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Nicola Burbidge Holistic Therapies in Coffs Harbour, New South Wales | Health & wellness website

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Nicola Burbidge Holistic Therapies

Locality: Coffs Harbour, New South Wales

Phone: +61 439 073 090

Address: 52 Aubrey Cres 2450 Coffs Harbour, NSW, Australia


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25.01.2022 STOP LEAKING ENERGY! We are all energetic beings ebbing and flowing through life together. So how do you identify when someone is taking your energy or you are leaking energy? Fret no more- The Colander Theory has your back!! In this episode I talk about energy vortexes, energy leaks, boundaries, relationships and how to stop burning yourself out energetically.... New podcast episode is up on the website

25.01.2022 This is how we Monday! Last week of 50% distance energy healing sale. Head to website for more deets #mondayisastateofmind

25.01.2022 On days when you feel a little blurgh, the best thing you can do is nurture and care for your body mind and soul. Take it slow, release expectations to do all the things, drink more tea, take the day off if you need, watch a movie, have a bath or snuggle up to your pup! As mercury is going into retrograde again soon, there are a lot of people feeling fatigued and out of whack! If you're into energy and the universe and all that fun stuff head on over to my other account The Global Conscious Project for energy updates and fun woo woo stuff! I will be posting more about the universal energy and astrological events over there:) Mercury Retrograde is always a bit of a slap in the face, but if you set yourself up properly it can be a liberating and insightful time to see which parts of your life you can improve.

24.01.2022 You guys- This thing is unreal.

23.01.2022 Trust the Ground- A remedy for Anxiety -

23.01.2022 The Spiritual Meaning of Injury, Accident or Illness. One of the biggest mistakes we can make is assuming that we don't have control over what happens in our life. Sure, some things are out of our control, but usually there's a reason behind the things that seem like they're out of your control. Did you know that whatever vibrations you put out into the world and whatever your internal world looks like- emotions, beliefs, mindset etc, actually inform what occurs in your world? I know it can sound loopy if this is the first time you've encountered this kind of concept, but once you become aware of how your perception dictates your life it becomes very clear that if you change your perspective, your life can change too! Now I am going to go one step further and give you a deeper concept: The universe (or whatever you believe in) is trying to give you clues and signs as to what is right and wrong for you as an individual. It helps give us lessons that we need to learn in weird events in life! e.g. have you ever been injured to the point where you have had to rest completely? What was your life like leading up to that injury? were you burning the candle at both ends? were you running around like a crazy person hustling hard? And what did that injury teach you- did it remind you to slow down, breathe and rest? We are never given more than we can handle. Anyway, long story short I made a video on the spiritual meaning of Injury, accident and illness: Let me know what you think:) p.s. I am new to youtube and I would love it if you subscribed to my channel- it helps me reach (and hopefully inspire) more people.

20.01.2022 When you make your self care #1 priority you can serve others, help people, spread good vibes and enhance the world with your sparkle I only really started prioritising self care in the past couple of years, and this year especially the way I feel, think and act has started to reflect that. I no longer identify as 'depressed', my physical health has improved (goodbye fluid retention and gut issues) and my anxiety is manageable. None of this happened overnight. Its been in th...e works for around 5 years! Everyday I ask myself 'what would today look like if I released all expectations of myself and removed the pressure to be perfect'? I take deep breaths (belly breaths) regularly throughout the day and meditate regularly. If I feel stressed I say to myself 'will this matter in 3 years'? Hint: the answer is always no We only get a short time on earth. Don't spend it chasing things you can't take with you at the end. Use it to create joy, memories and good vibes. The energy you put out will attract like energies back into your life. Good vibes=Good Times You got this! #goodvibes #goodtimes #yourvibration #raiseyourvibration

18.01.2022 It's so easy to fall into the trap of feeling like a failure at life. So I recorded this youtube video to address why that happens and what triggers it for me (and many others). Here is the link: It is super important to keep reminding yourself that your timeline in life doesn't look the same as someone elses. Comparison will always keep you small and in a scarcity mindset, so find what makes you feel good and do it every damn day! It would mean the world to me if you clicked subscribe on my youtube channel as it helps me grow and continue creating content. This is the start of my youtube days so bear with me as I develop my editing and youtube skills (and hopefully get some real equipment).

