Nirelle Bennett Business Coaching | Businesses
Nirelle Bennett Business Coaching
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24.01.2022 May 2021 Bring You Growth, Fulfilment & Abundance. Lean into any discomfort, knowing it will proceed your growth. Trusting that fulfilment and abundance are result of change.... If at times in your journey you doubt your progress or path maintain an inquiring mind. Ask yourself ‘what is the gift in this’ experience, challenge or opportunity? Remain open, dream big, and take inspired action to make your dreams a reality, one small step at a time. Concentrate your efforts on your next best steps only. May your 2021 be bright, beautiful and filled with joy personally, and in business. Nirelle xo #nirellebennettcoach #goalgetters #goalsetters #goalsetting2021 #manifestyourdreams #manifestyourdestiny
23.01.2022 Why You Should Focus On What Sets Your Soul On Fire? Because... if you want something BADLY enough, you build a VIVID VISION of what it: looks, feels, sounds, smells and tastes like when you have it... AS IF IT’S ALREADY OCCURRED...... You’re unconsciously moving yourself closer to that goal. FUN FACT: The unconscious mind can’t distinguish between fact and a good story. So build your very own BIG BOLD BEAUTIFUL STORY of success, abundance and contentment - whatever that looks like for you. And you’re setting your course towards achieving that goal. I invite you to give it a try! N xo See more
23.01.2022 Are you making an emotional connect with your prospects? Do you hate selling? Does the mere thought leave you stressed, and anxious? I used to think... I’m not:... A natural sales person I’m too introverted for sales Sales conversations feel ‘icky’ and forced! Does this resonate with you? What if, instead you were able to face sales conversations with curiosity and enthusiasm? Able to make authentic, deep connections with your prospects. Leaving with a ‘knowing’ that your prospects are confident you were born to solve their specific problem, like no one else can? After years of delivering sales training, sales process development, businesses development, and telemarketing management, I can confidently say... it is easier than you believe! If you’re ready to step into certainty, increase your sales, and feel amazing doing so, DM to learn more. N xo #nirellebennettcoach #confidentselling #soulclients #passionatesales
23.01.2022 Happy Mother’s Day Ladies I hope your day was overflowing with Love, Laughter & Happiness. We all deserve to be showered with love, appreciation and gratitude. However, this day often brings with it an enormous amount of social pressure to have the perfect day, be the perfect Mum, or be the perfect daughter... For others, it invokes memories of loss, heartache and disappointment, at what has happened, and for what can never be. I see you too Today, I ran the Mother’s Day Fun Run and raised much need funds for cancer research. I ran for friends and loved ones, with my beautiful friend Jintana Jampa For my dear friend Jin, lost her Mum to cancer at the tender age of 5. For my dear friend Tanya who lost her Mum to cancer at just 9.30am this morning, and mourns her loss, and the loss of what will never be. 3 other beautiful friends who’ve battled cancer within the past 18 mths, one of whom lost her battle, and left behind and her loving husband and her 3 beautiful children, who are still so young. For numerous others before them including my own Nanna, and friend Katie. I cried unexpectedly for some of the run as emotions crept up from nowhere. I have my own trauma and dysfunctional Mother/daughter relationship story, as many of us do, and I momentarily mourned the loss of what will never be between us. However, I’m so grateful for the amazing life I live. I was showered with love, hugs and kisses by my husband and 2 amazing children. I received with delight their handmade cards, and thoughtful gifts. All in all, I wouldn’t change a moment of my life - even the trauma or heartache. There was an incredible gift in it all. It has made me the woman I am today, and for I am proud and grateful. I’m blessed to live a life overflowing with abundance, love, friendship and support. Sometimes the greatest gift in life are the lessons that cause immense pain and discomfort. If this resonates with you please know I get it. Give yourself permission to feel all the feelings, the good and the bad, allow them, lean into them without judgment, and know this too shall pass. You are stronger than you can possibly imagine. You’ve got this N xo
