NSW SES Port Macquarie Unit in Port Macquarie, New South Wales | Emergency rescue service
NSW SES Port Macquarie Unit
Locality: Port Macquarie, New South Wales
Phone: +61 132500
Address: 9 Central Road 2444 Port Macquarie, NSW, Australia
Website: http://www.ses.nsw.gov.au
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24.01.2022 CAT RESCUE UPDATE Let me hear you say awwww! So our rescued kitty spent a very comfortable night at the council pound and given a warm comfy bed and soft toy to cuddle. He has been named ‘Triton’. As he has not been microchipped, he will go home with a foster carer for the weekend and then stay at the pound for 7 days before being put up for adoption. Looking at the comments on our previous posts, I don’t think it will take too long before he has a forever home. Any takers?... NSW SES Mid North Coast NSW SES Port Macquarie Animal Shelter See more
24.01.2022 Just finished a call out to Hay St in Port Macquarie where a cat was heard in the drainage system. On initial inspection, nothing was found but a different drain was lifted and there it was #catrescue NSW SES Mid North Coast NSW SES
23.01.2022 The weekend is at the end of this tunnel! #FridayFeeling Mid North Coast NSW SES NSW SES
23.01.2022 On the rocks! There's no such thing a too much training. You may have seen us again, down at the breakwall, practicing our search and rescue techniques. This rocky terrain gives us a challenging and interesting environment to hone our land search and patient handling skills. NSW SES Mid North Coast NSW SES
22.01.2022 With winds predicted to increase as the week progresses, it's a good time now to think about securing items in your yard to save any unnecessary damage. #sesvolunteers #windyweather NSW SES Mid North Coast NSW SES
22.01.2022 Time to vote We've had an overwhelming response to our request for names for our new training aid. We have shortlisted a few and the one with the most comments will be used. (PS - several names were fire related but we are the storm and flood people. The RFS attend fires ). 1. Barkley... 2. Mac ( as in Macintosh or Port Mac) 3. Stitch ( Because he/she is stitched) 4. Sandy (As in sandbags) 5. Manny (As in mannequin) 6. Stormy We will decide by Friday. Thank you for your interest. Mid North Coast NSW SES NSW SES
20.01.2022 Name our rescue pooch... This new 'piece of equipment' has been given to us in order to practice rescuing dogs from road crash or urban search and rescue scenarios. The life-sized/weighted mannequin is a great asset to our unit enabling us to be better at what we do. Can you come up with a name for him/her? (Sorry, no prizes, just a bit of fun!)
20.01.2022 Timely and useful information about road closures and traffic hazards. #staysafe #ifitsfloodedforgetit
19.01.2022 Out on a limb.... We've had a few interesting and challenging tree jobs of late which had our chainsaws and volunteers working hard, leaving sawdust in our wake. #sesvolunteers #lumberjack Mid North Coast NSW SES NSW SES
19.01.2022 SELFIE TUESDAY.... All by himself.... NSW SES Mid North Coast NSW SES
19.01.2022 And the winning name is......"Mac" Thank you to everyone who had a bit of fun naming our latest mannequin, Mac proved to be the most popular. We don't think he is going to come when you call him
18.01.2022 Please take care when driving along Hastings River Drive and Fernbank Creek Road due to water on the road and it's expected to rise. If it's flooded, forget it! It's just not worth possibly endangering lives, writing off your car and putting people at risk. What's On in Port Macquarie Greater Port Macquarie Tourism Association #sesvolunteers #flooded #staysafe
17.01.2022 If you're coming back from holidays, bad weather means that some roads and bridges are flooded Stay safe! - Never drive, walk or ride through floodwater... - Stay up to date with the latest flood bulletins here: https://www.ses.nsw.gov.au/ - Stay up to date with road conditions here: https://www.livetraffic.com/ See more
17.01.2022 We don't usually do wild animal rescues but this time was different. An injured koala was located high up in a tree so our extra long ladder and telescopic lights were needed. Our volunteer Leonie was able to access the little fella, who was named by the Koala Hospital Port Macquarie as Sherwood Henry. He is being cared for in their excellent facilities and we wish him a speedy recovery. NSW SES Mid North Coast NSW SES
17.01.2022 Fight fire with .... Extinguishers! Not only do we Tango in the wet . How to put out a small fire is a valuable skill for us to have. Yesterday we learnt all about extinguishers and set various items alight further ensuring we feel comfortable around the heat. The most popular was the homemade mannequin which simulated a person on fire. Mid North Coast NSW SES NSW SES... National SES Volunteers Association #sesvolunteers #welovetraining
15.01.2022 Hold on tight! **Cuteness Alert** Our spontaneous volunteer, Casper, is on his way to another job in his specially designated vehicle, call sign PM QT. That look of determination and concentration on his face makes us think he will be a most excellent new recruit in 2036. NSW SES Mid North Coast NSW SES
