Novella Health | Businesses
Novella Health
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23.01.2022 Leaking when you sneeze, cough, the tap drips? Afraid to go to the pool because of anal leakage? Head over to my blog (profile, click on website, go to blog). You aren’t alone. We can help.... #Novellahealth See more
22.01.2022 This photo was taken in early March. When I see this photo I look at it and say wow, I look truely happy! (Trust me my kid is happy too-he’s swimming). Looking at this photo caught me off guard because I look at lots of postpartum photos of myself and I can tell I’m faking it. Look I’m not photogenic at the best of times and I would prefer to not stare down the barrel of a camera but with all that aside it was nice to see me again. Postpartum depression hit me pretty ...hard. I could see myself spiralling down a dark hole from the beginning. However I finally stepped up and told my GP I needed help and she referred me to Christine at Sybella Health. I plug Christine as she helped me but you may have someone that helped(s) you. It doesn’t matter who you see as long as they are helping. Christine gave me the platform and the space to tell my story with no interruptions and no sympathy but plenty of empathy. It took four sessions for me to tell my story and then she said would you mind if I talk for a while? And there we were and here I am. I will continue this story in another post at another time but if you suffer from any type of depression please get some help. Your GP is a great place to start but you don’t need a referral unless you need a care plan. Take care of yourself. #womenshealthphysio #novellahealth #sybellahealth #whitsundays #yourstory #postpartumdepression #birthtraumarecovery See more
22.01.2022 Urgency, frequency, leaking of both bowel and bladder and bedwetting can be difficult for children and parents and it isn’t always something that they can just grow out of. Novella Health works with children with these issues as well as with your GP or specialist to help achieve the optimum result. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or for a booking. #whitsundays #Novellahealth #pelvichealth #childrensincontinence
21.01.2022 Novella Health opened its doors one year ago. We are so proud to have grown this business of helping women with bladder, bowel, sexual, and pain issues this year. 2021 will see us open our doors to paediatric incontinence needs as well as continuing and deepening our work in women’s health physiotherapy. Thank you to all my clients and supporters. Here’s to another year.
20.01.2022 Oh pelvic pain! You wouldn’t know the people around you that suffer from it. It’s not widely discussed like back or neck pain and it can be viewed as embarrassing. There is a reason for your pain and you are not alone. A women’s health physio can help you understand your pain and in many cases help you work with your body to decrease those painful symptoms. There are other cases when a multidisciplinary team needs to get involved.... However, do not suffer in silence. We are here for you at Novella Health in the Whitsundays or any other Women’s Health Physio clinic in Australia. #novellahealth #whitsundays #painfulsex #pelvicpain #womenshealthphysioisathing See more
18.01.2022 Due to increased demand I have decided to open up Thursdays to patients. So if Monday doesn’t work for you Thursday might. I’m booked up about two weeks in advance now for new patients and have a couple short time slots for returning patients. Thank you for your support! I didn’t think I would open up another day within the first couple of years but here we are. Mondays and Thursdays from 930-1430. ... By appointment Located at Wellness Centre Proserpine 70 Main Street #Novellahealth #whitsundays See more
17.01.2022 Monday’s with Camille, our physio! Have you met our lovely Camille of Novella Health? She’s here on Mondays to tend to your needs, she has awesome knowledge a...bout your muscaloskeletal system AND a special interest in Women’s health issues relating to pelvic floor, bladder dysfunction, constipation, period pain and oh so much more! Book directly with Camille at Novella Health. She’s a wonderful practitioner to have her exuberance in the clinic See more
17.01.2022 Constipated? There are many reasons for this but we can’t always blame the cheese!! Women’s health physios, dieticians, and naturopaths are among the great practitioners to talk about constipation with. However you ask why a women’s health physio? Many reasons! We can look at your constipation under many different scopes? Is it diet related, hormonal, or maybe even obstruction (to list a few). Whatever you do, don’t live with it. It can cause damage and weaken your pel...vic floor. Be kind to yourself! #novellahealth #whitsundays #yourstory #womenshealthphysio #constipation See more
