Glenda O'Neill Novo Counselling in Wodonga, Victoria | Local service
Glenda O'Neill Novo Counselling
Locality: Wodonga, Victoria
Phone: +61 408 261 184
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25.01.2022 Face to face and online appointments are now available for those wanting to work through: Niggling bad habits Incessant anxious thoughts Grief and loss... Self worth issues Past hurts Recurring themes impacting personal life Contact me directly to chat about how I can support you OR make your appointment booking here #mentalhealth #mentalwellness #holistichealth #counsellor #counselling #novocounselling #alburywodongasurrounds #alburywodonga
25.01.2022 "Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations. The best is yet to come." ~ Zig Ziglar This is often true. Sometimes it's hard to see while we're still in the 'difficult' season. Hold on. Reach out. You are definitely worth it.... #mentalwellness #mentalhealth #holistichealth #counselling #counsellor #novocounselling #alburywodongasurrounds #alburywodonga
23.01.2022 H E A L I N G It also doesn't mean we forget about what we've been through...instead using our pain, our grow, to learn, to become better versions of ourselves. This is one of the most empowering, freeing places to discover ... Our scars - visible and invisible - all carry a story...and if we allow ourselves to go on the journey, they also have the potential to tell an incredible story of victory! #healing #emotionalhealing #counselling #counsellor #novocounselling #alburywodonga #alburywodongasurrounds
23.01.2022 We naturally tense our muscles to perform everyday tasks in a competent and alert manner The problem is that we don't 'switch off' these muscles, which then become connected to tension We fail to notice its presence...and the absence of RELAXATION. The tension can cause physical symptoms, such as headaches or back pain, as well as heightened anxiety ... Needless to say it's so important to learn to relax our bodies. By doing this we can learn to regain control over our minds, making it easier to deal with the anxiety we experience. #holistichealth #mentalwellness #mentalhealth #counselling #counsellor #novocounselling #alburywodonga #alburywodongasurrounds
23.01.2022 "What we don't need in the midst of struggle is shame for being human" ~ Brenè Brown Did you know...that SHAME will SHORT CIRCUIT our attempts to change if it is already an issue in our life? I've met few people who don't battle with shame in one form or another ... If you're unsure if shame is an issue for you think about what you do when: you get something wrong? you don't do as well as you'd like? others speak disapprovingly to you? Do you beat yourself up? Does your head go into a spin? Do you feel like a failure? Do you make fun of yourself (in a mean kind of way)? You find it hard to recover? You wonder what others think? Any preoccupation with such thoughts or patterns would probably suggest you're struggling with shame in one form or another Learn to be kind to yourself. Break the shame cycle Do it for you! #shame #bekindtoyourself #mentalhealth #mentalwellness #holistichealth #novocounselling #counsellor #counselling #alburywodonga #alburywodongasurrounds
23.01.2022 It's no secret that caffeine stimulates the nervous system. Right? Now don't get me wrong, I love a good coffee. But the reality is if we drink too much of it it can replicate the symptoms of anxiety, such as restlessness and nervousness What's your caffeine intake like? How is that impacting on your mental and emotional well-being? Try some of the great calming alternatives. ... Tumeric latte or Camomile tea anyone? #holistichealth #mentalhealth #anxiety #counselling #counsellor #novocounselling #alburywodonga #alburywodongasurrounds
21.01.2022 Happy Mother's Day To all the mums, step-mums, foster mums, adopted mums, grandmothers, and women who play the role of mums but without the title We celebrate you today! Thank you for the influence you have in the lives of those you love and care for #mothersday #novocounselling #alburywodongasurrounds #alburywodonga
21.01.2022 Service men and women of Australia - WE HONOUR YOU! I wrote this blog a couple of years ago. Do we really know the plight of our service men and women? Take a few moments to reflect today...
