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to load big map

Nicole Holden

Phone: +61 406 319 646


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to load big map

25.01.2022 I’ve been quiet on here for a while... But I’ve been trying something new out... I haven’t posted about it yet, because I wanted to see how it worked and what results I’d get, and how much work I’d have to put in to get the results... and of course to make sure it wasn’t going to fizzle out like the last couple of things did pretty quickly after I’d started Well I’m not disappointed... ...Continue reading

25.01.2022 Today’s income was brought to you by us hanging out at home, because it was raining it’s butt off, and rearranging the kids bedrooms, ready for extra beds next weekend when we have family come up for the long weekend! Yep... Both James and I have had our balances go up in our accounts, while we’ve been busy doing other things! This project is pretty bloody awesome! Our totals right now would cover the current trading packages we have invested in... We could take this money... out and run with it and do whatever we like with it... or we can reinvest it and both upgrade to the next package (at $1000, so basically top up our packages now with $500 each) and then we’ll start trading at that amount and earning even more money! And on top of that, tomorrow is pay day on our trading packages for the week, so we’ll have even higher balances than we do today! I’ll put what each photo is in the description on the photo, but seriously, the numbers don’t lie! We have earnt money by trading on the global forex market, and been paid every week since we joined, and we have also earnt more thanks to sharing with others, which you don’t have to do, you still earn with your trading package anyway, but honestly, with your balance going up like this, why wouldn’t you share it with people who could benefit too! Watch this space! See more

24.01.2022 Remember that bandwagon I said I’d jumped on not long ago? Well I thought I should go into a little more for anyone who’s wondering what I’m doing... If you’re not interested though, scroll on, coz this is kinda long! So if you’ve looked at my stories on my personal profile recently, you will have noticed that I’ve been sharing a lot of stories about Forsage, Ethereum and other peoples success stories with the platform... You’re probably also wondering why I started using ...Continue reading

23.01.2022 Following on from my post yesterday about doing our trading, today we have made more money! While your trading pack ticks away doing it’s thing each day and you earn money as it goes along, you can also refer people you think will be interested! My commission today came from my Mum, who would like to retire in a couple of years and not have to worry about how she’s going to pay for things! So she has jumped in at a higher level than me, at this stage, and will upgrade her t...rading pack as she sees fit until she’s happy with the amount trading to get her to her goal in the next 2 years. This isn’t a company or a platform that relies on other people to make you money! 2 of the platforms I joined last year rely on referrals for you to make any money! And sure, it sounds great to begin with, but what happens when no one wants to buy your stuff? No one is interested in doing what you’re doing? With this, it doesn’t matter!! YOU DONT NEED OTHER PEOPLE TO MAKE MONEY!! You can refer people if you want to, and you’ll make a more money if you do, sure, but if you dont, you’re still winning!! This isn’t selling anything either - you’re investing and trading. Yes the market can be volatile, but regardless of what the market is doing, your money is still trading, and you will make back a profit! I’m excited I’ve got some bonus commission now from referring Mum, which means I’ll be able to upgrade to the next pack sooner, then when I upgrade, James will also be able to upgrade using the same money I used! How cool is that! I’ve attached photos of our balances yesterday and our balances today, so you can see the difference, and have descriptions on them so you can see what they are. Sound interesting? Ask me for info! I’d love to share this with you!

21.01.2022 Love my low maintenance, no expectations friends... They are what makes the world amazing!

21.01.2022 Mine was Collateral...

20.01.2022 I couldn’t not share this one! It made me literally laugh out loud!

19.01.2022 Hahaha, so true! Except sometimes they fight other toddlers off their own accord, so

16.01.2022 Following on from yesterday’s post, our trading payments and unilevel payments have come through this morning! If you don’t share this opportunity you wouldn’t necessarily get unilevel payments each week, but just the trading amounts alone is pretty cool! James and I both earnt just under $18 back each on $500 each in one week. You bank won’t do that! It will maybe give you 2c in a month on $500! I know what I’d prefer! ... We could take this money out and use it as income, but we are going to use it to upgrade our accounts to the next trading pack - at $1000 each - Considering it’s not technically our money, because we have earnt it by trading, putting it back into the system to make us more makes total sense! We aren’t losing anything, but we are going to gain so much more! Would you like more info so you can do this too? See more

11.01.2022 Oh far out, how accurate is this?! Hahaha!

08.01.2022 I am SUPER EXCITED to share that last night I officially made back what I put in to Forsage to get started - while I was sleeping!!! I started with $50, it cost me $39 to get in... last night I had $11 in my Ethereum wallet, and today I woke up to this!! I made $42, so more than what I paid to start! I’m so excited about this and I only really started sharing more regularly 3 days ago! ... Guys! If you’re watching me and wondering if what I’m sharing can work for you, stop watching and ask me how to get started while the price is still low enough to buy in! The price of Ethereum is going up daily, so now is the time!!! Ask me for more info! Is this real? Yes! Can I cash it out? Yes! Is this a MLM? Hell No! Am I selling a product? Nope! Is there some work involved? Of course! Do you have to understand crypto? Nope! Do you have an excuse for not doing this? No!! Can you ask me for information on how? Yes! Am I going to beg you or try to sell you? Nope! Do you need a lot of money to start? Not at all! Are payments instantly paid out? Yes! Is this a pyramid scheme? No! Will I help you do this? I guess **Income Disclaimer ** - There are no guarantees when it comes to earning income. The success or failure of each (like in any other business) depends upon each individuals skillset & personal effort.

01.01.2022 Haha! Anyone else got one of these? I’ve had 4

01.01.2022 So I just wrote a post about all the things I’m grateful for from 2020 and all the things I’m looking forward to for 2021, hit publish and the Facebook app closed and I lost the whole post! If that doesn’t sum 2020 up for you in one action, I don’t know what does! So here’s take two! We are sending 2020 out quietly, in our own little sanctuary we have worked hard to create this year, in true style, with a drink, and in my PJ’s! As much as I love celebrating the new ye...Continue reading

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