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State Natural Resource Management Program WA in Perth, Western Australia | Government building

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State Natural Resource Management Program WA

Locality: Perth, Western Australia

Phone: +61 8 6552 2158

Address: Level 12, 140 William Street 6000 Perth, WA, Australia


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25.01.2022 Reef Life Survey Foundation (RLS) volunteers are undertaking long-term community monitoring of fishes, invertebrates (including coral) and seaweeds at Rottnest Island and Ningaloo Reef. Another valuable State Natural Resource Management Program WA funded project.

24.01.2022 The State NRM Office has moved! The State NRM team is now located at 1 Nash Street, Perth. Our contact numbers have not changed, so you can contact us on the main email, [email protected], or call (08) 6552 2158.

24.01.2022 For the last few months, we at Landcare SJ have been busy monitoring and maintaining artificial cockatoo nesting hollows (Cockatubes) across Serpentine Jarrahda...le, as part of the Serpentine Jarrahdale 'Cockatube' Monitoring and Maintenance Program which is funded through State Natural Resource Management Program WA. Once this project has concluded in the coming months, the data will be shared with BirdLife Western Australia, Western Australian Museum and the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation & Attractions One of the highlights from the last few weeks of being in the field was seeing a stunning Marri (Corymbia calophylla) which is an estimated 700 years old! And of course, also seeing all of the views from the top of the Darling Ranges.

24.01.2022 WARNING: Content may be distressing This video is a timely reminder of the impact of cats on our native wildlife. This Short-eared Rock-wallaby was for...aging when it was attacked by a feral cat. The event captured in this footage is not an anomaly - according to Australia's leading scientists, each day more than 3.1 million mammals, like this Rock-wallaby, 1 million birds and 1.7 million reptiles are killed by cats across Australia. Feral cats threaten more than 120 nationally listed species and have been implicated in the extinction of more than 20 mammal species. But work is underway to tackle the impact of cats. The Threatened Species Strategy has ambitious targets to tackle the impact of feral cats, including culling 2 million cats, establishing five feral cat-free islands, and establishing 10 mainland feral cat-free wildlife enclosures. And we're making progress. In the Threatened Species Strategy's Year Three Progress Report, I was pleased to report that feral cat control is estimated to be occurring across 18 million hectares of the Australian landscape. This is reducing the impact on our birds and mammals such as the Western Ground Parrot, Central Rock-rat and the Woylie. We can also all play a role through being responsible pet owners. Conservation is everybody's business and keeping cats indoors will help keep our native species and our cats happy and healthy. To learn more about progress in tackling the impact of feral cats, you can read the Strategy's Year Three Progress Report here: : This video was captured as part of the @NT Department of Environment and Natural Resources Top End regional biodiversity monitoring program.

23.01.2022 We have some preliminary results from the Waychinicup radio-tracking project from Dr Tony Friend & Steph Hill from Parks and Wildlife Service, Western Australi...a (DBCA Science)! The left image shows how the bearings from the 4 radio-tracking towers were combined in a computer program called LOCATE to pinpoint the location of an animal. It is 95% probable that the animal's position is within the area enclosed by the red oval. The right image shows the movement of one female #GilbertsPotoroo (the green dots) between the 4 towers (marked with blue flags) over the night of March 12-13. It's great to see the results of the hard work of the 24 volunteers who assisted with this project starting to emerge as maps of the movement of animals! Thanks again to DBCA, everyone who participated and to State Natural Resource Management Program WA for funding for the project. #NationalVolunteerWeek cc Australian Citizen Science Association

22.01.2022 Have you found an Australian native insect or possibly a damaging pest while digging in the garden? Find out by downloading a reporting app, make a report and wait for the Biosecurity Blitz experts to tell you. Check out some of the amazing community reports Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development - DPIRD have already received for the blitz! Theres still heaps of time to get stuck into the Biosecurity Blitz! Sign up here: download your free reporting app, MyPestGuide Reporter, PestFax or WA PestWatch and get reporting!

21.01.2022 Last Tuesday Augusta upper primary school students returned to their 'Adopt a Spot' for 2019, Turner Caravan Park wetland. Students with the help and co-ordina...tion of Gudrun and the Augusta Land and Coastcare volunteers had planted a few hundred plants in winter. Unfortunately quite a few had been inundated or been eaten by kangaroos. There were however many that had survived well. Students monitored the growth of their plants and walked the whole wetland identifying and pulling out weeds. They were also fantastic at spotting and picking up a huge amount of rubbish. At least one large, heavy rubbish bag was removed from the wetland. A great morning's work by the children! Nature Conservation's Adopt a Spot Program is generously funded by the State Natural Resource Management Program WA.

