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24.01.2022 If you are new to culturing vegetables, a great place to start is to ferment vegetable chunks. Especially if making sauerkraut seems a bit daunting! Ginger carrots are so simple to make & a great way to introduce fermented veg to your family. What child doesn’t like carrots? But you could also do this with a mix of firm organic vegetable pieces like cauli florets, celery, pearl onions, beetroot, radish & turnip. Right now this is one of the best ways you can support your im...mune system We know that more than 80% of the immune system resides in our gut lining, and the health of your body’s first line of defence (your skin & mucous layers) is a direct reflection of your gut’s microbiome. Your nutrient status is also a biggy here and this is where you should be looking to nutrient dense real food sources of vitamins A, D, zinc and healthy fats as discussed in an earlier post. I love these pickle fermentation pipes and pebbles which fit onto mason jars. I use whey from homemade yoghurt as my starter culture but you can use a purchased sachet. Not only will fermenting skyrocket the nutrition in the vegetables you work with, it is also a great way to always have wholesome vegetables on hand if access to them ever becomes difficult. Our ancestors of course used this method to enjoy out of season vegetables all year round! #culturedvegetables #fermentedveggies #ginger #carrots #garlic #probioticfoods #gapsdiet #guthealingfoods #realfoodismedicine #realfoodispreventivemedicine #nourishmenatural #immunesupport #ancientwisdom See more
22.01.2022 A delicious fry up in ghee of onion, free range additive-free bacon, organic chicken livers, fresh garlic & herbs from the garden ready to blend with a little of my gelatinous chicken stock into a yummy & healing chicken liver pate. I know that I rave on about liver but it is seriously one of the most nutrient dense foods in the world that can do amazing things for your health & vitality. I aim to eat at least 100g per week. Hide in any mince dish at about 1-2 finely minced livers to 500g meat or make this delicious pate! Recipe coming soon #chickenliverpate #chickenliver #nourishmenatural #richsourceiron #fatsolublevitamins #richinbvitamins #improveliverfunction #realfoodenergyboost #realfoodismedicine #gapsdiet #guthealing @cherrytreeorganics @ravenscreekfarm
21.01.2022 Fresh out of the oven and resting in the sunshine is my real food Lumberjack cake Not sure why it’s taken me so long to get around to re-creating this old favourite! It really is the perfect recipe to make sugar-free & to swap out the wheat flour for almond meal and coconut flour owing to the sweetness, moisture & bulk contributed by the apples and dates. The gorgeous golden topping is a delicious caramel-y combination of shredded coconut, butter (or coconut oil) plus a little raw honey & vanilla You’ll find this recipe here along with others on my new Nourish Me Natural recipe blog! #grainfree #dairyfree #cake #dessertcake #apple #dates #coconut #vanilla #realfoodcake #wholefoodcake #dessert #nourishmenatural #healthycake #occasionaltreat #sweetfoodsinmoderation
21.01.2022 It’s time to feel the sand between your toes, the sunshine on your face and to take those steps towards creating that healthy life you’ve always wanted for yourself With Summer just a few weeks away here in Australia, and Christmas just around the corner, there’s no time like the present to prioritise YOU. My next 10-day Real food detox kicks off on Nov 23rd. I hope you will join us! Full details at or please drop me an email [email protected] #10dayrealfooddetox #nourishmenatural #realfooddetox #just10daysoutofyourlonglife #realfoodismedicine #nourishyourbodyandmind #realfoodrecipes #detox #kickstartahealthieryou
21.01.2022 NEW RECIPE! Delicious raw cacao fat bombs . . sugar & syrup free. The perfect blood sugar stabilising treat. Here’s the link to my recipe blog #ketodiet #ketosnacks #fatbombs #rawcacaopowder #rawcacaobutter #coconutcream #nutbutter #healthysnacks #hormonebalancing #lowgi #lowglycemic #nourishmenatural #realfoodtreat
