Nicholas Houston | Politician
Nicholas Houston
Phone: 0400419404
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24.01.2022 Wishing all mums a very special day. Happy Mother’s Day to my incredible Mom and to my beautiful wife and mother of my two children. You are the light of our home and the pillar of our family. Thanks for being great mums.
22.01.2022 Aged Care Minister Ken Wyatt spent $750,000 on staff travel in 18 months, including $108,000 in a year on an adviser subject to bullying claims who said she has a "special relationship" with the senior front-bencher. This is spending at a rate of $9,614 a week and $1,371 a day 7 days a week. These people really know how to spend tax payers money! No-one is suggesting he is in breach of the Guidelines. But then again, no-one is ever in breach of the Guidelines. ... You can fly across Port Phillip Bay in a helicopter to attend a party-political fund-raising event and not be in breach of the Guidelines. You can travel from North Queensland to Melbourne to address a far-right rally and not be in breach of the Guidelines. You can fly to Hong Kong to consort with a sugar baby and remain well within the Guidelines. When was the last time someone was found to be in breach of the Guidelines? Never (but correct me if I am wrong). We have had a gutful! When elected to the Senate I will reform politicians’ entitlements and introduce clear penalties for breach including suspension from Parliament. Those who make the law should not be above the law. Vote below the line and vote NUMBER 1 for Nick Houston Independent ACT Senate #NicholasHouston #Independent #ACT #Senate #FederalElections #2019 #AustraliaDeservesBetter #Change #DemocraticReformAlliance #DRA #Australia #PoliticsDoneRight #Canberra #ACT #RenovateTheBastards #Followus
18.01.2022 Prime Minister Scott Morrison is standing by his Liberal colleague Angus Taylor after the energy minister admitted to failing to disclose a company he was involved in when he entered parliament. Taylor acknowledged the company was not among the companies listed on his register of parliamentary interests when he joined parliament in 2013. It should have been, he said. Nick Houston and the Democratic Reform Alliance ask why is there one law for politicians another law for ev...eryone else? Do politicians think because they make the law they are above the law? Do they think guidelines do not apply to them? The Prime Minister say yes, we say no. The DRA will introduce strict guidelines regulating politicians conflicts of interest and setting out clear and binding rules for entitlements. We will create a tough cop on the beat in the form of an Integrity Commission to keep our politicians honest. If they breach the guidelines they will be fined and suspended from Parliament. Vote 1 Nick Houston Clean Government Vote Below the Line #NicholasHouston #Independent #Senate #CleanGovernment #ausvotes #DemocraticReformAlliance #DRA #AUSPOL #Canberra
18.01.2022 If elected, I WILL APPOINT JULIAN ASSANGE AS MEDIA ADVISER IN PARLIAMENT HOUSE. Mr #Assange is a noted publisher and critic of corrupt government and is well suited to the media position. #NicholasHouston #Independent #ACT #Senate #CleanGovernment #AustraliaDeservesBetter #Change #ausvotes #DemocraticReformAlliance #DRA #AUSPOL #Australia #Canberra #CBR #ACT #RenovateTheBastards #Followus
13.01.2022 If elected, I will work with other minor parties and independents to use any balance of power opportunity to negotiate tough new legislation to clean up our politics. #NicholasHouston #Independent #ACT #Senate #CleanGovernment #ausvotes #DemocraticReformAlliance #DRA #AUSPOL #Canberra
11.01.2022 While the Liberal and Labor parties prance around the issues of the election manufacturing outrage and weaponizing different groups of voters, the elephant in the room continues its rampage. Both parties want you to ignore how they are funded and who is paying for their campaigns. They want you to forget about what they will return to their donors in the form of policy concessions we will never know about. They want you to pretend that donors will not be awarded lucrative con...tracts without anyone reviewing the probity of these decisions. They want us to put our heads in the sand and focus on business as usual. Well NO. Hell NO. It is time to call time, gentlemen. It is time to call for a Royal Commission into Political Corruption and Institutional Conflicts of Interest in the Australian Political System to investigate the unethical and conflicted practices of our politicians and make muscular recommendations for change. VOTE BELOW THE LINE Vote 1 Nick Houston Clean Government #NicholasHouston #Independent #Senate #CleanGovernment #ausvotes #DemocraticReformAlliance #DRA #AUSPOL #Canberra
11.01.2022 Get on board and help me clean up politics! You can make a big contribution by becoming a volunteer in this campaign. We are looking for volunteers to give up three hours of your time on election day and help us hand out HOW TO VOTE cards at polling stations. We are holding a meeting next Friday to provide instructions for our volunteers and I would like to invite you to attend. EVENT DETAILS:... Date: Friday 17 May, 2019 Time: 4.00 pm Place: VisAustralia, Level 1, Bailey’s Corner, 145 London Circuit, Canberra Change does not occur by itself and we need people of good will to help achieve the changes our democracy needs. See you next Friday!
