Nocturnal | Community
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25.01.2022 Imperial City is here and NOC had a fun warmup last night. We look forward to you joining us tonight in the sewers...and I'm not talking about Dragon and Manic's minds!
23.01.2022 Get your glass armor and fancy new sh*t together - guild AvA tonight at 8pm. Follow the Lark!
21.01.2022 4:10am and Skylark and I are the last NOC defending roe - just pushed out 20+ red and got SO many kills it is almost unbelievable....
20.01.2022 Ava in one hour people! We've been getting better and better so let's get down and dirty tonight :-p
20.01.2022 So who's around Brisbane this weekend? JoFo, Manic? Argey's in town!!!
19.01.2022 OK so red had all our scrolls yesterday and blue have them all today. We've been fighting a lot of red recently - time to push blue's head back under the water!! It's been quiet recently but let's try and get a good turnout tonight and show them what NOC are made of :-)
19.01.2022 The best night of the week is here......AvA night :-) Get into Cyro people let's smash some face xx
19.01.2022 OK so no maintenance tonight, and a whole load of red and blue to spend the evening killing. Who's in????????
19.01.2022 Saddle up honest men and dishonest bastards alike - tonight we ride tight!
17.01.2022 Last week of AvA before IC hits. Let's show them how NOC rolls!!!! 1 hour til formup, bring your frags, your wings, your fear and your blazing whatever..
17.01.2022 AvA in one hour people. The map was blue so plenty of Vanzan to kill :-) And remember Friday night is Gonzo's going away party - come naked and/or wolf for a good time. Gonzo has been an awesome guildie and we will miss him and welcome him back in 3 months.
17.01.2022 1:17am - after 6 hours of fighting we got emp for Skylark. First ever NOC emperor after 18 months of ESO.... WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTTTTTTTTTTTT so happy it's one of the highlights of this game and the fact it took so much hard work only makes it shine brighter in all our hearts!... <3
17.01.2022 skylark is top - we are 3 keeps from the first NOC emperor in 18 months of ESO.....if you have an account please log into ts and game NOW!!!!!!
16.01.2022 The game, this guild and life all have their ups and downs. But tonight we feast on purple flesh as best we can, FOR THE DOMINION!!!!!!!!!! See you there if you can make it. See you in AvA 8pm Sydney time.
16.01.2022 Where WaylanderOz went to study!
15.01.2022 AvA tonight people in 1 hour :-) Red have been owning of late but last time i looked blue have one of our scrolls. Red have been holding onto BRK by the skin of their teeth for the last 2 days - can we dethrone or get a scroll back? Lots to love about this game, let's ride!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
14.01.2022 The last few nights have been some awesome AvA....join us tonight at 8pm Sydney time for guild party time :-) :-)
14.01.2022 Your lord and master (argy) only has this week and next before a 5 week break to the UK. Let's show him what we've got good brothers of NOC. AvA in 10 mins time if you're not already there!
14.01.2022 My son Ted enjoying Star Wars Battlefront speeder races. A gamer he will be!
13.01.2022 Amandalee Ala take note!
11.01.2022 Tonight's AvA session will be my last for 6 weeks as I'm off back to the UK for a 5 week holiday. Please come along tonight at 8pm Sydney time and make it a humdinger!!!!! Merry Christmas you all :-) Argy
10.01.2022 Looks like ZOS are planning on ruining tonight's AvA with some downtime at 8pm, just when we line up. BASTARDS. Will try anyway....maybe it will be late
10.01.2022 Lock and load brothers and sisters, the last week or two have been great so let's get into Cyro and smash some red and blue scum. Can anyone think of anyone in particular that deserves it???
09.01.2022 Get on it people - AvA night at 8pm Sydney time. Less than an hour to make sure you have food, siege, the right armor and the ability to ignore Gob's jokes. Tonight we ride in Cyro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for a change
08.01.2022 Did you think you get a Wednesday night off because we hadn't posted yet???? THINK AGAIN SOLDIER AND GET YOUR ASS INTO CYRODIL 8PM SYDNEY TIME YOU MAGGOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
08.01.2022 OK so tonight we have a chance to get Sjylark to emperor. This would be a real milestone for the guild and a due reward to a great guildie, player and person. Saddle up fuckers - tonight we take resources and back off to let him get the tick, we take keeps to let him repair alone, we buy him stones if he's short and we tickle whatever he needs tickling til we get the first NOC emp. No bed for Ala!!!!!!!!!
08.01.2022 Ava tonight people! 8pm Sydney time. Maintenance is over, manic has promised to show - and we have new recruits to impress. Bring your siege, your A game and your big balls!!!!
08.01.2022 We had great fun co-ordinating with TKG last week and they are expecting some joint efforts tonight as well. Let's show 'em how NOC do it! 8pm Sydney time is AvA o'clock NOC :-)
07.01.2022 Last week proved to be a peak of AvA achievement for the guild, smashing red and blue alike on our way to crowning Skylark Emperor of Azura's Star! see the videos here: Tonight our challenge is to generate enough XP to get Ala to vr16 and have another boatload of fun doing so. See you there 8pm Sydney time.
07.01.2022 Only 11 hours until NOC ride into the glorious foothills of Cyrodil to smash some more purple faces. We have a great 30 minute fight vs red and blue last night trying to dethrone red. We should have let Vanzan do it with his crew but neither them nor us could help but fight each other and ultimately doom the siege. Highlight was his group stacking on one of the ledges outside a tower unaware that Argy was waiting above with DK leap and Pearlord lurking........3 got thrown off the wall and we killed the other 3 hahahahahahaha See you soon for more funz brothers and sisters in arms.
06.01.2022 3am and 8 noccers still keeping skylark up. the alessia defense was much siege so many dead red,,,lol
06.01.2022 So last week's AvA was rained off, well patched off - so tonight we hope you are all superkeen to show off your new shinies and smash some reds and blues. A yellow emp was crowned this afternoon so should make for some interesting PvP. Orsinium is no excuse you PvE scrubs!!!!!
05.01.2022 Damn ZOS have decided they need downtime again tonight so it's looking like AvA is off for the week. It's been a highlight of many of our weeks for 18 months so I guess we can count ourselves lucky they haven't called more Wednesdays off. Scant consolation because I'm guessing we were all looking forward to smashing some red face!
03.01.2022 AvA night tonight people :-) 8pm Sydney time. BDO'ers will no doubt be back for a wrecking face night - last week was epic so let's hope for more of the same tonight.
02.01.2022 Merry Christmas from Argy. Husky sledding in Lapland has so far been the highlight of the trip so I thought I'd share this video by way of Christmas cheer for my gamer buddies. Only 2 weeks til I'm back
01.01.2022 Is NOC still kicking around in ESO or elsewhere? - Eskielidder
01.01.2022 This is how NOC defend a keep...when it goes well :-)
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