21.01.2022 We only have one body, one mind, one life How we care for ourselves gives our brain messages that shape our self-worth, so we must care for ourselves in every way, every single day #selfcare #selfworth #lovetheskinyourein # #mentalhealth #mentalwellness #counsellor #counselling #novocounselling #alburywodonga #alburywodongasurrounds
21.01.2022 This is such a common narrative: "I'm all for encouraging others to seek counselling to help them with their issues, but me...I just feel like I should have it together. I'd feel weak, a failure if I got counselling. I could work this out if I did a better job...if I just tried harder..." ... This internal conflict is real for so many. There will be some who can work things out without seeing a counsellor. But if things get hard and you're really not sure how to move forward, seeking professional support makes sense...right?? It's like going to the doctor when we're sick and don't know how to get well. Take notice of the narrative you're telling yourself - what would it mean if you were to seek professional support for your mental and emotional health? Are you placing an expectation on yourself that is different from what you'd encourage others to do? Be kind to yourself Offer yourself some compassion Find professional support to help you through your hard times After all, you're human too #mentalhealth #therapy #counsellor #novocounselling #alburywodonga #alburywodongasurrounds
20.01.2022 F I R S T D A Y B A C K Day ONE with clients for 2021... And I can't wait! Appointments are booked out for this week and the following weeks are filling fast If you are looking for counselling support this year please don't wait until the last minute. Get in early where possible. ... I'm still taking online bookings for Zoom appointments AND opening up more face to face appointments at my Albury office in a few weeks. Through January face to face appointments are limited. Enquire directly for availability #counselling #counsellor #novocounselling #mentalhealth #mentalwellness #alburywodonga #alburywodongasurrounds
20.01.2022 REMEMBER THIS Healthy boundaries are NOT walls or fortresses to control others or keep them out of your life. They help you clarify what's important to you. When we understand this and give this understanding to others, those relationships are often strengthened, and as a result become healthier ... #boundaries #healthyboundaries #mentalwellness #mentalhealth #relationships #counsellor #counselling #novocounselling #alburywodonga #alburywodongasurrounds
20.01.2022 This is a great exercise to do at least once a week with yourself We all know how important our physical health is right? Unfortunately our mental health isn't always given the same level of importance It's too easy in the busyness of life to forget to check in with ourselves and genuinely take notice of how we're going ... Plan to check in with yourself this week Set an alarm or a reminder on your phone Make it a specific day/time so you help it become a habit Needing support? Feel free to reach out #mentalhealth #mentalwellness #prioritiseyourmentalhealth #mentalhealthcheckin #counsellor #counselling #alburywodonga #alburywodongasurrounds
18.01.2022 I just love receiving feedback from beautiful clients who are making progress and shifting perspectives to discover a new found strength and compassion toward themselves despite what their past has dictated to them To continue more of this work that I love I have opened up more availability for the following types of sessions in 2020: Face to face Zoom/Skype... Make contact if you'd like to know more or simply book an appointment here *These are full fee paying sessions. Medicare rebates do not apply.
16.01.2022 How often have your emotions been invalidated because someone hasn't understood what you're experiencing? How would you most like to be validated when you have a disagreement or argument with someone close to you?
16.01.2022 "Peace is the result of retraining your mind to process life as it is, rather than as you think it should be." ~ Wayne W Dyer #peace #anxiety #mentalhealth #holistichealth #novocounselling #counsellor #counselling #alburywodonga #alburywodongasurrounds
15.01.2022 Have you ever thought about journalling, but not known how to get started? I think journalling has largely been underestimated as a tool for growing and maintaining mental wellness Here are just a handful of ways that journalling can benefit you...... 'Brain dump' your worries onto paper (rather than allowing them to go round and round your head) Externalise your problems Gain clarity and perspective Set goals and brainstorm ideas Discover insights and solutions you wouldn't get by simply thinking about something Be intentional about what you're thankful for Of course this isn't an exhaustive list, but it'll definitely get you started. Anything else you'd add to the list of journalling benefits? #journalling #mentalhealth #mentalwellness #counsellor #novocounselling #alburywodonga #alburywodongasurrounds
15.01.2022 This is a frequently asked question. So here are some tips to help you clarify to others what is important to you - your time, your space, your relationships, your beliefs and your feelings. Communicate assertively (not aggressively) and make sure others know how their actions are making you feel. Maintain consistency with your boundaries. Try not to send mixed messages. ... Understand that not everyone will respect your boundaries. That's not a reflection on you. Don't spend too much time or energy trying to correct them or educate them. That's not your responsibility. Put some distance between you and those who are not willing to listen and understand. Take notice of how NOT interacting with them causes you to feel. Just a reminder that boundaries are NOT about pushing people away, or trying to punish or control them. #boundaries #healthyboundaries #boundarycrossing #relationships #counselling #counsellor #mentalhealth #mentalwellness #novocounselling #alburywodonga #alburywodongasurrounds