22.01.2022 Are You Curious To Hear The Greatest Discovery Of William James’ (USA Psychologist) Generation? Human Beings Can Alter Their Lives By Altering Their Attitudes Of Mind! How freakin’ powerful does that make us? So cool! ... Sounds simple too, right?! It can be, but to truly harness the power of our mind we must create harmony between our conscious and unconscious mind. We need the whole team pulling in the same direction. Imagine the unconscious mind is a Wild Brumby Colt, and the conscious mind as a Horse Breaker... Would an apprentice Horse Breaker have the skills and experience to tame that Wild Brumby? It’s unlikely, right?! It’s a job much better suited to an experienced Horse Breaker! Are you that apprentice? Are you yet to learn the skills, tools and strategies required to create powerful, and permanent changes to your mindset? But you’re ready, willing and exited to learn how to create change in your life and business? Are you ready to learn how to recruit your unconscious mind, and have it acting in unison with your conscious mind, in order to achieve your goals? DM me to learn how we can team up and make it happen! N xo
21.01.2022 Are you ready and willing to welcome 2021 with open arms , an open heart and open mind ? Because anything is possible! What goals do you have?... What actions will you take? Dare to dream big, then fire a rocket of desire out into the universe! Then... Take one small step forward towards your dream TODAY. Then every day this year. Every small step counts. They all add up. Imagine the momentum you can create for yourself and your business? Journal on it! Say it out loud. Declare it to yourself and everyone around you. Dream it! Take Action. Make it your reality. N xo #nirellebennettcoach #goalgetters #make2021youryear
19.01.2022 Do You Wear Your Workaholic Tendencies As A Badge Of Honour? Are you addicted to working hard, and have you conditioned yourself to equate it with success? I get it. It can make us feel driven to succeed, boost our energy, and give meaning to our life. We’re creating and contributing through all the doing.... Unfortunately, the reality is that the biochemical addiction it creates to stress hormones - ie. Adrenaline, Cortisol, Norepinephrine becomes toxic to our health and wellbeing, and our body will not tolerate the abuse indefinitely. I know from personal experience how slippery this ‘workaholic’ slope is. 10+ years ago I was successful in my corporate career, having achieved numerous qualifications, received pay raises and promotions, I even won a fully paid overseas scholarship for my performance. In the end, my self-destructive behaviour and lack of self-care landed me in hospital with debilitating migraines, yet I still wasn’t ready to heed the signs and I returned to my self-destructive habits. I’m so glad to have long put this chapter behind me and I have learned that success does not have to be hard. It can feel amazing, exciting, and enjoyable. If you allow it. Is it time to reconsider what you’re working so hard for? You know, smell the roses and all! If this resonates with you and you’re still living in workaholic mode but you know it’s time to course-correct, and you want some help to navigate the change, DM me today to book a discovery call. N xo #nirellebennettcoach #workaholics #burnout
18.01.2022 Want to know how to Order Your Thoughts, Free Your Mind and Plan Your Success. Learn how to manifest your dreams and goals through journaling. N xo See more
11.01.2022 If You Can Dream, You Can Achieve. What is it you plan to achieve in 2021? Dream BIG, then go BIGGER!... Make it huge! Nirelle xo #nirellebennettcoach #goalgetters #goalsetters #goalsetting2021
07.01.2022 Want to know the true value of journaling? It’s the exact opposite of rumination. Journaling forces you to think through your thoughts, formalising them, bringing them to life.... Getting them out of your head. Planting the seeds of ideas, allowing them to expand, grow and evolve as your thoughts unfold and your writing flows. Just like that. It’s almost magic N xo See more
07.01.2022 Wishing you and yours love, laughter and happiness this Christmas. . Dream big for 2021 and take inspired action to make it your reality. Be safe and see you the New Year!... N xo
04.01.2022 Is It Time For More Fun, More Pleasure & More Joy In Your Life & Business? Have you ever found yourself stuck in masculine energy mode, and hyper focussed on all the doing-doing-doing? I get it, we derive fulfilment from creating, generating, and doing. ... In fact, many of us have been taught, even programmed, to measure our success as a person via our ‘busyness’. But it’s also important to make time to just BE. To create from a sense of excitement, joy and fun. To give ourselves permission to allow more fun and more pleasure in our everyday lives. To tap into our feminine energy, and create from a sense of flow and ease. Life and business don’t have to feel hard or be endured in order to for us to achieve. We get to choose EASY! After all, we are human beings, not human doings. We’re not human goings either. We’re just human beings. It’s time to just be! To be present in the moment and allow in bucket loads of more fun, more joy and more pleasure with ease and flow. Do you want to learn how to give yourself permission to invite more fun, joy and pleasure into your life and business? DM me to learn how we can team up and make exactly that happen! N xo #nirellebennettcoach #funjoypleasure #feminineenergy #justbeyou
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