16.01.2022 When I first trained to be a massage therapist I did generic massages in my jobs in spas. I got bored soooo easily and used to experiment with different techniques to get muscles to release easier with less pain for people with inflammation. It was (and still is) my mission to make the experience of releasing pain from the body as painlessly as possible and for my clients to leave feeling lighter rather than groggy and fatigued. Now I have been experimenting for over 5 years... and have learned some pretty cool tricks along the way to get the best results with the most efficient use of energy and time. If you have experienced my treatment, you know it's different to your average massage! It is the most common feedback I get. I use my version of trigger point therapy and look at the body as a whole rather than individual areas. This is the only way you can find the cause of discomfort and pain, because our bodies are super intelligent and often send pain to different parts of the body than where the problem is! By looking at the entire posture, alignment and lifestyle you can make insane improvements quickly. Everything is connected, and treating only one part of the body most likely won't cure the cause. If it's time to try something different, then either book online or send me a DM to chat :)

16.01.2022 Well, it's finally finished! The mindfulness course is ready to roll. This year I have treated a lot of people who were interested in taking up mindfulness, but didn't know where to begin. So I made this easy online course to give an overview of mindfulness and teach simple and effective techniques that can be used in everyday life. It's the small, simple things that make massive change. - gaining awareness - meditation... - understanding yoga philosophy - how to make habits that actually last - slowing down and unsubscribing from the rat race - PLUS I give you 2 free guided meditations to get you started The course is $29.99, completely self led so you can do it in your own time, and built for beginners- so if you have never even heard of mindfulness you can 100% benefit from it. Mindfulness is amazing for stress, anxiety, mental illness, physical illness (which is often caused by stress), overwhelm or just a feeling of being 'busy' all the time. Mindfulness allows you to bring calm into everyday, the aim is to feel like you do when you're on holiday- majority of the time When we feel calm, open and at ease, life flows soooo much better. Our stress decreases, we are less anxious, we are better to be around and open to more good experiences. Since I have been practising mindfulness my life has changed so much, better experiences, inner peace more of the time and opportunities seem to flow to me. I can't recommend mindfulness enough. It will change your life! To find the course you can go here: or click on 'courses' on my website (link in bio).

15.01.2022 I do yoga every morning. The thing about being a massage therapist and also working online is that your body becomes your work tool. I spend most of my day either sitting at a computer or massaging people with tight muscles which takes a lot of muscular strength. So if my body isn't strong and healthy, it can't withstand the demands I put on it. If you're a tradie you look after your power tools, if you're an accountant you look after your computer, if you drive for a living get your truck serviced. I like to think of the body as a tool- not only because I am using for my work, but because everyone needs their body for living life. We should ALL be looking after our bodies because without it, we cannot do any type of work, live life or even do the bare minimum. If your body doesn't work, neither do you. So, look after it and prioritise it in your daily life. You will thank yourself later! Looking for more info and inspo?

14.01.2022 Need a chill out after that intense full moon energy? Energy healing and massage at the same time sound good? Book online or send me a DM. #coffsharbour #coffscoast #coffscoastmassage #massage #healingmassage #energyhealing

13.01.2022 I know every 'healthy living advocate' talks about nutrition and exercise for the body plus meditation and mindfulness for the mind, but in my opinion these are just as important as having a purpose/hope/belief in something bigger than your physical body. No, I am not talking about religion (but if that's your jam then that is totally ok too), I am talking about a belief in your place in the world, what your mission in life is, how you can contribute to your community, having... faith that the universe has your back, spirituality, respect for the wider world and mother nature, etc. It is whatever you believe in. In Western society, we think about the body as one entity and the mind as another separate entity, but we don't often realise that our 'soul' is a valid part of the equation. The body, mind, soul connection is what ancient traditions have been practising for thousands of years. It is the belief that everything is connected. Which means we are intricately connected to everything around us. It also means that our body and mind are connected into this interweb of universal connectedness. So if you're only treating your ailments on a mental and physical level, but seeing limited results or recurring issues, then look outside yourself for answers. Who are you hanging around with? How are you spending your time? Do you believe that the world is out of your control or that you play an integral part in it? What do you believe in? Where are you giving away your power to please others? How do you treat the world around you? All of these questions are important. Your mindset is important. The body, mind, spirit connection is important. #foodforthought #yourmindsetmatters

12.01.2022 So a couple of months ago I started a podcast about all things holistic health, healing and raising your vibration. It is my baby! I absolutely love recording every single episode and sharing stories about common themes I see in my client's lives and my life. This week I reached 100 downloads (which doesn't include people listening on spotify/itunes etc) and it reminded me that it is super important to celebrate ALL wins no matter how big or small. See, whatever vibration we... operate on is reflected back to us from the world. So if you're always searching for more and what you have is never good enough then you are in a state of lack and things will keep happening in your life to put you further in lack. If you celebrate all the wins and are grateful for what you have, you will receive more things to be grateful for. Plus you will feel SO much better! If you're not happy with what you have now, you will never be happy with anything you ever have! If you're intrigued about what other goodies I have shared on my podcast head to my website to check it out. 10 episodes of me blabbing about things I love and find cool- would love to know if you find them cool too!! #shamelesspodcastplug

