Nourish & Lift | Sport & recreation
Nourish & Lift
Phone: +61 436 477 613
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25.01.2022 Working on my booty gainz. Here’s my final front squat double @ 72.5kg (90%). Felt tough, but happy to be able to stand these up. #bootygainz #puttinginthework #noexcuses #weightlifting #RNAoly #RNAinOz #lovethejourney #fitmama #adelaide #southaustralia #nourishandlift
25.01.2022 Sunday bootcamp! #womensfitness #smallgroupfitness #personaltrainer #adelaidepersonaltrainer #fitness #adelaide #southaustralia #nourishandlift
25.01.2022 Set of three overhead squats @ 60kg! It’s been a long time since I’ve hit anything this heavy. #mywrists #overheadsquat #slomo #fitmama #mamaswholift #weightlifting #squat #adelaide #southaustralia #nourishandlift
24.01.2022 Barefoot lifting sesh this morning! #RNAoly #RNAinOz #snatch #weightlifting #barefoot #homegym #mamaswholift #fitmama #personaltrainer #adelaidepersonaltrainer #adelaide #southaustralia #nourishandlift
24.01.2022 Take me back to Wednesdays sunshine! The sun felt sooooo nourishing, and I had no idea at the time it was only 8 degrees! All you need for this workout is a dumbbell and somewhere to run. ... 50-40-30-20-10 Alternating dB snatches Sit ups 200m run after each set #homeworkout #fitnessanywhere #dumbbellworkout #parkfitness #fitmama #mamalife #activeliving #personaltrainer #leadbyexample #wintersun #vitaminD #adelaide #southaustralia #nourishandlift
23.01.2022 After this whirlwind week of lockdown and stress, I woke up tired, stiff and exhausted, and for no particular reason. I really didn’t feel like doing yoga, and I almost convinced myself to skip it, but I set up my mat, and put on @downdogapp and immersed myself in some flow. And I feel so much better for it. I felt my hips release, my headache was no more and my mood felt lighter. ... #maketimeforyou #mentalhealthawareness #selfcare #yoga #yogamama #fitmama #mamalife #relax #activeliving #adelaide #southaustralia #nourishandlift
23.01.2022 Channelling a summer vibe with my new @vicidolls trousers. #lovethem #winter #sunday #mamalife #fitmama #lifestylechoices #familytime #adelaide #southaustralia #nourishandlift
23.01.2022 Letting my hair down! Bring on date night with @richardappleby. Thanks Nanna! #curlygirlmethod #washday #mamalife #saturdaynight #adelaide #southaustralia #nourishandlift
23.01.2022 Activate holiday mode! #barossavalley #familytime #lovehim #activeliving #summer #adelaide #southaustralia #nourishandlift
23.01.2022 Happy Fathers Day @richardappleby! #lovehim #fathersday
22.01.2022 Deadlift Friday! Heres my final set of 5 @ 70kg. I was feeling flat before lifting, but now Im buzzing! #deadlift #noexucses #feelinggood #crossfitadelaide #fitmama #mamalife #bossmama #personaltrainer #adelaide #southaustralia #nourishandlift
21.01.2022 I’m not one to toot my own horn, but I wanted share this milestone with you all. A couple of weeks ago I managed to complete the course work for my Australian Weightlifting Level 1 licence. This has been a LONG time coming. I almost enrolled in this course 4 years ago, but decided against it as (1) I was recovering from a major back injury and (2) I was suffering from terrible morning sickness as I was pregnant with Little O. Little did I know that it would take me almost 4 ...years to finally obtain my AWF L1. Weightlifting brings me so much joy - from my own training to coaching my clients. It’s my favourite thing to do in the gym. Weightlifting builds explosive power and strength, and if done fast enough, it can build cardiovascular endurance too! So, I proudly printed off my certificate and it’s displayed at N&L HQ for all to see! Yay for being a licensed weightlifting coach! #tootmyownhorn #AWFL1 #weightlifting #personaltrainer #Adelaidepersonaltrainer #womenscoach #womensfitness #nevergiveup #Adelaide #southaustralia #nourishandlift
21.01.2022 Felt great to start my Monday with a lifting sesh. Felt even better to hit pain free 50kg front squats and split jerks #RNAinOz #rnaprogramming #myhappyplace #maketimeforyou #weightlifting #fitmama #mamalife #personaltrainer #adelaidepersonaltrainer #adelaidePT #adelaide #southaustralia #nourishandlift
21.01.2022 Strive to be the best you can be. That’s my motivation. #putinthework #progressnotperfection #weightlifting #lovethejourney #lifestylechoices #fitmama #mamalife #personaltrainer #adelaidepersonaltrainer #adelaidePT #adelaide #southaustralia #nourishandlift
