Nicole Vine Personal Stylist | Image consultant
Nicole Vine Personal Stylist
Phone: +61 438 058 967
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24.01.2022 OVERWHELMED BY CHOICE? The good news is fashion and style no longer comes with an unyielding set of do’s and don’ts. The bad news is fashion and style no longer comes with an unyielding set of do’s and don’ts. ... Never before have we been so free to create our ideal visual expression of self through what we choose to buy and wear. But with fashion freedom comes a potential tsunami of sartorial overwhelm. If dressing in a way that reflects your personality is fast becoming an extra job, and you're lost in a sea of confusion, then hold on while I throw you a lifeline in this week's blog where I'll show you one simple yet powerful tip to help steer your style in this age of 'almost anything goes'. Stay well friends Image: Fi Mims Photography
24.01.2022 This! What she said! Arianna's insights into what she terms 'The Style Gap' (so good, wish I'd though of it myself) are simple and powerful. Top 3 take outs:... 1. Women spend more time and mindshare thinking about what to wear every day and across various events than men, and this puts us at a competitive disadvantage. This is the Style Gap - one of the (arguably more trivial) factors that pushes the bar of success higher for women. 2. Getting back even just a little more time and making just a few less decisions every day, and instead, spending that time and mental energy on the things that really matter gives you a competitive advantage. 3. This doesn't mean Silicone Valley hoodie and jean uniforms for all. It means unapologetically repeating the outfits that work for you. My thoughts: A wardrobe that works for you must also perfectly reflect you. When you get this balance right you truly have a competitive advantage. If you're interested in getting the balance right I'd love to show you how. #outfits #wardrobe #worksforyou #forwomen #competitiveadvantage #decisions
23.01.2022 Once upon a time (last century in fact) when I was a young lawyer (sounding more like a fairy tale by the minute) I was always concerned about how seriously I'd be taken by colleagues and clients if I showed too much interest in what I wore to work. I enjoyed fashion and style but I knew I needed to balance the outward expression of it with the need to remain credible and work appropriate. Enter the lifeless black corporate suit which didn't reflect an ounce of me or my comp...etencies (ok maybe there was a pastel pink one too-it was the 90s after all). Fast forward to present day, where thankfully, today's modern professional understands that inspirational style is smart business (and black suits are not the *only* option). In today's new working world, business leaders use style as a powerful business tool to further communicate their professional brand, without fear that they'll be seen as frivolous or flakey. And while style and image will never compensate for a lack of skills or talent, it offers a very real competitive advantage. For more, join us at Vic ICT For Women's August business breakfast on 15 August, 7.30-8.45am at ANZ Docklands. Tickets and full details in link below. I'll speak on the shifting style stereotypes in professional dress and share my top, immediately actionable style tips and practices. I'd love to see you there!
23.01.2022 FANCY A CUPPA AND CHAT? So this go-getting guru (who just happens to be my client, business coach and beautiful friend) asked me to be a guest on her insightful podcast Tea with the Queen. And today’s the day it drops (as they say in the podcast biz). ... Channeling my inner Gwen Stefani, I am B.A.N.A.N.A.S excited to share it with you and this is all despite the fact I have not overthought and painstakingly curated this post like I do every other post. But you know what, that’s just how Emma McQueen rolls! As a business coach she encourages me to take action (even when it makes me vomit in my mouth after whining but I’m just not ready yet). So, true to form, this action taking, go-getting dynamo coach of mine continues to challenge me today as I make an unscheduled, fly by the seat of my (very stylish) pants post. Please take a listen to my chat with the simply wonderful Emma and let me know below about the last time you took imperfect action. Stay well friends
22.01.2022 I’ve lost track of how many women I’ve spoken to who are just so breathtakingly bored with their clothes and confide in me that although their wardrobes are frustratingly full, nothing they wear truly inspires them. And in the current pandemic, this complete absence of wardrobe wonderful and style sparkle appears to be getting worse. It got me thinking. Of course it did! It’s what I do best. Besides curating inspirational wardrobes that work for women who work .... How can we get you moving from feeling bored and unmotivated in your wardrobe to feeling deliriously inspired and inspiring? What traction gaining action can you take today so that you will feel absolutely lit up tomorrow? Check out my latest blog at where I share 3 steps you can take to get started today! Stay well friends Image: Fi Mims Photography See more