15.01.2022 2021 will be different to other New Years but let's just embrace it and see where it takes us. Stay safe everyone, Happy New Year from all your volunteers at the Port Macquarie unit #2021 #sesvolunteers #neverclosed
14.01.2022 Getting ready to rumble.. Thanks again to our great supporters Sunny's Skips for the use of their facilities after hours. Some of our members were being assessed in Participating in a Rescue Operation (PIARO) and Rescue from a depth. It was hot, dusty and sweaty but we wouldn’t have it any other way. We now have a whole new bunch of fabulous volunteers fully trained in rescue so better for our community. #sesvolunteers NSW SES Mid North Coast NSW SES
14.01.2022 Great job Port Macquarie ALS Lifeguards! Mid North Coast NSW SES NSW SES
14.01.2022 Flood boat training Our members has a picture perfect evening to practice rescues in deep water. #savinglivestogether #sesvolunteers NSW SES Mid North Coast NSW SES
13.01.2022 SELFIE TUESDAY! When all your mates are out attending to storm jobs and you are left to fill sandbags by yourself. He doesn’t look too unhappy about it though! #keepshovelling #sandbags #sesvolunteers NSW SES Mid North Coast NSW SES
13.01.2022 Not all heroes wear capes... some wear orange Happy Fathers Day to all the hard working dad's, step-dads, granddads and like-a-dad. Here are some of our volunteers who give up their free time regularly to help protect our community as well as providing for and protecting their families. Enjoy your day gentlemen #fathersday2020 Mid North Coast NSW SES NSW SES
13.01.2022 We had members out again today searching for the missing man around the Lighthouse Beach area. Thank you to all of the emergency services and volunteer agencies for working together to achieve the best possible outcome for the missing gentleman and his family. #sesvolunteers #landsearch NSW SES Mid North Coast NSW SES
12.01.2022 Our members were called out this morning to attend the scene of an industrial accident. A person got their arm trapped in a roller and had to be released. Luckily the roller was easily disassembled by their maintenance officer and the paramedics were able to manipulate his arm free. The patient was taken to hospital by ambulance. Thanks to the cooperation of NSW Police Force NSW Ambulance the ordeal was over quickly. #sesvolunteers
12.01.2022 Part 2 - Videos of the day - water is graceful yet powerful!! Maintain our skills, strengthen our bond, at the ready for when our community needs us! Today members of our Flood Rescue Team head out to Pappinbarra to hone their life saving skills in some of the swollen rivers and rapids further upstream. Training scenarios included casualties in the water including a mannequin submerged underwater in a rapid. Saving Lives and Protecting our Communities NSW SES ... Mid North Coast NSW SES See more
10.01.2022 Last night some of our members participated in Maps and Navigation training. This is an essential tool during searches as often there is no mobile reception and Google maps don't tell you how rough the terrain is. #NSWSES #search NSW SES Mid North Coast NSW SES
09.01.2022 Two vertical rescue teams were activated this afternoon to assist with a person who got in trouble down on the rocks near Nobby's Beach. We abseiled down to establish contact and reassured the man who didn't appear injured. He managed to get down on a rock ledge where he was assisted by Port Macquarie ALS Lifeguards. He was taken to hospital by ambulance as a precaution. A great outcome and fantastic cooperation between all the emergency services. NSW Ambulance NSW Police Force #sesvolunteers #savinglivestogether NSW SES Mid North Coast NSW SES
08.01.2022 2021 New Year’s Resolution? We are looking for more fabulous volunteers to join our unit. Do you like helping people? Don’t mind getting a bit wet and want to learn some awesome skills? Then please to come along to our information night on 3rd Feb to find out more. You MUST register on the NSW SES website: nsw.ses.gov.au (look for the volunteer tab in the top right-hand corner) as numbers are limited. More information will be sent to you once you have applied. Looking forward... to seeing you soon! From all the Port Macquarie Volunteers Mid North Coast NSW SES Port Macquarie News See more
08.01.2022 Over the last week or so due to persistent steady rain, showers and storms, local catchment areas including river systems, creeks and drains along the East Coast and in particular the Mid North Coast area are very full. With thunderstorms and more rainfall predicted for this area again over the coming days will mean that rivers, creeks and causeways will see rapid water rises with little notice. Please be aware of local conditions and stay up to date with the BoM issued war...nings. If you are in an area that is usually affected by isolation due to rivers and creeks rising now may be a good time to resupply if it is safe to do so. With expected storms and possible heavy local rainfall which may impact you again over the next week. If you require assistance from the SES call 132500. If your situation is life threatening call 000. Don’t drive, walk, ride, paddle or play in flood water.
