Northwest Physiotherapy Group in Essendon, Victoria, Australia | Physical therapist
Northwest Physiotherapy Group
Locality: Essendon, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 3 9370 5654
Address: 6 Fletcher Street 3040 Essendon, VIC, Australia
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24.01.2022 Yes, we are unfortunately all in lock down again... but we just wanted to let you know that we are still open. We have received confirmation from our professional body, the APA, that we can continue to provide face to face care for anyone who needs it. This is to prevent deterioration in your function or movement, minimise pain, and prevent an increase in your recovery time requiring extra treatment. Physiotherapy is an essential service! We are here if you need us!
24.01.2022 Longstanding tendon (tendinopathy) pain does not improve with rest. The pain may settle but unless the tendon is strengthened with progressive exercise to improve the capacity of the connective tissues to tolerate load, the pain will return once you start exercising again. Most commonly felt in the elbow, front of knee or Achilles’ tendon these ‘wear and tear’ conditions need careful and patient management to resolve. Leave a comment if you have any questions.
24.01.2022 A result of a 2019 APA survey highlighted that 69% of tradies thought that being sore was normal for the job they do. This does not have to be case. Physios are experts at treating and preventing soft tissue and musculoskeletal injuries. Look after your most valuable asset-your health. Comment below if we can help you in any way.
23.01.2022 Find your 30 is all about practical ways that we all can find half an hour of activity in our day. This is recommended by Sports Australia and backed by the Department of Health. Whether you are working from home or the office or thinking of ways to keep the kids active. Exercise can benefit your brain, heart, lungs, bone and mental health from the social contact that exercise often includes. If you lack inspiration, try online exercise videos, dance to music while cleaning, wash your car or play with the kids in your backyard. Get moving and find that 30 minutes a day.
23.01.2022 We had a lovely lunch today at Rose Milk cafe in Albion St Essendon to celebrate Nicole Saccardo being part of our team for 1 year now. Nicole has contributed greatly to the culture and systems at Nwpg, and has been assigned the role of our much needed "go to" IT support person! We hope to see her role with us evolve as we continue to grow moving forward. We also celebrated the birthday of Sue N, our practice manager and receptionist, and also celebrated the clinics 4th birthday at the Fletcher St address. Time has certainly flown and we are all very grateful that we have been able to stay open and continue to help people in the community given the challenging environment that we are in.
22.01.2022 Keeping active has so many benefits for your kids. Just spending time together doing fun and challenging activities is so important regardless of their age. What have you planned for this week?
22.01.2022 Great advice from Tom Goom. To get the best outcomes from treatment. In his words, avoiding an activity that you want to do is rarely the answer. Get advice, work hard and make getting back to what you love a priority!
22.01.2022 These amazing images of an anatomy cross section at mid thigh level show the importance of exercise and strength training as you age. Compare the muscle wasting and superficial fat deposits in the sedentary 74 year old and the 70 year old triathlete. A stark contrast!! Which man will have more energy and quality of life with a decreased risk of falls. Which one would you rather be? Comment below if you want help.
22.01.2022 Comment "NECK PAIN" below and one of our physiotherapists will make time to get in contact. Neck pain is a common and debilitating problem among adults, with 1 in 10 people experiencing pain at any given time. It can make even the most simple every day activities difficult: head checks, sleeping, and hanging up the washing. It may even affect concentration. One commonly overlooked reason for neck pain is weakness in the deep neck flexors muscles that support the neck. So ...why are these muscles so important? When they work well, they keep the neck in a neutral posture so that the head rests in line with the rest of the body - this saves energy and reduces strain on the muscles of the shoulders and back of the neck. Watch as Nicole shows the secret to engaging these often overlooked muscles to start solving neck pain today.
21.01.2022 A great message from our friends @thechirotree . We find this particularly relevant when discussing preventative strategies with clients. Some are open to taking a more proactive approach to their health, others are not really ready. But they often come around when they experience recurrent episodes of pain, or realize they have to prioritize feeling good because it doesnt happen on its own.... staying fit and healthy takes commitment and effort. And the rewards are well worth it. Comment below if you can relate to this.
