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Nurture Cards positive thought cards for children


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25.01.2022 As children we are developing our thoughts and beliefs. We are influenced in many ways through media and those around us. Nurture Cards are designed to promote positive and healthy thoughts that help children create self worth, confidence and assist them with working through emotions. Each card is designed to warm their hearts and calm their minds. #positivethinking #mindset #mindfulness #childrenswellbeing #anxiety #childrensmentalhealth #conciousparenting #teachingfromhome #mindfulparenting #affirmationcards #iam #wellness #kidstherapy #kidsautism #inspirekids #emotionalhealth #positivethoughtcards #affirmationcardsforkids #beyourself #iamenough

24.01.2022 Helping children to create positive mental pathways in their early years. As young children we are literally learning ‘how to think’ . Our thoughts become our beliefs. Our beliefs can hold us back, or set us free. ... Nurture Cards have been created to help children develop positive ways of thinking in their early years. Inspiring thoughts that assist with self belief, self confidence, kindness, compassion, courage, peace, thoughtfulness, regulation of emotions, self acceptance and self love. Find your box of inspirational cards on our website #mindset #positivethinking #conciousparenting #mindfulness #mindfulparenting #positiveaffirmations #affirmationcards #childrensmentalhealth #mindfulmum #iam #parenting #teachingfromhome #beyourself #childrenswellbeing #emotionsmatter #emotionaleducation #positivethoughtcards

24.01.2022 We build our minds as children, and the way we learn to think really is an important part of how we develop, and who we become. Nurture Cards have been designed to help children develop healthy mental pathways in their early years. The Cards also help build self confidence, self worth, and also promote kindness, thoughtfulness, courage, gratitude, and much more. Children love the illustrations, as they have been designed to relate to young children, on their level. An in...spiring gift for children. #positivemindset #selfworth #selfconfidence #affirmationcards #affirmationsoftheday #backtoschool #whatyouthinkyoucreate #mentalhealth #believeinyourself #inspirational #yoga #kids #childrensbooks #mindfulness #lawofattraction #mindset #positivethoughts

24.01.2022 We all have different and very special qualities and it is important for us to acknowledge them. We cannot compare ourselves to others, we are all so unique, with so many different talents and strengths, and gifts to offer the world. And to accept that, it is a wonderful freedom. To release judgment of yourself and others. This is a powerful way of thinking to develop as young children. As adults it can be difficult to change a learn thought/belief. The thoughts we think ...often, become strong mental pathways in our brain. Nurture Cards have been lovingly created to help children develop positive ways of thinking from a young age. Helping them to create an inner self confidence, self belief, self worth and self love Nurture Cards bring awareness to emotions offering a gentle and positive way to deal with different emotions. There are so many values in our delightful box of Nurture Cards. #mindset #conciousparenting #mindfulness #positivemindset #positivethoughtcards #affirmationcards #eylf #selfconfidence #childrensmentalhealth #positivethinking #selftalkmatters #teachingfromhome #kidsyoga See more

24.01.2022 Focus on your gifts, your light. You are here to be YOU, unique and powerful you. Embrace your treasures. Dont be worried or scared to acknowledge your beauty

23.01.2022 You can go anywhere in your imagination! take sometime for yourself to close your eyes and imagine going to your favourite place. Maybe the beach, imagine laying on the sand, and a beautiful blue sky above you, white clouds sweeping the sky and the warmth of the sun on your skin(and in your imagination, the sun doesn’t burn your skin) and you can hear the sound of the waves crashing down smell the salt ocean air. Your toes wiggle in the sand, and you feel relaxed and happy.... You have not one thing to worry about. You may be sipping on your favourite wine or tea. Take some time to go somewhere beautiful, and really try to feel the feeling of it, the sounds and views, and feelings. You may think that when you open your eyes, it will feel crappy to come back but when you finish imagining, open your eyes with gratitude for that little time away, be grateful for those feelings and be proud of yourself for taking a few minutes to relax and find joy. #positivemindset #positivethoughts #childrenswellbeing #teachingfromhome #lockdown #mindset #mindfulness #meditation #relaxingtime #selfcare #lockdownactivities #positiveenergy #wellbeing

22.01.2022 Building resilience. We are never going to get through life without difficult times, so it is important to build resilience in a positive and healthy way. Most may see resilience and pushing everything down, and being emotionally strong.. or disconnected.. this is not healthy, and can cause. dis-ease. Resilience is building positive mental pathways of thought, that help and support us through difficult times. It is learning to acknowledge emotions. When you practice a tho...ught, it then comes to you automatically when you are faced with a certain situation. Nurture Cards help children to learn and create positive thoughts, about emotions themselves, as unique individuals others life experiences behaviours helping children to develop ways of thinking in their early years, that help them through life. They also work so beautifully in a bedtime routine as a way to connect with your child emotionally beginning this in their early years is so important . #resilience #positivethoughts #affirmationcards #mindsetiseverything #mindfulness #positiveparenting #positivevibes #iam #emotionalhealth #mentalhealth #rainbowcards #conciousparenting #healthykids #healing #emotionalawareness