20.01.2022 Happy Tuesday folks! Looking forward to getting after some fitness with my wonderful clients. #personaltrainer #lovemyjob #adelaidepersonaltrainer #adelaide #southaustralia #nourishandlift
20.01.2022 I love a beach hang with these wonderful ladies, even in the rain! #socialdistancing #friends #freshair #outdoorfun #normanville #adelaide #southaustralia #nourishandlift
20.01.2022 Geez I lifting! It felt amazingly good to get after some heavy hang power cleans today. Heres my final set at 65kg. #weightlifting #fitmama #mamaswholift #myhappyplace #homegym #crossfitadelaide #adelaide #southaustralia #nourishandlift
19.01.2022 I had been a little under the weather over the last week, so Ive been taking easy with the fitness, and sticking to yoga and playing with the kids... until today! Allowing my body time to rest and recover has done wonders and these deadlifts @ 80kg felt amazing! #happymonday #fitness #deadlift #mamaswholift #fitmama #selfcare #homegym #crossfitadelaide #southaustralia #nourishandlift
19.01.2022 Sunday lifting sesh! Was happy to sneak a little #RNAoly in before coaching this morning. Ive been rehabbing my knee and shoulder for months and it felt great to squat and press pain-free this morning. #rehab #olympicweightlifting #fitmama #mamalife #RNAinOz #lovethejourney #adelaide #southaustralia #nourishandlift
19.01.2022 Sneaky lifting sesh in between clients. Here’s my final set @ 65kg (95%). I was surprised at how good the jerk felt! #puttinginthework #noexcuses #cleanandjerk #weightlifting #RNAoly #teamRNA #RNAinOz #lovethejourney #fitmama #adelaide #southaustralia #nourishandlift
18.01.2022 Ruby got her first bar flip today. Bravo Ruby! #activekids #gymnastics #familytime #homegym #nourishandlift
18.01.2022 Had a lot of fun going after this lung 10-1 Overhead squats 30kg Lateral bar over burpees... #overheadsquat #burpees #conditioning #fitness #womensfitness #personaltrainer #adelaidepersonaltrainer #adelaidePT #womenscoach #adelaide #southaustralia #nourishandlift
15.01.2022 We had an EPIC Tuesday night at N&L with some HEAVY clean and jerks going up in our Strength class this evening. Amazing effort to the ladies who smashed personal best lifts tonight, which is awesome to see after our break during iso. #chickswholift #strong #fitness #cleanandjerk #fitfam #smallgroupfitness #personaltrainer #adelaidepersonaltrainer #adelaidePT #adelaide #southaustralia #nourishandlift
15.01.2022 We said goodbye to our fave Swede in tonights Strength class. Well miss your determination and grit Char! You are one strong lady! #safetravels #fitfam #community #smallgroupfitness #personaltraining #adelaide #southaustralia #nourishandlift
15.01.2022 Firing up my glutes! @peakehealth #warmup #rehab #gluteactivation #dothelittlethings #adelaide #southaustralia #nourishandlift
15.01.2022 I was feeling a little flat this morning, so I kept my workout pretty low key with a little yoga and some gymnastics skills. There was a time when the thought of going upside sent me into a panic. Todays headstands felt controlled and balanced. Movement is the best medicine. ... #yoga #headstand #gymnastics #progress #keeppracticing #getcomfortablebeinguncomfortable #personaltrainer #womenscoach #adelaidepersonaltrainer #adelaidePT #adelaide #southaustralia #nourishandlift See more
14.01.2022 Sunshine and babyccino with my little man. Just after we snapped this selfie, a seagull stole Owens cookie! Little O was very upset about it. #lovehim #mummysontime #familytime #henleysquare #adelaide #southaustralia #nourishandlift
14.01.2022 I can add a new skill set to my repertoire. With the hubby’s shoulder out of action, it was up to me to put my new Rogue rig together. 38 years young, and learning new skills! ... #powertoolsarefun #mamalife #adelaide #southaustralia #nourishandlift
14.01.2022 Backyard yoga is just what I needed. Happy Friday folks! @downdogapp #sunshine #spring #yoga #yogamama #fitmama #womensfitness #selfcare #personaltrainer #adelaidepersonaltrainer #adelaidePT #adelaide #southaustralia #nourishandlift
