Norwest Doula Services in Quakers Hill, New South Wales, Australia | Medical centre
Norwest Doula Services
Locality: Quakers Hill, New South Wales, Australia
Phone: +61 405 151 860
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25.01.2022 1 This is a practice that has recently changed! It’s been standard that newborns get baths anywhere from 2-6 hours after birth, but we are now ...seeing that DELAYING that bath for 12 hours or more can be REALLY beneficial for baby! Delaying your baby’s bath has been shown to increase breastfeeding rates during your hospital stay, and increase skin to skin time! We already know the benefits of skin to skin, and how amazing it is for baby AND you: Releases hormones that relieve stress and stabilize baby's temperature, breathing rate, heart rate, and blood sugar. Helps with mom & baby’s stress level, may help with baby crying less Boosts baby’s immune system May help baby not lose as much weight Helps your colostrum flow easier Helps boost bonding with baby Along with many other benefits! Delaying a bath will also help keep Vernix on baby’s skin for a longer period! Vernix is that cheesy substances that all babies are born with (some have more, and some have less). Vernix is an AMAZING natural moisturizer for baby as he is transitioning to life outside of amniotic fluid. It also has immunological benefits, providing an extra layer of protection as baby’s immune system is maturing, and may help with temperature regulation for baby as well! When can you not delay a bath? If you have HIV or any form of Hepatitis, it’s recommended to NOT delay baby’s first bath. Additionally, if you develop chorioamnionitis during birth, or if baby is not treated with antibiotics for a positive GBS mom, in many facilities a delayed bath is not recommended. Did you delay? #delayedbath #newbornbaby #bathingbaby #fedisbest #pregnancy #pregnancyeducation #breastfeedingisbeautiful #lactationconsultant #normalizebreastfeeding #breastfeedingjourney #1sttimemom #breastfeedingmoms #healthypregnancy #pregnancyblog #firsttimemommy #doulaviewllc #thelamazedoula #6monthspregnant #7monthspregnant #40weekspregnant
25.01.2022 Oh the feels are real here
25.01.2022 So perfectly said. Give yourself the very best chance by planning a homebirth with a known midwife (and Doula of course!)
23.01.2022 Oh this is so true. Fact is, babies wake overnight. It’s what they are meant to do. They need to feed in order to survive. Don’t have a baby if you expect to have a full nights unbroken sleep. It’s a very, very rare baby that sleeps the whole night through, especially from an early age. Know that night waking/feeding is completely normal. Accept the help that may be offered and sleep when your baby sleeps (something we really don’t appreciate with our first babies and regret come the second, third and forth ones).
22.01.2022 Posted @withregram @betterbirthuk Hands up who else has thought similar... the problem with this is that if you don’t know what your options are in birth, you don’t have any. Many people think writing a birth plan is a waste of time, but it’s SO SO SO IMPORTANT! Winging it can leave you feeling out of control if things take a different path. The process of researching and writing your birth plan means you: research your options (and yes, they are options. Nothing is c...ompulsory and you do the consenting, which makes it even MORE important you understand what it is you are consenting or declining) discuss your options with your birth partner. If you’re busy labouring, and your birth partner is advocating for you, how can they do that effectively if they don’t know what your preferences and non-negotiable are during birth? feel confident and empowered to make decisions and stick to your guns if you feel strongly about an aspect of birth. It’s much easier to explain why you want to decline an intervention, or wait before consenting, if you know the research, the risks, and the guidelines remove the unknown! So much anxiety around birth is due to not knowing what to expect! Put a plan in place, for most eventualities including caesarean birth, and you’re going to feel much more prepared, less anxious, and much less likely to experience birth trauma if things deviate from your ideal plan! My couple I taught today went from anxious about birth, to feeling empowered, confident and prepared. Antenatal education is essential for a positive birth. Combine that with hypnobirthing techniques and you’re giving you and your baby the best start. It really is that simple. #hypnobirthing #birthplan #birthpreferences #bromleymums #kentmums #beckenham #pettswood #chislehurst #westwickham #orpington #pruh #due2021 #20weekspregnant
22.01.2022 Yes. We do breastfeed for comfort. And we breastfeed for comfort frequently. Sometimes every 10 minutes. It's a big part of what breastfeeding is about. -The Milk Meg. Meg Nagle, IBCLC
21.01.2022 2) Kissing your baby will change your breast milk That irresistible urge to plant kisses all over your baby will also help to boost her immune system: when you ...kiss your baby, you are sampling the pathogens on her skin which are then transferred to your lymphatic system where you will produce antibodies to any bugs. These antibodies will then pass through your breast milk to your baby and boost her immune system.