14.01.2022 We live in a world where many of us want a product to fix something we're not completely happy with. There's no limit to the kind of products we can find Often we can be in search of a product, but fail to see that what we really need to engage with is a PROCESS. There are few things in life that produce instant results. Learning to be happy with ourselves while we're in the process produces a deeper level of self acceptance...... #selfacceptance #selflove #mentalhealth #mentalwellness #counsellor #counselling #novocounselling #alburywodonga #alburywodongasurrounds
14.01.2022 This is actually TRUE! Somehow there still exists a huge misconception that therapy is only for those in crisis This couldn't be further from the truth! ... Although therapy is definitely beneficial for those in crisis, it's actually significantly more effective when you're in a 'good place' Proactively engaging in therapy gives you the best opportunity to work through any areas of concern from the past and learn new skills and strategies while your brain has the capacity to learn new things more easily. When we're in crisis this is much harder #counselling #therapy #mentalfitness #mentalhealth #mentalwellness #novocounselling #alburywodonga #alburywodongasurrounds
13.01.2022 Learning to regulate our body goes hand in hand with learning to regulate our mind #mentalhealth #mentalwellness #counsellor #counselling #novocounselling #alburywodonga #alburywodongasurrounds
11.01.2022 Christmas is a time that many find difficult for a lot of different reasons Some people choose to share their struggles. Others don't. While most mental health services are closed during this time it's important to have access to professional support when it's needed Here are some of the most frequently used helplines in Australia for people to access during the Christmas holiday period ... Please share this so that those who need support this Christmas are not left without somewhere to turn #christmas2020 #mentalhealthatchristmas #mentalhealth #mentalwellness #counsellor #counselling #novocounselling #alburywodonga #alburywodongasurrounds
11.01.2022 Interested in ONLINE appointments? Online appointments via Zoom are still being offered. For anyone who lives out of town, is immobile, has odd work hours or simply likes the idea of having sessions in the comfort of their own home, this is the ideal option Since 2020, online counselling appointments have been significantly more popular. And feedback has been so positive. This is what one online client had to say, ... "I was worried about not feeling connected to the counsellor becausewe weren'tin the sameroom, but I was pleasantly surprised. Glenda created a warm, inviting and friendly space that put me at ease for my first online counselling experience." #onlinecounselling #novocounselling #mentalhealth #holistichealth #anxiety #counsellor #counselling #alburywodongasurrounds #alburywodonga
10.01.2022 Today is ONE WEEK until the last appointments are available before Christmas and early 2021. I'll be taking a break with my family from December 24 - January 6, so if you'd like an appointment please contact me as soon as possible so you don't miss out. #christmas #counselling #counsellor #mentalhealth #mentalwellness #novocounselling #alburywodonga #alburywodongasurrounds
09.01.2022 HEALTH is definitely a much more valued commodity for many today than it was a couple of decades ago. As a society we spend enormous amounts of time and money on gym memberships, equipment, treatments, supplements, healthy food and educating ourselves about how we can achieve our ultimate health goals It's so great to see the value people are placing on their health With so much public awareness raising there's an increase on the importance people placing on MENTAL HEALTH now too However, there's still a way to go. The value placed on an investment into an individual's MENTAL HEALTH isn't always as widely valued as other elements of health HEALTH in the truest sense is HOLISTIC It's about valuing every part of our being ~ body, MIND and soul #holistichealth #mentalhealth #therapy #counselling #counsellor #novocounselling #alburywodonga #alburywodongasurrounds
09.01.2022 "I am acutely aware that there are many people this Christmas who are struggling...And how this is far from a ‘picture perfect’ Christmas for so many." In the year that has been 2020 there's a lot that has been gained and lost. I wrote this blog last December. If you're struggling in some way with navigating this Christmas season have a read
09.01.2022 This is a question I'm asked frequently So many people gripped with anxiety about other's opinions and judgements of them Actually this makes a lot of sense BECAUSE our GREATEST HUMAN NEED is to connect with other human beings. When others judge us it's painful. We feel rejected. That can cause us to experience feelings of abandonment. ... This may surprise you...but most of the time those judgements and opinions have very little to do with us OPINIONS come out of our inner core (often unconscious) beliefs and our past life experience. JUDGEMENTS act as 'temporary internal pain relief' when we're not ready to face our heart's inner pain yet. Next time someone tries to impose their opinions and judgements onto you,'s probably not even about you #holistichealth #mentalwellness #mentalhealth #counselling #counsellor #novocounselling #alburywodonga #alburywodongasurrounds
