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24.01.2022 Spring Virtual Rose Show 2020 B Grade Results
24.01.2022 NOTE POSTPONEMENT TO 2022 CELEBRATION 21(WFRS 19th Convention) POST Post Tour of New Zealand... NORTH ISLAND OF NEW ZEALAND 3 7 Nov. 2021 by Hayden Foulds Kia Ora, a warm welcome awaits those who travel to New Zealand for the Post-Post Tour following the World Rose Convention in Adelaide in 2021. The New Zealand Rose Society is looking forward to welcoming visitors to New Zealand again as part of a WFRS event. In fact, it will be 50 years since New Zealand hosted the first World Rose Convention in 1971. Day 1 Fly from Melbourne to Auckland where you will be transferred to your hotel. Day 2 You will visit the Parnell Rose Garden and the Auckland Botanic Gardens as you head south to Hamilton in the Waikato region. Day 3 Visit the Te Awamutu Rose Garden and Hamilton Gardens, home to the Rogers Rose Garden. Dinner with members of the Waikato Rose Society. Day 4 You will travel back to Auckland visiting a rose nursery, retail outlet and garden. Dinner with members of the Auckland Rose Society. Day 5 We will see you transferred to Auckland Airport for your flight home or back to Australia. Itineraries may be subject to change and further conditions may apply. The final Itineraries and costs will be published in October 2020 when Registration opens. Reminder to visit our website to keep up-to-date with the latest news and please note that the program for the 2021 WFRS World Rose Convention will be finalised and published in approximately May June, 2020. Photo -The Dugald MacKenzie Rose Garden in Palmerston North NZ (Photo and Information Melanie Trimper) THE DUGAL MACKENZIE ROSE GARDEN The Dugald MacKenzie Rose Garden is the pride of the city of Palmerston North and is located in the Victoria Esplanade Gardens. Opened in 1968, the garden has three sections: the formal rose beds, the trial grounds and the plant variety rights collection. The garden contains over 5000 roses in named beds. It is much admired by many local, national and international visitors who pass through its gates. The garden was named after Dugald MacKenzie the Superintendent of Parks and Reserves from 1946 to 1966. He contributed significantly to the gardens development. The garden is also home of the New Zealand Rose Society International Rose Trial Grounds. These trials, which have been held for 33 years, are for new roses. A panel of judges assesses the roses over a two-year period. Assessments are made for plant health, freedom of flowering, appearance, fragrance, and novelty. Awards are presented at the end of each trial for the highest pointed rose (the Gold Star of the South Pacific), the best amateur bred rose (the Silver Star of the City of Palmerston North), novelty, fragrance and for varieties scoring over 70 points in the trial (Certificates of Merit). There is also a special section of roses devoted to Plant Variety Rights (PVR) varieties and over the years hundreds of roses have been correctly identified by comparing them with roses in the PVR reference collection. The Dugald MacKenzie Rose Garden is open daily to the public from dawn to dusk and is free of charge. It is often used for weddings, gatherings and events such as the annual Esplanade Open Day where thousands gather to enjoy the wonderful setting. In 2003, the Dugald Mackenzie Rose Garden received the Garden of Excellence award from the World Federation of Rose Societies. Reference- New Zealand Rose Society.
23.01.2022 Spring Virtual Rose Show 2020 Floral Art Results
23.01.2022 A post from Jim Sproul in California today. Our hearts go out to all in California. We do understand the devastation, the smoke and loss you are all experiencing, We hope that there is no more loss of lives, of your habitats and the Woodlands. We grieve with you all.
