NSW RFS | Non-profit organisation
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25.01.2022 Have you got Fires Near Me NSW on your smartphone? Make sure you have the latest version to get the latest updates including user profiles and your notification inbox.
24.01.2022 A reminder for Callala Bay residents: Callala Bay RFB will be conducting a small pile burn at the station tomorrow morning Sunday February 21, weather permitting. There may be smoke in the area so please exercise caution.... Please remember during the Bush Fire Danger Period in the Shoalhaven LGA permits are required for lighting any fires. To obtain a free Fire Permit please contact the Shoalhaven Fire Control Centre on (02) 4424 4424 during business hours Monday - Friday. Thank you for your support and cooperation.
24.01.2022 If you are planning to undertake any kind of burning within the Shoalhaven Local Government Area please ensure that you are aware of and comply with the attached requirements.
23.01.2022 The Fire Danger Rating for the Illawarra and Shoalhaven is Severe for Saturday 1st February, with a Total Fire Ban in place from Midnight tonight.
23.01.2022 - : Non-essential travel to regional NSW towns and remote communities must be cancelled now and Easter holidaymakers should indefin...itely postpone their visits. : You must stay home unless you’re going to work (where you can’t work remotely); school or an educational institution; shop for food and essentials; get medical care or supplies, or exercise. Do not gather in public except for members of the same household or where the gathering is essential for work or education. This also excludes shops and shopping centres (which you may attend with 1 other person). : Public health orders have been issued to protect the community and reduce the spread of COVID-19. Breaching these orders (under the Public Health Act 2010) is a criminal offence and attracts heavy penalties. For individuals, the maximum penalty is $11,000, or imprisonment for 6 months, or both and a further $5,500 penalty may apply for each day the offence continues. NSW Police Force may also issue on-the-spot fines of $1,000 for an offence. For organisations, the maximum penalty is $55,000 and a further $27,500 penalty may apply for each day the offence continues. Find out more at https://preview.nsw.gov.au/covid-19/public-health-orders -: You can report anyone who doesn’t comply with public health advice to Crime Stoppers online at www.nsw.crimestoppers.com.au - NSW Government
23.01.2022 Here to help. More than 200 NSW RFS firefighters have gathered in Port Macquarie to help with the massive flood clean up effort. They’re part of a multi agency ...team including FRNSW and the Defence Force, who will be helping residents by hosing out homes and businesses, and removing damaged items. We are proud to do our bit as part of the team. See more
22.01.2022 Want to light a fire ? 1. Ring Shoalhaven Fire Control Centre 44244424 & notify intention to burn OR use link below. 2. Give your neighbours 24 hours notice.... 3. Follow all other safety requirements, monitor the weather, keep a charged hose near fire & don’t leave fire until out & cold. Please consider washing on neighbours lines if you are lighting the fire in the morning.
21.01.2022 Midnight tonight officially marks the end of the Bush Fire Danger Period for the Shoalhaven. See attached media release from Superintendent Mark Williams.
21.01.2022 FDR for Thursday 30th January 2020 will be very high.
21.01.2022 Fire Danger Rating for the Illawarra /Shoalhaven for Thursday 23rd is Severe with a Total Fire Ban in place.
19.01.2022 Members from Callala Bay and Currarong are currently undertaking a small hazard reduction burn at the western end of the Currarong Village. Smoke will be visible in the area.
18.01.2022 You don’t have to live right near the bush to be at risk. Even if your home is a few streets back, you may be at risk. Can you guess the main reason homes are lost during a bush fire? Find out more about preparing for the fire season at myfireplan.com.au #getreadyweekend #nswrfs
18.01.2022 Don’t forget our Fire Preparation sessions this coming weekend. Saturday will have two sessions at 10am & 2pm. Due to COVID restrictions numbers will be limited. On Sunday the brigade will hold another two sessions, 9.30 on the Fire trail at the back of Stott Cres & 11am on the fire trail at the back of Encounter St.
17.01.2022 The Fire Danger Rating for the Illawarra/Shoalhaven for Monday 16 November 2020 is Very High. All Permits are suspended for 24hrs from midnight tonight.
17.01.2022 Merry Christmas and a big thank you to all of the residents of Callala Bay for coming out to see Santa last night! We appreciate your ongoing support and hope you and your families have a wonderful and safe holiday period.
16.01.2022 The Statutory Bush Fire Danger Period ended on 31st of March 2021. From 01st April landholders must notify their neighbours and the NSW RFS before burning. YES,... this MUST be done outside of fire season aswell. Notification to the RFS can be done through the online portal at www.rfs.nsw.gov.au/notify By now, scanning QR codes should be just another task to your daily things, like buying the local paper. As we advance forward with making things easier for the landowners, you can scan the QR code below which will take you directly to the site to lodge your notification. Alternatively use the web link above. We encourage you to use the online lodgement. As a last resort, you can call the local Shoalhaven Fire control center on 4424 4424.
14.01.2022 Callala Bay Christmas Eve Santa Run. The members of the brigade have agreed to take Santa around the village in the Fire truck again this year. Listen for the Siren & Christmas carols from 6pm.... The attached map shows the streets & direction that the truck will travel. For safety reasons, we ask that the children line up on the left hand side ( passenger side )of the street in direction of travel. Let’s make this a very happy event & be very safety conscious as the truck approaches & leaves.
14.01.2022 Total fire bans will be in place from midnight tonight for Greater Sydney, Greater Hunter, Illawarra/Shoalhaven, Southern Ranges, Central Ranges & North Western fire areas. Severe fire danger is forecast. Ensure that you and your household know what to do if threatened by fire.