22.01.2022 We seem to fight against doing nothing.. these words came to me a few weeks ago, a reminder for when I feel overwhelmed or negative thoughts arise. Meditation may seem like your doing nothing , but it is actually so important and powerful. To STOP our constant thoughts, to rest our minds. To just be, and breathe. Meditation allows inspiration, guidance, clarity, and peace to enter.... Just sit and listen. Listen to the birds, the wind in the trees, a fan, your breath. Give yourself permission to just stop. Just let it all be. You will be amazed how how you feel after 5-10 minutes. This time we have is asking us to slow down, because it IS important. You may like to help your children with this too. There are so many childrens meditations available on YouTube, that can teach them to find peace, and settle their minds. It takes practice, your mind will wander , just be gentle with yourself and bring it back to listening . Give it a chance, and see how it feels #meditate #mindfulnesspractice #mindfulness #conciousliving #positivevibes #positivethoughts #wellbeing #mindsetiseverything #mindset #calm #timeforyourself #affirmationsoftheday #affirmationcards #peace

21.01.2022 Despite what is going on around you, stay true to yourself. Be kind, courageous and loving, even when others may not be. Dont allow them to change you. You are love and anything different than that makes us feel sad, or uncomfortable This is our guidance system ! ... Its important ! How else could we know what lights us up, and what doesnt , if there was no contrast. Our emotions guide us, we dont need to run from them, or ignore them. ~ Embrace them ~ Being in touch with our emotions is very important to learn as children, and learning to identify emotions, honour them and to move through them peacefully is such a wonderful gift. Our box of Nurture Cards help children identify emotions, and learn positive ways to process them. Helping them through lifes changing days. with love , kindness and courage. #kindness #positivethinkng #beyou #selfawateness #mindset #affirmations #childrensmentalhealth #mindset #neurosculpting #teachingresources #eylf #emotions #emotionalwellness #teachingkindness #teachingfromhome

21.01.2022 Self expression is so important. We just need to learn to slow down, and express ourselves in a kind and clear way. It helps to nurture this in our early years. Often as children we just react and how we feel rolls out of our mouth. When this happens with my children, I just ask them to count backwards 3,2,1. Then take a moment to think of a gentle and kinder way to say what they feel. It works wonderfully Learning these thoughts in our early years is so valuable ... Find your box of 40 positive thought cards at #kindness #mindset #conciousliving #mindfulnesswithkids #mindfulness #conciousparenting #selfexpression #autismfamily #childrensmentalhealth #affirmationcardsforkids #eylf #reggio #mindfulparenting #gentleparenting #iamenough #positivethoughts #positivekids #parenting

20.01.2022 you take time to consider a phrase before you make it your belief? Or do just agree with it because you have been hurt?... Do we want our children to build up barriers and blocks to their emotions? And bury emotions? Shut out their honest feelings? ... OR do we want our children to learn to move through painful emotions and feelings? Do we hope for our children that they feel confident in who they are, and how they feel, as unique individuals, and be ‘strong ‘ enough to use their voice, express themselves with kindness and compassion, gratitude and gentleness and self love. Using these qualities to move through difficult emotions. Emotions can be painful, but it doesn’t mean that we should avoid feeling them. Our perspective is that it is difficult to have these emotions, perhaps if we shift our perspective, to find gratitude for painful emotions. Gratitude for the wisdom, and growth they bring. And for the ‘strength ‘ they bring. That is strong! That will help our children flourish in life not being ‘tough’

20.01.2022 .. and that’s what it’s all about Helping children develop a positive way of thinking in their early years. Helping them to move through challenging times with easy. Supporting their mental health wellbeing, and helping build self confidence. ... #positivemindset #mindset #mindfulness #conciousparenting #affirmationcardsforkids #parentingtips #selfbelief #teachingfromhome #selfesteem #happykids #happykidshappylife #childrensmentalhealth #teachingresources #eylf #gentleparenting #reggioinspired #nurturecards

19.01.2022 1 of 40 Nurture Cards~ Positive Thought Cards for children. Helping children to develop healthy mental pathways, thoughts, beliefs. These all play such an important part in our growth and how we live our life. We build these foundations as children, lets help make those foundations positive ones and kids just love how the cards make them feel ... #positivethinking #selfworth #selfconfidence #mentalhealth #teachingideas #kids #affirmationcards #positivevibes #iam #mindfulness #mindset #lawofattraction #inspirationalquotes #beyourself #kidsbooks #positiveparenting #conciousparenting #parentinggoals See more

18.01.2022 Share your thoughts #mindset #wellbeing #emotionalwellness #positivethinking #mindfulness #positiveaffirmations #conciousparenting #mentalhealth #lawofattraction #lawofattractionforkids #wellbeing #positivevibes #childrensbookstagram

17.01.2022 We all have our challenging times, our weaker days.. or even years. Don’t judge yourself or define yourself by those moments. We can often be so critical of ourselves. See your strong days, see your qualities, see your bravery, see your kindness, see your value. We are all perfect just being true to who we are. There is no comparisons to be made. We all have such unique qualities. Be kind and gentle with yourself, and your self-talk Our box of Nurture Cards have crea...ted to help children create positive ways of thinking in their early years. link in bio. #mindset #positivethoughts #conciouseparenting #mindfulness #selfbelief #affirmations #affirmationcards #childrensmentalhealth #teachingfromhome #selfconfidence #kids #wholistichealth #wellbeing