16.01.2022 During my childhood, my mother would tell my brother and I stories that were passed down to her, stories of her childhood and adulthood, birth stories, stories other people told her, and stories about us. She also taught us how to care for animals, plants, and people. She invested time to teach us the importance of having values as well as instilling a moral compass. She taught us how to be compassionate as well as to recognise and celebrate the differences in all of us. A...s she passed this to us, I will pass this to my children. This is culture. This is herratige. It links us to our past, it settles us in our present, and it shines a guiding light to our future. Stories. They link us. Culture. It grounds us. Our Australian Indigenous neighbours and friends have stories to share. A lot of their stories and language has been lost as we have not learned to live side by side as neighbours. Time has not bridged the gap. How do we begin? Recognition. How do we begin any journey? @place_names_in_addresses started a social media campaign to simply add the original country name in the address field when sending letters. The area I live and work is called Gia Country. So my address looks like this... Novella Health PO Box Gia Country Proserpine, QLD 4800 Simple. When I saw that @place_names_in_addresses was doing this I was excited to jump onboard, but I didn't know my country name so I contacted a local elder who's contact I found in a online article and asked her this and all sorts of questions. She was brilliant and told me stories that I immediately told my husband and my child. The sad part of our conversation followed when she told me the Gia language is mostly lost due to the horrors of the past. As there was not a written language it became lost over the years as stories weren't allowed to be passed down and complying with the law was part of survival. How did we get here? How do we go forward? Let's start by recognising the native land we live on. Let's start by practicing storytelling and caring for those around us. Let's pass these good traits to our children. Stories. They link us. Tell yours. #novellahealth #womenshealthphysio #giacountry See more
14.01.2022 We have a few times available until 24th of December and then we will break for a week. 2021 is open for business. We look forward to seeing you and hearing your story. In the meantime, have a great holiday season and be kind to yourself. #novellahealth #womenshealthphysio #pelvichealth #firstanniversary #whitsundays #womenshealth
11.01.2022 How old is your kid? How long have you had your birth injuries? I look at this photo and say this old and this long. As a mother, wife, Women’s Health Physio, and whatever current role I’m taking on, I understand when you say I don’t have time to look after myself. It took me a year to do something about mine and I’m still needing to book that follow-up! It’s hard to get everything organised to do something for yourself that might have to have a follow-up or is difficult to talk about but trust me it’s worth it. Spending that time with someone that listens to you and can sort through the information you have given to provide a thorough assessment and treatment plan is worth it. Bring your kids, bring your baggage, bring your tears and your fears. Women’s Health Physios are people like you with stories and trauma and advanced training to provide evidence-based assessment and treatment to help you on your journey. It doesn’t matter if your 6 weeks postpartum or 60 years postpartum (hell, you could even be 0 weeks (never had kids)) and we can assist you with your concerns and help you feel comfortable in your body. If you’re in the #whitsundays come see me at #NovellaHealth. If your anywhere else find a women’s health physio near you. You’re worth it! See more
10.01.2022 Pelvic floors are all different. Your pelvic floor is as unique as you. I have a lot of clients that come in wanting pelvic floor strengthening exercises because they have feeling of urgency. Most of are shocked to find out that their pelvic floor strength is on point. It’s important to understand that the pelvic floor is only one part of the puzzle. There is a world of other anatomy down there that may need attention and/or there may need to be some lifestyle changes.... If your leaking, running to the toilet, or feel heaviness in your vagina please remember that it may or may not be about strength or pelvic floor. Get assessed by a women’s health physio and get the answers you need to stop having these symptoms. #novellahealth #womenshealthphysio #yourstory #pelvichealth #incontinence See more
10.01.2022 Because sometimes you need to pay it off... we now are set up for Zip. Zip allows you to own what you love and pay how you like. I wouldn’t suggest this as a motto for life but I understand that income can be tough and we tend to put our health in the backseat because we can’t afford it or it’s too costly in a single transaction. Zip bridges that gap. It pays me and then you pay it. It gives an interest free period and flexible terms. It also doesn’t allow you to r...ack up a heap of debt. How it works. Download the app and sign up. When you see me you say I want to pay with zip. Then from your app you generate a code. I then do a little abracadabra from my end and then we submit and it’s complete. Easy. #zippay #putyourhealthfirst #novellahealth See more
07.01.2022 Years ago a friend told me, you should write a blog!. My response was along the lines of what’s a blog?. It felt like something Keri from Sex in the City would do. This was not me. Years down the track... I have a blog. Right now it’s in infancy and I have some general info in there for patients and doctors, but today I wrote the first real piece called 4.2 seconds. Sometimes they will be educational, other times they will be just fun. Either way it’s just for fun a...nd marketing my business Novella Health. They will never be long, never more than a minute or two. I don’t have time to write Novels, only micro novellas. You can access my blog by going to my profile and clicking the link to my website and then clicking on blog. Thank you for your support and please enjoy! See more
