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Not On Princetown Estuary


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24.01.2022 Our Wonderful Rally yesterday, with around 150 people. It was a wonderful event,with people brought together from all walks of life, protesting that the proposed site for Monterosas Development is totally unsuitable. The multifacted risks associated with building the Resort and Waste-treatment plant on the wetland and flood plain holds too many serious risks; to the environment, flora and fauna, the fish breeding nursery, the CAMBA and JAMBA migratory bird agreements, and th...e risk to contamination of the water system in this popular fishing spot. This area is pivotal in the food chain of the river and marine national park directly adjoining it. We are all hoping that the Corangamite Shire realises that the cumulative risk of approving this application is just not worth it. We are not against development, but not in this specific spot. Not On Princetown Estuary! See more

23.01.2022 Great illustration by Simon Illingworth, of how 'artificial' river mouth openings cannot be relied on to ease the risk of floods in Princetown. There are multiple factors at play. The change to what can be built in Conservation Rural Zones (to enable the implementation of the Shipwreck Coast Plan) might look clever on paper as a political expediency - exempting Tourist developments from many of the checks and balances that apply to all other development types - but mother nat...ure will still do her own thing. It is a sad thing indeed that responsible planning regulations are viewed as nuisances in the face of chasing tourism dollars. We want the development to succeed. That is why it should be built in a more appropriate place, NOT ON THE FLOOD PLAIN. Victorian Planning provisions explicitly state that developments should not be built in locations like the Princetown estuary, but with this new tourism exemption, that directive is over-ridden... Insanity See more

21.01.2022 Beautiful pic of point Ronald and the Gellibrand River mouth, opening into the 12 Apostles National Marine Park, by Andrew Stevens

19.01.2022 Great illustration by Simon Illingworth, of how artificial river mouth openings cannot be relied on to ease the risk of floods in Princetown. There are multiple factors at play. The change to what can be built in Conservation Rural Zones (to enable the implementation of the Shipwreck Coast Plan) might look clever on paper as a political expediency - exempting Tourist developments from many of the checks and balances that apply to all other development types - but mother nat...ure will still do her own thing. It is a sad thing indeed that responsible planning regulations are viewed as nuisances in the face of chasing tourism dollars. We want the development to succeed. That is why it should be built in a more appropriate place, NOT ON THE FLOOD PLAIN. Victorian Planning provisions explicitly state that developments should not be built in locations like the Princetown estuary, but with this new tourism exemption, that directive is over-ridden... Insanity See more

19.01.2022 Community Meeting and BBQ, We are continuing the work to preserve the Princetown Wetalnds and Estuary. we want to say thanks for your support so far, and to let you know whats been happening, the current state of affairs, to share your stories and ideas and the next steps. everybody welcome Sun 13/8/17. Princetown Rec Reserve 12 noon, rain or shine as there is lots of cover.

19.01.2022 Hi Everyone, sorry about the break in information. Weve been working hard behind the scenes and have submitted an application to VCAT to review the decision to issue a permit to Monterosa. The group has a new name, but it is basically a combination of NOPE and Friends of Gellibrand Estuary and Wetlands FOGREW. There are a stack of reasons for a new name, but the purpose is the same, its to ensure that the ecological values of the Princetown Wetland and Estuary are protecte...d, and that the area stays available for the community to enjoy. So our official legal name is Princetown Wetlands and Estuary Preservation Inc. Over the next couple of weeks a number of things will be happening including a community fundraising meeting, and setting up a website. Ill continue to update you here. Thanks for all the good wishes from everyone. Cheers.

19.01.2022 Hi everyone, there hasnt been too much to post recently, but we are all working hard in the background! As things progress through VCAT, our costs keep mounting. Fundraising will be happening again! We appreciate all the support we are getting. If youd like to help, but live too far away to come to any fundraising events or protests, have a look at this post. Any size donations are most appreciated. We have a big job ahead of us.