21.01.2022 This pretty purple blushed cauliflower was the last of the surviving cauli heads harvested from our vegetable patch this year. Unfortunately several plants were munched by either a possum or possibly this furbaby. . we may never know! The purple tinge thankfully does not indicate that my cauli is diseased, rather it is due to the presence of a natural plant pigment called anthocyanin. The very same phytochemical which provides the familiar blue, indigo & purple hues of blueb...erries, grapes, eggplants & purple cabbage! Anthocyanins are not only potent antioxidants but also have anti-viral, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. So don’t cover your cauli to prevent this beautiful sun kissed reaction I say! Instead be grateful for the extra nutrition #realfoodismedicine #phytonutrients #phytochemicals #plantwisdom #cauliflower #anthocyanins #realfoodheals #nourishmenatural #realfoodrocks #organicgardening #eattherainbow #organicvegetables See more
20.01.2022 So I’m changing things up a bit this month . . . My next online 10-DAY REAL FOOD DETOX event is about making the most of the situation we find ourselves in at the moment with a particular focus on the things that we can control and do to help ourselves, which will as a knock on effect, also benefit our loved ones of course, over this challenging time. . . . Inflammation, as well as digestive and immune function are at the heart of our resilience and ability to get through lif...e’s challenges without wearing our body & mind down. . . As always the 10-day Real food detox is about nourishing both the body & mind with real & anti-inflammatory foods and healthy lifestyle change . . . but this time I’ll be providing additional and relevant tips, support & accountability in the areas of immune boosting foods, stress reduction & relaxation, gut health and physical activity (including home workout inspiration) & of course as always there will be lots of yummy health-giving real food recipes to inspire you. Will you join us? . . Details at or drop me an email [email protected]. I’d to hear from you! #10dayrealfooddetox #nourishmenatural #detox #realfood #realfoodispreventivemedicine #supportyourimmunesystem #covid19 #stayathome #takecareofyourself #selfcare #makethemostofselfisolation #physicaldistancing #familyfriendlyrecipes #realfoodrecipes #nourishyourbodyandmind #guthealth #healthymicrobiomehealthyyou See more
19.01.2022 Here’s a different take on a family favourite which is free from pasta and dairy. In making this huge lasagna I used thin slices of butternut pumpkin instead of pasta sheets. Sometimes I use zucchini or a combo. Thinking I’ll try homemade cauli ‘pasta’ sheets next! As always I fill my bolognaise with lots of veg and I also added a layer of chopped baby spinach. The bechamel is made using almond meal, pastured eggs & homemade gelatinous chicken stock as the base. I added nutritional yeast flakes and onion powder for savoury cheesiness. Plenty of garlic and Italian herbs in this meal of course too! #lasagna #bolognese #vegpacked #dairyfree #grainfree #glutenfree #gapsdiet #fullgapsdiet #nourishmenatural #eatrealfood #realfoodheals #realfood #dinner #grainfreelasagna #dairyfreelasagna #gapsdiet #fullgaps #guthealing
18.01.2022 I just love the beauty and scent (remember to deep breathe when you’re in nature ) of the Australian native landscape this time of year mottled with all kinds of pretty wattle flowers. So I couldn’t resist purchasing these waratah flower stems at my local fresh produce shop yesterday to bring some joy inside. This iconic flower is aboriginal for ‘beautiful’ and isn’t it so! . The changing landscape reminds me that sooner rather than later it will be time to pack away the wi...nter woollies and reach for some lighter, summery outfits. Yay! . . So are you ready? . . . Would you like to be? . . It’s easy! Spring into the October 10-DAY REAL FOOD DETOX and feel lighter, rejuvenated and energised in just 10-days! Best of all you'll learn how to nourish & nurture your body & mind for the long term so that the 10 days count for so much more. The fun STARTS: Monday 19th! For more info go to or contact [email protected] #10dayrealfooddetox #realfood #nourishmenatural #realfooddetox #nourishyourbodyandmind #just10daysoutofyourlonglife #feelamazing #treatyourself #realfoodismedicine See more
