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25.01.2022 Olives... ________________________ Have you and your toddler been stuck inside all day with the rain? Finish the day with a handful of yummy olives. A great way to contract all that toddler energy as you wind down for bath and bed. #foodformood #toddlerfood #supporttoddlerswithfood #olives #yum #toddlersnacks
22.01.2022 She's mastered the walk ____________________ She has officially mastered the walk. Amazing... can't believe when we set out on our holiday she was a crawler. I blame it on all the chicken broth and liver #broth #liver #wholefoodbaby #nourishingtradtions #barefoot #byron #10months #familyholiday #walking #healthybaby
22.01.2022 Plastic bags are now banned from most stores across the country. How much better are the alternatives?
21.01.2022 Return of the nap _______________________ This year I would say 99.99% of my conversation has revolved around naps! Seriously. Before having Harper I had no idea about all this napping business. What time? How long for? How long should she be awake? Do you rock her? Does she self settle? Blah blah blah!! Finally at 9.5months we are in a semi routine with two predictable naps a day hooray! So the biggest thing I learnt this year. (Adult) naps rock, get them whenever you can!! #naps #babies #mumlife #sleep #letshaveanap #napsrock #cheekynaps
21.01.2022 Oliver's Birth Story __________________________ I feel so blessed to have experienced two beautiful home births. I understand it's not for everyone but it was for me and I'm so grateful to have a husband that not only supported me in this choice but was actively involved in the research, the preparation, the birth and the last 4 weeks of recovering, restoring and connecting to life with two. Thank you my babe @andrew ilsley ... Today Oliver has been in our life for 4 weeks and I can't imagine life without him. Our family feels complete. I've captured Oliver's birth story and published it on my blog. Massive thank you to our beautiful midwife Sheryl. We love you #positivebirth #homebirth #postivebirthmovement #4weeks #love #heartfull #life
19.01.2022 I Fridays ___________________ Tending to her seedlings #nakedgardening #learning
19.01.2022 Homemade 'cwackahs' _______________________ These are @leesupercharged lemony herb crackers. Served with homemade chicken liver pâté. Harper is addicted running around the house asking for cwackahs! #toddlerfood #toddlersnacks #reciperecommendation
18.01.2022 O L I V E R ________________________ Look at my little guy. 7 months old. ALREADY!!! #sizeofaoneyearold Ready on his high chair to start his journey to solid foods. #7months #liverandbroth #wholefoodbaby #babyfoods
17.01.2022 IKEA Hack || learning tower ____________________ Check out this learning tower my Dad built for Harper. It's an IKEA hack. You can buy a proper leaning tower online from various places for around $350. We made this for $45! Bargain!! And now I have a new kitchen helper! I can't even tell you how much this thing is going to change our lives. Harper loves being part of the kitchen, at 20 weeks pregnant gone are the days I can prop her on my hip to help. Thanks grandpa #diy #grandpasrock #learningtower #ikeahack #justneedsacoatofpaint #newkitchenhelper #toddlersinthekitchen #savingmyback #number2halfwaycooked
16.01.2022 Juice time _____________________ So I'm a lady of leisure. Harpers juicing and Drew's in the background vacuuming! Yes please #juicingtoddler #houseworkhusband #ladyofleisure #love
16.01.2022 Choc chip nut bars ________________________ Just made these bad boys from the @wholefoodsimply blog. Drew gave them an 11/10!! highly recommend. The recipes on this site always deliver, I've never been disappointed by any of the things I've made from here. Enjoy x #nutbars #cleaneating #homemadesnacks
16.01.2022 O L I V E R Anthony Ilsley has arrived We loved our home water birth experience. #newborn #homebirth #family #love
15.01.2022 Menu planning ___________________ Delighted to be planning the menu for our Steiner Kindy. The brief; Seasonal. Simple. Clean. Offerings that allow the kids to help with the preparation. Now that's my kinda brief! I'm overlaying this with the energetic and healing properties of food to help the children stay centred and grounded throughout the day. ... #kidsfood #toddlerfood #snacks #foodformood #planning #mumlife #nutritionist #wholefood See more
12.01.2022 Same same __________________ Same clothes, same chair, same day, 2 weeks difference in age.
11.01.2022 Mini potato pizza __________________ Super easy these pizzas use potatoes (sweet and normal) as the base. Cut them about 1cm thick and bake them first 180 for 20mins then add your toppings and bake for another 10mins. We had bacon, olives mushroom and cheese. Great size for little hands! #toddlerlunch #easy #yum
10.01.2022 Food = Mood _______________________ Harper is at that age now where she has BIG feelings and not enough words to describe them. It must be frustrating to feel eager for life yet limited in communication. Her enthusiasm for life is beautiful and runs at 100 miles per hour. Knowing that food = mood I'm looking at ways that I can use food to support her big feelings. I'm fascinated by the works of AnneMarie Colbin and Paul Pitchford and have been learning more about their view... on how foods can support various moods and energies within the body. At the moment we are experimenting with Kuzu: A Japanese starch used to thicken liquid for soup, sauces and puddings. It's therapeutic qualities include cooling, soothing & alkalising. Here is a little grounding coconut vanilla pudding I've made Harper to have before bed (coconut milk, kuzu, cinnamon and vanilla) Tip: also makes for a great mama dessert :) #kuzu #foodismedicine #toddlerfood #foodequalsmood #foodformood #mumlife #desserts See more
09.01.2022 Toddler Mylk _____________________ For those in-between meals times and times when bubs are too distracted to eat. 1/2 avo, 1/2 ripe banana and filtered water 300ml. Blitz! Creamy smooth toddler mylk. #toddlerfood #toddlersnacks #avomylk #easy #mumlife
08.01.2022 Saturday's are for smoothies ___________________________ #greenmonster #smoothies #saturdays #smiles
08.01.2022 Walking? So close.. ___________________ Check her out, she hit 10 months yesterday and she's all like; I gotta walk! This is our front yard for the next few days in Forster. Harper's been exploring all afternoon with her Daddy, I was just chilling on the balcony and managed to snap this little video. #familytime #holidays #forster #10months #walking #daddytime #daddysgirl
03.01.2022 Happiness is....... ______________________ Sharing homemade iceblocks in the backyard on a hot spring day. Handful of frozen strawberries 1/2 banana 2 teaspoons of chia seeds, Coconut milk, filtered water , tablespoon of collagen (adds some protein + gives it a creamier texture) teaspoon of vanilla, tablespoon of tahini whizz and freeze ... #smoothiebecomesiceblock #homemadeiceblocks #aussiespring #backyards #happiness #toddlerfun #coolingoff
02.01.2022 Salmon egg toast ______________________ For lunch today we tried a little salmon egg toast, with goat yoghurt and avocado. A brain boosting lunch if I ever saw one. I fried some gluten free sourdough (from @roughandbare absolutely delicious, the only bread we eat!) with some ghee and then spread on some wild salmon eggs. Harper inhaled this meal. I love knowing that her body is getting so much goodness. *Opt for a wild salmon brand with no nasties added. It's expensive but... oh so nutrient dense and a little goes along way. Recipe found in the mother and baby #nourishingtraditions book. Also known as my bible PS I had to make another batch straight after Harper finished. 'More.. more.." pretty standard for Harper #toddlerfood #toddlerlunch #brainfood #foodforhealth #salmoneggs #nourishingtraditions See more