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Rotary Club of Numurkah in Numurkah, Victoria | Non-governmental organisation (NGO)

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Rotary Club of Numurkah

Locality: Numurkah, Victoria

Phone: +358 6 23252

Address: PO Box 149 3636 Numurkah, VIC, Australia


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24.01.2022 D.G. Bruce Anderson official club visit by Zoom. D.G. Bruce ensured the club he will try and visit in person, prioritising those not visited in person. District Conference current plan is Wangaratta March 18-20. Options include a May date or Conference with District Handover if unable to proceed. Baton Relay to celebrate 100 years of Rotary in Australia and New Zealand. If unable to proceed will pass on to AG to reach each club. District project to celebrate 100 years of Rot...ary is an immunisation campaign in the Pacific Region. Membership levels discussed with reasons for decline from 44 to 35, mental health, expecting too much, not educating members, business commitments, death and age. Bruce commented harder to keep everyone engaged and active in larger clubs. District to revamp programs such as RLI with introduction of a Basic Introduction to Rotary, which would be less confronting to new members, with RLI for more experienced members. Review of club; good emphasis on youth, community, website. Club in good shape, Constitution and By-Laws are comprehensive, keep up to date. Role of District is to help clubs to do what they do best. Marilyn introduced the "Partners Project" Partners Project - Rotarians Against Malaria. Mascot "Aussie the Mozzie". To mark 100 years of Rotary in Australia and New Zealand publish a booklet celebrating achievement of each club with short history and a current picture of club, with a project to mark R100 in community.

24.01.2022 Paul Quinane guest speaker. At two months, son Ned tested positive to Down Syndrome. A scary time, but further tests showed no issues with heart. Ned brought an enormous amount of joy to the family.... In 2014 decided to organise a bike ride to create awareness on World Down Syndrome Day 2st March. Many offers of help from friends keen to ride, with a parents support car. With 3 weeks notice organised ride from Cobram to Mulwala, Yarrawonga, Chiltern, Wangaratta, Benalla, Shepparton, Numurkah Cobram. BBQ at finish to celebrate. Encouraged to make it an annual event. Now riding the route in reverse in order to avoid strong head winds. Raised over $17,000 for Cobram Special School and Down Syndrome. Established a Facebook page 321 Ride for Down Syndrome. On a personal note after 23 years in munitions manufacture became Business Services Manager for PALS, supporting others with needs.

24.01.2022 Today and all days... #bekindbecalmbesafe

24.01.2022 FANCY DRESS MEETING CHAIR: MICHELLE SQUISH DAVIS: Squish began the night with a musical quiz, "Name the Tune". the tunes played on her melodica. The members were then divided into "Break-out Rooms". Room #1 Chris Hardham, Ross, Lou, Terry and John... Update on members activities including ladder accidents. Room #2 Gary, Ivan, Jennifer and Kate. Talked rubbish! Room #3 Allen, Chris Sutton and Rex. Poems and music. "Don't worry everything going to be alright". Kate quoted a poem by Tammy Muir and Chris sang a song with her ukulele . Room #4 Sally, Lorraine and Stephen. Lorraine quoted from "Tale of Two Cities" by Charles Dickens. "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other wayin short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only" Link to Tammy Muir's poem as quoted by Kate.

23.01.2022 Cathy Booth, spoke from Queensland via Zoom on her founding of Umoja Orphanage in Kenya. Started from nothing, in 2011 holidaying in Kenya was impacted by the poverty and the need for a children's home, returned three times before purchasing 15 acres of land after many meetings in Kenya. 134 volunteers, mostly Rotarians, backbone of project, raising money step by step. Except for houses, everything built by volunteers. First structure was a caretaker's house in 2014 commenced... building the first house, which was finished and ready to receive children in 2016. In 2018 commenced fundraising for second house, a family home, not a dormitory. Orphanage is involved with community assisting in medical treatment and workshops in agriculture. Proceeds from farm cattle and chickens and vegetable gardens providing funds for orphanage. Children have been abandoned or sexually abused and chosen by Government Department to attend orphanage. Last year drought followed by floods lost crops. COVID-19 Safari Business had no clients, sponsorship decreased. Seeking contributions towards second home and sponsorship of children. Slowly the farm is recovering and able to sell harvest. In Kenya every 15 seconds a child is orphaned, with 2 million orphans. Vulnerability of orphaned children to abuse. Pride in staff. "We are achieving the extraordinary". See more

22.01.2022 What do we "do" in Rotary ? This is not an easy question to answer, we are not a charity, we are not a religious group, we are a group of people who are willing to help others. Do you want to join us and help? I'm just asking.

