Nicole. | Public figure
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25.01.2022 My beautiful client Louisa! Nothing makes me happier than seeing feedback like this
21.01.2022 Who else can relate?
20.01.2022 Everything in your path is there to get you closer to your consciousness & purpose in life? Who agrees?
20.01.2022 Ask yourself this question & let the magic unfold... When things are great, essentially you're putting this out there that it can get EVEN better! When things aren't going as planned your asking the universe for creative solutions!... It's a win, win ;)
19.01.2022 Change is uncomfortable but that's how you know your growing!
17.01.2022 If your soul doesn’t want it, you ain’t got it. If you're adding extra zeros to your income ‘because everyone else is’ or because you should be 'growing' then it’s not going to manifest. Sorry- truth bomb ... Your soul has to be in total alignment and an energetic match for you to attract it! If your crunching numbers and logically trying to manifest it... uh arrrhhh. Not going to happen GF. Your goals need to light your soul on fire And when your goals do light you up, then you know you're on the right track. You need to feel excited and motivated ... because your soul gets to call the shots. So how are you blocking your desires? Deep down how do you *actually* feel about what you ‘want’? You can use these as journal prompts or meditate on them! [SAVE FOR LATER]
17.01.2022 2021// HOW I FEEL For me, this year is about 1 thing, what feels good and getting that right. What feels good in my business, exercise, diet, income, the clients I serve and balance.... When I get what feels good right, the rest will follow. This year I'm totally surrendering to the feminine & limiting the hustle/doing/masculine ways. A lot of the goals I set this year weren't even around business but true success to me and what 'life is really about & what I'm here to do' on this planet. Here are some of my soul's goals: * Meditate/Breathwork everyday * Support my body with the right foods + supplements * Feel super passionate about what I do in my career * Trust my intuition even if it doesn't make sense logically, let feeling good guide me & listen to how I feel * Embrace my HD as a projector and run my biz from the feminine * Get up at sunrise to walk my dog * Do pilates & yoga or exercise I enjoy (quit my gym membership) * Buy a home What type of goals did you set this year? Or if you've been struggling maybe you need to focus more on how you want to feel?
13.01.2022 [SAVE FOR LATER] Try to do something from your self-love menu every day! Here are some of my personal favourites.... The key to manifesting an amazing life is keeping your vibe high, so when your in your head and feel stressed do something from your menu
12.01.2022 How do you know when it’s time to feel a certain way? Usually, were really good at torturing ourselves. We have our own little methods and recipes to do it. We tell ourselves something, we visualise the same movies and then we continually play the CD on repeat till we feel a certain way.... Let me ask you a question... would you watch a movie that you hate over and over again? Or Listen to a song you can’t stand on repeat? Essentially that’s what we do every single day without even realising it! We have our own recipe (steps), ingredients (Visual, audio or kinesthetic) that you put together and we continue to bake the same cake every day unconsciously. The good news is once you know the strategy that you use, you can then choose consciously a new recipe and feel a different way! As a leader, it's so important to be aware of your internal communication so you can confidently communicate externally!
12.01.2022 I don’t sell to people. Instead, my clients need to sell themselves because in order to change their life they need to sell themselves on changing it & being prepared to put the work in! If you aren’t ready to change, no one is going to do it for you. Everything is totally up to you and your life is completely up to you. ... There’s no quick fix or secret system, it’s a process. It’s a commitment. We are motivated by either pleasure or pain so that means that people wait until they’re in the most painful situation that they don’t have a choice and they have to change their life. Or people will be motivated by pleasure and have more motivation to have the pleasure that comes with changing their life. Coaching can be confronting, it brings up all of your shadow and all of your ‘stuff’ and it’s in your face. That is why I work with people that are only 10/10 committed and that means that they have to sign up for 10 sessions because I know that it’s easy to run, quit, it’s easy to back out and it’s easy to go back into your comfort zone that’s why in my coaching I give my clients 24/7 access to me voice messaging, text, email so they never feel alone. I schedule the sessions & do it over 6 months so we can get past the blocks, through the uncomfortable phase, deal with what’s coming up and you can start to reap the rewards and change your life! The day you sow the seeds is not the day you reap the rewards. Only if you’re 100% ready I would love to chat with you link is in my bio
11.01.2022 FREEBIE ALERT I have been busy preparing behind the scenes some Juicy Journal prompts just for you! These are specifically designed to get you thinking about your purpose and why you’re ‘here’ this lifetime ... The questions are going get you one step closer to knowing your purpose You can get your hands on them right now LINK: Enjoy - Tell me how you go!