21.01.2022 in this country our intervention rates are very high, yet these interventions are not leading to better outcomes for mothers and babies. The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) reports that: 34.2 per cent of (or one in three) women are medically induced. 22.5 per cent of (or one in five) women do not labour at all and have a planned caesarean section. 78.2 per cent of women use analgesia in labour for pain relief... 16.6 per cent of women are given an episiotomy We are losing connection and trust in one of the most transformative, powerful, primal and pivotal rites of passage we will ever undertake in our lives Olympians have expert teams that help them win gold medals. Women equally deserve to have a dynamic birthing team who help them truly achieve their goals when it comes to giving birth. To that end, I would suggest a doula and an experienced midwife.
19.01.2022 The top-up trap. Research shows that the most common reason women stop breastfeeding is because they *think* they don't have enough milk. We know that the vast ...majority of women are physically capable of having a full supply (estimates are anywhere from 85-95% of women can make enough milk). So if someone starts supplementing (topping-up) with formula unnecessarily, they can easily fall into the top-up trap... See more
18.01.2022 The purple line, have you seen it? Have you used it as a diagnostic tool? Do you know what it is? Let me tell you about it. The purple line is an EVIDENCE BASE...D sign that a woman’s cervix is dilating in labour. It is an obvious line (not always purple) that extends from the woman’s anus up to her tail bone between her bum cheeks. Obvious only when the woman is using physiological positioning and forward leaning. In a 2014 study by Kordi et al, involving 350 women, 75.3% of women were observed to have a purple line in labour. Through their research the authors concluded that the purple line had high sensitivity to determine dilation... possibly higher than vaginal examination and was an appropriate tool to assist in the diagnosis of cervical dilation progress. In my clinical practice I rarely do a vaginal examination, instead, women give off so many signs that they are progressing and over the years I have become attuned to what labour progress looks, sounds, acts and smells like. I would argue that I don’t need a vagina examination to identify where a woman is ‘up to’ in her labour. The use of vaginal examination is not evidence based (thanks Cochrane!) @cochraneorg and so it’s time to consider how else we might gather information about a woman’s labour... and most definitely in ways that don’t interrupt her while she is labouring I went with a woman to hospital recently and the staff there applied heavy coercive tactics to force the woman to accept a vaginal examination because they ‘had’ to know where she was up to... I told them ‘I can tell you where she is up to, her contractions are regularly 2 minutes apart, she has a purple line, anal puckering, her sounds have changed and her babies heart rate is dropping during a contraction, she’s fully dilated and about to start pushing’ they said ‘you can’t know that’... she pushed her baby out soon after. Yes I can and so can you! #birth #homebirthmidwife #labour See more
16.01.2022 What does it mean when you are offered a membrane sweep? Here is an incredible visual! I’m happy to answer questions if you have any And don’t forget!! You... can say no to vaginal exams during pregnancy! Check out my video here on why you should refuse them! #Repost Wise Women Consulting #trulynatural #catchdat @cajunstork #deliveringjoy
14.01.2022 This is about right too. My kids have always been told the truth. No fairy tales or made up stories about birth. I did warn their teachers when they were little that they knew allllll about it in case there was ever a class discussion ... Have you told your children the truth about birth? How babies get in and out? #doula #sydneydoula #doulasydney #birth #pregnancy #siblings
14.01.2022 *BIRTH TIME SCREENING TONIGHT* If you haven't been to see this yet, please take this opportunity to grab your tickets and come along. I'd love to see you there. Wed 5th May, 6.30pm @ Event Cinema's, Castle Hill
14.01.2022 What a wonderful way to wind up International Midwives Day, but with a screening of Birth Time. Laughter, tears and so much raw emotion. Thank you to all the amazing midwives out there. I have been so blessed to work alongside many of you over the last 14 years. Thank you for sharing these beautiful births with me. Thank you for sharing tears with me at times, most of all thank you for truly being with woman. ... To my own beautiful midwife, I look forward to swapping sides next week Happy International Midwives Day xxx #internationalmidwivesday #onewomanonemidwife #onedoula #birth #pregnacy #sydneydoula
