NSW Ecumenical Council in Sydney, Australia | Religious organisation
NSW Ecumenical Council
Locality: Sydney, Australia
Phone: +61 2 9299 2215
Address: 379 Kent St 2000 Sydney, NSW, Australia
Website: http://nswec.org.au
Likes: 719
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25.01.2022 At Multicultural NSW held at NSW Parliament House. The Minister for Multiculturalism Mr. John Sidoti said the NSW Government was proud to commit $100,000 to support the two-year program which will encourage young people to champion interfaith harmony.
25.01.2022 Join us - International Day of Peace https://www.facebook.com/UnitingChurchAu/videos/621482611871120/
24.01.2022 Latest Council's Newsletter Issue 28, August 2019 https://www.nswec.org.au/news/latest-newsletter-august-2019 Share with your friends and network
22.01.2022 Thursdays, we are in black
22.01.2022 March for the Armenians - Saturday 24 October 2020
20.01.2022 The Palm Sunday rally for refugees for 2021, will be held at 2pm Sunday 28 March at Belmore Park, Central. A march through the streets of Sydney to Victoria Park.
19.01.2022 https://www.nswec.org.au//nsw-ecumenical-council-interfait
18.01.2022 The NSW Ecumenical Council will be hosting a Taize Reflective Prayer on Friday 12 June 2020 at 6.00pm by Zoom and on Facebook Live
18.01.2022 Latest Newsletter May 2020 Issue 30 https://www.nswec.org.au///05/Sharing-Issue-1-2020-1-1.pdf
18.01.2022 The New South Wales Ecumenical Council wishes the Muslim communities in Australia and around the world Ramadan Kareem. May God bless your prayers and fasting and accept your repentance, blessing you and your precious families and communities.
17.01.2022 Let them stay...sign the petition with us share with your church and networks
17.01.2022 The NSW Ecumenical Council is saddened to hear the tragedy in Lebanon. May God comfort the hearts of all those who lost loves ones and the many thousands who were injured. Our prayer and love are with you in these very difficult days
17.01.2022 Today, the Abrahamic Faith Conference was held in Sydney. The conference was fantastic. An excellent talk by the keynote speaker from the Vatican. Excellent respondents from the 3 different faith communities. The event was held at the Leigh Memorial Hall at Parramata Uniting Church
17.01.2022 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity...this Sunday... Joins us by Zoom or on Facebook at 3.00pm Sunday 24 May 2020
17.01.2022 The NSW Ecumenical Council cordially invites you to a Public Forum on "Living Respectfully in a Pluralistic Society" and a Book Launch by Archbishop Angaelos of London. To register and book for the events, please follow the link below https://www.trybooking.com/BCXIL... The NSW Ecumenical Council thanks the Pitt Street Uniting Church for Hosting the Event
15.01.2022 Marching for the Armenians - a call to end to Australian Silence on Artsakh
15.01.2022 Yesterday at NSW Multicultural with the NSW Multicultural Minister, Mr John Sidoti. Well worth while event on discussion. Are you a global citizen?
13.01.2022 Click here for live stream on Prayers for Peace https://www.facebook.com/298064373598528/posts/5210018709069712/?d=n
12.01.2022 Yesterday Interfaith Commission of the NSW Ecumenical Council visited the Sikh Temple in Glenwood. The visit was a good education experience about another living faith that came out of India. We thank the community with their time to educate over 40 people that participate from a number of Christian traditions that attended. The Temple feeds 10,000 people daily. A car park that is able to accomodate 1000 cars. The dinning room was a huge Hall, huge kitchen with large teams working in shifts. God loves His people ... humanity. Understood their language of what is meant in their use of term Guru...and their concept of God...
12.01.2022 Taize Event at South Sydney Uniting Church, Sunday 9 June 2019 https://www.nswec.org.au//up/2019/05/Taize-9-June-2019.jpg
12.01.2022 Latest Newsletter Spring 2019 https://www.nswec.org.au//atta/sharing-spring-issue-3-2019
11.01.2022 The Annual Fund Raising Dinner will be held on 11 August 2019: 3 Course Dinner - Adults $50, Children $30. Key Note Speaker: Rev'd Dr Ray Williamson Special Guest Speaker: His Beatitude Mar Meelis Zaia OAM Where: St Hurmizd Assyrian Church of the East Cathedral, Edessa Hall Address: 7-9 Greenfield Rd, Greenfield Park NSW 2176:
11.01.2022 Newsletter Sharing Issue 31, July 2020 https://www.nswec.org.au//attachm/sharing-issue-2-2020-3-2
11.01.2022 The NSW Ecumenical Council extends its condolences and deepest sympathy for the passing away of their Supreme Head of their Church, thrice blessed, the Most Rev’d Dr Thomas Mar Thoma, 21st Metropolitan of Mar Thoma Church. Our prayers and thoughts are with the Mar Thoma people, here in Australia, in India and abroad. May God comfort their hearts in these difficult days of mourning.
10.01.2022 The Councils Youth Commission has its 1st Workshop Forum on Saturday 7 March 2020. A great success seeing emerging and future leaders for their respective churches and of the Council
09.01.2022 Joins on Sunday at 3,00pm for Week of Prayer for Christian Unity...by Zoom or Join us on Facebook
08.01.2022 Coptic Youth Meet with our Domestic Violence Project Officer, Deacon Oliver, on Thursday 8 April at St Mary's, St Bechamious and St Shenouda Church, Kirawee. In partnership with the NSW Department of Communities and Justice.