19.01.2022 WELL HELLO! It's been a little while since I posted here but I'm planning on upping my FB game and so thought it was high time I re-introduce myself. For those of you who don't know me, hello, I'm Nicole, I'm a personal stylist and I am obsessed with helping women create stylish wardrobes that work *for* them, not against them. I want every woman to have a wardrobe full of solutions, not problems. ... It's pretty obvious that I don't take myself too seriously and despite having a thing for clothes and style, I will NEVER EVER be an uber cool, slickety schmick fashionista (whatever that is anyway ). I'm a lot of a nerd, completely cringey and one of the clumsiest stylists to roam the face of the Earth. BUT...just because I don't take *myself* too seriously, does NOT mean that I am not SAS commando style serious about the work I do with my clients. The results I achieve for every single woman I work with is no laughing matter (although we do tend to have many laughs along the way). The work I do to curate a wardrobe that perfectly reflects the woman I am working with is precise, detailed and SERIOUSLY strategic. Every ounce of my serious is focused into my work, leaving nothing but uncoordinated awkwardness and unapologetic guffaws for my personal branding images (which is actually completely liberating and just how I like it). All captured brilliantly by the one and only @fimimsphotography I look forward to sharing more of everything with you and I am so grateful for your beautiful presence here. And while I'm not currently venturing in store with clients I do have some targeted and seriously effective style solutions that we can implement from the comfort of your own home in no time! Simply call or email me to find out all about what we can achieve for you! Stay well friends Nicole
19.01.2022 Incredible work by Maki Egan - Photography & Wellness to perfectly capture what was quite simply a seriously good night with seriously wonderful women! Thank you to everyone who joined us - you made the night such a huge success in ALL the ways, from raising just over $650 for Wear for Success, to sharing knowledge, inspiration and laughter and creating warm, natural connections with like-minded women! And for all of those who couldn’t make it this time, I think Fi and I can definitely feel a Spring Fling coming on...
16.01.2022 Sometimes we rely on words like preppy, boho, romantic to describe our personal style. But there’s a way more effective way to work out where you sit on the style spectrum. Watch now to get a quick and dirty rundown.
16.01.2022 So I haven't posted for a while on this page but I have nonetheless been 'action jackson' on Instagram and my blog for a few weeks now so head on over if you're in the mood for a little more style somethin' somethin' now or in the coming weeks. Today I was so ridiculously pleased to be asked my beautiful client and cherished friend Katrina Andrew- Arbonne Independent Consultant and go-getter extraordinaire to join her new FB live series 'With a little help from my friends'. ...We chatted about ISOstyle - the pieces you need in your wardrobe right now to support you to be intentional in your day and keep moving forward at a time when we might need a little help to keep on keeping on. So grab a cuppa or drink of choice (it is past 9am after all) put your feet up and strap yourselves in for a super ISO edition of styling tips with me (sequins always required)(and digital daytime dance parties) Stay well my friends xo
12.01.2022 CONFESSION TIME Over the course of the past few weeks I admit to venturing out of my lockdown bliss to visit a handful of shiny shopping meccas. I feel downright Christina Aguilera dirty just talking about it. In an attempt to cleanse I decided to write a blog about the whole nastee experience, which you can read here ... So, the question I have to ask is, is anyone else still shopping? And if so, is it purely online browsing or are you risking life and limb (or at least the wrath of your friends and loved ones) by visiting physical stores? Stay well friends See more
11.01.2022 I’VE ALWAYS BEEN surrounded by truly special humans (you know who you are ) and my life circle has happened organically. I’ve gotta say it’s a pretty magical circle But today I was encouraged to *really* think about the people who are perhaps more strategically in my circle, and primarily there for the benefit of my business. Powerful excercise for sure As I make efforts to be more deliberate in my business in 2019 I have discovered @emmarmcqueen a particularly wonderf...ul person who is a relatively new but highly treasured member of my strategic circle Em offers a knock out combo of results-driven roadmaps, systems and advice, kick butt‘ get your together and just do it’ love and a truly nurturing ‘got your back’ level of connection and support. This is what is known as the Thriving Women programme and can I tell you, it works! Swipe for a little taste of her 2020 offering But here’s the kicker Em, while working very hard behind the scenes to help fill seats at the Winter Warmer next week (only a handful of tix left) has also *so* generously offered an incredible giveaway for one lucky lady on the night A 2 hour Clarity Session valued at $1500 will be up for grabs to everyone who joins us next Wednesday! Seriously good stuff because as far as I’m concerned EVERYONE can benefit from a little Em magic in their circle If you want in on the action please grab your ticket now! You guessed it, link in bio #personalstylist #melbournepersonalstylist #personalstylistmelbourne #australianstyle #australianstylist #personalstyle #personalbrand #stylematters #smartstyle #brandstyle #leadingstyle #effortlessstyle #stylesolution #stylesystem #styledforlife #NVstylesystem #instastyle #instagood #stepupyourstyle #quicksmartstyledecisions #stylesolutions #elevatedstyle #strugglefreestyle #melbournepersonalstylist #discoverunder1k