19.01.2022 These pics were taken last Sunday, 9 april, when the big winds came thru. These first 2 are taken just before rec reserve looking to estuary the winds whipping ...up the waters to almost surfable waves. The 2nd 2 pics from the car park where you walk the bottom track to the beach the wind blowing so hard to bring up water spray. Wish i had have been brave (or foolish) enough to walk to the mouth. See more

17.01.2022 Great night not to miss!!!!

17.01.2022 Howdy everyone. Time to re-group after the Council meeting on Tuesday. It was not an unexpected outcome, and we knew that political pressure was driving this, so a huge thank-you to Councilor McArthur for the courage to stand up in public and let people know that it is NOT ethical for politicians to exert pressure like this. Thanks also to Councillors Trotter and Illingworth, for opposing the application, and the excellent speeches they all gave. What we now know makes it eve...n more important to ensure this development IS NOT built in this location! The expert agencies all know that it is not feasible, we know it is not appropriate, but politics has dictated that tourism is more important than every other consideration. They have given a permit to destroy the estuary and wetlands, and the finger to the local community. This cant be allowed to go unchallenged, so we are gearing up for the next stages of what looks like a fight. Science, common sense, balance and ethics have all been by-passed in chasing this mythical tourist dollar. The terrible aspect is that we are not against development - just not in that spot. We only have ONE estuary wetlands system that is still supporting an ecological system of high biodiversity value. Why sacrifice it. The tourists wont care if their accommodation is a short distance away, and there are many suitable sites all within a couple of kilometers. That way we could have win - win. But no, sheer greed and stubbornness dictate that they want that specific piece of land. Ill be posting again after New Year, to let you all know of the next steps. Thanks for all the interest and support. We sure are going to need everybody on board, and if some semblance of due process is followed, the permit should be revoked! So rest up over Chrissy, well use all that energy and let them know that this is unacceptable.

16.01.2022 Great news, the EPA have served a section 22 notice on Monterosa, requesting a range of specific information about the proposal. This completely echoes our own concerns about the proposal, that it is based on incomplete, or inaccurate general information, and that detailed information will clearly show how inappropriate this site is for development. It does not exclude any development in the general area, but as we have been saying all along - Not on that specific site - Not On Princetown Estuary

15.01.2022 A press release went out yesterday to newspapers from Geelong to Warrnambool. Keep reading to see what was said. Regarding Princetown development on hold Facing almost unanimous opposition from locals and environmental groups, the tourism development by Monterosa at Princetown has now received a section 22 notice, under the Environment Protection Act, from the EPA. This effectively puts the development on hold, until they can satisfy the EPA that the Waste Water Treatment Pl...ant does not pose a risk to the area. Mara Pacers, spokesperson for NOPE, said " we are very glad to see that our concerns are shared by the EPA. While we are not against development in the area, this specific site is too important and carries unacceptably high risks of contamination and safety issues". She further stated that "given the complicated nature of this site , it is unlikely that any waste water treatment system could be guaranteed failsafe in this specific location. The complicated hydrology includes river flows, flooding, wetlands, water table, aquifer and tidal influences - all of which interact" While the developer states that the site is 49 hectares, only a small fraction of this is above the regular flooding and wetlands areas, and sits directly above the water table. Any contamination by the building materials, soils for building up of roads and paths or waste water from the treatment plant, or the open waste water storage dam, would result in significant or irreversible damage to the nationally significant wetlands and migratory bird habitat, the fish nursery and the adjoining 12 Apostles National Marine park. After the successful community rally in november, which attracted over 150 people, NOPE spokesperson, Mara Pacers, said that another Rally is scheduled to take place in front of the Corangamite Shire Offices in Camperdown on tues 20th December from 4-7pm, just before the council meeting. "Our aim is to demonstrate to Councillors just how unified the community is about this issue. This is not about emotion or against development, but about the local community understanding the hydrology, geomorphology and ecology of the area. It would be hard to choose a less appropriate site for this development".

14.01.2022 Thank You to everybody who made yesterdays Rally so special! ANd thank you to everyone who sent best wishes but couldnt be there.:-D

12.01.2022 Hi Everybody, Just a quick reminder that we are holding a community meeting about the Princetown Development tomorrow night at 7pm at the Princetown Rec Reserve. Topics to be covered include; Where were up to and where to from here, generating ideas and looking for additional volunteers, all to give us the best chance of making sure that due process is followed and to stop inappropriate development of OUR unspoilt and environmentally sensitive wetlands and estuary. We have s...ubmitted an appeal To VCAT. We have a strong case, and the greater the community support, the stronger our presentations will be.As we keep saying - were Not against tourism development in this area just Not on top of the wetland and estuary! Help us make sure this doesnt happen. If you cant make it to the meeting but wish to be on a direct email updates list, please PM me with your email address. See more

11.01.2022 Hi Everyone! I just wanted to share how fantastic our fundraising concert on saturday night was. It was fantabulous. With around 200 people, with a complete cross section of people from the district united by a common cause - it embodied the very definition of Community. I feel very privileged to have been part of it. A HUGE thank-you to the amazing Shane Howard Trio, who got everyone moving and happy, and To Jess as the first act, who set the tone and inspired us with her soulful original works.