23.01.2022 And the roses still bloomed in the quiet of the park....the bees still buzzed....and the birds ruled the rose garden
23.01.2022 Spreading some love from the Queensland State Rose Garden, Newtown
21.01.2022 Spring Virtual Rose Show 2020 C Grade Results
20.01.2022 AUSTRALIA Rose Society of South Australia Inc. Note To All Members... The Rose Society of South Australia has made several decisions in relation to our activities as a result of the COVID19 epidemic. A number of our currently planned events have been cancelled and most likely more of our future events will also fall under the hammer of the virus. Several other allied activities in which we are involved are also listed. Please stay safe and take the Governments advice seriously. The Cancelled Events in order are : 28th March. Mount Barker Show. 29th March. Wagners Rose Nursery open day. An online tour and floral display has been set in its place. 4th April. Roses in the Heartland Rose and Flower Show at Tanunda Nursery. 4th and 5th April. Peoples Choice at the International Rose Trial Garden - Botanic Gardens. 8th April. RSSA Inc. Monthly Meeting and Free Advice for Rose Lovers at the Burnside City Uniting Church. 17th, 18th and 19th April. The Autumn Rose Show. 13th May. Monthly Meeting at the Burnside City Uniting Church. Adelaide Botanic gardens Management has ceased all ongoing volunteer maintenance activity in the Botanic Gardens of the International Rose Garden an d this includes our volunteers. The Easter event at Newmans is a decision for the nursery to make, but in the interest of members the advice from the RSSA Inc. Council is that members will volunteer or attend at their own risk. Contact Kelvin Trimper if you have already expressed an interest in volunteering. Activities not Cancelled Neutrog pick up of fertiliser and other products ordered by 24th April. Members are advised to take all necessary precautions as you would for any other shopping activity. The order form is in the April Bulletin. Production and distribution of the RSSA Inc Bulletin. Advice and help for rose related issues. Access to web site and Facebook information. Keeping your roses and, garden in general, growing. We need something to cheer us up. Virtual Rose Show (see text below for information about this event.) Branch Activities Branch activities will be assessed as required and members notified by branch officials. 3rd, 4th and 5th April. Chaffey Branch AGM Meeting has been cancelled. 26th April. Roses on Eyre. AGM Meeting has been cancelled. 31st May. South East. AGM Meeting. To be reviewed early May. and now for something different .. Virtual Autumn Rose Show With all rose shows Australia wide cancelled for the coming season, the RSSA has decided to add a bit of colour to our coming season by offering growers a chance to show off their best blooms. RULES Entries will be received from Australian growers/exhibitors during the week commencing Monday April 13th 12.00md and will close on Saturday April 18th at 12.00md Entries should be date identified and the name of the variety stated. If the variety is unknown, please indicate 2 photos per stem/cut will be required, demonstrating both a frontal view and a top view of the exhibit All exhibits to be staged in bottles or vases as if prepared for a rose show 1 entry per class permitted Entries should be emailed to : [email protected]. Photo format can be JPEG, BMP, PNG, GIF or TIFF files. If youre uploading a PNG file, its best to keep the file size below 1 MB to avoid pixellation. Entries will be judged by one of SAs premier judges with results published on the RSSA Facebook page on or after Sunday April 19th Winning photographs may be published in the RSSA quarterly Bulletin Classes are: A Grade (for exhibitors who qualify for the top grade in their locale) 1 stem, any type 1 cut, any type Other Grades (for exhibitors graded other than the above in their locale) 1 stem, any type 1 cut, any type First Timers class (for exhibitors who have not previously shown roses) 1 rose, any type (single bloom or cluster) Remember, gardening has NOT been cancelled! Kind Regards Doug Gregory President RSSA Inc.
20.01.2022 It is with profound sadness that I announce the sudden passing our founding President, Baroness Lily de Gerlache de Gomery. Baroness Lily had a deep passion for... the rose, which was nurtured from an early age. As a young woman her affection for this evocative flower grew to such an extent that she developed an enchanting rose garden at her home in Brussels and became a highly respected rosarian. She was elected President of the Royal National Rose Society of Belgium. During her term of Office, the society captured the imagination of the general public and flourished. When the World Federation of Rose Societies was founded in 1968, Lily was the natural choice to become the first-serving President. Baroness Lilys enthusiasm and dedication for the rose remained steadfast throughout her remarkable life. She touched the hearts of thousands of rosarians from all corners of the globe and enriched their lives by her infinite knowledge and friendly comradeship. Baroness Lily faithfully served the World Federation of Rose Societies with distinction for over half a Century. Her passing is an immense loss to the rose world. Her legacy to encourage all countries to unite in warm friendship and shared wisdom for the genus rosa will live on within the heartbeat of the organisation May this dear lady rest in eternal peace where roses will flourish and bloom to eternity. On behalf of the World Federation of Rose Societies, I wish to extend my sincere condolences to her daughter WFRS President Henrianne de Briey and her dear family. Derek Lawrence Executive Director The World Federation of Rose Societies
