Nourish Central | Alternative & holistic health service
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25.01.2022 Remember we are giving away the amazing Adaptiv touch. Comment on original post for your chance to win
25.01.2022 To nourish our mind body a spirit takes conscious thought and effort.. How are you nourishing yourself this week?To nourish our mind body a spirit takes conscious thought and effort.. How are you nourishing yourself this week?
24.01.2022 dõTERRA stock has arrived with many different single oils, blends and supplements as well as some personal Hygiene products. Looking to make the switch to some natural product but didn't know where to start, look no further we have you covered. Message us today and we will sort your needs.
24.01.2022 Mum's and Dad's are you wanting to learn more about essential oils and how they could be used in yours and your families lives to replace a lot of harmful products in your everyday life. Join me tomorrow so we can go over all things oily with families. Peace love and light Angie Maree
22.01.2022 When it comes to holistic approach to anything you need to be willing to dedicate time to the process. Time is not something that just comes on a silver platter or is hiding around the corner that you are just going to find one day. Everyone has the same amount of time in the day, 24 hours. What you choose to do with that 24hrs is up to you and, what we choose to do with that 24hrs is normally placed on our values.... So when you look at what someone else is doing and say "I wish I had time to do that" stop and check is it really one of my values, do I value this trait that someone else is doing? Most of the time the answer is no its not one of your values and thats why you don't have time to do it. This is something through my coaching I have had a lot of success with is working with people to realign their values to serve them in the direction that they want to go. Once you have your values ailgned that thing you wish you had time for seems to become a priority.
22.01.2022 Is the show not your thing? Would you rather spend your money on your health and wellness? I have a 9am Lomi Lomi appointment available on Saturday. Message now to secure your spot.
20.01.2022 Angie Maree has another satisfied client. Thanks for your kind words Trish.
19.01.2022 Something I just whipped up on Friday afternoon for afternoon tea. Everything made from scratch including the coconut butter to make the dairy free lime curd. Simply devine, just not sure what to call it, Any suggestions?
18.01.2022 BENEFITS OF A LOMI LOMI MASSAGE ~PHYSICAL~ Relaxes the body Calms the nervous system... Lowers blood pressure Reduces heart rate Slows respiration Stretches connective tissue Reduces chronic pain Improves red blood cell count Relieves tired & aching muscles Improves muscle tone Relieves cramped muscles Reduces tension headaches Increases range of motion Increases blood circulation Increases lymph circulation Stimulates release of endorphins Strengthens immune system Reduces swelling Improves posture Speeds recovery from injury & illness Speeds elimination of metabolic waste ~EMOTIONAL~ Reduces anxiety Enhances self-image Provides a feeling of well-being Nurtures & stimulates emotional growth ~MENTAL~ Reduces mental stress Promotes quality sleep Improves productivity Induces mental relaxation
17.01.2022 I know these last few months have been tough and its still tough for some. And it is time to start to get some mental clarity. We can not control what is going on around us the only thing we can control is how we respond to it.... If you feel yourself getting deep down in the unknown depths and have no idea how to get out of where you are, We are here to help guide you. Sometimes its as simple as just having a chat to someone that just listens and understands you and can help you see thing a little different to how you are viewing things at the moment. Let us help you to find The best path for a greater you Send us a message so we can book you in for a chat then we can work together to find The Best Path for a Greater You.
17.01.2022 I hope all the Mum's had a beautiful day celebrating one of the most precious gifts of all... Having a child/children to love. And for some today isn't the easiest of days for many reasons and to you I wish for you to be surrounded with love and support.I hope all the Mum's had a beautiful day celebrating one of the most precious gifts of all... Having a child/children to love. And for some today isn't the easiest of days for many reasons and to you I wish for you to be surrounded with love and support.