10.01.2022 Howdy everyone :-) Were counting down the days till Sunday ... Feel free to bring a sign or slogan to display while were walking up the Great Ocean Road. Well have some made up, but probably not enough. Look forward to seeing you at 11am at the Princetown Rec Reserve.:-D

08.01.2022 Video footage of the entrance to the proposed development site just before Easter. This level of water is just normal for about 6 months of the year, with frequent flooding, where the banks are breached. how smart is it to place a major development here?? These are wetlands of national significance, with international migratory bird treaties, the national marine park, and not least the bore for Princetowns town water. It is earmarked for sewerage dispersal from the resort, aims to attract a significant proportion of the 11,000 daily tourists to the 12 apostles. There is no shortage of land not inundated or flooded. One has to ask - why would our local and State Government push so hard for this to go ahead? Now the local community is forced into the position of funding an expensive legal campaign to try and divert this imminent disaster, by challenging the permits through VCAT. See more

07.01.2022 When people look at this area, they often cant believe how quickly it can change. This pic is from a few weeks ago a couple of kms upstream from the propesed development., and this flood is caused by rain and run off. In the Lower Gellibrand area, floodplain, wetlands and estuary, flooding is very complicated with influences from upriver, rainfall, soil saturation and height of the water table, tidal, ocean surges and wind and wave action. The place where Montarosa have chos...en to put the development is at extreme risk of unpredictable floods. The only way to mitigate this is to build the resort up on stilts and raise all access roads, and internal roads and paths to 2.1m AHD. In short this means massive earth works, that will have a negative impact on the water flows. This alone should stop any permits being granted. BUT then add in a huge waste/sewerage plant, and an open waste water storage lagoon... And the risk multiplies exponentially. A single failure risks contaminating the rare, unique and vital area. Is it even possible to have chosen a WORSE site for this development? See more

07.01.2022 Latest news, shows that ocean levels will rise more than predicted. They are citing another 2meter rise in the next 80 years... Greater Geelong will be under water. Where is the sense in building on a known flood plain that is already a flood risk? Short-term view or what? see the details here

07.01.2022 Howdy everyone Just letting you know that we will be running 2 fundraising stalls at the Port Campbell Easter Market. Neil Boxall will be donating the proceeds from his wonderful handmade toys to the Princetown cause, and we will be running a BBQ! with sausages and burgers. We will have a number of other things for sale as well as some super raffles with great prizes. Be sure to stop in and say Gday

04.01.2022 Some great footage from Simon Illingworth today, video of todays flooding near boggy creek and Peterborogh. This is the same flood dynamic that we are talking about in the Princetown wetland and estuary area, where the proposed development by Monterosa is slated to be built. This footage is great as it allows people not familiar with the Gellibrand, to see the type of impact we are talking about. This is a NORMAL occurance. the only things that vary are the heights of the floods.

04.01.2022 Hello Everyone :-) Ready for the big rally tomorrow!!! All is set to go, but we need as many as possible to show their support. If you cant get there by 4, just come when you can before 7pm when the council meeting starts. Media have all been alerted, so lets get this show on the road!!!

03.01.2022 Hi,the Princetown wetlands and estuary preservation crew are holding another community update and fundraising meeting this Monday 8/5/17, at the Princetown Rec Reserve meeting room, at 6.30 pm. Were planning phase 2 of the fundraising activities. All welcome :-)

02.01.2022 Glorious Morning Today! just perfect for our Rally, starting at 11am. We will assemble at the Princetown rec reserve and march up the Great Ocean Road to There will be 3 short speeches addressing why this place is important to protect, some of the special flora and fauna, and then looking at the process of development and how we can stop it. We are not against the development itself - but - NOT ON PRINCETOWN ESTUARY! See more

01.01.2022 Good Morning everyone :-) There will be a community meeting at Princetown Rec Reserve at 7pm on wed 1/2. Anyone who is interested can come along. It is for a general update on where we are up to, discussion of fundraising options and looking for volunteers to take on fundraising and PR activities.

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