12.01.2022 So on Wednesday I did something silly and landed badly laying-out for the disc while playing frisbee. I’ve self-diagnosed my injury as a MCL strain and I really hope I’ll be recovered for next Wednesday’s games . It’s nothing major, and I haven’t stopped coaching or mumm-ing, I’ve just been moving slower, albeit with less pep in my step. And, rather than feeling sorry for myself today, I hit my first heavy deadlifting sesh in over 3 months. I’ve been slowly easing the hing...e movement patterns back into my training after twinging my back, and today was the day to hit full range of motion deads. Not only did this sesh lift my mood, it actually made my knee feel better than before. Here’s my final set of 3 @ 90kg. The load was not a problem and I’m stoked that I didn’t let my mind get in the way either. Movement is the best rehab! #deadlift #fitmama #mamalife #rehab #strengthtraining #personaltrainer #adelaidepersonaltrainer #womenscoach #adelaide #southaustralia #nourishandlift
08.01.2022 I seriously have the BEST clients! @melina_seltsikas smashed out an awesome PT over Zoom while I’m at home waiting for my COVID results to come in. #lovemyclients #bestjobever #zoomfitness #noexcuses #personaltrainer #adelaidepersonaltrainer #adelaide #southaustralia #nourishandlift
08.01.2022 Be kind to yourself. Life can get hectic and stressful, but dont forget to check in with yourself to make sure youre doing ok. #selfcare #bekindtoyourself #healthcoach #mamalife #fitmama #personaltrainer #adelaidepersonaltrainer #adelaidePT #adelaide #southaustralia #nourishandlift
08.01.2022 Early morning row with the little man! #lovehim #leadbyexample #fitmama #homegym #personaltrainer #adelaide #southaustralia #nourishandlift
07.01.2022 It felt amazing to head outside for some Monday fitness. So, Ive started playing ultimate frisbee again. There was a time when I lived and breathed this sport, but kids, injuries and life have somehow managed to keep me away from the disc for over 6 years! Any who, were two games into the season and I realise that my body needs to remember how to sprint and how to change direction quickly - hence some suicide sprints this morning. These felt so much faster than they actua...lly look! #outdoorfitness #parkworkout #fitnessanywhere #noequipementneeded #doeverything #ultimatefrisbee #mamalife #fitmama #personaltrainer
07.01.2022 Ive been feeling a little anxious lately; there never seems to be enough hours in the day! Getting after some snatch complexes was just what I needed. Heres my final set @ 35kg #snatch #RNAprogramming #teamRNA #RNAinOz #mamalife #fitmama #adelaide #southaustralia
07.01.2022 Finished off Tuesdays lifting sesh with a 10 min EMOM 2 x power snatches @ 40kg. My focus was to push under the bar. Felt good! #snatch #powersnatch #progress #fitmama #mamalife #weightlifting #mamaswholift #personaltrainer #adelaidepersonaltrainer #adelaidePT #womenscoach #adelaide #southaustralia #nourishandlift
07.01.2022 I woke up feeling run down and low on energy, so I skipped my usual Sunday lifting sesh and stuck to yoga instead. @downdogapp #yoga #yogamama #listentoyourbody #activeliving #keepmoving #selfcare #restday #personaltrainer #adelaidepersonaltrainer #adelaide #southaustralia #nourishandlift
06.01.2022 Had some fun with a little gymnastics workout this morning. Heres my second set of 5 x 5 strict pulls ups #pullups #gymnastics #progress #gettingstronger #fitmama #mamalife #personaltrainer #adelaidepersonaltrainer #adelaide #southaustralia #nourishandlift
06.01.2022 Post workout glow (ummm sweat ). Today’s workout was a little test for some upcoming programming for my clients. #Idowhatyoudo #lovemyjob #leadbyexample #personaltrainer #healthcoach #smallgroupfitness #adelaidepersonaltrainer #adelaidept #adelaide #southaustralia #nourishandlift
06.01.2022 Huge shoutout to #fitmama @susietwoshoe for smashing out some sweet rowing in her PT today while her little lady #postpartumfitness #whileyouweresleeping #activeliving #lifestylechoices #womenscoach #personaltrainer #adelaidepersonaltrainer #adelaidePT #homegym #adelaide #southaustralia #nourishandlift
05.01.2022 Happy Monday folks! Kicked off my Monday with some much needed yoga. #monday #freshstart #pressreset #selfcare #yoga #yogamama #activeliving #mindset #healthyliving #slowlifedown #personaltrainer #adelaidepersonaltrainer #adelaide #southaustralia #nourishandlift
05.01.2022 I always feel so much better after a workout. Showered and ready for Costco! #selfie #mamalife #fitmama #selfcare #maketimeforyou #fitness #personaltrainer #healthcoach #adelaidepersonaltrainer #adelaidePT #adelaide #southaustralia #nourishandlift