21.01.2022 What's better for heart health- aerobic or resistance exercise? New research concludes that both kinds of workouts work, especially if they join forces. A review published in the journal Advances in Nutrition looked at 43 studies focusing on training styles and their effects. Researchers found that although aerobic exercise tends to produce slightly greater efficacy in decreasing abdominal fat, the biggest change comes when it is combined with resistance training."... And there's an important reason to reduce abdominal fat: it's linked to heart disease. Another study, published earlier this year, noted that excess abdominal fat can increase the risk of repeat heart attacks and strokes for those who’ve already had one of those incidents. In that research, nearly 23,000 people were followed for about four years after their cardiac event, and those with higher belly fat amounts showed significantly more incidence of experiencing another event. That’s because abdominal obesity is indicative of visceral fat, the kind that wraps around your organs and can have negative effects on blood pressure, cholesterol, and insulin resistance (when your cells stop responding to the hormone insulin). But even the stuff just below the surfacecalled subcutaneous abdominal fathas been known to increase levels of low-grade inflammation that can raise risks of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and some cancers. High-intensity workouts (which are comprised of short, hard bouts of exercise broken up by brief rest periods) that combine cardio and strengthsuch as a speed workout with some strength exercises mixed in when you’re not runningare great to help burn fat. So both cardio and resistance training are great, but better for heart health when combined. Getting your heart rate up is the key, but this needs to be done safely if you haven't exercised much before. Comment below if you would like some help. (Excerpts taken from Runners World blogs)
21.01.2022 Yes the evidence is in. To stay mobile and active as we get older, we must load our body through regular exercise. The physical benefits are numerous, not to mention the psychological and mental gains. Dont rush-just make a commitment, get good advice and persist. Comment below if you need help.
21.01.2022 Its migraine awareness week. Headaches can be caused by many factors @headache australia describes 35 different causes for headache. If you have an excruciating pain in your head or its your worst headache or it persists or becomes more frequent there are some important actions to take. Consult your GP or ED at your local hospital. You want to rule out any serious causes. Many headaches can be caused or triggered by neck tension and joint stiffness caused by postural overload or injury. If you are cleared medically, careful assessment and treatment by a physiotherapist can help fix the musculoskeletal cause and help with exercises to reduce excessive loading of the neck and surrounding structures.
20.01.2022 Our second video in our series on how to beat back pain shows how to progress deep core muscle strength and endurance. Comment below with the code word "Back Pain" to get the link to our free report "5 Ways to Beat Back Pain". The deep core muscles are the spinal stabilisers and support the back during movement. Transverse abdominis, one of the key stabilising muscles is built for endurance, which makes it perfect for protecting the spine during daily activities. The job of t...hese core muscles is to act as a natural brace for the spine by being engaged at approximately 20% activation all the time (100% activation is bracing all your abdominal muscles as hard as you can, which is not what you want to do). Watch the video below to get started.
20.01.2022 It may seem obvious that being active is really good for you. It gives you energy, an emotional lift and a feeling of accomplishment. It gives real benefits to your organs, muscles and bones and may even help prevent heart disease. Remember some exercise is better than none 30min a day is recommended. try and be active every day.
20.01.2022 With so many of us working from home and being hunched over a desk, our shoulders and necks are susceptible to a build of muscle and joint tension. If this strain gets too high, pain or injury can often occur. This is a great work out you can do at home to improve shoulder strength, flexibility and posture... and get some much needed blood flow to those achey muscles, to minimise the build up of tension. If you dont have dumbells, you can use cans of beans, or even bags of rice/flour(make sure they are not open!). Comment below when you have tried these, and let us know how you feel afterwards. Remember to keep your shoulder blades gently back onto your ribs, and avoid hitching the shoulders.
19.01.2022 A recent APA health survey of tradies found that of those injured at work, 82% had joint, soft tissue or musculoskeletal injuries. Small changes in work practices can reduce the risk of injury and early treatment of niggles will ensure pain and restriction fo not persist long term. Look after your most important asset-your health.
19.01.2022 This a snapshot of the isolation hobbies of our team and clients!Renos, boardgames, being creative... What are you doing to keep yourself occupied at home right now? Lets share and keep the conversation going
17.01.2022 August is National Tradies Health Month and we want to help you look after your most valuable asset-your health. We treat many tradies and know that getting on top of niggles early will prevent bigger problems later. If you are in pain make a comment below and we will be happy to help.
17.01.2022 Walking has so many benefits, as if you didnt know already. In this difficult lockdown time, make each day count. Be better when the restrictions are lifted.
17.01.2022 Get on top of weakness, stiffness, and pain with our new Strong and Stable online exercise class. Comment with the code word "Strong and Stable" below to get a free trial pass. This 30min class is designed to build strength and control in the core, hips, and shoulder stabilising muscles of the body. First class is Thursday 2nd of July at 9.15.