19.01.2022 Lest we forget
19.01.2022 CELEBRATION 21 Dear Rosarians of the World, The COVID19 Pandemic has certainly affected all of us. I hope this message finds you, your families and friends safe and well. You may be wondering what the Pandemic means for the planning of the World Rose Convention in 2021.... At this stage, we are continuing with our 2021 World Rose Convention in Adelaide. We hope that we will recover from the Pandemic in time for the convention to proceed, as proposed, in October 2021. If, however, the Pandemic continues and restricts your opportunity to attend Australia for the convention, we will investigate opportunities to seek a deferral of the convention to a later date. We will keep you all informed. Please stay safe and well. Kelvin Trimper AM Chairman, 2021 World Rose Convention Committee. See more
19.01.2022 It is with much sadness that a decision has been made to postpone the 2020 National Spring Rose Show including the 50th anniversary of the International Rose Tr...ials. This was to be held from November 27th 29th in Palmerston North this November and was being hosted by the Manawatu Rose Society. The ongoing situation with Covid 19 has resulted in this decision being made. While the health situation has improved, the economic situation is still very uncertain. The presentation of awards from Trial 50 of the Palmerston North Rose Trials will take place on Sunday 29th November 2020 in Palmerston North and there will be a smaller celebration of the 50th anniversary. The Manawatu Rose Society will now host the 2021 National Spring Rose Show and Convention. The new dates will be Friday 26th, Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th November 2021 at the same venue the Palmerston North Conference and Function Centre. It is anticipated that they program of events will remain much the same. The 50th anniversary book on the Rose Trials will now be published during 2021 and there will still be sales of the Pride of Palmy rose at a later date, details will be made available over the coming months. This also means the Auckland and Franklin Rose Societies will now hold the 2022 National Spring Rose Show and Convention in November 2022 in Auckland. The New Zealand and Manawatu Rose Societies wish to thank the Auckland and Franklin Rose Societies for their understanding and willingness to be pushed back a year in hosting their event. We thank you for your understanding in these challenging times. Janet Pike President, New Zealand Rose Society Hayden Foulds President, Manawatu Rose Society Convenor, 2020 National Spring Rose Show Organising Committee.
18.01.2022 Weeper Bloomfields Courage, festoon Manita and a tripod of pink roses Renown's Rosario
18.01.2022 Spring Virtual Rose Show 2020 Open Class Results
17.01.2022 Morwell Rose Garden. Hope it will not be to much longer before the wonderful Volunteers are back tending to this beautiful garden. Thank you to Irene Coates for supplying this wonderful collage of the garden.
16.01.2022 Some photos from the Minature Rose Show which is on this weekend.
16.01.2022 Queenslands annual pruning day was a virtual event with year with WFRS VP Paul Hains and Toni doing it from their house.
14.01.2022 VALE SUE KINGSFORD OAM ARA It is with great sadness we inform all those who love roses and have known Sue Kingsford who passed away last night after a recent illness. Sue has been at the forefront in many ways as a lover and promoter of all roses heritage and modern and a great friend to all. In the most recent decades she has been the Manager of the wonderful nursery that stocked roses that were very hard to find, - Roses and Friends, at Fitzroy Falls NSW. She has held many... positions over the decades at National, State and local levels as a service to Rose Society Members, and at this time was the Chair of the Southern Highlands branch of Heritage Roses, having convened not long ago a very successful National Heritage Rose Conference in the Highlands. There is so much more to say about Sue and she will be greatly missed. May she Rest In Peace Some photos of moments in Sues life
14.01.2022 Spring Virtual Rose Show 2020 A Grade Results
14.01.2022 Late Autumn 2020...Lots of leaf drop but still flowering These are our amazing red roses Le Sevillana as one of our five Standard Avenue. They have just flowered and flowered. Such performers !Time for a rest and prune very soon.
13.01.2022 The Queensland Rose Society ran their first virtual club meeting last night. An interactive lecture on winter rose care in the subtropics. Members can watch it back later if they werent able to join on the night.
13.01.2022 An Easter treat for you, sit back and enjoy the beautiful photography of Christine Menegazzo from the Victoria State Rose Garden!
13.01.2022 Download past editions of the Australian Rose Annual. With the release of the 2020 Australian Rose Annual, past Annuals from the current editor have been made available for free download at #AustralianRoseAnnual #NRSA
13.01.2022 The garden doesnt look quite like this right now as it is winter, but feel free to join for a subtropical garden pruning lesson. This is being done for the Queensland Rose Society so is aimed at Queensland gardens. All are welcome.Viewed from the rose society Facebook page (linked).