10.01.2022 To learn more about me, where I am coming from and what I stand for please visit my personal website: https://nicholashouston-democraticreformalliance.nationbuil #NicholasHouston #Independent #Senate #CleanGovernment #ausvotes #DemocraticReformAlliance #DRA #AUSPOL #Canberra
09.01.2022 It is time to bring #change in the #ACT. It is time for a clean government. VOTE BELOW THE LINE! Vote 1 NICK HOUSTON / Independent #NicholasHouston #Independent #Senate #CleanGovernment #ausvotes #DemocraticReformAlliance #DRA #AUSPOL #Canberra
09.01.2022 To VOTE 1 NICK HOUSTON - CLEAN GOVERNMENT you must vote below the line and place a number in the box beside every candidate. Do not start voting below the line and move above the line or your vote will be invalid. #NicholasHouston #Independent #ACT #Senate #CleanGovernment #ausvotes #DemocraticReformAlliance #DRA #AUSPOL #Canberra
08.01.2022 Today’s evening Forum ‘Meet the Candidates’ hosted by #IWiN and #GopioCanberra was exceptional. Thank you so much for having me, it was a pleasure to be part of the panel next to the other candidates. #NicholasHouston #AustraliaDeservesBetter #Change #Multiculturism #Womensrights #DemocraticReformAlliance #DRA #AUSPOL #Australia #PoliticsDoneRight #Canberra #ACT #Followus
08.01.2022 Australian democracy for sale Nice Work Clive! It has been reported that Clive Palmer will spend $60 million on campaign advertising. This spend is believed to be unprecedented in Australian political history. This money covers media advertising, printing and design costs, nomination fees, paid volunteers, insurance, office rent, and professional staff with the wherewithal to organise it.... Assuming the United Australia Party win a seat or two in the Parliament we will have a good idea of the dollar value of a seat and the dollar value of an individual vote. Australian Democracy is now officially for sale. The ALP and the Coalition have also been buying seats in Parliament for years with campaigns funded by corporate donors. We have no idea what they give back to the donors in return. Nick Houston and the DRA will introduce world’s best practice campaign funding reform to stop the sale of Australian democracy and restore ordinary people back into our democracy. VOTE BELOW THE LINE Vote 1 Nick Houston Clean Government ACT Senate #NicholasHouston #Independent #CleanGovernment #australiadeservesbetter #federalelections2019 #auspol #DRA #DemocraticReformAlliance
05.01.2022 EQUAL REPRESENTATION FOR CANBERRA NOW! The #ACT has a population of 420,960 people and elects two Senators to the Australian Senate. Tasmania and South Australia with populations of 529,900 and 1,740,700 return 12 Senators each.
02.01.2022 Nothing better than receiving the love and support of people in #Canberra who agree it is time for a clean government. Thanks to you all Make your vote count, VOTE BELOW THE LINE, VOTE 1 NICK HOUSTON - Independent / ACT Senate. #NicholasHouston #Independent #CleanGovernment #australiadeservesbetter #federalelections2019 #auspol #DRA #DemocraticReformAlliance @ Civic