16.01.2022 What are your priorities? We always do the things we do well and find enjoyable. The challenge is doing the things that are important and consistent with our values.
16.01.2022 Learning how to activate this deep and obscure muscle is the first step in getting on top low back pain and returning to normal pain-free function again. Comment below the code word "Back Pain" to get the link to our free report "5 Ways to Beat Back Pain". Low back pain is one of the most common conditions affecting peopl in todays modern world, and we have seen a recent increase in clients attending our clinic for acute low back pain episodes.... Some of the reasons we are identifying for this are: 1. People working from home with poor home office set up. 2. Working from home can have less distractions so people sit for longer without a break. 3. People are doing more activities that place stress on their backs, such as gardening and home renovations. 4. Gyms and structured exercise options are closed so people are exercising less, and not engaging in enough in appropriate strength and control exercises. In our experience, people under-use an important stabilizing muscle called Transversus Abdominus. This muscle is often inhibited by pain and other larger superficial muscles can then over contract in a protective response, which causes more restriction and guarded movement, as well as pain. Watch the video below to learn how to effectively activate this important core muscle.
15.01.2022 3 Great Exercises For Tennis Elbow. Elbow pain (commonly known as Tennis Elbow) can be a painful and chronic condition that really makes daily activities very difficult. Contrary to popular belief, playing tennis is not always the cause of Tennis Elbow and we are seeing a rise in cases due to people doing more home renos, gardening and cooking. Try these 3 home strategies that we have used in the clinic to help people with this condition. If these exercises dont help, direct message us for further guidance. There may be other factors that are contributing to the problem. To get access to our free report "Tennis Elbow-The 4 Critical Factors To Be Painfree" comment "tennis elbow" below.
15.01.2022 In this Dementia Awareness Month it’s important to stress the how physical activity can relate to younger onset dementia. Not only does physical exercise keep you fit and elevate mood, it can improve brain capacity by increasing blood flow. Aerobic exercise boosts BDNF which can increase the number of brain cells. Even as we age.
15.01.2022 Comment the code word "Strong and Stable" below to get a free trial to our new online exercise class. Read on for details. Get Strong & Stable in our 30-minute online exercise class designed specifically to strengthen your body stabilisers - your shoulder rotator cuff, glutes, and core muscles. When these muscles dont work well, our shoulders, hips, and spinal joints are more likely to take the load; and when it gets too much for our joints, you can bet that pain and injury ...follow soon afterwards. Why be Strong & Stable? Because when you have a strong foundation, your body can move freely and without pain now and into the future. During the class, our experienced physio will take you through a series of exercises to wake up key muscles you never knew you had, as well as provide feedback and modifications to suit your level. Perfect for beginners to exercise and time-poor people who are keen to prevent injury. It will run entirely online via video conference so you can easily turn your living room into your workout space. Low impact and no equipment required! As a way to celebrate the launch of Strong & Stable, we are offering a Free Trial Pass to the first 20 commenters! Just comment below with the words "STRONG & STABLE" and youll hear from us soon. Class sizes are limited to 8 people, so book in quick to secure your spot.
14.01.2022 Based on new Victorian government guidelines, face masks are now mandatory in Melbourne for any person leaving their home. Pursuant to these guidelines, the next time you visit our clinic our whole team will be wearing face masks or face shields. We will also have a protective screen at our reception desk and have reviewed our procedures for sanitising high touch surfaces throughout the clinic, such door knobs, counter tops, pens, phones, computers, laptops, and card transact...ions. Based on the government mandates, all clients now attending the practice must wear face masks within the clinic. If you forget yours, you can purchase a hospital grade one at reception. We understand that these are difficult and uncertain times, and people are naturally hesitant about leaving their homes for treatment. However, accessing medical and like services is one of the four reasons you are permitted to leave your home, and making your health a priority will be important in helping you get through this challenging time. We are confident that we are doing all that is possible to ensure the safety and health of all our clients and team. Dont forget that we have Telehealth services that you can access if you prefer not to leave your home. More information is available about Telehealth here. We sincerely hope you all stay safe and healthy over the next few weeks and we look forward to restrictions easing next month and life getting back to some sense of normal (or Covid normal!).
13.01.2022 The traffic light system is a simple and effective way to guide your exercise program while recovering from injury. Many people have increased their exercise level during the CoVid lockdown. Use this guideline to ensure you are can continue exercising safely. If you are not sure, call your physio or leave a comment. We will reply promptly.
