North East Forest Alliance NEFA | Environmental conservation organisation
North East Forest Alliance NEFA
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25.01.2022 Maybe we were wrong... maybe the #koalakillbill is not going to be examined by the #koala Inquiry... it's hard to know as there is much confusion and dissension in government ranks. Those pesky #Koalas!
25.01.2022 We did it! #Koala victory for now. The #KoalaKillBill did NOT pass through Parliament yesterday, instead it was referred to the Koala Inquiry... where hopefully all the dirty deals between the Libs and the Nats prepared to sacrifice koala protection will come out. Big thanks to Liberal Hon Catherine Cusack MLC who voted against the Bill and lost her job as Parliamentary Secretary as a result.
24.01.2022 >>> Please sign this petition and share to all networks<<< Burning trees to power Redbank Coal Station is an existential threat to our future. It's a climate nightmare. It will release some 1.8 million tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere each year to fuel climate change, increased droughts, heatwaves and more intense bushfires, while increasing forest degradation and hastening species extinctions. It's polluting and expensive.... Replacing coal with biomass is even more polluting, releasing up to 50% more CO2 than coal to generate equivalent amounts of energy. Biomass electricity is three times more expensive than solar to produce and requires massive public subsidies. It undermines the climate mitigation potential of forests. Native forests remove carbon dioxide from the air more effectively than anything else on land; they make and ‘catch’ rain and they moderate temperature. They do this best when they're left alone. It threatens our future forests, water security and struggling wildlife. As both public and private forests become increasingly devoid of large sawlogs the push is on to take smaller and more defective trees to make money. Forest wildlife will be impacted most severely as forest degradation skyrockets with all those previously uneconomic trees taken. This gives our forests no chance to become future refuges for wildlife and people. Forests are natural water reservoirs that feed our streams and generate rainfall. If we loose our forests we diminish our water security. We need to: Pay farmers to leave trees standing to go on sequestering and storing atmospheric carbon and grow habitat for Koalas and our other imperilled species Stop subsidising corporations to profit from clearing, logging and climate emissions. Invest in clean energy jobs (solar and wind) and leave fossil fuels and forests in the ground. Please sign onto our campaign below as a first step to keep our forests standing. #HunterEnergy is currently seeking expressions of interest for timber from north of Grafton, West of Dubbo and South of Batemans Bay to fuel their 151MW Redbank Power Station, with plans to restart the facility in mid 2021 fed by native forests to make it one of the world’s ten biggest biomass power plants. Please sign and share widely! #forestsarenotfuel #biomass #biomassactiongroup #nefa See more
24.01.2022 Its not a wonder then, that 52 hectares of prime koala habitat in Port Stevens has been approved by #koalakiller #Gladys to clear for a new coal mine. Her hands seem to be dirty on more than a few accounts!
23.01.2022 Tune in for the great news for our #koalas
23.01.2022 If you're near Port Macquarie on Friday, get along to this event.
23.01.2022 We’re very disappointed to see Gurmesh Singh - MP obviously doesn’t understand firstly the content of SEPP and secondly the content of the proposed LLS amendment bill either.
23.01.2022 Latest on the #koalakillbill #saveourkoalas
22.01.2022 A film worth seeing if you can make it!
21.01.2022 Sign the Declaration to Save Australia's native forests and wildlife. There has never been a campaign like this - it is time for end-game. The Australian Native Forest Declaration is the first of its kind in our nation. Add your name here
20.01.2022 Rose Wilson really cares about #koalas Gladys Berejiklian Thanks Hon Catherine Cusack MLC for saying you'll cross the floor to stand up for our vulnerable koala.
20.01.2022 Please send a short, polite message to members of the upper house today and call on them to vote against this bill and protect the koala from extinction in NSW.