21.01.2022 $7M to natural resource management. Supporting 85 community projects across Western Australia. See the full list here:

21.01.2022 Full steam ahead! The 2019 Community Stewardship Grants round has closed. The panel have begun the assessment process and the grant round statistics are in! Dont forget to subscribe to State NRM email updates here:

20.01.2022 Expressions of Interest for Round 3 of the Aboriginal Ranger Program are now open. Four million dollars is available in this round for projects up to two years that will be completed before June 2022. If youre interested in applying for funding, head to

20.01.2022 The State NRM Program Office is on the move! As part of a wider Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development relocation of Perth staff, the State NRM team will be moving to new office space at 1 Nash Street, Perth, to start on Monday, 24 May 2021. As we don’t yet have new phone numbers allocated, in the meantime please contact us via the main email, [email protected], or call 0416 473408 to speak with Joanne, or 0429 117681 to speak with Sally. We will post the new contact details as soon as they are confirmed. Our apologies for any inconvenience.

20.01.2022 What a great project! Nature Conservation Margaret River Region are investing the next generation of environmental stewards through their 'Adopt a Spot' program.

20.01.2022 Last Tuesday Augusta upper primary school students returned to their Adopt a Spot for 2019, Turner Caravan Park wetland. Students with the help and co-ordina...tion of Gudrun and the Augusta Land and Coastcare volunteers had planted a few hundred plants in winter. Unfortunately quite a few had been inundated or been eaten by kangaroos. There were however many that had survived well. Students monitored the growth of their plants and walked the whole wetland identifying and pulling out weeds. They were also fantastic at spotting and picking up a huge amount of rubbish. At least one large, heavy rubbish bag was removed from the wetland. A great mornings work by the children! Nature Conservations Adopt a Spot Program is generously funded by the State Natural Resource Management Program WA.

19.01.2022 Attention Landcarers and NRMOs! Dont miss out on your chance to apply for the Plantrite - Wholesale Native Nurserys Grown for Purpose grant Available to community groups state-wide. visit to find out more.

18.01.2022 Last week, Subo and Joanne were out and about, visiting the great conservation works undertaken by the volunteer community and Shire of Cuballing. The Yornaning Dam Rehabilitation Project included planting thousands of seedlings, controlling weedy Bridal Creeper (Asparagus asparagoides) and over 2km of conservation trails and boardwalk. Thanks for the tour Michelle Atwell, Cr. Eliza Dowling and Peter Denton.

18.01.2022 A few spots have just become available at this weeks Saltland Master Class (10th & 11th) with the Gillamii Centre Inc. If you're interested register at: or contact Freya Spencer on 0437 248 206

16.01.2022 2020 Community Stewardship Grants are now open. The Western Australian Government encourage community groups that protect and restore WAs unique natural resources to apply for a share of $7.5 million in community stewardship grant funding. Local Landcare, farming and NRM community groups, schools and local governments are eligible to apply.... To apply, head to:

16.01.2022 Tomorrow is National Threatened Species Day! Our next #ThreatenedSpecies we're sharing is the western ringtail possum. Did you know that their nests are called ...dreys? You can find more information about the Threatened Species Projects South West Catchments Council (SWCC) are working on here: Artwork thanks to Jodie Quinn Wildlife Artist National Landcare Program Landcare Australia Threatened Species Commissioner WA Landcare Network Inc State Natural Resource Management Program WA #NLP #Landcare

16.01.2022 10 days to submit your Community Gardens Grant. Department of Local Government and Communities have opened funding of up to $10,000 per community gardens for local governments and community organisations to plan, develop and implement a community garden project. ... The grants program aims to encourage community members to participate in community life more actively; connect with the environment and other people within their community; implement and develop their skills; and to give back to the community. See more at:

15.01.2022 There is even more time to get applications in for the third round of the Aboriginal Ranger Program. In light of the COVID-19 State of Emergency, the State Government has decided to further extend the Expressions of Interest period. Applications now ciose at 5pm on 29 May 2020. These inspiring rangers from the Karajarri Traditional Lands Association in partnership with Yanunijarra Aboriginal Corporation were recipients in the first round and are doing wonderful work on Countr...y, while building resilience and leadership in their communities.