16.01.2022 The art of being happy with where you're at is an awesome art to have and the best part is, it's not rocket science. If you find yourself saying words like "I ...wish" or "I can't wait" Like "I can't wait till my children are older so I can xyz" Or "I wish my hair was longer" The art is to find the gems right where you are. What are your kids doing right now that you love? How can you be happy with where your kids are in life and also move towards what you would like to do? What are the great things you can do with your hair right now at the length it is? It's that simple look at the things you can do right now with what you have that will give you that same feeling you wish you had? What is that feeling you are chasing? So where are you right now and can you create that feeling right here right now? The answer is of cause you can you just need to look at it from another angle. If you need help reach out I'm here for you.
15.01.2022 Congratulations Philippa, Philippa Jane Sly is the winner of this beautiful Adaptiv touch.
15.01.2022 This is what it looks like when someone comes to me and has no idea what's going on but is feeling off and wanting a pick me up. I am muscle testing what to do for them. What oils to use, how many drops, how many times a day to use the mix.... Our body gives us signs that something is off and if we don't deal with it there is a possibility that the body will be come uneasy and thats when a D¡s-ease (yes I spelt that wrong on purpose) occurs. Essential oils deal with the root cause on all levels. I LOVE WHAT I DO Angie Maree
14.01.2022 Oh my goodness how challenging is this season in our lives? I am hearing of relationships breaking down, young people taking their own lives, more people then... ever on antidepressants, people on stress leave, people not sure when their next pay cheque is coming. And so much more adding to the stress and fear in our lives. Stress and Fear is something that Allopathic medicine is not really sure how to deal with, as it's actually a mindset and belief that turns into a story that we keep telling that is shaping your life and Allopathic medicine does not know how to change the programming of the mind that keeps running these story it only knows how to deal with the symptoms. As the writer of "The Biology of Belief" Bruce H. Lipton talks about is that you can actually change your Biology by changing your belief. I have seen so many peoples lives change in front of my eyes through the coaching I do, I am not aloud to say I have healed or cured anyone as only medical personals can say that, so lets just say changed before my eyes and thats what I am here for, My life calling is to help people, to instigate change and support the transition. Please if you are having troubles in your life and you just can't see through then reach out lets work together and tailor a plan just for you to clear the fog to give you clear vision.
14.01.2022 Are you yet to experience a Tradition Old Style Lomi Lomi massage? Or Wanting another one this week? I have 12pm and 3pm tomorrow And 9am Saturday avaliable. Message now to secure your spot!Are you yet to experience a Tradition Old Style Lomi Lomi massage? Or Wanting another one this week? I have 12pm and 3pm tomorrow And 9am Saturday avaliable. Message now to secure your spot!
13.01.2022 Had the most beautiful day yesterday sharing Traditional Old Style Hawaiian Lomi Lomi massage.Had the most beautiful day yesterday sharing Traditional Old Style Hawaiian Lomi Lomi massage.
08.01.2022 Do you love whole foods? How is your pantry looking? A little empty?... Here at Nourish Central we are taking orders up untill Friday 25th July for amazing whole and bulk foods and much much more. Message us NOW and we will send you the price list. Happy shopping
08.01.2022 We have some exciting news to share with you early next week. What do you think it might be?
08.01.2022 The other day I let my children eat store bought Icecream. It was dairy free, gluten free, sugar free, but it still had stuff in it we normally try and avoid. It was interesting listening to their conversations while consuming it. See I had thought this will be the end of our home made "icecream" but......... They were like "This is nice but not as good as the Mum's"... "Yeah I like ours better." "We get more if we make it" So since the kids love it so much I thought I would share this recipe that we made today Freeze 2 bananas + 2 mangoes Once frozen whizz in high speed food processor untill forms a creamy consistency. We use our thermo speed 9 for about 2 minutes scraping down the sides a couple of times. Then serve and enjoy.