11.01.2022 Lets talk Femininity. I recently spoke about my journey reclaiming my feminine energy for business and life success. I think as women, we are often conditioned to feel like we have to be more manly or disconnected with our femininity to be successful and fit into this society- hustling, burning the candle at both ends, striving, pushing, always having to 'achieve' and forcing things rather than letting life flow. In this podcast episode, I got very personal talking about my... fear of giving birth, experience with IUD and how learning to love my feminine side has allowed me to thrive in life! I know there are millions of women out there who have similar struggles, which can manifest as physical illnesses in the womb area (endometriosis etc). So I made this for us! Please be gentle- this is super raw! Check it out on the homepage of my website ( Love Nicola #feminineenergy #femininity #newpodcastepisode #podcast #holistichealth #spiritualhealth #spirituality #spiritjunkie #spiritualgangsta #endometriosis #adenomyosis #wombenergy #reclaimingmyfeminineenergy #female #fem #femininemasculine

10.01.2022 Weeks later and the healing is still taking effect in the body Absent or distance healing is just as effective than in person healing which is what makes it so cool. This lovely lady is in New Zealand and I sent her healing a couple of weeks ago. This is the second or third email I have received from her over that time saying how much she is loving the transformation. It still amazes me how effective and amazing energy healing is for the body, mind and soul. In Episode 6 o...f my podcast (find it on my website) I talk about the incredible things I see in energy healing sessions and the results it gets people. Whatever the problem, healing can help because it works on the body as a whole, not just one system or part. A lot of people aren't willing to try it because it is 'new' and 'different' than the normal treatment techniques. I get it, I was sceptical too when I first tried it. It's one of those things you have to experience to understand, and the only way to experience it is to book in with a healer and see for yourself. Distance healing sessions available on my website #distancehealing #absenthealing

10.01.2022 I know I have been talking non-stop about Healy the past 10 days BUT I'M SO EXCITED I can't stop!! This is the latest in what's been happening for me and my clients when using the Healy: Check it out on Youtube here:

06.01.2022 Each body is different and every person needs a different approach. I assess your body and apply the most appropriate technique to get you moving effectively and efficiently again. Each massage includes a free strengthening exercise and body alignment session at the end, as well as equipment for at home therapy (e.g. foam roller, thera-bands, massage ball, etc). The aim of every session is to get you back to doing the things you love! I have helped people through lower back p...ain, frozen shoulder, sore knees, aching hips, arthritis, headaches, stiff neck, upper back pain, tingling in fingers, shooting pain in arms, plantar fasciitis, shin splints, stomach pain, sore hip flexors, dizziness, muscles cramps, tight muscles, general stiffness, etc. If your concern is not on this list, or you are unsure and want to chat about your body, give me a call on 0439073090. I am always happy to discuss your injury and how it can best be treated. Prices (includes Massage, Strengthening and Realignment exercises and At home therapy equipment): 30 mins: $50 60 mins: $100 90 mins: $150 To Book call or text 0439073090. I work from home, so there is no reception desk. If I don’t answer please leave a message and I will call you back.

05.01.2022 Emotions that haven't been dealt with (i.e. felt, expressed and released) are stored in our body causing energetic blockages and low vibrational states, which can cause illness, disease and health issues. When we learn how to heal our emotions, we are giving our body the chance to operate on a higher vibration and become healthier and happier. In my latest podcast episode I give you a step by step process on how to feel and heal your emotions, which is key for living more m...indfully and consciously. Check it out on my website #newepisode #podcastepisodeoutnow #holistichealth #personalgrowth #personaldevelopment #spiritualitypodcast #healthandwellnesspodcast #wellnesspodcast #emotionalhealth #healyourself #emotionalwellbeing #healyouremotions #healyourbody #healyourmind #bodymindsoul #healthyliving #spiritualhealth #emotionalblockage

05.01.2022 Super excited to be collaborating with this new company which sells a wearable frequency device. If you want more info hit me up!

