Nicky Beschi in Frankston, Victoria | Medical and health
Nicky Beschi
Locality: Frankston, Victoria
Phone: +61 438 887 446
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25.01.2022 When we raise our consciousness everything around us does too. I have no doubt this is why we are here at this time. Lorrie explains this beautifully and the more people that raise their consciousness the more love and light prevails
24.01.2022 Sometimes you just have to take the leap, Life when experiencing it fully is about moving in some direction of growth! It is more often than not uncomfortable, but the message that returns from the universe is I will always have your back when you lean into this space... Courage is the heart and how we open to new experiences. Support is the backbone for strength and boundries. Lean in and trust you will be held and supported when you move into the uncomfortable. Much love N #grief #trauma #wellness #transformingtrauma #paintopurpose #liveyourpurpose #feminineessence #leadwithlove #intentions #empoweringwomen #spiritualcoach #coachforwomen #spiritualbusiness #consciouscreater #womenrising #mumsmindsetcoach #healyourself #raiseyourvibratiins #dreamersanddoers #melbournemums #medicinewomen #worklifebalance #mumentrepreneur #lovingwithpurpose #growthmindset #selfempowermentcoach #emotions #innerwork #soulpurpose #soulgrowth
24.01.2022 FEELING and processing emotions. None of them are wrong, they all just want to be felt. That is how we move through some the shadow parts of ourselves. The parts that for many are rising to the surface to be acknowledged. Send understanding, compassion and acceptance to all of those parts of you
24.01.2022 PROPHESIZED DATE 21-12-2020: Dawning Of Aquarius 1948 by Aunty Millie Mace: Jain’s Super-Aquarian Date 4-2-1962. Astrologers and some Astronomers are excited f...or a rare planetary event where the two stellar bodies of Saturn and Jupiter, will conjunct and appear as one body of Light. This will happen at 0 degrees Aquarius, in a few days time on the 21st December, 2020. Normally the Saturn/Jupiter alignment happens every 20 years, but in this case, the occulting, meaning the 2 become 1 from our eyesight, has not happened since the C12th medieval times, so it is being hailed as a special event. In the Southern Hemisphere, this is our Summer Solstice, the day with most Light throughout the whole year, worthy of celebration, though in the Northern Hemisphere, this is their Winter Solstice, the day with the least amount of Light. The Solstice peaks at 9:00pm and precedes another prophesized event at 10.30 pm, when Saturn and Jupiter align precisely, foretold by our Original People, represented by Aunt Millie Mace of Uluru, the giant Red Rock Centre of Australia (aka Ayer’s Rock) who claims her people had known about this date of 21-12-20 for many decades. She is asking everyone who supports her ancestral vision, to not gather at the heart of Australia, as they want their privacy to do their own secret ceremonial business, but to connect with the Mother Earth and Father Sky in their own backyard or local area, insisting that we all take our shoes off and feel the ground beneath us, or hug a tree or dip into the ocean or your favourite water-hole. Jain 108 See more
23.01.2022 Grief, an emotion I know all too well. An emotion that cracks you open, wakes you up and allows you to truely see beyond ego, beyond the illusion of greed, lack, scarcity, fear, separation. This is truely one of the most important messages right now. How do we dissolve separation? We feel, we feel the grief of humanity to unite us, to transform metal with fire, to open our hearts to ourselves and to the collective. We are all experiencing life, let us all experience it as essence
23.01.2022 We are products of our environment! There is much we can do to change the direction of this country, the world. Take back your power and decide what path you choose to take. One that is aligned to your highest good or one that is align to others. #youareyourmedicibe #takebackyourpower #healfromwithin
23.01.2022 My story is unique So is yours Your ability to tell your story in its essence is your gift to the world... Your legacy Your ability to overcome is your legacy Use it as a driving force to elevate and encourage humanity Share your triumphs You are phenamonal You just need to remember! #rememberance #overcome #challeges #legacy #yourstoryisunique
22.01.2022 Health starts in your cells by the pure act of thinking
21.01.2022 When we connect to ourselves more deeply and give ourselves time to be present with our emotional, physical, mental and spiritual bodies we have more of ourselves to give to our children. Think of it as Integrating these parts, recharging with source and having more presence to give because you done exactly that with yourself
21.01.2022 Feeling totally elated for a client this morning who sent me text stating "I went to see my surgeon yesterday to get the tumours in my neck biopsied and 2 of the tumours have disappeared and the biggest has shrunk to 4mm." Rebecca The answers to your healing lie within you! What a privileged and honour to share in the witnessing of human transformation
21.01.2022 Your thoughts restrict or amplify everything physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. When you master your thoughts you master living!