11.01.2022 Don’t settle in your relationships, business, career, income or health! Every reality is true and already exists. It’s up to you to decide what you want & allow the universe to show you the way
10.01.2022 How did my client quadruple her income in a matter of weeks? We set this goal with no plan of 'how' it would happen. We did the work on her money mindset and blocks and had absolute faith it would come! We set goals that she could believe was possible and backed them with her energy! We totally let go of how it would happen (because it was too hard to figure out anyway such a big jump!) ... All of a sudden she was approached to partner with her ideal match, a joint venture that made absolute sense for her. It all came to her on a silver platter... The power of your beliefs & the universe bringing you what you need! Now, this couldn't have happened logically. We couldn't have given her the strategy to do this... it was manifestation at it's finest. Giving her what she needed Ps. My Top Two money mindset books are: - You're a badass at Making Money - Get Rich Lucky Bitch
07.01.2022 The secret to success? Failure. Fail, fail and fail some more! When you succeed you actually don’t learn anything?! Failure is learning & the reason why most people don’t succeed is because they give up too easily and they’re afraid to fail again. Sometimes they don’t even begin. Your dreams don’t give up, you do. ... Successful people have just failed more times and got the lessons & learnings to succeed. Who else agrees?!
06.01.2022 6 signs you’re living your purpose 1. You no longer have that nagging feeling that a big piece is missing in your life. You have found what makes you whole. 2. You have gone from being stuck to knowing that you are on a meaningful path that gives you true fulfillment.... 3. Work brings joy instead of sucking energy out of your life. 4. You stopped doubting yourself. You feel confident and good about your choices. 5. Uncertainty, insecurity and worry are old patterns. You feel purposeful and know that the world needs you to be your best. 6. Instead of seeking clients, they are seeking you. Your business and income are flowing! Do you feel like you’re following your purpose..?
05.01.2022 Success is such a personal thing. No one path is the same for anyone! I believe it does come down to your blueprint, what your soul is here to learn and your PERSONAL PURPOSE in this lifetime. That's why if you've tried 'blueprints, secret strategies' etc that work for everyone else but you? Then that's why. It's because maybe your not meant to do it that way? ... I see too many people get caught up in following the heard to success. Thinking there is only one path or one way to 'make it'. I've spent thousands of dollars on stuff that doesn't work and that is because it's not aligned with my purpose, my energy or my vibration. It worked for the person who made it because it's an energetic fit for them. This is why when I'm coaching my clients it's all about THEIR purpose, their goals, their energy and what they want to do. The road is success IS MESSY and it's an experiment. 8/10 things don't work! You need to find the 2 that do work for you.