12.01.2022 We want to assure you that we are continuing to clean and sanitise our clinic with the highest infection control standards. All clinicians are wearing masks and eye protection while in contact with clients. If you would like a letter from us to support your travel to our clinic, please let us know and we would be happy to provide it. We strongly encourage you to attend your appointments to prevent your physical condition deteriorating over this trying time. If you are not co...mfortable coming into the clinic for a face-to-face appointment, we do have Telehealth options available. We are also offering exercise classes online. Both of these can be booked through our website, or you can call the clinic. We are grateful that we can continue to serve our community and ease the burden on our doctors and hospitals over the next six weeks. Stay safe and stay healthy. We are here to help in any way we can!
11.01.2022 With so many people working from home working remotely we are sitting more than ever. Sitting for long periods day after day can have a big impact on our health and is associated with increased risk of many diseases. We all must find practical ways to keep moving. Set an external timer to remind you. Use an app. Just make sure you keep moving! Backed by the NSW government, @makehealthynormalnsw is all about practical ways to get moving.
11.01.2022 Get Strong & Stable in our FREE 30-minute online exercise class designed specifically to strengthen body stabilisers - the shoulder rotator cuff, glutes, and core muscles. Now, more than ever, we know that people are missing the gyms, onsite clases and pools to get their exercise fix. We want to keep supporting our community during isolation to remain mobile and pain-free. Our online exercise class is a great solution for building up strength and conditioning during lockdown.... When these muscles dont work well, shoulders, hips, and spinal joints are more likely to take the load; and when this gets too much, pain and injury follow soon afterwards. We know its not easy to start a new routine during this stressful period, so to help kickstart the habit weve made our online exercise class FREE for the next two weeks. Just click the link below to book in: Select Nicole and comment Free Pass in the messages/comment section.
11.01.2022 Now, more than ever, its important to surround yourself with positive like minded people to support and motivate you. If youre in pain or recovering from an injury, these can be your allied health team, such as your Physio. Get the right people around you to help you get where you want to go.
11.01.2022 This is a great idea from our friends at Fusion Pilates and Lagree. In these difficult times lets get together and support each other.
10.01.2022 A brilliant and clear post from Dr Caleb Burgess. Following these guidelines will help progress your strength, tolerance to loading and get back to activity sooner. Rest may help ease pain but will not reduce the risk of reinjury. You must work to make the adaptive changes in your injured tissues to make a full recovery. Talk to your therapist or EP/PT. If you have any questions comment below.
10.01.2022 Osteoarthritis is the most common degenerative condition of the joints and affects 48% of Australians aged over 50 years. Physio can help. Exercise and activity can help.
09.01.2022 Your nervous system (your brain, your spinal cord, and your nerves) is the most sensitive structure in your body. Not only that, but your nerves travel continuously from your brain to each part of your body, like a string running from the top of your head to your toes. If theres irritation in any part of it, it can cause problems through the whole system. When your nerves are irritated, this can feel like muscle tension you cant stretch out, heaviness, slower recovery, or recurrent injury. So what to do if you suspect your nerves are irritated? Get them checked by one of our talented physios today!
09.01.2022 The impact of CoVid19 is taking a toll on our mental health, whether its related to social isolation, lack of exercise or boredom. Being aware of how you are feeling and knowing what you can do to look after your mental well-being is an important part of staying healthy in this challenging time.
06.01.2022 What’s the the best treatment for front of knee pain, also known as runners knee? Exercise therapy:strengthening the hip and knee and in some cases the provision of foot orthoses or kneecap taping can help make the strength exercises more effective. Knee cap pain occurs when you increase training load or activity beyond your capacity. The only way to get over this condition is to increase tolerance for loading through exercise. Be patient. Your physio can guide your recovery. Comment below if you need advice.
05.01.2022 Did you know that Covid-19 restrictions can cause Tennis Elbow? Learn all about this condition, how to test if you have it,and how to fix it by watching this video. Recently weve noticed a spike in the number of cases of elbow pain (commonly known as tennis elbow) coming into our clinic. These people were not playing sport due to Covid-19 restrictions, but we found that they were turning to other activities to keep occupied at home: gardening, DIY renos, and even making brea...d from scratch! Unfortunately, these activities can also put strain on the elbow if done to excess or with poor technique. We also know that elbow pain can arise from poor home office set up, and spending long periods sitting in front of a computer with bad posture. If you would like access to our free report called "Tennis Elbow- the 4 Critical Factors You Need to Know To Be Pain-free", comment the code word "Tennis Elbow" below.