08.01.2022 A lot of the jobs we attend could easily be avoided if gutters and drains have been cleared. Of course, unusual amounts of heavy persistent rain overwhelms drainage but if you've flooded before, you know where it will flood again. Sandbags can be purchased quite cheaply at hardware stores and you can use soil from your garden or purchase sand from landscape suppliers. We may have filled sandbags available but get through many in a single night. Don't get caught out in the middle of the night... be prepared. #ifitsfloodedforgetit #sandbags
07.01.2022 Maintaining our skills, strengthening our bond, at the ready for when our community needs us Today members of our Flood Rescue Team drove out to Pappinbarra to hone their life saving skills in some of the swollen rivers and rapids further upstream. Training scenarios included casualties in the water including a mannequin submerged underwater in a rapid as well as a brush up on water hydraulic skills. NSW SES Mid North Coast NSW SES
07.01.2022 On a high... We’ve had several rescues off of the Lighthouse Beach cliff/rocks so a good time to practice when time isn’t of the essence. Members from two teams participated, whilst our other two teams stayed at HQ. This way we can ensure as much socially distancing as possible and the four teams never train at the same location. #lighthousebeach NSW SES Mid North Coast NSW SES
07.01.2022 Another day, another roof or two! This is what could happen when you don’t clear your gutters. Substantial damage was averted by drilling holes into the ceiling to prevent it from collapsing. The landlord of this property will have a hefty repair bill now which could possibly have been avoided with good maintenance. #sesvolunteers NSW SES Mid North Coast NSW SES
06.01.2022 Now that's a tarp! They do things big in QLD. Members from NSW units, including our own, ventured up north last week to assist with the clean up. Mates helping mates #stormdamage #haildamage NSW SES Mid North Coast NSW SES Queensland State Emergency Service Volunteer Association
06.01.2022 What's your dad up to today? Whilst some will be enjoying breakfast in bed or maybe a bbq later, some of ours (alongside other volunteers) are taking part in a search for a missing person. #missingperson #SuperDad Mid North Coast NSW SES NSW SES
06.01.2022 Search for missing man Our volunteers were mobilised today to assist the NSW Police Force and Port Macquarie ALS Lifeguards in the search for a missing man at Lighthouse Beach Port Macquarie this afternoon. We trained there on Wednesday so were able to set up being confident that we already knew the terrain NSW SES Mid North Coast NSW SES #landsearch #sesvolunteers
05.01.2022 We were lucky to have a few special guests come up to see us training last Wednesday. None other than the Assistant Commissioner, Sean Kearns, Northern Zone Commander, Stephen Patterson and Deputy Northern Zone Commander, Tony Day. This gave us the opportunity to showcase our vertical rescue skills as well as getting to know each other better. #thanksforcoming #sesvolunteers NSW SES Mid North Coast NSW SES
04.01.2022 More pictures just in from tonight's cat rescue. It was taken home for a cuddle in front of the fire whilst waiting for the council ranger to collect. It will be at the pound tomorrow #catrescue NSW SES Mid North Coast NSW SES
04.01.2022 We had volunteers out tonight at Tacking Point Lighthouse. We train quite regularly for this very reason. NSW SES Mid North Coast NSW SES
04.01.2022 And the rain keeps coming Yesterday we had our day crew making temporary repairs on leaky roofs as well as sandbagging and then our other volunteers rocked up after work to help top up the stockpile. One resident had a spontaneous new water feature, no thanks to the run-off from a vacant block next door. A channel was built to try and stem the flow but then we had to call in reinforcements of a bobcat to cut a trench to help alleviate the deluge. #sesvolunteers #ifitsfloodedforgetit #stormyweather NSW SES Mid North Coast NSW SES
03.01.2022 Yesterday we were pleased to be part of a NSW team, heading north to help out QLD SES. Over 1500 were outstanding after severe hail storms hit the area. Safe travels everyone
02.01.2022 We've got those Friday feels! :D Swinging in to the weekend like...... #mileycyrus #welovetraining #sesvolunteers NSW SES @Mid North Coast NSW SES
02.01.2022 More Industrial & Domestic training by some of our members last night whilst others practiced placing a tarp on a roof. Lots of different scenarios to keep them interested and engaged. Mid North Coast NSW SES NSW SES
01.01.2022 We love our Urban Search and Rescue scenarios (USAR) as we never know what is in store for us, just like in real life. NSW SES @Mid North Coast NSW SES
01.01.2022 Time to get busy! #sesvolunteers #flooded #stormseason
01.01.2022 **Edit** Don't try this at home... This one left us scratching our heads a bit. A vertical road crash rescue. The burning question is why? The reason being...this is the awesome training by ISH24 who specialise in confined space and vertical rescue. This scenario simulates a car going off a bridge or down a pit. Mid North Coast NSW SES NSW SES
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