09.01.2022 Go on, tag a mum who’s doing an amazing job. This is the hardest & often the most thankless job to do. But we do it regardless. We do it for those beautiful babies that need us so very much. No matter how much sleep we haven’t had, nor how badly we need to shower. Tag a mum and let her know you think she’s doing fantastic! ... YOU are doing a bloody amazing job! #norwestdoulaservices #sydneydoula #doulasydney #pregnancy #birth #mumsofaustralia #mumssupportingmums
08.01.2022 Any client I have that has GD I suggest expressing colostrum antenatally so mum has plenty to give to baby after birth. This can avoid your baby being given formula or placed in the nursery with/without an IV as well to monitor babies sugar levels. Lots of regular feeds and expressed colostrum on top can help avoid this. Repost from @focusedonlovebirthphotography ... Colostrum and Gestational Diabetes. This beautiful bubba was gifted a few extra treats after she was born. When a Mum has GD the baby is used to high sugar, so once they are born they can suffer a drop in sugar which can be very dangerous. This beautiful Mum expressed extra colostrum before her baby arrived so that she could be fed extra to keep up her sugar and reserve her energy. It worked! After just a few hours baby was cleared to go home, healthy as can be. Colostrum really is liquid gold - just look at that colour! #GDbabies #colostrum #focusedonlovebirthphotography #birthphotographyadelaide #birthphotographeradelaide #adelaidebirthphotographer #adelaidebirth #adelaidebirthnetwork #adelaidebirthphotography #birthbecomesyou #birthphoto #birthphotographer #birthphotosa #birthphotog #birthsa #birthbecomesher #birthbecomesyou #birthbumpandbeyond #empoweringbirth #birthisbeautiful #birthvibes #positivebirthstories #birthisbeautiful #birthphotography #birthphotographyaustralia #mumsofadelaide #birthphotosa #birthsa #labourandbirth #labour See more
07.01.2022 Breathing support In the uterus your baby is completely dependent on the placenta to provide oxygenation through the umbilical cord. Your baby is swimming i...n amniotic fluid and needs to clear that fluid to make room for air once born. Most babies born vaginally will have no issues in doing this, they will let out a big cry and the pressure from that inhalation forces fluid in the lungs to move out into the tissues and let air in. As the placenta stops pulsating to your baby and inhalation begins the reduced pressure will cause 3 shunts in the heart to close. These were alternate paths for blood flow while your baby is in the uterus and they are not needed after birth. At times this transition can be delayed and that can be due to many things such as maternal medications, poor placental function etc. So what do we do as midwives? First we stimulate give bub a nice rub, ask mum to blow on the face to try and initiate a cry if these aren't working we go straight to a bag and mask. If you think of the lungs as 2 flat balloons. We all know how hard it is to get that first breath into a flat balloon and once there is a little air in there the balloon inflates a lot easier. Putting it simply that is what the bag and mask does, it pushes air into your baby’s lungs to inflate the balloons (lungs) and makes it a whole lot easier to take that first breath. Keeping the CORD INTACT is a resuscitation technique on its own, research has shown babies with delayed cord clamping started to breathe and establish regular breathing earlier then babies who had early cord clamping. In Australia it's rare at the moment for resuscitation to take place by the bedside in a hospital setting. At home births this can easily be achieved as you can see in the above photo. Midwives : @ittakesavillagemidwifery : @emma_jean_photography Words and informative Repost by @peacewithbirth @thebirthimpact #newbornresus #birth #beinformed #homebirth #intactbirth #intactresus #homebirthmidwife #trustbirth #transition #birthwork #breathwork #birthskills #thebirthimpact #doulaviewllc #thelamazedoula
07.01.2022 And here's where it starts. Right from the NSW Health government's "Blue Book" which every new parent gets when their baby is born in hospital. The information ...I have highlighted here is their opinion based on Western cultural norms rather than science, evidence based information and the biological norm. Science shows us that breastfeeding to sleep is the biological norm. Science shows us that our milk is filled with components in them which help relax our children and put them to sleep. Science shows us that mothers and babies instinctually feel that breastfeeding their babies and young children to sleep feels right and works for their child, and for them. Science shows us that forming secure attachments when we are babies and small children leads to secure, independent children and adults. Breastfeeding to sleep, mid-sleep and awake from sleep helps to form these secure attachments as we mother through breastfeeding. Breastfeeding to sleep is the biological norm. It is not a bad habit. It is what we have been doing since forever. Since the beginning of time. And we will continue to do because we choose to listen to our instincts and science. Not cultural influences based on opinion.