13.01.2022 REDEDICATION AND OPENING OF THE DAPTO RIBBONWOOD PEACE ROSE GARDEN. - 29 April 2021 Opened originally in 1985 as part of the ‘Australia Remembers’ celebration o...f 50 years since the end of Workd War II We had a beautiful sunny day and had many people come to celebrate the rededication of the Peace Rose Garden by the Lord Mayor of Wollongong Gordon BRADBERY AM. Other guests were Stephen Jones, Federal Member for Whitlam, Councillors Ann Martin, Dom Figliomeni, Tanya Brown and Members of the Dapto-Port Kembla RSL, Dapto Seniors, Jenny Thompson Manager of Library and Community Services Wollongong Council, Joanne Fisher who is Illawarra Rose Member and one of the original planters of the garden, Colin Hollis who opened the garden in 1995 as Federal Member for Throsby, members of the Illawarra Rose Society and those who planted this garden, members of the Dapto Ribbonwood Centreand of the community. A very special guest was our wonderful Dapto identity- Fred Moore. After the speeches morning tea, a display of roses and a slide show of the development of the garden was enjoyed by all present. The main theme was our daily quest for peace - in ourselves, the community, our country and our world
12.01.2022 For more information about the programs offered go to the website of The Rose Society of NSW The event has been postponed to 2021
11.01.2022 Massive thanks to Wagners Rose Nursery for the generous donation of 600 #barerooted roses for the #fireaffected gardeners of #KangarooIsland and the #AdelaideH...ills. At a time when demand for roses is higher than ever and stock is short, this wonderful #donation will bring joy to so many who have lost so much. Brian and Benedetta Wagner and their kids are pictured with one of the four boxes. Check out video I filmed at their nursery for Gardening Australia . #mypatch #abcgardening #SophiesPatch #regrowthgardenrecovery See more
11.01.2022 Drone video kindly provided by the Mornington Peninsula Shire of the beautiful Mornington Botanical Rose Garden
11.01.2022 Trying to answer the question of how we look after our members during this challenging time.
10.01.2022 Note that the International Convention has now been postponed from 2021 to 27 October-3 November 2022
10.01.2022 A promise fulfilled PLANTING OF ALLAN READ ROSES IN THE WOLLONGONG BOTANIC GARDENS Today we were thrilled to at last after four years of waiting, we planted som...e roses bred by our Illawarra and Shoalhaven rose Breeder - Allan Read, in the Botanic Gardens of Wollongong. The two roses were 3 bushes of Sarah Anne named after his wife, and six bushes of Shining Bride. Sarah Anne was the first registered Australian bred Miniflora and is a lovely pink rose with a sweet perfume. We were very grateful to Jim Cunningham for budding these roses and bringing them all the way down this morning. It was even more wonderful that Allan was able to enjoy the planting and could talk to us whilst seated with his fellow residents in front of the large screen at the Culburra Beach Retirement Centre. Our thanks to Pam for organising this. Thanks also to James Beattie from the Livings Collection Curator, to Daniel Bishop the Curator of the Gardens, to Karen Holmes responsible for parks who has been on the journey with us, and to Paul who helped us plant the roses. The Wollongong Botanic Garden is turning one half of the rose garden into an Australian bred rose garden and the other half will be European and others. They look forward to welcoming delegates to the Garden during the National Rose Championships in Kiama now postponed to October 2021 See more
10.01.2022 Postponement of 2021 WFRS World Rose Convention We wish to advise that the WFRS has postponed the 19th World Rose Convention that was due to be held in Australia in October 2021. This is due to the impact of the ongoing COVID 19 pandemic, which will affect worldwide travel for the foreseeable future. The 19th World Rose Convention will now be held between 27th October 3rd November 2022. More details will be provided over the coming months.
10.01.2022 The Wollongong Botanic Gardens are organising two beds of Australian bred roses. We are about to plant some of Allan Reads Roses in early August, and hope Alla...n,a local and retired Breeder of Roses, will be able to come to the planting, though difficult to know at this stage of Covid-19. The Gardens also would like a section for Australian women rose Breeders and Ive been unable to find a Marguerite Parkes rose for them. If anyone has or knows of a Marguerite Parkes rose(s) they would be happy to contribute or any other Rose by an Australian woman rose Breeder the Gardens would love to have one for this section. See more
09.01.2022 The 2020 Australian Rose Annual is in the mail... Available with your membership of the Australian State Rose Societies that for the NRSA.
