now open for TeenStreet 2020 Online July 8-11...plus we're dropping this brand new promo vid to give you a glimp...se at what to expect! All the important details and registration can be found at www.teenstreet.org.au Rego closes June 14, so hit that share button to let everyone know! #TS20 #TSonline #sokeen #registernow OM in Australia
13.01.2022 This Sunday (08 Nov) we will meet at 9.30am at Town Hall for a regular service. For our message, we will continue watching from the Israel's Mission series by Ray Vander Laan, Jesus Renews His Mission: Seeking the Lost. This study focuses on Jesus’ renewal of Israel’s mission and its implications for his followers. When he was criticized for having close contact with sinners Jesus countered with a three-part parable that dramatically portrayed God’s intense love for lost sin...ners. The parable also invited his hearers to accept their role as God’s partners in the mission of seeking sinners so that they may be restored to the Fathers house. The three stories in this parable are Jesus’s call to his followers to join him in seeking his lost children. If you would like to investigate this bible passage ahead of the service please read Luke 15:1-24. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jUCCUHurV0I
12.01.2022 THE BLESSING AUSTRALIA | Churches UNITE to sing THE BLESSING over Australia.
12.01.2022 For our sermon series this term we are looking at Israels's Mission: Becoming a Kingdom of Priests in a Prodigal World by Ray Vander Laan. For those who missed the first episode, you can view it via link below. Hope you enjoy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dm7S101cyJM
12.01.2022 The disciples of Jesus and great missionaries of history all have one thing in common - they were ordinary people, who made Jesus last words their first priori...ty. Filled with the Holy Spirit, they stepped out of their comfort zone; they devoted themselves to God; they had faith; they endured opposition; they have been part of Gods ongoing story of making all things new (Revelation 21:5). But what about us? We are all also called by Jesus last words to go to the ends of the earth. Will you make them your first priority?
12.01.2022 For anyone wishing to catch up on our sermon focus this month, you can find message by Natasha Crain on youtube link below. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLL_v59OEK4
11.01.2022 7 D A Y S T O R E G I S T E R Have you registered yet?? If not, get onto it quick! Rego closes in 7 days!! Register now --> www.teenstreet.org.au... #teenstreetaus #tsonline #registernow #keenas
11.01.2022 Tomorrow, Sunday 26th July, we will meet for a regular service at 9.30am in the Town Hall. We will be looking at a message by Andy Stanley on Perseverance in Tough Times. In this message Andy will be teaching from the bible passage James 1:2-5.
11.01.2022 Men's bible study will resume meetings again tonight.
11.01.2022 Hope you can join us this Sunday!
10.01.2022 Services resume in 2020: 02 Feb - Combined Church Service 09 Feb - NBC 9.30am Service
09.01.2022 Please see below points for further reflection following episode 2 of our Sermon series Israel at Sinai: The First Great Commission.
07.01.2022 Tomorrow we will meet at 9.30am at Town Hall for a regular service. For our message, we will continue watching from the Israel's Mission series by Ray Vander Laan, Israel at Sinai: The First Great Commission. This message will explore that by considering the mission God gave to ancient Israel, we gain a better understanding of the responsibilities of the royal preisthood that is the community of Jesus.... https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=3889551331058956
04.01.2022 Throughout Jesus the Game Changer Season 1 and Season 2 there is a remarkable thread woven of the countless numbers of people who find faith in Jesus and experi...ence radical transformation through simply reading the Bible. They demonstrate what this verse says: that the word of God is living and active. You can watch Jesus the Game Changer now to find out more! See more
04.01.2022 https://www.facebook.com/events/2874134679486833/
03.01.2022 Please see below April schedule for our Sunday services. Details are still to be finalised for Sunday 25/04 Anzac Day. If you would like to receive email updates please send your email details to: [email protected]
03.01.2022 Here is what is planned for the next couple of weeks....
01.01.2022 T S O N L I N E / / H O W ? ? ? It might be different, but Priscilla and David reckon TS20 Online will still have everything you love about #teenstreet. Registe...r before it's too late!! (closes June 14) --> www.teenstreet.org.au #teenstreetaus #tsonline #registernow #keenas OM in Australia
01.01.2022 This Sunday 22/12/19 we will be meeting at 9.30am at the Town Hall. This will be our last service for 2019. All welcome to come join us for a family Christmas service.... "But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons." Galatians 4:4-5
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