03.01.2022 It’s difficult to organise everything to get to appointments on your own. Sometimes you just have to bring your kids. Please know this is absolutely fine. In my office there is nothing they can wreck and if you give me a heads up I can bring some toys. I also have Netflix and ABC kids on my phone . It is your appointment and if you need to bring them that is fine. If you definitely don’t want them there rescheduling is fine too. I get it! Either way take care of yours...elf and don’t stress. It will all work out. #novellahealth #womenshealthphysio #pelvichealth Yes this is my brother @dwrains1 and I looking cute as pie. Mom always said we were good kids but I think she was talking generally. I’m sure she pulled her hair out and missed many appointments! See more
03.01.2022 Childbirth is compared to a marathon with a sprint to the finish but then the rehab is this! Photo credit: Buffy Stinchfield makes a great point about the difference between orthopaedic rehab and postpartum rehab. All through pregnancy women’s are told women’s have been doing this since the dawn of time. Okay, yes but how does that relate to the success of an injury free birth experience or your body’s recovery time post birth?... Everyone’s pregnancy and birth journey are different. This also goes for the postpartum period. The rehab at this time is individualised based on the person and their experience plus the injuries that may have occurred. What does exercise look like at this time? Once again, not a one size fits all approach. Just because you wait a period of time doesn’t mean you are ready to go back to or start up a fitness program and others will find they are fine starting back before the general start date. It’s important women who are pregnant or post birth understand they are unique and see a professional that is educated in women’s health, pregnancy and birth, and exercise. It is important that this professional listens the the woman’s entire story and provides individualised education and advice. Women’s Health Physiotherapists have this training and understanding. #novellahealth #womenshealthphysiotherapy #whitsundays #pregnancyexercise #postpartumexercise #yourstory #pelvichealth See more
03.01.2022 Imagine your wife goes into early labour and your live a hour from the nearest hospital. About 10 minutes down the road you are forced to deliver your breech baby and then perform CPR to keep your baby alive. This happened to a a childhood friend of mine recently. ... I grew up outside a tiny community in Texas. Our closest neighbour was a kid named Neil. He’s all grown up now and has a beautiful wife and now, thanks to him being so brave, a beautiful baby. Their baby will spend time in NICU which will cost too much for me to even think about as this is in Texas. Below is a go fund me if you would like to donate. Neil and his family are a farming family and just the nicest people. They are your grassroots America your true blue. If you are able to donate and want to please do with the link below. If you don’t want to at least read the story in the link and send your well wishes.
02.01.2022 I remember when I was pregnant I was worried about my belly button stretching out or becoming an outie. I didn't tell anyone this or complain about it as I didn't want to sound wrapped up in my appearance but I was concerned about this. I had a flat stomach that I should have appreciated more. These days are gone. I don't look at myself much these days. A quick look before I leave the house if I'm lucky to check for boogers or a check in the rearview mirror of my car at my... teeth. This is only due to time constraints and having one mirror in the house! However, the other day my two and a half year old grabbed two hand fulls of my belly, smiled sweetly, and placed his head down on my belly and rested for about 5 seconds before running off on a new adventure. This is where he came from. This was his first home. He stretched it out and destroyed what lay below but it was the best thing I ever did. As I look at my stretched out belly button, I think back on the time I carried him and birthed him and I look at it with love and respect. I would rather have this than not. These things remind me of hard times and perfect moments. I am reminded about how far I have come and how far I will go. Looking at this stretched skin filled me full of appreciation for what I have and the little person that doesn't care what I look like but finds home in my touch and my presence as I find in his and his father, my husband. No things aren't perfect. I wish my boobs filled out my bra more or my pants would fit the way they used to, but the recipe for that is to buy clothes that fit and to stop expecting things out of myself that just aren't going to happen. Love yourself and be healthy. You are you and that’s great! #womenshealthphysio #novellahealth #whitsundays #yourstory #mumbod #youaregreat See more
02.01.2022 What are these? Well these devices could mean the world to someone. It could help them stop leaking when they exercise or help manage that heaviness feeling in there vagina when they are standing at work all day. These are pessaries for pelvic organ prolapse. Pessaries come in all shapes and sizes and are usually made from soft silicone. As the person who wears them needs to be assessed and fitted, they are not an over the counter device. Where can I get fitted? #Novell...aHealth in the #whitsundays (#womenshealthphysio), some GP’s, and gynaecologists can fit pessaries. However it’s not just about popping this thing in and your all good. This is one way you can manage a prolapse. It’s not for everyone so you will need appropriate assessment and follow-up from one or two of the health professionals listed above. If you are interested in this service please feel free to contact me. See more
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