09.01.2022 An exciting day in the Rose Garden today. Weve been tracking down some of the harder-to-find Australian bred heritage roses in partnership with the The Rose S...ociety of NSW and their network of passionate rose lovers, some of who joined us in the gardens today. Two rose beauties have arrived today and set to flower next month and were kindly propagated by Jim and Patricia Cunningham. Jim also gave expert onsite planting advice today and kept us all on our toes Both were bred by Allan Read of the Illawarra and Shoalhaven, with Rosa Sarah Anne (named after his wife), being the very first miniflora rose bred in Australia in 1996, and Rosa Shining Bride a miniature rose bred in 2000. Allan Read has a long history and passion in breeding prize-winning roses and was the President of the National, State and Illawarra Rose Societies in the 1990s. Allan was not able to join us in person but luckily he could FaceTime with us to plant his wonderful roses. Colin Hollis President and Kristin Dawson Secretary of the Rose Society of the NSW have been a great help throughout sourcing these and many other roses and were able to help us coordinate the planting today to secure these roses in our collection.
07.01.2022 The People’s choice at The National Rose Trial Garden
07.01.2022 Since last weekend (14-15 March) our world has been turned upside down here in Australia though it has been thus for many weeks in other parts of the world with... the Covid-19 crisis. With social isolation and quarantine our social and rose activities have been curtailed. As the end of October is still too far ahead to make any decision our Kiama 2020 Conference Committee continues to prepare for the 2020 National Rose Championships and Conference so it will be well organised and enjoyable. At the same time the Committee is monitoring the situation and ready to adapt in a timely way should we need to. Everyone stay safe, your health and well being are the prime priorities and enjoy your roses. Kristin Dawson. Conference Convenor See more
06.01.2022 Special Message from Bob Martin, President, American Rose Society March 17, 2020 Dear Friends in Roses,... Considering the widespread concern and response to the COVID-19 pandemic, I am taking this opportunity to address the members of the American Rose Society. The American Rose Society is concerned about the well-being of our members, our local societies and our staff at the American Rose Center. Accordingly, like many other organizations, we ask that you follow the guidelines of the CDC and other health officials in taking all precautionary steps to ensure the safety of you and those around you. We also ask all local societies to reconsider previously scheduled meetings, rose shows, seminars and public demonstrations, especially those within the next eight weeks. This decision is the responsibility of the local and district officers and directors, and event chairs. In evaluating whether to cancel such events, we ask you to consider and follow the advice of your local authorities regarding the size of gatherings and the use of public facilities. In making any decision, we suggest you err on the side of caution considering that a large percentage of our members are in the vulnerable population of age 65 and above. We are aware that the Colorado Springs convention is currently scheduled for June 17-21. Although that is outside the end date set by existing directives, it is still close. Convention organizers will be discussing the matter with hotel representatives. We are monitoring this situation closely and will advise of any changes in the convention plans. We have also been working on having a fall board meeting in conjunction with the South Central District Convention now scheduled October 15-18 in Farmers Branch, Texas (North of Dallas). It is too early to say how this might be affected, if at all. We are also taking action to ameliorate the effects of cancelled events on those whose judging and CR credentials are in need of renewal. Judges whose renewals fall this year will be given an additional year. Further extensions will be given where needed. As an alternative, our Strategic Planning Committee and Consulting Rosarian Committee are exploring a substantial increase in our capability to conduct programs electronically. We also discussed at our recent EC meeting our capability of holding a Board meeting electronically if that were to become necessary. We are also taking precautions to keep our employees of the American Rose Society safe. Only essential personnel will be required to report for work at the headquarters of the American Rose Society for the next two weeks, and for so long thereafter as may be necessary. Instead, most of our office employees will begin working remotely from home. We will, however, have one employee on site in the office during normal business hours who will continue to answer and transfer phone calls as well as check/process mail. In addition, the grounds crew will continue to work in the gardens of the American Rose Center but be instructed to not be in close proximity of one another at any time. In conclusion, I remind you that working and enjoying your rose garden is a safe event. Here in Southern California our first bloom approaches and promises to be a good one. Please join me in sharing your blooms and gardens on Facebook and Instagram in order that we might remind one another that the roses are going to continue to bloom and we will all get through these trying times together. Yours in Roses, Robert B. Martin Jr., President American Rose Society