08.01.2022 B R E A T H W O R K Stand or sit quietly. Take a normal breath and hold it. Count to four then breathe out and in your mind say the word 'relax' as you exhale. Breathe in for 3 seconds, then breathe out for three seconds, repeating the word 'relax' on each exhale. At this pace you'll take 10 breaths per minute. ... At the end of the minute take another normal breath and hold for 6 seconds. Then repeat the exercise. Practice this slow breathing technique for 5 minutes at a time, four times a day. Or use it in a challenging situation that may trigger some anxiety for you. #breathwork #breathe #anxiety #mentalhealth #mentalwellness #counsellor #counselling #novocounselling #alburywodonga #alburywodongasurrounds
07.01.2022 Hurt, pain, challenge and opposition need not define us. It will impact on us, but how we move forward will determine who we become #mentalhealth #identity #counselling #mayaangelou #novocounselling #alburywodonga #alburywodongasurrounds
06.01.2022 Self love may sound indulgent to some, but honestly, it's an absolute necessity for each of us to feel our best and give from a place of being filled, rather than a place of emptiness Self love isn't a one size fits all approach But there are some things that can be included in everyone's self care routine The rest is up to discover what fuels you (in the healthiest of ways). Here are a few ideas to help get you started...Make them yours. Start today. M...ake a commitment to yourself to check these off everyday #selflove #selfcare #holistichealth #mentalfitness #mentalwellness #counselling #counsellor #novocounselling #alburywodonga #alburywodongasurrounds
06.01.2022 Call it forest bathing, becoming one with nature, green time, or simply getting outside...there is something to be said for getting ourselves out and amongst nature It's soothing, it's relaxing, its calming And the latest research confirms that the impact on our mental health is overwhelmingly positive when we take time out in nature. ... How much time do you spend outside? #forestbathing #therapy #mentalwellness #mentalhealth #holistichealth #counsellor #counselling #novocounselling #alburywodonga #alburywodongasurrounds
06.01.2022 Gaining control of your thoughts and your anxiety isn't easy. It means learning new skills and putting them into practise Anxiety can make this challenging. However the more you try, the greater the reward Change is almost never immediate. Some days are harder than others. Sometimes progress can feel slow or even nothing at all ... It's not so much how extreme the anxiety is or how long it's been a part of your life. It can be more about the commitment. This may just be the most crucial factor in ditching anxiety for a better life. #anxiety #mentalhealth #holistichealth #novocounselling #counsellor #counselling #alburywodongasurrounds #alburywodonga
05.01.2022 Are you feeling tired and stressed thinking about Christmas? Here are a few tips to help you navigate some of that stress in very practical ways #christmas2020 #christmasstress #managingstress #christmas #counselling #counsellor #novocounselling #mentalhealth #mentalwellness #alburywodonga #alburywodongasurrounds
05.01.2022 It's true! It may not make sense in so many ways, but when we understand that we all have a desire for deep connection, it makes complete sense Sadly, when those who were meant to show us what healthy connection looks like don't have it themselves to give, it makes way for significant trauma for those in their care. This is where the fear comes from. The inner craving for connection doesn't disappear. And so the paradox of craving and fearing connection flows #emotionallyhealth #heartconnection #trauma #paradox #mentalwellness #mentalhealth #counsellor #counselling #novocounselling #alburywodonga #alburywodongasurrounds
03.01.2022 What are you grateful for today? #grateful #thankfulness #blessed #counsellor #mentalhealth #novocounselling #alburywodonga #alburywodongasurrounds
01.01.2022 A great reminder that we don't get to control others' thinking or behaviour. We get to take responsibility for our own, and allow others to take care of theirs. Forcing our expectations, thinking or values onto someone else will always create resistance in the relationship. It's when we embrace what it takes to go on our own growth journey and allow others to do the same that relationships have the freedom to flourish
01.01.2022 Did you know... The top 5 focuses of people's new year's resolutions tend to be centred around the following: Physical Health... Weight loss Eating habits Self improvement Mental Health & Sleep Do your new year goals fit into one of these categories? Or are they completely different? How are you going with your goals now that we're a few days into the brand new year? #newyear #newyearresolutions #mentalhealth #mentalwellness #counselling #counsellor #novocounselling #alburywodonga #alburywodongasurrounds
01.01.2022 Anything difficult requires courage. Be brave. Hope awaits. #hope #healing #mayaangelou #counsellor #novocounselling #alburywodonga #alburywodongasurrounds
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