05.01.2022 We see it all the time clinically. The most important lesson here is to increase exercise intensity and duration slowly. Give the body-especially your connective tissues, joints, tendons and ligaments time to adapt. Imagine where you would be if you worked on your strength and fitness for a whole year rather than rush ahead and cause injury.
04.01.2022 Nerves are important structures that send messages all over the body and they need to glide freely for pain-free function. When nerve gliding is not tested and fixed, it can be a significant reason for recurring pain and slow recovery from injury. Watch the video to learn more.
03.01.2022 How to breathe well to reduce pain and anxiety. With everything thats happening in the world at the moment, you might find yourself feeling anxious and stressed. Things are changing and there may be uncertainties and worries on your mind when you think about the future. When this stress becomes prolonged or overactive, thats when it can take a toll on your mental and physical health. In times of stress, your body enters fight-or-flight mode. Your muscles tense up, your hear...t beats harder, and your breathing gets faster - all of this is to prime your body to respond to a life-threatening situation. In our primitive past, this was usually the appearance of a tiger or bear. In modern times however, other elements can trigger this response in our day to day life, such as financial worries, work pressures, or relationship difficulties. If you are feeling this way, rest assured, you are not alone! So how do we turn down the stress response when its not helpful? The first step is to breathe. When we consciously tune in and focus on breathing well, an amazing thing happens: our muscles relax, our heartbeat slows down, and we start to feel calmer and less anxious. This relaxation response starts with becoming aware of how we are breathing. In this 2-minute video, Russell takes us through the basics of deep breathing technique and how to start practicing it in your day. Comment below if this has been useful.
03.01.2022 Massive Therapeutic Pillow Sale! Latex and Memory foam contoured pillows... all have been washed and sanitised. Great support for your neck no matter your sleeping position. We are clearing these at cost price. Client feedback on these pillows has been very positive. Comment "pillow" below if you would like us to contact you about purchasing one. Limited stock only.
02.01.2022 Ready to return to gym? Be sure to follow the advice from physios to ensure your return to training is enjoyable and injury free. Make sure you warm up. Do easy active movements using the whole body or light weights to prepare the muscles and nerves for exercise. Cool down with light stretches to bring your heart rate to resting levels. It is a good time for mobility work. Reduce your weights by 20-30% after a brea...k in training and gradually increase to full weights over the next 4-6 weeks. Make sure you maintain good form. Have your trainer or physio check. Remember to initially train in control. Dont go too hard too early. Give your muscles and connective tissues time to adapt to the increased loading. Most of all enjoy your training. See more
01.01.2022 A common mistake made when training for core strength is not translating this deep muscle activation to everyday activities. Comment below with the code word "Back Pain" to get the link to our free report "5 Ways to Beat Back Pain". Theres no point in having a strong core if it doesnt engage when doing housework, working in the garden, or even getting up off the couch.... So whats the missing link to get a strong, supported, and pain-free back? Switching on the core while doing the most common movements in your day bending, lifting, and squatting. Not only does this boost the endurance and control of these deep muscles, it also trains these muscles to work when needed most. The more the core is activated regularly like this, every day, the quicker the brain and body will learn how to use the core muscles automatically. The pathway between the brain and the muscles is actually enhanced! This means improved back protection and less time spent on tedious exercises win-win! Watch the video below, the 3rd and last in our series, to learn more about progressing core strength and beating back pain for good.
01.01.2022 Step 7 is the final step in our whole body problem solving process, the Ridgway Method. This is where we have achieved your good result- we've helped you overcome your condition, got you back to full pain free function or shown you how to manage it in the most effective way. This step also involves helping you get the most out of your body to enhance your performance and keep you well long term with self monitoring and preventative strategies.
01.01.2022 Happy Mother's day to all our wonderful Mums out there. They do so much for us, giving generously of their time, care and love.. we would be lost without them! To say thank you, NWPG are offering a 25% discount on all treatments to Mums between May 10-21. For all those Mums already booked in, the offer is ofcourse extended to you also.... If you are a mum who is reading this and would love feel and move better, or if you'd like to treat any important person in your life who is a mum, just call our rooms to book in on 9370 5654. You can also comment "Mum" below and we'll message you. And ofcourse, you can also book online. Have a great day and we hope you have been thoroughly spoiled!
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