07.01.2022 What an absolutely beautiful birth to witness. I have tears
06.01.2022 "I think people don’t understand when they are choosing their birth provider the way that can shape your birth." This, so much this. Please chose your care provider carefully. Know that paying all that money on a private OB and private hospital does not mean you're more likely to get that natural birth experience you're after. ... On the contrary. Information is power, research before you get pregnant and know who is the best to support you in your birth. See more
06.01.2022 We now know that it is better to allow a baby time to regulate its own blood volume and take the blood that it needs from the placenta after birth. Early cord... clamping can lead to increased rates of anaemia and decreased neurological (brain) development. It is crucial that a baby is allowed to complete their own transition to optimal condition outside the uterus without any interference from cord clamping. But not all babies are equal and some will need more time than others. Each baby’s transition from intrauterine life to extrauterine life is a very individual process. For this reason, it is not always helpful to use arbitrary time limits to determine how long to wait before clamping and cutting the cord. Unless there is a problem (such as a tear in the cord or the mother is bleeding heavily), it may be better to watch the condition of the baby than to use arbitrary time limits. People may find it helpful to use the phrase wait for white to describe how the cord looks white and floppy once the transition is complete and the baby has adjusted to life outside the womb. This post has been created by Amanda Burleigh @wait4white and Sara Wickham @drsarawickham For references and evidence-based information on optimal cord clamping, placental birth and related issues, please see and You may also enjoy the Optimal Cord Clamping/#WaitforWhite Facebook page and Birthing Your Placenta by Nadine Edwards and Sara Wickham. See more
05.01.2022 Posted @withregram @laughing.moon Vernix Caseosa. Did you know that this incredible substance serves so many purposes?! it is a white, creamy biofilm that appears in the last trimester produced in part by fetal sebaceous glands. It is unique to humans! It acts as protection for the baby’s skin. It’s akin to Shea butter in texture. (Could you imagine soaking in water for 9 months? This stuff creates a barrier between the water and the skin. Genius!) It acts as an insul...ator, keeping in warmth. when left on the skin to be absorbed, helps the skin transition to a land environment by providing moisture and reducing the rate of skin dehydration. Often seen in babies born before 40 weeks but that is just the average, some babies have little to none before 40 weeks and some babies are frosted at 42 weeks. It has its own microbiome! It contains oils and antibiotic peptides. An anti-microbial barrier of sorts! Plus, it is seeded by beneficial bacteria from the birth canal. The vernix within amniotic fluid when swallowed by the fetus has potential effects on the developing gut! I’m not even kidding. I had to stop adding brilliant facts about vernix because Instagram said no more room. There are loads more magical facts all about vernix! I’ll add the link to an amazing NCBI article that surmises them all in the link in my profile! Happy reading! : this image stopped me in my tracks! That little face, vernix covered, hugging mama!! Incredible capture @h2o_sonya !!!
04.01.2022 Repost from @painfreebirth Do you know what your UTERUS is capable of? I know you’ve been taught that menstruation is dirty, childbirth is painful, women are cursed, and generally, being female just SUCKS. Girlfriend, It’s time to reject those lies.... The truth is: you are designed by a brilliant creator. Your body is not broken or cursed. For there is no flaw in me (Song of Songs 4:7). You house an intelligent, intuitive, ridiculously strong organ that is capable of regeneration and creating new life. As far as I’m concerned that’s a badass superpower. Did you know that the uterus has three layers? 1Endometrium: the inner layer that lines the uterus and sheds and regenerates every month. 2Myometrium: the middle and thickest layer of the uterus wall. 3Perimetrium: the outer serous layer of the uterus. Within the myometrium are three different kinds of muscle fibers. Each with a different purpose for labor: OUTER LAYER: Longitudial fibers pulls up on the lower fibers with every contraction. It’s purpose is to gather strength to build the fondus, which, when ready, will eject the baby like a piston. Did you catch that? The fondus pushes the baby out, all on it’s own, without help from you. MIDDLE LAYER: Figure 8 fibers, after birth, pull and retract tight to shrink the uterus rapidly. INNER LAYER: Circular or sphincter fibers of the lower uterine segment. They hold the baby in place for 9 months. In labor, they are designed to relax and open. The uterus is the only organ that can grow more than 100x it’s size. It can support up to 150x it’s weight. It is the 2nd strongest organ in the body, after the tongue. There is no other organ quite like the uterus. Ifmenhad such an organ theywould brag about it. So should we -Ina May Gaskin ...And I think we should too. if you agree and tag a powerful sister! . . Want to know more about how the uterus is designed to work in labor? It will blow your mind! Check out the Pain Free Birth E-course (link in bio). . . 1: Layers of Myometrium; Gorrie et al., 1994 2: Research gate; Human uterine biopsy
03.01.2022 Remember your mum this Mother’s Day
01.01.2022 Happy Mother’s Day! I am truly blessed to share the day so many women become mothers, especially for the first time. Thank you to all who share your beautiful births with me. I hope you’ve had a wonderful day with your family making beautiful memories. Take photos, get your friends or partner to take photos of you and your child/children.... I hope you’ve been well spoilt with love See more
01.01.2022 Posted @withregram @bumptobabyacademy THE MAGIC BURP TECHNIQUE Burping helps to get rid of some of the air that babies tend to swallow during feeding. . Not being burped often and swallowing too much air can make a baby spit up, or seem cranky or gassy.... . Burping a baby isn’t always easy, all the babies regardless the way they are fed, need to be burped. . I love this technique from @the.peaceful.sleeper Best, easiest way to get a good burp out! My mind is blown. How do you do it? #moms #newmom #momsoninstagram #newbaby #onemonthold #twomonthsold #burping #babytricks #momhacks #parenting #pregnant #preggers #pregnancyeducation #pregnancyzone #newmama #newborn #expectingmom #expectingababy #healthybaby #fourthtrimester #postpartum
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