13.01.2022 This evening 3 members of the brigade attended a small bushfire, which was started by a dumped car alight. The brigade was assisted by Callala Beach & Currarong Brigades
13.01.2022 It doesn’t matter if it is Fires, Wind storms or Floods, all the agencies work together.
13.01.2022 The Fire Danger Rating for the Illawarra/Shoalhaven for Sunday the 2nd of February, is Very High. Permits remain suspended. For further advice www.rfs.nsw.gov.au
12.01.2022 Can you hear the Fire truck ? Yes, Santa will be arriving in Callala Bay at 6pm. He is on a tight schedule so will not be doing all the streets (see previous post for route). Santa is very Safety conscious & ask that all the boys & girls line up on the left hand side of the road in the direction the fire truck is going.... See you all soon. HO HO HO Merry Christmas
12.01.2022 The Fire Danger Rating for the Illawarra/Shoalhaven for Monday 7th of December 2020 is Very High. Permits remain suspended for an additional 24hrs from midnight tonight. https://www.rfs.nsw.gov.au/plan-and/bush-fire-survival-plan
11.01.2022 Make sure you and your family are prepared for anything this winter. Check for fire hazards around the home, such as overloaded power boards. An overloaded powe...rboard can cause a fire. For more fire safety tips visit fire.nsw.gov.au/winter #PreparedForAnything #ProtectTheIrreplaceable #HelpUsHelpYou
11.01.2022 You may have noticed that we have not been as active around the village on Sunday mornings and on social media in recent weeks due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. However, we are still undertaking essential maintenance and continue to attend emergencies as required while following strict social distancing and hygiene procedures to keep our members and the community safe. Today we also say ‘thank you’ and farewell to Commissioner Shane Fitzsimmons who today, after more than 12 years as Commissioner of the NSW Rural Fire Service has decided to move on from the role. We wish him well in his new role as Commissioner of Resilience NSW.
11.01.2022 Many Australians like Jim learned some terrifying lessons in the last bush fire season.
10.01.2022 Please be careful in the vicinity of King George Street, cross of Centre Street at Callala Beach. Powerlines are down across the road in this location. Bollards are across the road blocking traffic, however given the amount of storm damage across the Shoalhaven there is no ETA for Power Company to repair at this stage.
10.01.2022 We would like to thank the Jervis Bay Outrigger Canoe Club for their generous donation to our brigade, and for their hospitality a few weekends ago.
10.01.2022 This Weekend is Get Ready Weekend. Now is the perfect time to start preparing your property for a bush fire. There is plenty of information available about how to prepare your property on the NSW Rural Fire Service Website http://www.rfs.nsw.gov.au/news-and-media/get-ready On the Weekend of the 26-27 September our brigade will be hosting some Information Sessions. ... On Saturday 26 September at 10am and 2pm we will be holding two information sessions at our station, 40 Emmett Street, Callala Bay. On Sunday 27 September we will be out on the local Fire Trails, starting on the Stott Crescent Fire Trail at 9:30am and then the Encounter Street Fire Trail at 11am. Come and talk about your preparation with us, we hope to see you there.
09.01.2022 The Fire Danger Period for the Shoalhaven tomorrow Saturday 28th Nov, will be very High. All Permits are suspended.
08.01.2022 Members of our Brigade along with other RFS volunteer brigades & State Mitigation at the fire at Currarong, known as the Kiama Fire. Our members put in two long & hard days. We wish to Thank them, for losing days of the holiday leave & to also Thank their families. We know that family time is very precious after the fires late last year & earlier this year.... This fire is also a timely reminder that we should all have a Fire action plan in place. Even though we have had some rain, it is amazing how dry the bush is. So please be vigilant this weekend, with the high temperatures predicted, report any fires. Also note that as we are now in the Fire Danger Period, you need a permit to light a fire.
08.01.2022 Just a reminder that the station is open today for two Bush Fire information sessions. First one kicking off at 10am and second one at 2pm. If you have any questions please come down and speak to us.
07.01.2022 The brigade would like to Thank the residents who turned up to our info sessions. We would also like to Thank, the Callala Bay Community Association, who had approached us previously about get Callala Bay Fire Ready. Due to COVID our plans had to be shelved, but in saying that it is again Thank You to this committee, that has Callala’s safety in mind.... I will discuss with the brigade members when we can hopefully hold a few more sessions & arrange some central locations to hold them. We will endeavour to get some posters/ flyers up around the village of when & where they will be held. In the interim please call Iinto the Fire Station any Sunday morning or when the rollers doors are up for a chat. Be Prepared Sue Captain
06.01.2022 DON'T OVERLOAD POWERBOARDS | With more people working from home, avoid the risk of a fire and do not overload power boards. Ensure that your electrical leads are not damaged or faulty and if they are, do not use them! #PreparedForAnything #ProtectTheIrreplaceable
03.01.2022 The Fire Danger Rating for the Illawarra/Shoalhaven for Friday the 31st of January, is Very High. Permits remain suspended. For further advice www.rfs.nsw.gov.au
03.01.2022 The Bush Fire Danger Period (BFDP) will commence tomorrow 1 September 2020 in the Shoalhaven Local Government Area. Permits will be required for lighting any fires. To obtain a free Fire Permit in the Shoalhaven, please contact the Shoalhaven Fire Control Centre on (02) 4424 4424 during business hours Monday - Friday.
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