21.01.2022 What time is it? Time to join Rotary......

21.01.2022 Sonia Strahan Prostrate Cancer Specialist Nurse with G.V. Health as guest speaker. Position funded by the "Biggest Blokes Lunch" a fundraiser for men's health which has grown from 90 to 700 attendees over the years. After 15 years as a palliative care nurse Sonia in 2014 took on the role of Prostate Cancer Specialist Nurse based in the Peter Copulus Cancer and Wellness Centre at G.V. Health. Looking after men being diagnosed and treated for prostate cancer. Men when diagnose...d know little about the disease. The nurse ensures patients are well-informed about their diagnosis and treatment opportunities. Patients have a high level of anxiety and stress, a nurse is in an optimum position to support the men and their partners by providing information on treatment and become primary point of contact. Estimated 220.000 living with prostate cancer with only 16,000 diagnosed. Early diagnosis essential as 3,000 dying each year. Service provides coordinated approach to pre and post operative care locally whilst surgery in Melbourne. Have good working relationship with Melbourne hospitals. With another nurse appointed, now cover every day of the week. Implore men to have yearly check ups with their local G.P. See more

20.01.2022 The Rotary Club of Numurkah are back "home" for meetings in the Waterwheel Bistro at the Numurkah Golf and Bowls Club.

20.01.2022 Good morning Friends. Want to know more - from wherever you are? Send me a message and I'll get you sorted.

19.01.2022 Another innovative and entertaining meeting organised by President Jennifer. A virtual tour of Werribee Open Range Zoo with our guide taking members on a drive through the park, describing the animals encountered. Tour prompted much conversation from members regarding the animals later in the meeting.

16.01.2022 General Knowledge Quiz with Quizmaster Terry Brennan.

15.01.2022 Rotary: Uma porta para o mundo de oportunidades.

11.01.2022 GUEST SPEAKER: ALICE GLACHEN: Alice a member of the Rotary Club of Albury Hume, Director of Capital Fundraising Campaign for Albury Hilltop Accommodation Centre, part of Fight Cancer Campaign. Hilltop providing motel style accommodation for regional cancer patients. Background, grew up in a Rotary family, an exchange student then followed father as a Rotarian. Husband and herself owned Beacon Lighting in Albury and served as Mayor of Albury. Following sale of business joined... Hilltop as Fundraising Director. Planned December launch, then bushfires, then when smoke settles COVID, cancelling media events. Need for accommodation for regional community, over $1M raised during the planning of Stage 1 which is now complete. Cost $5,122,129, budget $5,400.00. Large rooms providing sanctuary and safety in comfortable quality rooms. A home away from home. Caters for all ages, space for children, library, community board room. Over 56,000 room nights available, over 2,700 families assisted, occupancy now nearing capacity. 32 Local Government Areas in footprint with Moira #1 user. Stage 2 in planning with additional 10 suites, library and quiet room, gymnasium. laundry, an additional admin. area. Stage 2 Cost & Funding. Cost $3,808,000, Commonwealth Government $1,904,000, Cash on hand $1,134.796, with a shortfall of $769,204. Preliminary planning for stage 3. See more

11.01.2022 Geoff Holmes as guest speaker conducted an entertaining quiz from recent articles featured in the Numurkah Leader. Winners received prizes from Geoff's vegetable garden.

10.01.2022 My brother in law Bruce Cottam from Yarrawonga made our fantastic one off fire pit and BBQ which was enjoyed by our very long serving Numurkah Rotarian Graham H...odge from Katamatite and his youngest son David yesterday. Graham was born in 1929 and is doing well for a 90yo who still lives at home with family support. Graham had experience pitchforking hay on and off wagons in his younger days and was the header driver come harvest time for many years. When he was a school boy he boarded in Numurkah during the week so he could attend the Numurkah Higher Elementary School, which is todays State School. See more

09.01.2022 Trudi Pratt guest speaker. Trudi Pratt Emergency Management with City of Greater Shepparton and Moira Shire, responsible for emergency planning and relief. Background as a trained nurse and a soldier. Covid pandemic not a typical emergency such as flood, fire and wind events. Covid an unseen enemy. Moira Shire spread over a large area without vast congregation of people thus not compacted by Covid, with only one case, which was someone out of town.... Typical day, attend meetings and planning if an out break, Understanding legislation from two states. Sate border shut down causes no end of problems with permits. Preparing for a Class 1 or Class 2 Emergency involves planning evacuation and movement of people to ensure safety with closure of channels or roads and the setting up of relief centres. Meeting with local organisations with need to listen and engage with local people. Advance warning of installation and test of temporary levees at Nathalia for maintenance. SES volunteers trained in sand bagging. See more