19.01.2022 Short and to the point. From one of the scientists who signed the letter to world leaders... Stop burning wood for electricity! #StopFakeRenewables #forests
18.01.2022 American stimulus package includes an incentive to burn trees for electricity!
18.01.2022 Justin Field telling it like it is on the #KoalaKiller NSW Nationals
18.01.2022 If the Nats can rort a policy they will. Money to their mates while the trees continue to fall.
18.01.2022 BREAKING The Nannas for Native Forests are conducting a ‘citizen’s inspection’ inside the yards of Simcoa Operations north of Bunbury this morning. Thirty Na...nnas are inside the yards gathering photographic and video evidence of the huge volumes of Jarrah being used as charcoal by Simcoa in its silicon manufacturing process. They are supported by about forty people outside the gates who back the Nannas in their call for the full protection of the South West forests. The Nannas are gravely concerned about the impact that logging our South West forests has on climate and biodiversity and we feel a responsibility to act for our grandchildren," said Di Shanahan, spokesperson for the Nannas for the Native Forests. We have identified that Simcoa is the major buyer of Jarrah logs - driving the logging of our remaining publicy owned Jarrah forests. The footage and photographs that we gather today will expose the extraordinary scale of Simcoa’s operations. We’re confident that all West Australians will agree when they see these images that this is an outrageous waste of the South West’s Jarrah forests forests that are so incredibly valuable standing, said Ms Shanahan. Simcoa has a contract with the McGowan Government to buy up to 210,000 tonnes of Jarrah per year from logging and clearing operations, said Jess Beckerling, WA Forest Alliance convenor. That’s the single largest volume of Jarrah logs available to any one company, and they are burning it all as charcoal and releasing massive volumes of carbon into the atmosphere, said Ms Beckerling. Contact: Jess Beckerling, WAFA | 0488 777 592 Location: Simcoa Operations 973 Marriott Rd, Wellesley Jane Hammond Mark McGowan Nannas for Native Forests
17.01.2022 Protectors across Australia are ready for action in our forests
17.01.2022 It’s official: #GladysBerejiklian is doing stuff all to save our beloved Australian icon #KoalaKiller #SaveKalang #GKNP #FriendlyJordies #Koala
17.01.2022 Comedian Ben Elton, "if you want to change teh story, you need to make your voice heard."
17.01.2022 UPDATE: whats going on with the Nats koala-killing Local Land Services Bill?
16.01.2022 More #koala habitat under threat of development in the Tweed. It's time to save what's left!
15.01.2022 The imminent rebooting of the mothballed Redbank Power Station (near Singleton) with north-east NSW’s forests will make it Australia’s most polluting power station and an existential threat to the future of our children and wildlife, according to the North East Forest Alliance. #forestsarenotfuel
13.01.2022 Bungabbee State Forest Preliminary Assessment is up on the NEFA website. #Forests4Ever
12.01.2022 International Day of Action on Forest Biomass Energy #1 show up to Condong today, see event #2 sign this petition #3 post a pic of yourself in your socials with a hashtag poster saying #forestsarenotfuel The petition calls for an end to subsidies and incentives for burning forest wood, for it to be excluded from renewable energy targets, and for the protection and restoration of forests to be prioritised for our health, the climate and biodiversity.... *in the country drop-down menu, just choose 'other' See more
12.01.2022 Federal Government gives $5m for biomass pellet plant on Kangaroo Island. Let’s face it... the logging industry lurches in between disasters and hand outs. So not sustainable.