16.01.2022 Presenting ruby red apple lemon flavoured vitamin C Easter jellies! I usually make berry kefir probiotic jellies but for something different this time I juiced organic beetroot, apples and half a lemon together as the liquid base. Adding raw vitamin C fruit powder for an immune boost and gut healing grass-fed gelatine to create that jube-y texture. Sweetened with a little raw honey. Such a wonderful healthy treat idea for both little and big kids! #beetroot #apple #lemon #vitaminc #camucamu #gojiberries #kakaduplum #vitamincjellies #easter #homemadefruitjubes #guthealthysnack #healthysnacks #nourishmenatural #realfoodtreat #immunesupportive #antioxidantrich
16.01.2022 So it’s taken me about 5 years to get around to this . . . but there’s nothing like extra imposed time at home to finally get to those jobs you’ve been meaning to do for quite a while right? . . This is just the beginning of course! I hope you enjoy my return to recipe blogging. If you try any of my recipes please do let me know
11.01.2022 Is it too early for Christmas cake? Never!! Especially when you are baking for someone special. Just don’t tell them it’s healthy #dadsday #fathersday #carepackage #rawcacaofruitcake #christmascake #grainfree #dairyfree #sugarfree #healthybaking #nourishmenatural
10.01.2022 Winter should be a time for prioritising restoration and nourishment for the body and mind, but if you’re finding that work, home schooling or just the situation we find ourselves in at the moment is causing overwhelm and getting in the way, perhaps it’s time to gift yourself a healing and nourishing real food cleanse The next 10-day Real food detox kicks of August 17th. For more details please click on the link in my bio or email [email protected] #realfoodismedicine #realfoodheals #nourishmenatural #guthealth #immunesupportive #just10days #realfooddetox #realfoodrecipes
09.01.2022 My next online 10-DAY REAL FOOD DETOX event kicks off on May 18 and it’s all about making the most of the situation we find ourselves in at the moment with a particular focus on the things that we can control and do to help ourselves, over this busy & challenging time. . . . It’s so important that we don’t neglect our own health right now. Inflammation, as well as digestive and immune function are at the heart of our resilience and ability to get through life’s challenges wit...hout wearing our body & mind down. . . As always the 10-day Real food detox is about nourishing both the body & mind with real & anti-inflammatory foods and healthy lifestyle change . . . I’m also providing additional and relevant tips, support & accountability in the areas of immune boosting foods, stress reduction & relaxation, gut health and physical activity. Not forgetting that as always there will be lots of yummy health-giving real food recipes to inspire you. Will you join us? . . Details at or drop me an email [email protected]. I’d to hear from you! P.S. Dad’s are of course welcome too! #10dayrealfooddetox #nourishmenatural #detox #realfood #realfoodispreventivemedicine #supportyourimmunesystem #covid19 #stayathome #takecareofyourself #selfcare #makethemostofselfisolation #physicaldistancing #familyfriendlyrecipes #realfoodrecipes #nourishyourbodyandmind #guthealth #healthymicrobiomehealthyyou See more
09.01.2022 Ice-cream Christmas pud on Boxing Day! Lots of homemade elements come together to create this favourite. It’s dairy free this time as I made homemade ice-cream from coconut cream. There is also my grain-free Cacao Christmas cake & vegan dark chocolate in the mix. In the background you’ll spot both grain & sugar free mince pies & pud! #boxingday2020 #familygettogether #dairyfree #grainfree #sugarfree #glutenfree #christmaspudding #icecreamchristmaspudding
