NicoleAnn.BirthKeeper.2 | Product/service
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25.01.2022 Pregnancy loss, Miscarriage, Early birth, Still Birth 1 in 4 pregnancys end not how you imagined or wanted it to ... Pt 1, I was 24. Pregnant for the second time. My first baby was 10months and I was busy getting ready for her first birthday. The familiar taste of metal in my mouth one morning and I knew. In that moment the hopes and dreams of that child entered my mind. What would they look like, be like. How wonderful to have them both so close in age. In love instantly. A test confirmation (not that I needed it ) weeks went by. My body continued to give me signs of the life I was growing. 3 weeks before my first 1st birthday party i woke with a small cramp in my side. I went to the bathroom and when I wiped there was a small spot of blood. I was scared and didn’t know what to do. No one knew I was pregnant. I went to my doctor to ask what I should do. He was very kind to me and said to go home and rest. Eat well and be kind to myself. That it wasn’t anything I had done or not done. That I might lose my baby but he couldn’t say if or when that would happen. So I went home and went to bed. I cried and spoke to my baby and cried some more....... #doulasupport #brisbanedoula #earlybirth #miscarriageawareness #miscarriagesupport #pregancylossawarenessmonth
25.01.2022 How you birth your baby stays with you for your whole life If you don’t feel heard by your providers, CHANGE provider ... Don’t let your politeness get in the way of your best birth experience If you are feeling pressured to do things that doesn’t aline with your vision of birth, CHANGE provider Don’t let politeness get in the way of your best birth experience If you are told you aren’t allowed to birth how your want to birth, CHANGE provider Don’t let politeness get in the way of your best birth experience The only person you need to answer to is YOU!!! #doula #doulalife #doulas #doulasrock #studentdoula #doulaintraining #birthworker #doulasupport #postpartumdoula #doulatips #doulawisdom #birthdoula #newdoula #brisbanemumsclub #doula #brisbanemums #informedbirth #birthphotography #birthphotographer #newbornphotographer #birthisbeautiful #brisbanebirthphotographer #birthing #brisbanemumsclub
24.01.2022 Birthed I was witness to magic ... #brisbanefreebirth #brisbanebirthkeeper #brisbanedoula #freebirth
20.01.2022 This year 2020 was my year to say fuck yes Pushing myself into the uncomfortable Showing up, growing, working on myself... Starting my own business Joining circles with incredible women Walking beside women in support as they become new Mothers Joining @belle_verdiglione photographer course Doing a babywearing course with @babywearingaustralia Making Amazing Space workshop at @ittakesavillagemidwifery with @blyth.jenny Having my website redone with @brodirose And a business photo shoot with @brittspringphotography Putting myself first. Caring for myself so I could care for my family and clients My eldest turned 21 and my youngest turned 1 I married the most amazing man WHAT AN INCREDIBLE YEAR So what’s next? What will 2021 hold; For my clients For me For this community I am working on some resources for clients birthing in the system I will be leaning more and more into the spiritual portal that birth opens to grow myself and my offering My offering will again change and grow as I do I have already had a few women book me for the first half of the year. I have very limited space left between now and May which brings so much joy to my soul. If you are called to have me beside you during the journey than please get I touch through my website I will be dancing in the last full moon of this year and this decade tonight. And cleansing my crystals and setting some power intentions for myself and this soul work. Thank you to everyone that o have meet and worked with this year. It really has been a blessing See you all in 2021 #brisbanebirthphotographer #brisbanedoula #brisbanefreebirth #sunshinecoastdoula #sunshinecoastbirthphotographer #goldcoastdoula #goldcoastbirthphotographer #queenslandmums
19.01.2022 Labour and birth is just the start How you birth matters ... But what do you do when you get home Postpartum support is something that I do love doing I offer this as part of the birthing package Or As a stand-alone package The beautiful mum just needed a village until her own mother could get to her from another state It’s such important work #postpartumdoula #postpartum #postpartumjourney #postpartumfoulaservicesbriabane #brisbanemumsandbubs See more
15.01.2022 When I receive such wonderful reviews for the soul work that I do. Each and every women that i stand beside is unique and so is their Birth and Postpartum. I will never do any other work in my life as rewarding and challenging as this. ... Thank you for allowing me into your space Chia it was as absolute honour
12.01.2022 I took this image recently and I absolutely love it You are magic ... If you would like to see yourself in all your power then get in touch. I have limited availability for Birth Photography in the coming months Photo credit: me #nicoleannbirthphotography #birthphotographyaustralia #birthphotographerbrisbane #doulabrisbane #dueoctober2020 #duenovember2020 #duedecember2020 #duejanuary2021 #duefebruary2021 #duemarch2021