04.01.2022 Wahoo! Tuesday Strength class was back tonight, and you ladies smashed it. #chickswholift #tuesdaystrength #ladiesfitness #weightlifting #smallgroupfitness #personaltrainer #fitfam #inthistogether #community #womanscoach #adelaide #southaustralia #nourishandlift
04.01.2022 What ever 2021 brings, we’ll be going through it together. #myfam #happynewyear #familytime #adelaide #southaustralia #nourishandlift
03.01.2022 We had a visit from the benchmark workout Helen at bootcamp this morning and the bootcamp crew smashed it. Helen 3 rounds 400m run... 21 kettlebell swings 12 pull ups #sundaybootcamp #fitfam #smallgroupfitness #womensfitness #personaltrainer #adelaidepersonaltrainer #community #parkfitness #adelaide #southaustralia #nourishandlift
03.01.2022 Its been a rough few days - I had to say goodbye to my fur baby and then I was feeling under the weather with a head cold. However, sinking my teeth in #crossfitgames2020 Event 1 and Event 2 this morning reset my mood and my body and I feel a little more human today. #selfcare #sunday #homegym #personaltrainer #adelaidepersonaltrainer #adelaidePT #fitness #healthcoach #nourishandlift
03.01.2022 @minimad_ smashed out an awesome workout in her PT this morning. #concept2 #intervals #fitmama #lifestylechoices #personaltrainer #adelaidepersonaltrainer #adelaidePT #adelaide #southaustralia #nourishandlift
03.01.2022 Sunshine and yoga is exactly what I needed #yoga #sunshine #fitnessanywhere #selfcare #yogamama #fitmama #mamalife #maketimeforyou #personaltrainer #womenscoach #adelaidepersonaltrainer #adelaide #southaustralia #nourishandlift
02.01.2022 Be present. I’m a regular poster on insta and fb. I usually have my phone handy, ready to capture moments for myself and to share with you.... However, since I started my holidays on 22 December, I’ve found myself enjoying being disconnected from my phone. I hardly touched my phone during our Christmas celebrations yesterday, hence, no cute happy family snaps posted by me yesterday. I’m enjoying having in-person connections with my loved ones, and bring present with my nearest and dearest. So if I’m a little distance on socials for the next week or so, this is why. Merry Christmas to you all! #bepresent #putdownyourphone #holidays #familytime #healthcoach #womenscoach #personaltrainer #adelaidepersonaltrainer #adelaide #southaustralia #nourishandlift
02.01.2022 Crow pose! I was pleasantly surprised that I was able to hold a crow pose in my yoga sesh today. Ive always struggled to find my balance with this pose, and today I felt strong and controlled. @downdogapp #yoga #crowpose #newmove #practice #progress #balance #yogamama #fitmama #mamalife #selfcare #adelaide #southaustralia #nourishandlift
02.01.2022 Squat! I found so much joy using my newly acquired squatting abilities on our latest camping trip. It came in handy washing up the dishes in a bucket, going to the loo and simply stretching out my hips after hours in the car. #yoga #yogamama #fitmama #squat #stayactive #mobility #flinderranges #southaustralia #lovethejourney #nourishandlift
02.01.2022 I couldnt have been prouder of this little lady today. She was very determined and super brave when she got her ears pierced. #notears #mummydaughterbathroomselfie #selfie #loveher #ourlittlegem #mamalife #adelaide #southaustralia #nourishandlift
01.01.2022 Body and mind is feeling energised after a sneaky yin yoga practice in between clients. @downdogapp #yoga #yogamama #selfcare #mentalhealthawareness #vitaminD #gooutdoors #backyardyoga #personaltrainer #adelaidepersonaltrainer #adelaide #southaustralia #nourishandlift
01.01.2022 This morning, Miss Ruby and I both woke up with head colds, so off we went to get COVID tested. As much as I was looking forward to kicking off 2021 with my PT clients, getting tested and laying low was the right thing to do. Miss Ruby was super brave. #covid_19 #covidtesting #stuckouthome #adelaide #southaustralia #nourishandlift
01.01.2022 Bootcampers smashed Murph today. Enjoy the rest of your weekend team! #proudcoach #murph #herowod #fitness #smallgroupfitness #fitfam #community #lovemyjob #sunday #outdoorfitness #adelaide #southaustralia #nourishandlift
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