06.01.2022 Colleen O'Hara spoke on The School of St Jude in Tanzania. Gemma Sisia graduated with a Dip. Ed. in Armidale NSW and in 1995 flew to Uganda and on safari to Tanzania. Returning home Gemma opened a bank account to pay for the education of a student, then with donations from Rotary started a East Africa Fund. In 2002, opened The School of St Jude with 3 students and a big dream to provide a free, high quality education to children living in poverty. Today St Jude's is a leader in charitable education within Africa, educating 1,800 students across three primary and secondary campuses, achieving among the top results in the region, and support hundreds of graduates through tertiary education. In Tanzania 74% of children will not be enrolled in secondary education, an adult averages 5.8 years of schooling. 70% of the population live on les than $2 a day with over 12 million Tanzanians living in poverty. Education can lift an entire population out of poverty, creating stable and growing economies. For every year of education a child receives, their adult earnings can increase by an average of 10%. 80% 0f St Jude's graduates' families overcome extreme poverty. St Jude's empower their students to transform their community, challenge the status quo and find solutions for the 12 million Tanzanians living in poverty. See more

06.01.2022 Josh West guest speaker. Josh West was born to parents addicted to drugs, adopted by foster parents at 6 months. Suffering Asperger's Syndrome picked on at school. Met grand parents at 18 years Commenced playing basketball at 19 years, had tried other sports but basketball became his passion, playing with Australian Paralympic Team, Australian Boomerangs. Team members are able bodied but with intellectual disabilities. Captain of the team has travelled the world, Japan,, South America, Turkey and Italy. Team is not sponsored, all paid from own pocket. Basketball has changed his life, giving him focus and meeting some wonderful friends. Now coaching, plays several days a week and trains in Melbourne 5 - 7 times a year when allowed. Zoom training during COVID. Success in life goes back to foster parents who gave him a second chance at life. See more

06.01.2022 Leah Farnham from Headspace Shepparton was guest speaker. Celebrating "Lift the Lid" Mad Hat day for mental health, Leah Farnham from Headspace in Shepparton was guest speaker. Leah Farnham has an eight year involvement with Headspace Shepparton which works with 12 - 25 year olds providing early intervention. 1 in 5 youth experience a health issue: Anxiety 15-20%. Substance Misuse 10%, Depression 7%. Impact of poor mental health: Poor school or work attendance, Social withdra...wal or isolation. Adopting negative coping strategies. Adolescence a period of great change. change in the way we think, change in relationships, change in the way we feel. Normal for adolescents to argue for sake of arguing, jump to conclusions, be self-centred, constantly find fault in adults, be overly dramatic. Signs of depression: unexplained or prolonged feelings of sadness, sadness or anger, mood swings, change in behaviour. Headspace is youth friendly looking after physical health, mental health, alcohol and drug dependence, vocation and education. Managed by G.V. Health, only address mild to moderate conditions, valuing youth and family involvement. See more

04.01.2022 The Club Assembly held via zoom on Monday 3rd August was an opportunity to talk about moving forward within the confines we are in.

02.01.2022 Bernadette Steward Guest Speaker. Bernadette Steward secretary of the Numurkah Wunghnu Cemetery Trust gave an interesting talk on the history of Numurkah and the Numurkah Cemetery. Wunghnu Cemetery established in 1879 and contains graves of Numurkah residents before the Numurkah Cemetery was established in 1883. Entrance erected in 1909, and recently refurbished. The Numurkah Lawn Cemetery was created in 1978, with enough ground for 3 years before expansion required.... Bernadette organises "Cemetery Walks" illustrating the history of the cemetery and its past residents. Photos of Numurkah 1888 were shown. See more

01.01.2022 Nicole Wells community Development Officer with NCN Health was guest speaker at zoom meeting. Difficult to access farming community with current restrictions as support services unable to undertake face to face consultations. Women are home schooling as well as farm duties, and farmers will not access support until too late. Nicole wishing to work with community groups to be more innovative and proactive. Farmers first to lend a hand to neighbours, hope to build on this to he...lp themselves. Farmers are not doing well with depression, stress, high anxiety and transitioning to other fields as worn down. Hope to build capacity to resilience with conversation to help themselves and family. A case by case as go through intake to access financial and mental health then to link with relevant consultants. See more

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