12.01.2022 38week prenatal visit includes dropping Betty off so mum can set up her space #sunshinecoastdoula #sunshinecoastbirthphptography #sunshinecoastmumsandbubs
09.01.2022 I am seeing and hearing a lot of comments about women being told they will need to be induced. Women at 35/36 weeks being told that they have a big baby and need to induced at 38 weeks ... Women over the age of 35 being told they are too old and need to be induced And the latest one - women being told they have low fluid levels and will need to be be induced There is ALWAYS an increase in the push for induction around this time of the year If you or someone you love is due to birth in December/January please advocate for yourself & your baby. Hire a BirthKeeper or Doula for support seek out evidence based information on the excuses being given for the induction Follow @midwifethinking and read her book Why Induction Matters Don’t let the hospital system tell you what you have to do or what you are allowed to do This is your body. It is your power! #duedecember2020 #duejanuary2021 #brisbanemumsclub #brisbanepregnancy #brisbanedoulaservices #goldcoastmumsandbubs #goldcoastpregnancy #sunshinecoastmumsandbubs #sunshinecoastpregnancy See more
04.01.2022 #ilovewhatido #doulasupport #doulaservices #brisbanedoula I receive so much joy from serving women as a BirthKeeper and Postpartum Doula... I learn from them just as much as they learn from me. And equal exchange of energy ThIs is my life and passion
02.01.2022 Have you heard the Big Baby pitch? Some care providers will use this to offer and early induction and looking at these results it is often for no good reason ... If this resonates with you i’d love to hear your story I heard this for 4 out of 5 of my pregnancy’s and I said no to each and every offer You can birth a big baby WITHOUT induction or any other intervention. Trust you instincts mamma x #secondtrimester #thirdtrimester #pregnancytips #babybelly #pregnancyjourney #hospitalbirth #homebirth #birthcentre #midwifery #midwives #naturalbirth #waterbirth #vbac #birthisbeautiful #childbirth #hypnobirthing #positivebirthmovement #empoweredbirthproject #birthwithoutfear #birthaffirmations #positivebirth #quotesdaily #words #birthpartner #birthsupport #sunshinecoastmumsandbubs #goldcoastmumsandbubs #brisbanemums #brisbanepregnancy
02.01.2022 There is nothing more pure than the first moments meeting your new soul. Growing together for 10moons ... Working together to bring them earthside That first embrace is so filled with blessings and love and hope. To be invited into your space is such an honour for me. Being able to not only witness the birth of your baby but the birth of you is truly the most sacred of things. And then to also be able to capture those moments for you to look back on. #nicoleannbirthphotography #mumlife #brisbanemumsclub #doulasupport #brisbanebirth #brisbanedoula #birthkeeperbrisbane #brisbanebirthphotographer #birthphotographybrisbane See more
02.01.2022 Imagine you had a Cesarean with your first child. Pregnant with your second, you want a VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean). You are 33 years old and in the no...rmal range for BMI. According to the VBAC Calculator endorsed by the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, this means you are a favorable candidate for a VBAC. BUT did you know that the VBAC calculators used by most U.S. physicians are racist? As the slideshow demonstrates, the white woman in scenario 1 is told they have a 72.5% VBAC success rate. But if you are Black, your rate is decreased to 57.4%. In Scenario 2, the OB discourages you from having a VBAC. They cite racist beliefs in differences in pelvic architecture (Darshali et al) or pelvic connective tissue (Cahill et al). If you decide to attempt a VBAC anyways, the OB may treat you differently based on your lower score. That’s because being labeled with a high or low probability of VBAC can be a self-fulfilling prophecy if it leads to changes in how the care provider manages labor (to be more or less supportive of VBAC). A scenario like this is not uncommon for Black parents desiring a VBAC, a practice proven to provide maternal health benefits. It’s time for clinicians to understand that VBAC calculators are racist. First, the algorithm implicitly accepts racial categories as natural rather than as historically and socially constructed (Darshali et al). Second, it’s racism, not race, that makes it harder for Black parents to have a VBAC (Darshali et al)not anatomical differences. We must reduce inequities in maternal health by addressing the racism in health care and education, rather than relying on a calculator. Note: The MFMU Network (sponsored by the National Institute of Child. Health and Human Development) posted a note stating that A new calculator without race and ethnicity is under development. Although it’s encouraging that they plan to replace the calculator, we will never know how many Black families were harmed by this calculator. Caption and research by Tyler Jean Dukes (@birthandbooks), supported by her doctoral fellowship. #healthdisparities #blackmaternalhealth #blackwomen #blacklivesmatter #blackperinatalhealth #blackparents #blackbirthingbodies
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