12.01.2022 Citizens acting in the public interest bringing corporations to heel.
11.01.2022 Rebooted Redbank Power Station in the Hunter- an existential threat to our future The imminent rebooting of the mothballed Redbank Power Station (near Singleton...) with north-east NSW’s forests will make it Australia’s most polluting power station and an existential threat to the future of our children and wildlife, according to the North East Forest Alliance. Hunter Energy is currently seeking expressions of interest for timber from across north-east NSW to fuel their Redbank Power Station, with plans to restart the facility in mid 2021 fed by native forests to make it one of world’s ten biggest biomass power plants. The claims are that it will power 200,000 homes, which was identified in 2017 North Coast Residues Report as requiring one million tonnes of biomass to be taken from north-east NSW’s forests and plantations each year, with 60% of this coming from private forests, said NEFA spokesperson Dailan Pugh. This is sheer madness as burning this volume will release some 1.8 million tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere each year to fuel climate heating, increased droughts, heatwaves and more intense bushfires, while increasing forest degradation and hastening species extinctions. The community needs to urgently speak up to stop the NSW and Commonwealth Governments from allowing this environmental disaster Mr. Pugh said. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Replacing coal with biomass is sheer stupidity as it is even more polluting, releasing up to 50% more CO2 than coal to generate equivalent amounts of energy, said NEFA Spokesperson Susie Russel. Then there’s all the CO2 released by machines during logging and in hauling the wood from across north-east NSW to Singleton. It will be a nightmare for rural communities with thousands of extra trucks plying narrow rural roads, crossing small deteriorating bridges, passing through peaceful villages and then roaring down the Pacific Highway to Redbank. This will be subsidized by taxpayers under the pretense that burning trees is renewable energy as the trees will regrow and decades or centuries later take up the carbon released by burning them. We are in a climate emergency and cannot afford to spew millions of tonnes of additional carbon into the atmosphere at a time when we need to be urgently reducing atmospheric carbon, and we need to leave our trees alive to do it as they are the only viable means of carbon capture and storage Ms Russell said. Mr. Pugh continued Our suffering forest wildlife will be impacted most severely as forest degradation skyrockets with all those previously uneconomic trees taken. It is no wonder the Nationals tried to remove protection for core Koala habitat, environmental zones, wetlands and littoral rainforest, because they are going to need every tree they can get if this monstrosity gets going. Both NSW and Commonwealth Governments have systematically removed the numerous prohibitions on burning biomass from native forests for electricity generation to pave the way for this development, and the NSW Government has increased allowable logging intensities in forests to feed it. The NSW Government recently changed the logging rules for State Forests to reduce the number of trees that need to be retained by 50%, while zoning 140,000 hectares of public coastal forests from Grafton to Taree for clearfelling. Their draft logging rules for Private Native Forestry also intend to reduce the number of trees that need to be retained by 50%, while allowing 20% of the logging area to be clearfelled in each operation. These changes are all about allowing more trees to be logged as biomass for electricity generation. As both public and private forests are becoming increasingly devoid of large sawlogs the push is on to take smaller and defective trees to make money. Biomass electricity is three times more expensive than solar to produce and requires massive public subsidies under the guise of its being renewable energy, so will effectively push up power prices for taxpayers. What we need to be doing is paying farmers to leave trees standing to go on sequestering and storing atmospheric carbon, while providing habitat for Koalas and our other imperiled species, not subsidizing corporations to profit from clearing, logging and burning them Mr. Pugh said. ACTION >>> please write in to Angus Taylor questioning approvals for this supposed ‘green and clean’ plant when the ‘waste’ the company refers to is based on the million tonnes of native forests, whole trees allocated by the DPI, and the 50% more emissions releases compared to coal, given he is in charge of EMISSIONS REDUCTIONS and energy. Lets flood his emails! Demand TRUE renewables!
11.01.2022 Again Justin Field hits the nail on the head
10.01.2022 Old hollow-bearing trees have been cut down at alarming rates 'due to fire hazard' all over the north and mid-north coast- a devastating move that impacts surviving populations of threatened species. Luckily one amazing woman at #thebushtuckerbox managed to rescue literally tons of hollows that were destined for the chipper. Please read below and get in touch with her if you would like to become a host for some critters, and participate in the program she has put together.
10.01.2022 Because humans are the most narcissistic species on the planet
10.01.2022 The threats to our #koalas are starting to get national attention Please share far & wide & #standUp4Forests
09.01.2022 URGENT ACTION: Rally outside #KoalaKiller Chris Gulaptus office in Grafton Please INVITE your friends to this event & ask them to INVITE theirs
09.01.2022 Last year, NEFA organised a group of ecologists to do a weekend survey in Bungabbee State Forest. NEFA spokesperson Dailan Pugh said, as well as the known 27 threatened species found there, ecologists found more species not yet recorded, including the Long Nosed Potoroo and a population of Marbled Frogmouths as well as critically endangered plants like native guava. Read more about it:
08.01.2022 Reminders of the wonders of nature!
06.01.2022 People are standing up for koalas all across the state. This action today is putting Melinda Pavey and Gurmesh Singh on notice people are demanding koala protections not corporate connections. #koalas #StandUp4Forests
05.01.2022 The long sordid saga of the fall of #KoalaKiller Gladys Berejiklian is only just starting. Exterminating our koalas isn't funny. Governments have been toppled for less.