15.01.2022 $7.5 million for natural resource management. Supporting 96 community projects across Western Australia. View the full list:

14.01.2022 Have your say - Western Australias Native Vegetation The State Government is developing four initiatives to improve the consistency, transparency and information base to enable better management of our States native vegetation. Consultation will be open for 12 weeks until 10 February 2020. The WA Government are seeking feedback online and via community consultation workshops in Perth and regional locations. ... For more info, head to

12.01.2022 Hi all, dont forget to contact us to register for this event if you intend on coming.... we will be catering for a sundowner, and will be able to list you as members to hire the trapping equipment. Call 0428 231 506 if you want to know more.

09.01.2022 With our first quarterly fungi survey under our State Natural Resource Management Program WA grant coming up in a week's time, this is a timely article talking ...about the important role played in the environment by mammalian "diggers" searching for a meal of native truffles! These species are now recognised as "ecosystem engineers" for their major role in improving soil health, assisting water penetration and reducing fuel loads. The article focuses on the digging done by the Eastern Barred Bandicoot but also mentions the importance of other digging mammals such as Potoroos and how their loss has resulted in a decline in soil and ecosystem health (and an increase in fuel loads which could result in increased fire risk & severity). Yet another reason (if any were needed) to try to save #GilbertsPotoroo & all the other threatened "diggers". See more

09.01.2022 The hunt for European wasps is on! Our traps will be appearing in your street trees across the hot spots of Perth. We're already seeing wasp activity with five ...detections confirmed. It wont be long before we start locating nests so get to know what they look like, start hunting and report what you see. Even if you're unsure every report counts and plays an important role in helping us to locate and destroy nests. You can make a report via our free MyPestGuideTM reporter app, call 9368 3080 or email [email protected]. Visit our web pages to check out how to identify them.

08.01.2022 Demonstrating collaboration and a commitment to quality Aboriginal engagement, staff from across DPIRD, DBCA and the Natural Resource Management (NRM) community met last week as part of a new initiative for the 2021 State NRM Program. The Traditional Owners’ Reference Group met for the first time this year to ensure that a stronger Aboriginal perspective is considered as part of the assessment process for the Community Stewardship Grants. Learnings from this inaugural meeting will inform an even more robust and Traditional Owner-driven reference group in future years. It was an honour to work with Traditional Owner and Yamatji Man, Kevin Walley, who shared perspectives from his own Country but also provided a broader cultural overview.

08.01.2022 Attention Grant Writers! The State NRM Office Team are offering one-on-one grant help sessions with Community Stewardship Grant applicants. This is your opportunity to fine-tune project proposals and get feedback on grant applications before pressing that submit button. Make your booking at:

08.01.2022 A passionate local community making a difference in their very own nationally significant wetland, Lake Goollelal. Last Sunday (11 August), 167 passionate local residents donned outdoor gear and took to the tools for a morning of tree planting beside Lake Goollelal at Yellagonga Regional Park in the northern suburb of Kingsley, to celebrate and learn about their local patch of national significance. This event was made possible thanks to funding from the State Natural Resourc...e Management Program WA through a community stewardship grant Joondalup-Wanneroo Times/Weekender Joondalup Friends of Yellagonga Regional Park Inc Photos: Jesse Collins

08.01.2022 With some fantastic helpers from City of Gosnells we built Nesting Islands at Mary Carroll Park Lake in Gosnells. The 'islands' are made from branches that we... cut out of an area we are preparing for planting with native species this year. While birds are roosting and nesting at the lake during Spring, the water levels will have risen to make islands from these piles of branches. The birds will be isolated and protected from the foxes and cats that are frequently wandering around the lake edges eating native wildlife. This projects is funded by State Natural Resource Management Program WA. Friends of Mary Carroll Wetland

06.01.2022 5 Days remaining to submit your Community Stewardship Grant applications. Applications close 10th June 2019 @ 12pm. Start your submission here: Got a query? Don't hesitate to contact the team on (08)9368 3540 or email [email protected].

06.01.2022 Subo and Craig from the State NRM Team are out of the office today and attending the WALGA Animal Pest Biosecurity Management Forum. When it comes to pest animal management, prevention is better than cure.