19.01.2022 Vitamin D is essential lovelies! If you aren't supplementing already it's an absolute necessity especially from May to October when the sun is too low in the sky for us to absorb it. Add Vit C and Zinc and your immune system has the best chance at combating any foreign invaders
16.01.2022 Health and well-being have a direct relationship with your emotional world. Built up unprocessed integrated emotions often called stress can lead to dis-ease, pain and mental illness. Today more than ever you are being asked to come back to you, be with you, form deeper and more loving connections with yourself. You are your medicine. This is how you heal your inner world, this is how we create a ripple effect and this this how we heal the planet. If you haven't seen Heal, ...its a must see doco following patients with terminal illnesses and their journey to wellness. The same theories apply to all dis-ease, when we look deeper we find the answers and Heal
15.01.2022 BIOHACKERS REPLAY on YOUTUBE 26/05/21 The programs these biohackers are using to create optimum internal environments include; Immune System, your immune is a defence system that combats and protects you from foreign envaders. When healthy its strong and resiliant.... Bioenergetic Boost boosts your energy in the moment to enhance your ability to defend. Cells, Cell protection, we live in an environment that can challenge our internal environment. Our cells due to stress, biological, environmental, emotional, mental can degenerate especially as we get older. An amazing biohack that can be used as an anti ager, sustaining wellbeing and life force. Kidneys are integral for building your energy, Qi and Wellbeing, foundational for returning to origin, wholeness, will power Heart, love, connection, acceptance and joy Fitness, muscle, something to maintain fitness Brain, something from the Learning page Interested in learning more or trying Healy? Reach out, I have a number of devices for trial, location Frankston South Check out the full video, now live, link beliw Speakers: Doc Steve Kenneth Close Michelle Patrick Brandon Mario Wescott What is biohacking? Biohacking is a crazy-sounding name for something not crazy at allthe desire to be the absolute best version of ourselves. The main thing that separates a biohacker from the rest of the self-improvement world is a systems-thinking approach to our own biology. As humans, we are complex systems. What goes into us affects what comes out of us. Our behaviors, our health, and our performance in all areas of life are outputs. If we want better outputsto have more energy and focus, to be free of disease, to have a better memory, to perform optimally in business and athleticsthen let’s tweak the things we put into our body and mind to stack the deck in our favor. In this instance, biohackers use Healy to measure these inputs and outputs, and to experimentally test the effect of different tweaks. By balancing the body and all areas of life through frequency, the body is able to be in a limitless state, it increases performance, creates better outcomes, whether it is weight loss, improved energies, and other benefits.