05.01.2022 Join us tomorrow at 10 a.m. CST when Don Morgan at Americas Rose Garden will go live on Facebook Live!
04.01.2022 Virtual Rose Show 2020 Results In the first ever rose show to be held online by the Rose Society of South Australia we are pleased to publish the following res...ults. Judged by eminent judges Dean Stringer OAM and Gavin Woods over the weekend. Judges advised that: Exhibits were judged on Standard requirements, quality of photography was not assessed. It is important that when showing a profile view, the entire stem and foliage is displayed. The exhibit should include the top of the container in order to capture the stem in totality and to provide a sense of scale. If exhibiting Full Bloom roses or roses with stamens, those stamens should be visible in the photograph. It was a pleasure to judge this first virtual rose show, we would like to thank exhibitors for the effort undertaken in order to participate. Class 1 Barbra Streisand by Merv Trimper Class 2 The Fairy by Wendy Trimper Class 3 Kardinal by Jenny McCormick Class 4 Graham Thomas by Penelope Schulz Class 5 Joyce Abounding by Ralph and Roslyn Parsons This Virtual Rose Show emanated from an idea put forward by Peter and Brenda Burton.
03.01.2022 Welcome to the National Rose Society of Australia Inc Facebook Page. This page was established by the NRSA Executive with the aim of sharing information of relevance to our members to keep them up to date on what is happening around Australia and Internationally. Kristin Dawson (NRSA Secretary) and Paul Hains (NRSA Webmaster) are the active Administrators for the page. Please invite your rose loving friends to "like" the page.
03.01.2022 Many of our members know Sheenagh over the years and would be interested in seeing her special rose. Congratulations Sheenagh Gail Birss wrote This morning at a Zoom meeting attended by society members, friends and family and the esteemed and world renowned rose breeders from Viru Roses in India, Viru and Girija Viraraghavan, Rosa 'Sheenagh Harris' was named for our past president (2004-2006) Sheenagh. Sheenagh is also a past president of the Word Federation of Rose Societies (2009-2011) and has done a lot for the rose in South Africa and in the world. Congratulations, dear Sheenagh, and enjoy your beautiful rose!
02.01.2022 In Queensland we are holding virtual committee meetings to manage our society. Our plans are to hold monthly meetings and events via live stream on Facebook. Even our pruning demonstration will be a virtual event.
02.01.2022 The TA Stewart Memorial Award is presented to a person deemed by the Contributor Societies as having given outstanding service to the Rose in Australia and New Zealand. It is managed by the Rose Society of Victoria-and awarded annually. We congratulate Jim Cane our dedicated Treasurer of the National Rose Society of Australia on receiving the T A Stewart Memorial Award. This was announced at the AGM of the NRSA. Being held as a Zoom meeting unfortunately the Award Trophy coul...d not be presented to Jim in person and will be presented to him at the NRSA official dinner in Kiama 2021. The Trophy was held up by Sandra Turner the President of the Rose Society of Victoria for all to see during the meeting. RSV administers this Award. Jim has held the position of Treasurer since 2001 and has improved systems for financial management over this time. Jim is a Churchill fellow having studied Botanic Gardens management at Kew Gardens in 1996. He was employed at the Royal Botanic Gardens in Tasmania for 36 years including a period of time when he was the Acting Director. Jim also held positions in the Rose Society of Tasmania including Secretary, and was the Vice President of the NRSA in 1994 and National President in 1996. When the RST disbanded in 1999 Jim became a member of the Rose Society of South Australia. Jim has been actively in horticultural and rose activities in Tasmania as a judge, in tending the Rose Garden of the local Catholic Church and his own extensive rose garden. Jim has contributed to the australian Rose Annual and participated in WFRS International Conventions over the years. Jim is most deserving of this Award
01.01.2022 It is with sadness and regret that we say goodbye to Evette Franklin, who has decided to retire from her position as Sponsorship Co-Ordinator from Neutrog. Eve...tte has been with Neutrog for 8 years, and is much loved by all who has come into contact with her, including many members of our endorsing societies such as the Rose Society of South Australia inc., Heritage Roses in Australia Inc., The Rose Society of WA, The Rose Society of NSW, The Rose Society of Victoria Inc., the Queensland Rose Society Inc., The Orchid Club of South Australia Inc, the Orchid Society of Western Australia, the Cymbidium Orchid Club of South Australia, the Cymbidium Club of Australia Inc., the Cymbidium Orchid Society of Victoria, the Rare Fruit Society of South Australia, Camellias South Australia, Camellias Illawarra, the NSW Camellia Research Society and the Australian Plants Society Victoria. Evette is pictured here with Managing Director, Angus Irwin, receiving a lovely handbag and other gifts from everyone at Neutrog. We wish you all the best Evette!
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