05.01.2022 There is a major discrepancy between what the DPI Residues report states, and what Forestry Corp claims. And NO ONE is calling them out on it. ~DPI's ONLY mitigation effort for removing forest cover is to retain branches and crowns. ~Forestry says that ONLY branches and crowns are sold off as biomass to be burned!... So, which one is it, #forestry and #DPI?!?! The Nambucca Guardian News
05.01.2022 We are finally realising all that trees do for us: - provide oxygen - provide water supply and filtration - hold and create soils - provide homes for animals... - carbon sequestration and storage Without them, we would not exist. And those are only the physical gifts. Trees give us many therapeutic benefits: they rain down molecules that boost our immune systems. Just being in the forest feels good- because it’s centering, re-balancing, re-energising, peaceful. Surrounded by trees, we are given the gift of re-calibration to nature, where we originated. So what are dying trees doing in living rooms across the world today? Tradition. Even if the tree cut down was grown for the sole purpose of Xmas, that tree sucked up the nutrients from millenia of trees and wildlife building up the soil, while displacing the forests and wildlife that are supposed to be there. Let's end 2020 by denouncing the tradition of destroying our beloved Nature-Saints for the sole purpose of decorating a house. It's high time to dispose of many of the antiquated religious traditions that are human-centred acts of passive violence. See more
04.01.2022 Don’t think that your letters don’t make a difference! Thank you to everyone who was part if this tsunami of correspondence.
04.01.2022 Perhaps an opportunity to have the public native forest logging crisis resolved & take an important step toward saving our #koalas? Cate Faehrmann Justin Field Mark Pearson Matt Kean MP
03.01.2022 URGENT ACTION: Rally outside #KoalaKiller Geoff Provest's office in Tweed Heads to tell him to stop the NSW govt's assault on koalas Please INVITE your friends to this event. (Use the INVITE friends function to make sure they have all the details and encourage them to invite their friends too)
03.01.2022 An International Day of Action on Forest Biomass Energy will take place on 24th November. If you can join an on-ground group, please PM us. If not, a mass online action will flow around the world through the various time zones. The focus is this important petition (choose 'other' country in drop-down menu) that needs to attract many thousands of individual signatures to make a big impact. It calls for an end to sub...sidies and incentives for burning forest wood for energy, for it to be excluded from renewable energy targets, and for the protection and restoration of forests to be prioritised for our health, the climate and biodiversity. The target is the European Union and its member countries but this message must come from everywhere affected by Europe’s unacceptable large scale biomass burning and poor leadership from forests and communities suffering the impacts, to other jurisdictions that are following in Europe’s footsteps (like Australia!) currently leading to a global escalation of this false and damaging climate solution. This is going to be an exciting and important campaign event. Please join us in this global push for change! For forests and communities everywhere, The Australian Forests and Climate Alliance Website: Facebook: Australian Forests and Climate Alliance Twitter: @AFCA_Forests -------------------------------------------------
02.01.2022 Shocking footage of logging in badly burnt oldgrowth forest in East Gippsland. When will it stop?! Please send a quick email.
02.01.2022 Cusack the #Koala's saviour The North East Forest Alliance sincerely thanks Liberal Catherine Cusack for coming to the rescue of Koalas by refusing to support the National Party's Koala killing bill when it went to the Upper House for ratification last Thursday. In his recent opinion piece in the Sydney Morning Herald Peter FitzSimons described Catherine Cusack as a hero of the Liberal Party, citing her as stating I sent a message to Premier last week saying I couldn’t s...upport it if goes ahead. See more
01.01.2022 And for those nearer to Taree on Friday... get along and support the MidCoast Knitting Nannas and others, standing up for #Koalas
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