06.01.2022 YOURE INVITED! Were very excited about next Mondays OFFICIAL BOOK LAUNCH for The Dibbler and the Numbat! Author: Chenda Goldfinch Illustrators: Jerdacutt...up Primary School students Join us; Monday, 2nd December 2019, 2.30pm Ravensthorpe Community Centre Red Room Afternoon tea provided Copies will be available for purchase as will copies of previous RAIN publications (Reflections - Ravensthorpe Flood 2017 and Can You Hear the Black Cockies Call?) Students of all local primary schools will be receiving a gifted small copy in due course. This project has been funded by the State Natural Resource Management Program WA and the Ravensthorpe Agricultural Initiative Network Inc (RAIN) We hope to see you there for this community event. :)

06.01.2022 With the State NRM Program providing funding to many worthy environmental projects around the state, it is always heart-warming to hear of our recipients receiving award recognition for their efforts at the national level. At the recent prestigious 2020 Banksia Sustainability Awards hosted by the Banksia Foundation, Millennium Kids were announced as winners in the Community and Charity category (, for their work with youth and the communit...y on environmental issues. This follows their announcement as winners of the United Nations Association of Australia WA’s Environmental Action Award in October 2020. The Millennium Kids program encourages their youth members to drive the program, developing ideas for environmental projects, and working each idea through to implementation. The youth are supported by adults who assist with costing projects, seeking funding and providing resources when and where required. The State NRM Program is currently funding Millennium Kids’ Green Lab Youth Citizen Science and Action Program that is now in its second year of a three year program, working with Local Government Authorities and schools to improve the urban canopy to reduce the urban heat effect currently being experienced. Congratulations to the Millennium Kids team on a well-deserved award!

05.01.2022 YOU'RE INVITED! We're very excited about next Monday's OFFICIAL BOOK LAUNCH for 'The Dibbler and the Numbat'! Author: Chenda Goldfinch Illustrators: Jerdacutt...up Primary School students Join us; Monday, 2nd December 2019, 2.30pm Ravensthorpe Community Centre Red Room Afternoon tea provided Copies will be available for purchase as will copies of previous RAIN publications ('Reflections - Ravensthorpe Flood 2017' and 'Can You Hear the Black Cockies Call?') Students of all local primary schools will be receiving a gifted small copy in due course. This project has been funded by the State Natural Resource Management Program WA and the Ravensthorpe Agricultural Initiative Network Inc (RAIN) We hope to see you there for this community event. :)

04.01.2022 Our coast, our land: striving together - State Natural Resource Management Program WA 2019 conference has offically opened. We are so excited to learn and meet new people

04.01.2022 Regeneration Field Walk held yesterday, great to catch up with a group of enthusiastic farmers who are trialling different revegetation combinations to make the... most out of challenging soil types. Creating corridors through biodiverse plantings and Anameka plantings for grazing management. Thanks to Dustin McCreery from Chatfield Nursery for being our guest speaker for the afternoon. Thanks to Lizzie King for representing NACC and sharing current incentives which are available for landholders in the area. Thanks to State Natural Resource Management Program WA for supporting this project. A big thank you to all landholders who attended and shared their stories. See more

04.01.2022 What a range of finalists in the 2019 WA Landcare Awards, hosted by the WA Landcare Network Inc and held at The Marina, Mindarie on Thursday 3 October. The success of NRM and Landcare relies heavily on the enthusiasm and commitment of individuals and groups who volunteer their time and effort in support of the environment. Amazing work, all worthy of recognition by their peers in the NRM community.... Thanks once again to the Award Sponsors - Landcare Australia, Australian Government, Virgin Australia, Woolworths, Austcover Pty Ltd and Australian Community Media. Thanks to all the people who make natural resource management work in WA.

04.01.2022 The abstract submission deadline for the 2019 State NRM and Coastal Conference has been extended until the 7th June 2019. Thanks conference organisers WA Landcare Network Inc. Click the link to start your submission

03.01.2022 ATTENTION ALL APPLICANTS: Thank you for considering an application to the 2021 Community Stewardship Grants round. The State NRM Office has identified an issue with the workplan which you will have downloaded from the website. The TOTALS tab has formulae errors so it doesn't calculate correctly. For step-by-step help in correcting this issue or, alternatively, to have a correct workplan emailed to you, please contact the State NRM Program office on [email protected] or call Joanne on mobile 0416 473408.

03.01.2022 Tomorrow is National Threatened Species Day! Our next #ThreatenedSpecies were sharing is the western ringtail possum. Did you know that their nests are called ...dreys? You can find more information about the Threatened Species Projects South West Catchments Council (SWCC) are working on here: Artwork thanks to Jodie Quinn Wildlife Artist National Landcare Program Landcare Australia Threatened Species Commissioner WA Landcare Network Inc State Natural Resource Management Program WA #NLP #Landcare

03.01.2022 Attention Landcarers and NRMOs! Don't miss out on your chance to apply for the Plantrite - Wholesale Native Nursery's Grown for Purpose grant Available to community groups state-wide. visit to find out more.

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