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Nicole Ivens Holistic Counselling in Robina, Queensland | Medical and health

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Nicole Ivens Holistic Counselling

Locality: Robina, Queensland

Phone: +61 400 280 475

Address: 26 prospect court 4226 Robina, QLD, Australia


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25.01.2022 This weeks article I cover: How To Boost Your Immune System This is a topic and question on everyone’s mind right now on a global scale, how can I boost my immunity? I know for me when this global pandemic started my first thoughts went to how am I going to keep my girls safe, especially my eldest who is immunocompromised. We went through all the normal steps that were being recommended by medical experts, social distancing, personal hygiene, hand sanitizer and vitamin supp...lements. As an energy healer I was very aware that there was more too it, there were other things that had the capacity to be lowering our immunity. Click below to read more.....

20.01.2022 Don't find fault, find a remedy - Henry Ford Day 24 #novemberknowingness - Why Did I Blame Myself? What a great question! So why did you blame yourself, did you do something wrong?... My guess is you probably didn't but as a sensitive soul are feeling the emotions of the other person and turning it inward to feel like 1. that is your pain or emotion or 2. you did something to cause that pain or emotion. I know for me for so many years I took on the emotion and pain of others making it my own, like I was somehow feeling that or I somehow caused that. In actual truth it was never mine to carry and certaintly not caused at my hand. So why do we blame ourselves when it is very unlikely that we were ever the cause? In my case and maybe this will resonate with you as well it very much came from being the good girl which of course turned into compliant adult aka people pleaser. Thoughts like: I should of done more If only I had done this, it would of been better Its my job to keep them happy If only I had more to give If only I could of been there, it might not have happened So many thoughts that of course put us in a place of blame, like we are somehow super heros and can be everything to everyone. As I am sure you know we are not super human and we can only do so much and it is important to understand this so you can stop pushing yourself so hard to a point where you have nothing left. I hate to break it to you my lovely but you are earth bound which means there are limitations on how much you can give to others. What you can do is start to empower others to be there for themselves, that there, now that is a super power. So let's stop blaming ourselves for not being superhuman and instead show others through example how to hold space for themselves.

19.01.2022 New Month New Energy! I asked my beautiful Angel here what would serve us as a collective for October. Surrendering to Prayer will support you as we move through October.... Connect with your cosmic team to support you, remembering you need to call them forth and ask for their assistance.

18.01.2022 This is something I have struggled with through my life and through recent healing it has come to light as the reason behind who I am and why I was placed in certain places and with certain people in my life. It is now my creed and one I will use as basis of my life’s work in supporting other Empaths and sensitive souls. Drop me an emoji below If this resonates with you too

17.01.2022 Compassion fatigue has been described as the cost of caring for others in emotional pain (Figley, 1982). As empaths this can be a very common occurrence as part of our gift and purpose is caring for others. Compassion fatigue is a type of stress that involves physical and emotional depletion as a result of caring for someone in significant emotional or physical distress.... Rest~Restore~Replenishment is a vital part of every empaths self-care tool kit. Care for yourself more than you care for others, this ensures you are only ever giving from your reservoir.

17.01.2022 It has been a while since I have introduced myself and we have had a few new souls join our community. I'm Nicole Your Guide! In this community we focus on our spirituality, energy healing, meditations and sensitivity. ... I started on this journey in 2012 as I stepped out of my spiritual closet so to speak. I dipped my toes in the water by becoming an Angel Intuitive and then with my daughter's diagnosis with Epilepsy over five years ago I started looking for a deeper way to feel better within myself and slow the disintegration of my body due to stress. It was with this I realised how many beautiful sensitive souls there were struggling just as I was and more so trying to be so many things except their true self, that I felt called to build this community of sensitive souls. My guides were telling me over a two year period you are a shining light for new souls and you need to build a place that feels like "HEAVEN ON EARTH". To begin your journey with me, obviously hanging out here to get to know me more. You can also: Join our free facebook group Nurturing Empaths & Highly Sensitive Souls Subscribe to my podcast Subscribe to my email list at to receive free angel guidance each and every week. If you are ready to go deeper you can book your appointment here.... to work with me privately

16.01.2022 Become more aware of what is really worth your energy Day 25 #novemberknowingness - Is it really that important? Your energy is so precious that you need to become more strict on where and with who you share it, there are situations and people that absolutely deserve your energy but there are also situations and unfortunately people that are absolute energy wasters.... Your job is to start to become more aware of where your energy is needed and deserved and where you are just wasting your time and energy. I learned that when I am sharing my energy in places and with people that are deserving I walk away feeling very energised, like when I work with my clients. I also learned that when I am sharing it with energy vampires, I of course walk away feeling completely drained and depleted. I quickly had to learn to have boundaries around my energy, it needs to only be shared with those that are also invested in me. So let me ask you are the people and places you are sharing your energy invested in you?

13.01.2022 I have only 3 appointments left for 2020! Send me a message if you would like to book in.

11.01.2022 In a healing session with a client today I was working with Archangel Michael and this guidance came through and it’s such a powerful message I wanted to share it with you too. You can trust in what you are feeling, honour it and take steps on the guidance you are receiving through your feelings.

10.01.2022 This holiday season, May the Angels protect you, Guide and Direct you.

09.01.2022 There are all sorts of ways you can balance your energy and this is one of the ways I do it. Orange is the colour of the sacral chakra, so I am invoking my feminine energy representing my sacral chakra.

09.01.2022 You cannot always control what goes on outside. But you can always control what goes on inside - Wayne Dyer Day 26 #novemberknowingness - Am I Really in Control? Yes You Are! You always get to choose what is going on within you and I know sometimes it doesn't feel that way, it can feel like your emotions are running the show and you have no say in it.... The good news is that at any moment you can decide to get back in the drivers seat and work with your emotions instead of allowing them to be in charge. The way in which you can do that is to cooperate with them, ignorning them only makes them more determined to find their way through. Wouldn't it be better to allow them to share their message with you? For example: if you start to feel sad for some reason, you can ask the question what is this about? As you learn the reason then ask what is the meaning I am placing on this? We are very good at upsetting ourselves just through the meaning we place on things and people. And yes this is something you are in control of, you get to choose what meaning you place on things. So to answer our question of the day - Yes you really are in control! Good news is that as you take back control of what is going on within you, the happenings outside of you will also change.

09.01.2022 Sneak Peek Part 4 Another behind the scenes look for you of the happenings here @nicoleivensholisticcounselling

04.01.2022 Have you asked your angels for help? Note: look at length of video 44 secs #angelsigns

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