07.01.2022 There was a time when Neurons where thought to be only in the brain, it is now proven that neurons are all over the body. A neuron is a nerve cell that is the basic building blocks for the nervous system. Neurons are different to other cells in the body as they are specialized to transmit information all throughout the body. ... So when we talk about how thinking about a certain event, a happy event for example, will stimulate a whole body response. Your facial muscles will change! You might feel the corner of your lips turn up. Your posture will change! You might stand a little more upright with your heart more open. The way you sit in the seat will change! You may even get tingles in some parts of your body! You will have a whole body response because of these neurons transfering information. This is also important with not so happy events, the emotion of these events can store themselves in our neurons, this then can show it self as physical pain amongst other things. That old saying "that just gets on my nerves" makes sense now, doesn't it? This is where Neuro-Linguistic Programming along with Time Line Therapy(r) is amazing. With reprogramming the language of the mind and letting go of all those negative emotions from the past is so very valuable. Be kind to your mind and let go of the things that gets on your nerves and embrace the things that make the corners of your lips turn up AKA smile
07.01.2022 STOP looking for happiness outside of you IT'S NOT OUT THERE!! Many people say things like; I will be happy when its Friday afternoon. I will be happy when we live closer to the beach.... I will be happy when my partner starts helping around the house. I will be happy when xyz (fill in the blank) Well the truth in happiness is within you always. Our emotions are all variations of the same thing, they are all variations of frequency. Did you know that our being is just pure vibration/frequency sometimes high sometimes low. So with that being said happiness is always within you! It's just a matter of learning how to change your vibration which is as easy as changing your state. Yes I said easy because it really is easy to change your state and to tap into that frequency you desire. There is a few keys to this that I teach each and everyone of my clients so they can call in any state they want when ever they want it. So if you are one that is wanting to take control over their state and vibration, message me today and lets book it in. I know there is a lot of uncertainty at the moment and people are watching every dollar and, that is way I am offering free 1hr consult right now. So if you are looking on wondering if this is for you message me and lets get you booked in then we can see if this if for you. These appointments can be done face to face or over the internet. message today and lets book you in.
06.01.2022 It's Angie Maree's birthday and to celebrate we want to giveaway an Adaptiv touch. The sweet, citrusy, floral aroma of Adaptiv comes in a roller bottle for easy use to assist with sustained concentration and sense of centre offers soothing, uplifting, boosted mood... Encourages Tranquility For your chance to win comment below how Adaptiv touch would assist you in your current situation, like and share this post. Winner will be announced 16/7/20
06.01.2022 Wow I am now booked out for the next two weeks. My next available appointment is on 11th September. If you are in need of a massage from an intuitive masseuse to get to the root cause of your problem stop looking and book an appointment!... Ring Angie Maree on 0428247004 NOW to secure your spot..
06.01.2022 Happy New Year! Thank you for all your support last year. And we look forward to working with you all this year to inspire you to ... Live Healthy Naturally. We hope that 2021 is filled with all your hopes and dreams.
06.01.2022 The style of massage Angie Maree offers is Traditional Old Style Lomi Lomi massage. It is more of an experience then just a massage. The nature of this experience is to work the whole body mocking the waves of the ocean, working on energy centres of the body and to give the whole body a realignment while working gently yet deeply into the muscles. This experience is a 2hr appointment to allow you to go into a relaxed hypnotic state which is where the body starts to release ...old stuck energy and then the new fresh energy can circulate around the body. Allow yourself to escape from the chaos and come home to your inner temple this is where real change occurs.
05.01.2022 Busy morning here this morning sorting out some amazing organic products to deliver today. Some more happy customers.
05.01.2022 We love what we do and when one receives feedback like "This is the best my back has felt in years" from someone that has been told by a doctor that they think they have slipped two disc's but they are too young to fuse them And... someone with Rheumatoid Arthritis "My legs are improving too so something is working! " Makes it all worth it. We are not the healers we are just the vessel. Every person that receives a Traditional Old Style Hawaiian Lomi Lomi Massage is connected to the ancestral source through the therapist and also receives a fingerprint of our true Hawaiian mana (energy) and lineage. When you are wanting more then just a massage, message us to book an appointment! Live Health Naturally
05.01.2022 Who said eating healthy is boring? This was our dessert spread on Christmas day. Everything is paleo!... made from scratch in the kitchen at home with little elves * Raw Chocolate * Bliss balls * lamingtons * red velvet cupcakes If anyone would like the recipe to any of these let me know I am happy to share.