09.01.2022 Loving this delicious and nourishing lamb shank, tomato & mixed vegetable soup-as-a-meal for a warming end of winter fix at the moment. This is a bowl of leftovers, one of my favourite tips for making mealtimes so easy! This bowl of goodness is one of the newer recipes on my 10-day Real food detox program. With my passion for real food family friendly recipes, I promise you’ll find all the inspo you need to switch your family to healthy My next 10-DAY REAL FOOD DETOX event kicks off September 14th! Will you join us? More details at #guthealing #meatstock #lambshanksoup #rainbowvegetables #cruciferousvegetables #realfooddetox #realfoodismedicine #realfood #10dayrealfooddetox #nourishyourbodyandmind #nourishmenatural
08.01.2022 It’s mid-late Autumn here in Australia which means it’s the perfect time to find edible field mushrooms in our local environment. We have already enjoyed some of these field mushrooms cooked with fresh garlic, thyme & ghee/butter on the stovetop. Today I’m making a leek & field mushroom soup! Mushrooms are immunemodulators which means they have a balancing effect on the entire immune system. Beneficial for low immunity or an over-active system. Mushrooms are rich in vitamins and minerals including B vitamins, vitamin D, iron, zinc, magnesium, selenium and also the powerful antioxidant glutathione #ediblemushrooms #fieldmushrooms #mushroomforaging #surfcoastfieldmushrooms #immunemodulating #realfoodismedicine #nourishmenatural #magicmushrooms #glutathione
07.01.2022 If you’re on my 10-day REAL FOOD DETOX it’s time to look away now . . . I’m sorry but I just had to post this recipe after a play in the kitchen today! A healthier grain-free tribute to the traditional Anzac biscuit which is a taste and texture success if I may say so . . and I’m very picky about my Anzac biscuits! I used flaked almonds in place of oats and tiger nut flour! (Recipe below in comments). We lit some candles and watched the sunrise from our balcony this morning listening to the ABC Anzac Day service broadcast. Remembering our fallen service men & women today #lightupthedawn #anzacday #dawnserviceathome #anzacbiscuits #grainfree #glutenfree #dairyfree #lowsugar #nourishmenatural #healthycookies #healthybiscuits #recipe #tigernutflour #flakedalmonds #medjooldates #realfoodtreat
07.01.2022 My version of Caesar salad ready to be dressed and devoured featuring homemade grain-free seed loaf croutons pan-fried in the fat leftover from making crispy bacon bits! Always make your own salad dressings to avoid highly processed toxic oils and additives in commercial dressings. It’s easier than you think! Caesar dressing is really just a twist on whole egg mayo with the addition of anchovy fillets #familyisolationlunch #familyisolation #stayathome #caesarsalad #paleoloaf #dairyfree #glutenfree #pasturedeggs #eattherainbow #physicaldistancing #nourishmenatural #realfoodismedicine #realfoodispreventivemedicine
06.01.2022 Inspired by a pastry wreath recipe in the free Woollies mag to use my grain-free dough to create this one! My filling is leg ham and homemade vegan basil cashew pesto. I’ll freeze this to bring out on Boxing Day being as I need quick and easy options as my family is staying over both Christmas and Boxing Day this year and I don’t want to be a slave to my kitchen Making ahead is the go! #christmas2020 #xmaswreath #grainfree #grainfreedough #grainfreepastry #dairyfree #realfoodxmas #nourishmenatural #realfoodheals #healthychristmas
06.01.2022 Grain-free, dairy-free, GAPS friendly and super tasty hot cross Easter ‘buffins’. I adapted my Chai spiced fruit loaf to make as muffins. They’re not light and fluffy but they are certainly nutrient dense. . . just how I like them! Made with ground flax & almonds, apple, banana, coconut, pastured eggs, spices & sultanas! I simply blended desiccated coconut into a paste to make the crosses. Plus the fruit provides all the sweetness you need! #hotcrossbuffins #yeastfree #sugarfree #sweetenerfree #grainfree #glutenfree #dairyfree #grainfreehotcrossbuns #goodfriday2020 #physicaldistancing #stayathome #socialdistancing #easterathome #nourishmenatural #realfoodbaking #easter #fullgapsdiet #guthealthybaking #gapsdiet