14.01.2022 I love Danielle LaPorte. We need to be with our shadows as much as our light. Do not negate them as they just want air
11.01.2022 You are being asked to feel everything at the moment! The energy is intensifying as we are drawn toward a new way of living! We are ascending and with that the shit, the chaos must crumble. Affirm to stay present with it all, feel it all, honour it, validate it, it all wants compassion and light to allow you to rise. Much love Nicky
08.01.2022 NEW MOON SCORPIO TIME ASIDE FOR RITUAL AND INTENTIONS The world, A cycle complete... couldn't have drawn a more perfect card " The world announces completion of a journey. A master of this worldly experience, she has integrated mind, bidy, spirit to complete a cycle in her life as she prepare for another lap around. Through effort and grace, she has gained many skills and achieved a great feat: evolving from novice to expert. She has become a new being, moving with a sense o...f ease and satisfaction. Whole and complete, she has drunk deeply if her divine spirit and casts an ethereal glow" This new moon is juicy can you feel her energy... lush and beautiful. Think wealth, well/ health, abundance, water, fluidity, flow, creation, rebirth. Some believe the official start of The Age of Aquarius is 21 Dec 2020 and others believe it began 11/11/2011. It really doesn't matter to much the official date what's important is our consciousness is waking up. We are evolving whether you like it or not and it can feel messy and chaotic and uncomfortable as the pain body shines light on residual unresolved stresses. We are mostly made up of water, as is the earth, we are created in water and are nurtured by water. Work with this element, address your anxiety, fears, paralysed will, inadequacy, dread, build your Kidney and Bladder energies. If you are experiencing any of the above hightened emotions and nurture with water, bath, swim in the ocean, drink filtered water and set some intentions for what you want to bring forth, for how you want to feel. As we transition from the Piscean age into the age of Aquarius, a new 2000 year cycle which is pretty damn special. Make time for self care practices. We are literally crumbling structures, hierachies, power and control within ourselves to restore balance, care, compassion and equality.. the flow on effects create exactly that in our external worlds and I believe and feel we are on the precepis of great change. It's beautiful to witness the unfolding #elements #rebirth #ageofaquarius #newmoon #setintentions #feel #womeninpower #divinefeminine #wellbeing #collapsingoldworldpowers #innerworld #outerworld #alignment #kinesiology #alignandflow #fiveelements #healy #water #scorpionewmoon #womeninbusiness #womeninleadersip #superflow
08.01.2022 Your health and wellbeing are directly related to you ENERGY , your LIFE FORCE your ability to raise your vibration and increase SELF WORTH , your ability to CREATE and ATTRACT your DESIRES Raising your vibration attracts more of this ... I have an unbelievable opportunity to not only become more connected to yourself, feel well and raise your vibration but also join my team and earn an income from helping others do exactly that 15 Million Sales worldwide in 6 Days It's spreading like wildfire, its an opportunity of a lifetime, I I know this because I've been working with it for 2 months. I've experienced the changes, I see the VISION and this is the next thing wellness evolution If you interested comment below I have 24 hours to fill you in.
08.01.2022 Looking for a unique gift for a beloved for Chrissy this year, one that focuses on their Health and Wellbeing. Gift Vouchers are now available through my websit...e and can be used for any of my services including hiring Healy. 3 Day hire rates for Healy HHH $150 3 Day hire Resonance $200 Initial Consult $200 Online and in person consultations available Wishing everyone a wonderful Christmas, I know this year has been challenging for many. Remember our challenges makes us grow, remember the lessons you've learnt and carry them into the the future to serve your highest good and greatest visions. Much love Nicky & Gus xx
07.01.2022 WE ARE ALL FEELING THE HEALY VIBES even the pooch who has plaque I've been running Hormones and Thyroid for the last few days. Hormones effect everything!! And I had a major break through moment in relation to a trauma that I hadn't completely processed. ... Today I'm on fire, my energy is through the roof Not long to go, Worldwide promo ends 6th Sept, save $$$ Hit me up if you'd like to know more
06.01.2022 Look what's arrived Some of my peeps have had huge shifts on going pain disappear, including myself, money start to show up including myself, getting that felt seemily unattainable, sleep/insomnia patterns resolved gut imbalances restored stress reduced learning accelerated wounds healed at a rapid rate Immune system efficiency Headaches and migraines gone Manifestations I'm running Healy sessions online and I'll be renting them out as well. Sing out if you are interested
05.01.2022 Hi All, a wonderful women I know is running watercolour classes for beginners, $25 for 3 hours in Mt Eliza! So worth it if you are wanting to develop your creativity!