04.01.2022 This year I was forced into my feminine. The masculine way was killing me... let me explain. NYE Byron Bay 2019, my Lymphedema was the worst it ever was. My legs were so swollen and the fluid was intense. I knew it was time to take it seriously! Western medicine gave me no answers and I was told it’s incurable & to just get a massage and wear stockings but I’m stubborn like that and didn’t take no for an answer. Down the rabbit hole, I went! (Disclaimer the medical medium ...stuff and a low tox lifestyle had helped! This was going to the next level) First stop was Chinese medicine and I intuitively was led to Liz at the Dao. I got off all contraception and went head first into changing my exercise, working with my cycle, meditating, dietary changes and listening to my body. Life-changing I was never the same after this. Additionally, I went headfirst into the trauma held in my body through 1:1 breathwork, coaching and other experts in the field. MASSIVE DIFFERENCE after this point. The biggest was stopping my addiction to doing and instead of being, totally going within, surrendering & overhauling my lifestyle outside and within. I started journaling and changing my relationship with my mind, body and soul! Since then I’ve recently become a vegetarian with fish occasionally & overhauled my water and the way I eat. Thanks to my amazing client Louisa who helped confirm this with my Human Design (check her out!) Moral of the story- don’t take no for an answer and let your body lead the way. Working on my hormones has meant a massive shift in my lifestyle and connection with myself. As a result, my business has flowed easily, I’ve lost weight without trying, and I’ve been my most energetic self! I haven’t had that level of lymphedema back and it's been amazing! Being forced to stop and address it has been the best journey and it was the universes way of forcing me to stop and evaluate! My body was screaming for a change! What’s this year forced for you?
03.01.2022 Manifested Bit of a story to this one- I remember my coach asking what is my dream car if I could choose and when I said a Mercedes, my homework was to go to a dealership and test drive one and pretend I was in the position to buy it. This bought up so much fear and feeling like an imposter! I had beliefs of... they will know im lying, or can’t afford it! Fast forward to today, (almost 2 years later) buying it, feeling totally deserving and driving it home ... Anything is possible!
03.01.2022 Okay so 2020 is almost over! With so much negativity around, I want you to tell me 3 good things that happened this year?! I’ll start, I got engaged got a puppy and had my biggest year in revenue ... [comment below your 3]
02.01.2022 Success happens when you focus on the REAL success & forget about the rest. Let me explain. Loosing weight isn’t the success (it’s not that exciting).... However being healthy, energetic and feeling gooooood is the REAL success here! Have you noticed when you try to loose weight it’s hard? But when you focus on being healthy it’s easy? When you forget about weight & focus on what you want it naturally happens? The moment you focus on the exciting outcome and turn down the pressure it becomes easy! So ask yourself, do you really want to ‘pay your mortgage off?’ As to why you want to make more money? Or is what you really want financial freedom to travel, have quality time with your family etc. Most of the time what you ‘want’ is really the true success or what you actually want won’t bring you joy. Like being lighter on the scales or being debt free won’t make you magically happier- there’s more to it. Set some TRUE goals now and forget the ‘work’ just focus on the outcome you truly want
01.01.2022 Don’t try and change your life if you're not feeling motivated. Stop trying to create an inspiring life if you do not feel inspired. It’s like trying to write motivating & inspiring content when I am not feeling inspired, happy or motivated! Naturally, it's going to be hard to force that. ... I’ll wait until I’m in the zone and until I’m in the right state so that the content can flow and I can be tuned in and tapped into the highest consciousness possible! People try to change their life from a very undesired state and then they wonder why they feel stuck? They feel like there’s a kink in their energy and it’s because the same level of thinking that created the problem will not help you solved the problem. You need to change your state to get a new perspective and see things through a different lens! Some things you can try to change your state are: meditation exercise trying something new listening to music changing your focus by listening to a podcast/audiobook talking to an inspiring friend or another entrepreneur Who agrees?
01.01.2022 What’s your version of success? Usually it’s an unconscious goal we’re working towards without realising! We’ve been conditioned so much that we strive for what we think will make us happy like the house, car, family, hard working job! ... What I hate seeing is high achievers reach all of these milestones but they are STILL unfulfilled even though they look ‘successful’. It’s REALLY, LIKE REALLY important that you define your own success consciously and celebrate every step of the way there! You actually get to choose. When you are in alignment with what success is in your HEART YOU WILL BECOME A MAGNET FOR MIRACLES! Manifesting will become easy and the universe will have your back when you make courageous steps to get on your own path. Do you have your own version of success?
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