04.01.2022 The number one cause of back pain I see as a massage therapist is when the hips are out of alignment. This is caused by weakness in the pelvic floor/deep core and glute muscles (your butt muscles)! There are SOOOOO many people suffering with back pain, and most of these cases can be fixed or avoided with correct strengthening exercises. It's actually a pretty simple process as long as there is no underlying injury. So if you have a little niggle or suffer from ongoing back p...ain, this course is perfect for you. It's only $49.99 which is heaps cheaper than going to a weekly appointment with your fave physician! AND I know it works for majority of people because this is the exact formula I give all my clients with back pain. So if you're done being in pain and want more info, head over to:

03.01.2022 It's the consistent tiny choices everyday that create happiness. Yes, you read that right- create, not give. Happiness is not something you just get- it is something that is earned when you constantly choose the things that light you up and make you smile! Unsubscribe from the 'norm' if it stresses you out. You are the creator of your life and it is up to you to determine how you live it. #lifestylechoices #yourlife #lifestylegoals #dreamlife #happiness #happychappy #happy #holistichealth #mindset #mindovermatter #mindful #meditation #yoga #theyogaoflife #balancedbeing #innerbalance #spiritualgangsta #personalgrowth #personadevelopment #livethelifeyoulove #nofilter

03.01.2022 Yes, Yes, Yes!! I am so excited about this- I just recorded a course on mindfulness :D If you have been to see me for a massage or energy healing you know I am a huge advocate for mindfulness as a remedy for physical , mental and emotional health. I 100% believe that when we are continuously making conscious choices and lifestyle changes to be more mindful and operate in alignment with what we actually want (rather than what we think we have to do), our entire life changes f...or the better- including our overall health. Stay tuned for more deets on the new course! #newcourse #mindfulnesscourse #comingsoon #mindfulormindfull #escapetheratrace #mindfulness #mindful #meditation #yoga #breathingtechniques #lifestylechoices #ideallifestyle #goals #holistichealth #mentalhealth #emotionalhealth #spiritualhealth #lovethelifeyoulive #lifegoals #intuitivelifestyle

03.01.2022 Chronic Illness is taxing on the body and mind. Many people talk about how you can fix your illness, but there's wayyy less chat about how to overcome the mental challenges that come with being sick for a prolonged time. In my latest blog post I give 7 of my top tips on dealing with the lifestyle changes that come with chronic illness. If you have been sick for a while, know you're not alone. There are many others out there who feel exactly the same. You got this xx... Check it out here:

02.01.2022 Did you know I offer distance healing sessions? Energy transcends space and time, so energy healing can be sent via distance to anyone anywhere in the world at anytime. This is becoming a popular treatment option during covid. Something I have been working on behind the scenes is a healing subscription program to make energy healing more accessible and affordable. I finally finished setting it up this week. Starting from just $11USD per month (approx $15) you can receive mon...thly healing sessions and card reading. There are 4 options, each with more value and perks. I am really excited about this because as there is a mass awakening in the world, people are becoming more aware of their energy and the profound role that energy healing can play in physical health, mental health, manifesting, plus a million other things! Basically it helps you feel good! So if this intrigues you, check it out at Or click the link in bio called 'healing subscription'. #distancehealing #energyhealing #reiki #reikimaster #healyourlife #healyourself #healingsubscription #cardreading #energyupdate #universalenergy #universe #spiritjunkie #spiritualenergy #spiritual #spiritualawakening #massawakening #awaken #awakenwithin #journeywithin #awakening #spirituality #onlinesubscription

01.01.2022 Need gift ideas for someone who has everything? Massage! Dm me to get yours

01.01.2022 One week after receiving my Healy, this is what I have experienced: - Less bloated - mentally clear - feel more connected to myself - eyesight has changed... - less anxious, more calm All the clients I ran a deep restorative program on have felt calmer, more connected and some even fell asleep- usually within 5-10 minutes of using Healy during their treatments. I recorded a podcast episode explaining all the good and bad of Healy I have experienced so far, check it out at

01.01.2022 This is why I don't watch the news or have a tv: - I am an empath. Seeing so much suffering and horrible news everyday really affects my mental state and I feel better when I don't expose myself to it. When I feel better, I can better help others, which in turn helps the world. - What you consume can consume you. Even if it's just playing n the background, your subconscious is still taking in information it receives. Whatever the brain consumes it has to process, so if we fil...l it all the time with an overload of information it is really hard to feel at ease (in my experience) because the brain is having to process sooooo much all the time- even in your sleep. - Not watching tv creates so much extra time in the day. I read more books, spend time meditating and exercising, being creative, bond with my dog Tessa and watch online, which means I can control the information I am exposed to to an extent. Watching good, high vibe things raises my vibe. People always ask me how I know what is going on in the world and keep up with the news. News in inescapable. You can always seek it when you need it. I hear of things through other people and on social media. Sometimes I search for news online if I want it. Some think I am burying my head in the sand, and they may be right! But since I gave up TV about 5 years ago, I feel more in control of my life, I am happier and healthier and more connected to myself. I have learnt more cool skills and interesting information on my own terms which I wouldn't have had time for if I spent the evenings glued to the box. It's all about creating your own life- if something doesn't make you feel good you shouldn't do it just because it is 'normal'. Always try to create calm in your life and you'll find that you end up living more fully. #rantover

01.01.2022 Things To Remember when you have a Chronic Illness -

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