05.01.2022 I love hearing clients thriving!
04.01.2022 Pro -choice, it is not a debate. This is here for those wanting a choice. Everyone has a right to be heard. Everyone walks through the world based on how they have experienced it and we need to understand all sides that's how we come up with more evolved solutions.
02.01.2022 YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS IS IN YOUR PAIN! Are you willing to give it up? Or are you attached to the story of why it's there? Your ego likes pain, it likes to attach to reasons why, it likes to make you feel like you can't. ... Almost like big brother looking down on you snickering. It likes you to feel small, defeated, incapable. A pattern that stops you from growing, from expanding, from becoming more. Pain is the gateway to self, it is where you will find yourself, it is where your greatest lessons will be learnt
02.01.2022 I dreamt of whales last night Swimming amongst these gracious powerful creatures off the coast in a deep canyon, holding onto a pole that swept us through the oceans as I looked on in awe at their majestic softness and flow It's very symbolic to be dreaming of whales. I believe they came to me in my dreams to integrate my learning for the passed 14 years.... Whales are associated with compassion and solitude, and a knowledge of both life and death. This passed week has seen me face death and life all in a matter of minutes. Not unlike 14 years ago when Max was born. They believe his stroke could have happened 2 minutes before his birth. Something we'll never know. The edges that this kid takes me too are beyond! He makes me dig deeper than I ever feel I can go and teachers me more about facing my shadows than any other person in my world. He teaches me about solitude and compassion. Life, death, the need to slow down rest and integrate traumas, listen and find answers in the silence. I watch myself transverse through time and space, reclaiming power from his birth through to now. The breath that he was unable to breathe at birth. The breath that was given to him by oxygen at the hospital to help him live ....given back to my son all in a matter of minutes. My body wasn't able to 14 years ago, we needed medical assistance and this time it was different. I watched his lifeless body come back to life and it was terrifying and amazing and do not wish to repeat it. And I am so darn grateful for him being here, for the lessons he teaches me and for him choosing me. We both reclaimed our power the other night, my womb has healed and I'm ready to reclaim my limitless creativity and the manifestation powers of all I envision. I see human beings understandings their abilities, their magic, their essence. I see wellness and self worth rise, women powerful beyond measure sharing openly, expressing freely, healing their core wounds and coming back to their hearts. We have so much to create, so much to birth into this world, so much to evolve, our kids need us more than ever to step into our power. They learn from what they see and we need to show them the way. #grief #trauma #wellness #transformingtrauma #paintopurpose #liveyourpurpose #feminineessence #leadwithlove #intentions #empoweringwomen #spiritualcoach #coachforwomen #spiritualbusiness #consciouscreater #womenrising #mumsmindsetcoach #healyourself #raiseyourvibratiins #dreamersanddoers #melbournemums #medicinewomen #worklifebalance #mumentrepreneur #lovingwithpurpose #growthmindset #selfempowermentcoach #emotions #innerwork #soulpurpose #soulgrowth
01.01.2022 I've been taking clients through Spiral for 7 years and what I witness is heart exploding! So much of the stories you are conditioned with hold you back and its not just in one area of your life it's many. Health, business, relationships and money. Your health is a direct reflection of how much energy you have to pour into these areas. Your health and your energy enables you to create, serve and leave behind a legacy that you are proud. What imprint do you want to leav...e on the world, What are you here to show and teach your children, your friends a stranger in passing. You are here to connect, thrive and unleash your medicine, your abilities to the world Connect with me for more details and start dates
01.01.2022 Good Morning beautiful humans. What are you doing at the moment to raise your vibration? Your health and wellbeing are pivotal Good Morning beautiful humans. What are you doing at the moment to raise your vibration? Your health and wellbeing are pivotal
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