08.01.2022 Webinar - 24 June 2020 An Exploration of Creation as God's love story from 5.00pm-6.30pm. Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89977941083 or go to www.zoom.us and enter the webinar ID 899 7794 1083 (no password is required)... The Facebook event ID: https://www.facebook.com/events/282291186488585 Feel free to promote to your groups. https://www.nswec.org.au//webinar-an-exploration-of-creati
07.01.2022 The NSW Ecumenical Council particulates in a round table organised by the Uniting Church in Australia on Nuclear Disarmament.
07.01.2022 New book by Dr. Gideon Goosen on "Clericalism"
07.01.2022 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iIMDGHlmV5s
07.01.2022 NCCA Safer Churches Conference 2019
06.01.2022 Come and join us online for the NSW Ecumenical Service Of Worship
06.01.2022 The NSW Ecumenical Council will have an Ecumenical Service to commemorate the Week of Prayer for Xhristian Unity on Sunday 24 May 2020 The theme this year is taken from Acts 28:2, they showed us unusual kindness. See flyer NSWEC event... NSW Ecumenical invites you you to a virtual attendance by Zoom or via Facebook.
06.01.2022 Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year for 2020
06.01.2022 The Family Violence Commission has been established to help our churches respond to the tragic reality of family violence and work towards its prevention. Churches have a responsibility to understand and stand firm against violence that often happens behind closed doors. Domestic and Family violence is continuing to affect women, children and men in all sections of society. This includes parishioners in our church communities. All sectors in Australia - Government and non-Gov...ernment - are united in the fight against this violence. The NSW Ecumenical Council wants to engage its member churches to stand against family violence that is occurring both within their church communities and also the broader community. This also raises a deeper awareness and responsibility for us as the church to speak out and join our community in supporting those who experience violence and abuse, injustice and discrimination. As well as supporting the work those in our communities who are working at the coalface to support women, children, men and families devastated by such tragedy. Today is National Domestic and Family Violence Remembrance Day and as the church we stand up and say NO to domestic and family violence and light a candle to acknowledge all of the victims of domestic abuse. Domestic and family violence is already seeing an increase due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Dont be a bystander. Stand Up, Speak Out. If you or someone you know needs help, please call NSW Domestic Violence Line on 1800 656 463. In an emergency call 000 Stand up with me and post a photo on your social media platform with a candle and share this message. #DVRemembranceDay #ENDDFV. Reverend Canon Michelle Hazel Jawhary Convener Domestic and Family Violence Commission NSW/ACT
06.01.2022 Latest Newsletter "Sharing", October 2020 https://www.nswec.org.au//latest-sharing-newsletter-no-33-
06.01.2022 https://www.nswec.org.au//latest-issue-of-sharing-a-newsle
04.01.2022 Wishing you and your precious family a Happy Easter
04.01.2022 Latest Newsletter, May 2019 (Easter Issue) https://www.nswec.org.au///NSWEC_Sharing-Easter-2019-2.pdf
03.01.2022 https://www.nswec.org.au//webinar-an-exploration-of-creati
03.01.2022 World Council of Churches delegate to speak in Sydney on 27 June 2019. Places are limited
03.01.2022 Cordial Invitation to attend the service at St Patrick's Catholic Cathedral in Parramatta for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity on Sunday 16 May 2021 at 3.00-4.00pm
03.01.2022 As we approach Refugee Week, Sunday June 16 to Saturday June 22, 2019, St Pauls Anglican Burwood is cordially inviting you, your family and your community to a cantata (song and music) on Dispossession - Lessons Of Darkness Date: Friday, June 21st @ 7.30... Venue: St Pauls Anglican Church Address: 205-207 Burwood Rd, Burwood NSW 2134 Entry by donations at the door. All donations received will be donated to House of Welcome for their Refugee programs Please find the attached flyer for further details and for your network
03.01.2022 Job Opportunity: NSW Ecumenical Council Family and Domestic Violence Project Officer....for full details click below .... https://www.nswec.org.au//advertisement-nsw-ecumenical-cou
03.01.2022 Dear friends, The NSW Ecumenical Council's Overcoming Domestic and Family Violence Commission is hosting the inaugural Standing United Against Domestic and Family Violence Conference. The Conference is organised in recognition of the 16 days of Activism against domestic and family violence and will commemorate the lives of victims lost. We invite you to register to attend the conference, which will be held on Tuesday 1 December 2020. The event is free and is hosted online th...rough Zoom. For more information, please see our attached invitation. To register, visit our registration form here: Registration to the NSW EC Conference Registrations close 30 November 2020. We look forward to seeing you join us. Kindly, NSW Ecumenical Council Overcoming Domestic and Family Violence Commission Click to register: https://www.nswec.org.au//standing-united-against-domestic
01.01.2022 The Theological Reflection Commission will launch an EBook, "A Celebration of Ut unum sint: The 25th Anniversary". The EBook is edited by Rev Dr. Doru Costache and Professor Diane Speed. There are a number of contributors to the book. The keynote speaker is Rev. Prof. Gerard Kelly, notable Catholic theologian and academic. The event is online by Zoom
01.01.2022 Join us for The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Sunday 24 May 2020 at 3.00pm :- *Youtube:* https://youtu.be/dN8-mum5SpE *FB (Cosman Church):* https://www.facebook.com/stcosman.demian/posts/1453596268156524... *FB (NSW Ecumenical Council):* https://www.facebook.com/nswecumenical/posts/3882707815134148
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