11.01.2022 PLEASE ALLOW ME TO INTRODUCE MYSELF For those of you who don't know me, hello, I'm Nicole, I'm a personal stylist and I am obsessed with helping women create stylish wardrobes that work *for* them, not against them. I want every woman to have a wardrobe full of solutions, not problems. It's pretty obvious that I don't take myself too seriously and despite having a thing for clothes and style, I will NEVER EVER be an uber cool, slickety schmick fashionista ( that is anyway ). I'm a lot of a nerd, completely cringey and one of the clumsiest stylists to roam the face of the Earth. BUT...just because I don't take *myself* too seriously, does NOT mean that I am not SAS commando style serious about the work I do with my clients. The results I achieve for every single woman I work with is no laughing matter (although we do tend to have many laughs along the way). The work I do to curate a wardrobe that perfectly reflects the woman I am working with is precise, detailed and SERIOUSLY strategic. Every ounce of my serious is focused into my work, leaving nothing but uncoordinated awkwardness and unapologetic guffaws for my personal branding images (which is actually completely liberating and just how I like it). All captured brilliantly by the one and only @fimimsphotography I look forward to sharing more of everything with you over the coming months and I am so grateful for your beautiful presence here. Give me a if you also think life is too incredible to take yourself too seriously! #personalstylist #melbournepersonalstylist #personalstylistmelbourne #australianstyle #australianstylist #personalstyle #personalbrand #stylematters #smartstyle #brandstyle #leadingstyle #effortlessstyle #stylesolution #stylesystem #styledforlife #NVstylesystem #instastyle #instagood #stepupyourstyle #quicksmartstyledecisions #stylesolutions #elevatedstyle #strugglefreestyle #discoverunder1k See more
10.01.2022 A little while ago I guest-wrote a piece for Forty2Sixty filled with my best Cool Clothes for Hot Women I'm talking menopause, baby! Here's a sneak peek "I joined the human sauna club earlier than most at 45, experiencing hourly personal heatwaves served with a side of aching joints and significantly lowered mood. So, when the women I work with as a personal stylist confide in me their deep desire to find clothes that minimise the need for a mid-morning shower, I tota...lly get it. T.O.T.A.L.L.Y." Keep reading here: #menopause #perimenopause #womenshealth #hormones #strongmom #musthave #schoolofstyle #stylistlife #whatstrending #realmumstyle #melbourneblogger #everydaystyle #australianstyle #melbournedesign #melbournefashion #consciousfashion #consciousnchic #ethicallymade #nicolevinepersonalstylist #personalstylist #nicolevine #whatwewearmatters
10.01.2022 As women in business, now more than ever, we need to invest in our personal brand. Among a range of many valuable business tools at our disposal to do this is our personal brand style. I recently wrote an article exploring this for the latest issue of Shine Magazine, an insanely good online publication created by my very clever and talented friend Fi Mims Photography.... I am humbled to be included in Shine as I find myself in the company of many fabulously successful contributors who have each shared their expertise, inspiration and powerful business insights: Joy Ball from Solace Counselling Services, Monica Rosenfeld from WordStorm PR, Louise Hvala from Gatehouse Legal Recruitment and Alifery Freelance Legal Experts, Megan Jaworski and Suzanne Chadwick. You can read the entire issue (and my article) at
09.01.2022 Clothes are another form of communication! When you step into your clothes for the day, whether you're consciously intending it or not, you are sending a message to the world! Of course, clothes aren't the only messaging people should listen to, but it sure can dictate a first impression. I say, dress for the day you want today to be! Really in need of a chill work day? Whip out those elastic-waistband trousers that are basically glorified PJ pants Needing a boost of ...confidence for a client meeting? Time to take out your favourite outfit that makes you GLOW from inside out! What kind of day did you want today to be and what did you wear to make it happen? #musthave #schoolofstyle #stylistlife #whatstrending #realmumstyle #melbourneblogger #everydaystyle #australianstyle #melbournedesign #melbournefashion #consciousfashion #consciousnchic #ethicallymade #nicolevinepersonalstylist #personalstylist #nicolevine #whatwewearmatters
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