05.01.2022 My girls and I delivered handmade Easter care packages to the grandparents today (as well as some fresh produce) which we have been busy making bits for over the past week. Sadly there were no cuddles and kisses exchanged, just a quick chat outside in the sunshine at a 2m distance #carepackage #lemonberrykefirsoda #spelthotcrossbuns #homemaderawchocolates #sauerkraut #mixedberryblissballs #creamychickenstock #liverpaté #happyeaster #family #physicaldistancing #covid_19 #guthealingfoods #realfoodismedicine #healthyeastertreats #fermentedvegetables #probioticfoods
04.01.2022 Loving this quick put together salad for a regular lunch lately. The benefits of working from home! A delicious combo of crispy, crunchy, saltiness and rich fattiness! I often laugh at how this version of me is a world away from what I was like in my 20’s cutting every last millimetre of fat off the bacon and cooking fat free. These days I cook my eggs in lots of ghee or butter, trim just the rind off my free range bacon and at the end of cooking pour off all the cooking jui...ces to drizzle over my meal! . . Salad: fried pastured eggs and free range chemical-free bacon on a bed of rocket, crisp homegrown mignonette lettuce, shaved fennel, sauerkraut & avocado. Dressing: lemony homemade mayo (plus lots of tasty cooking fat!) #healingfats #cleananimalfats #organichomemadeghee #ghee #wesseggs #pasturedeggs #rocketlettuce #mignonette #homemademayo #avocado #healthylunch #salad #nourishmenatural #realfood #realfoodheals #guthealing #fullgaps #fullgapsdiet See more
02.01.2022 My next online 10-DAY REAL FOOD DETOX event kicks off next Monday July 20th and it’s all about making the most of the situation we find ourselves in at the moment with a particular focus on the things that we can control and do to help ourselves, over this busy & challenging time. . . . It’s so important that we don’t neglect our own health right now. Inflammation, as well as digestive and immune function are at the heart of our resilience and ability to get through life’s ch...allenges without wearing our body & mind down. . . As always the 10-day Real food detox is about nourishing both the body & mind with real & anti-inflammatory foods and healthy lifestyle change . . . I’m also providing additional and relevant tips, support & accountability in the areas of immune boosting foods, stress reduction & relaxation, gut health and physical activity. Not forgetting that as always there will be lots of yummy health-giving real food recipes to inspire you. Will you join us? . . Details at or drop me an email [email protected]. I’d to hear from you #10dayrealfooddetox #nourishmenatural #detox #realfood #realfoodispreventivemedicine #supportyourimmunesystem #covid19 #stayathome #takecareofyourself #selfcare #makethemostofselfisolation #physicaldistancing #familyfriendlyrecipes #realfoodrecipes #nourishyourbodyandmind #guthealth #healthymicrobiomehealthyyou See more
02.01.2022 Since my family of 4 has been ‘physical distancing’ at home I’ve enjoyed making a fussier lunch on occasion and then keeping it simple at dinner time! Tonight we’re having an easy dinner of ‘design your own’ beef sausages from @cherrytreeorganics which incorporate lamb liver and are grain free with a pile of rainbow steamed veg on the side. Lunch right now is a raw beetroot, broccolini & kale salad with lovely soft boiled eggs from WesEggs & tahini ACV EVOO dressing. Topped with pomegranate & mixed activated seeds #kale #beetroot #pasturedeggs #tahinidressing #acv #fussylunch #easydinners #family #nourishmenatural #physicaldistancing #stayathome #supportyourimmunesystem #eatrealfood #realfoodismedicine #realfoodispreventivemedicine
01.01.2022 New recipe! Introducing my nut butter choc chip cookies. I have just whipped up a batch for the school lunchbox this week. Yay school is back but not for long as soon it will be holidays! If you’re looking for a healthier alternative to shop bought biscuits and your school allows nuts, look no further Please let me know what you think! #nourishmenatural #recipe #healthytreat #healthycookie #healthybiscuit #glutenfree #dairyfree #sugarfree #grainfree #vegan #gutfriendly #healthylunchbox #lunchbox #realfoods #realfoodheals
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