05.01.2022 Do you feel like Cricky it's only Tuesday? Wondering how you're going to make it through the week? Give yourself something to look forward to, that's how. ... Book a massage with Angie Maree Angie Maree does Traditional Old Style Lomi Lomi massage Lomi Lomi Massage was designed by the Hawaiian Ka Hunas (teachers of the secret) over the centuries to relax the body by mimicking the motions of the waves. This restorative Hawaiian massage works gently, yet deeply into the muscles with continuous, flowing strokes. This allows the recipient to relax due to the hypnotic effect, bringing the mind to a place of absolute stillness. Lomi Lomi is gentle style that works deep into the muscles as well as activating meridians, energy points, release energetic blocks and allow the client a safe space to experience a time of oneness and unconditional love. By releasing these energy blocks the bodies own healing processes can take over. Lomi Lomi covers all the main areas of the body including the back, neck, chest, stomach, arms, hands, legs, feet and face. To book your Lomi Lomi massage give Angie Maree a call on 0428247004 to book your spot today.
03.01.2022 What if everything in life came down to a belief? Did you know, whether you believe you CAN or you CAN NOT you are right. The thing is what ever you believe to true you WILL find evidence to support your belief. If you want to do something then there is a belief saying you can't, I call it a limiting belief because it's limiting you. Imagine if you could, imagine life without these beliefs. Imagine you could achieve whatever you wanted. What is it that you want? Listen when you ask the question, what is it that I want? Do you think of something then there is something saying you cant have that? If not then how is it that you dont already have it? I hear people say so often oh I wish I could do that! STOP wishing and start doing!!! There is so many resources out there that are avaliable to us all that you could do whatever you wish for, the only thing missing is ACTION. If you have a little voice inside your head stopping you from following your dreams, lets catch up, lets have a chat either in person or over Zoom and lets change that wish into reality.
02.01.2022 A little while ago a friend asked me an NLP question " 'For what purpose' are you going to the gym?" And I knew where this question was going of cause, most p...eople would say to get fitter or stronger or more in shape. For me all those things are a by product, thats not the guts of why I go to the gym at all. The gym to me is somewhere I go and when I am there there is no time to be in my head mixed up with the million different thoughts and ideas I have. It's a place where I have to think about what I am doing 100% of the time. I have to think where my feet are, which muscles am I engaging (as being a mother of 4 there is a lot of muscles that have just switched off so needing to wake them up again) there is a tonne of things I need to think about while been at the gym and it has to be everything that I am doing in that very moment.. It was interesting last night I was doing some exercises after class for my shoulder as I have been having a little trouble with it and I cut the protocol short. The trainer pulled me up on it and I said I need to get home to my babies, he said I think your hubby would have it covered but I left anyway. Then when I got home I saw my trainer was right the kids where happy and chilled. Then my thought went back to why do I go to the Gym, 'For what purpose'. And the highest intent for me to be going to the gym is, For a happy home! Then it hit me how am I going to be serving this home to be happy if I have a sore shoulder and not looking after myself.... the answer is I can't well not at 100% No more cutting my gym time short I need to do this for my Happy Home. So the question is where in your life are you not playing at 100% and what steps are you going to take to improve? If you know that you are not playing at 100% and have no idea how to change it, I'M HERE FOR YOU I've got ya back. Reach out and lets get you living life at 100%
01.01.2022 Do you want your family to eat healthy but every cookbook you have looked in has a 1,000 ingredient and it's all a little overwhelming? Well this is a great cookbook to start you off, quick and easy recipe that taste great and they don't have a 1,000 ingredients per recipe AND the best part kids love them. Happy healthy cooking, enjoy!!
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