16.01.2022 This is such an important card. To thrive we need to feel valuable, and have a sense of self-worth It is so powerful when we can develop a positive self image, and inner confidence in our early years. Just 1 of 40 delightful cards in our box of Nurture Cards for children ... #positivethinking #mindset #positivethoughts #positivevibes #selfworth #kindness #healing #wellness #mindbodysoul #mindbodyspirit #selflove #beyourself #affirmations #mentalhealth #bullying #stopbullying #wellbeing #kindergarten #conciousparenting #teachingfromhome #teachingresources #mindfulness

16.01.2022 It is our essence, not our possessions, success, our job, or even where we are in life. Its not our mistakes or our imperfections.. there is no perfection, and our mistakes teach us, shape us into all that we are. It is WHO we are, our spirit, that we can be grateful for. Our uniqueness. Our own special quirks that make us who we are. Our ability to dig deep when life is hard and hurts, and to shine again. ... It is our kindness, our loving hearts that we can find gratitude for. Our caring for those around us, our thoughtfulness, our dreams and wishes, our feelings and thoughts. Our desire to make the world a better place, even in the smallest ways. It is all important, each of us is important and has something wonderful to offer. There is NO ONE better than you, just different than you. Gratitude and appreciation is not just for what we have, or experience, but for who we are. Our essence There is so much to be grateful for in this world, just dont forget to be grateful for YOU #gratitude #gratefulfor #youareincredible #beyourself #beyou #believeinyourself #spirit #knowyourworth #positivethoughts #iam #affirmations #selfworth #noperfection #believe

16.01.2022 How often do you give yourself credit for what you have achieved ? As young children we are learning many new things and therefore are making many mistakes. Often hearing no, thats not right, you can do better ... it is important to encourage a balance and have children feeling proud of what they can do. and for our children to learn to be proud of themselves, not just for others to feel proud of them. I am so proud of you, you must be proud of yourself too! I...t can help for them to write down a long list of things that they are proud of themselves for doing. My daughter is now 15, and can struggle with a lot of acne, yesterday afternoon she said with a smile, I deserve an Oscar Award for getting through my day today! For some of us just getting out of bed and facing the day can be something we are proud of ourselves for. A positive way of thinking will always help. It doesnt take away our struggles and growth, it just makes it easier to move through. Nurture Cards help children develop a positive way of thinking in their early years #mindset #positivethinking #affirmationcards #childrenswellbeing #conciousparenting #mindfullness #mindfulparenting #teachingfromhome #childrensmentalhealth #selfcare #happykids #childrenbooks #iam #emotionalwellbeing #inspirekids See more

16.01.2022 So it shall be ~ when we consider Law of Attraction, what we think not only effects our self-worth, perception and beliefs, it also effects what we attract into our life. If we THINK life is a perfect dance, it will be. If we THINK life is hard, it will be. We see what we focus on. If you begin the day, and something goes wrong, most will say " I am having a bad day" , and then it is, you attract more of what you focus on. True? ... Try to release the past, and just let it be. Begin to believe in your dreams and yourself. THINK thoughts that inspire you, try to find the positive aspects in each day, and they will keep showing up :) Be kind to yourself. <3 Helping our children to create positive ways of thinking, in their early years, is so important and powerful, in so many different ways. It is much harder to turn around negative ways of thinking in our adult years. Another reason I passionately created Nurture Cards for children #conciousparenting #selfworth #believeinyourself #affirmationsforchildren #positivethoughts #mindset #mindfulness #positiveparenting #selfbelief #eylf #mentalhealth #iam #raisingchildren #yoga #kidsbooks #emotionalwellbeing #positivevibes #wellbeing

15.01.2022 Positive Thought Cards for Children Know your truth. We may experience times that others lie about us, generally it is because of their own insecurities.. stand strong in your truth! Know who you are! ... and others will see it too. We cannot let the words and actions of others bring us down. Shine Bright and learn honesty with yourself, that is most important Find your box of Nurture Cards at #positivemindset #mindset #mindfulness #conciousparenting #positivethoughts #affirmationcards #mindfulparenting #inspirekids #yoga #childrensmentalhealth #beyourself #selfbelief #emotionalwellbeing #childrenswellbeing #teachingfromhome See more

15.01.2022 Helping children to create positive mental pathways in their early years. As young children we are literally learning ‘how to think’ . Our thoughts become our beliefs. Our beliefs can hold us back, or set us free. ... Nurture Cards have been created to help children develop positive ways of thinking in their early years. Inspiring thoughts that assist with self belief, self confidence, kindness, compassion, courage, peace, thoughtfulness, regulation of emotions, self acceptance and self love. Find your box of inspirational cards on our website #mindset #positivethinking #conciousparenting #mindfulness #mindfulparenting #positiveaffirmations #affirmationcards #childrensmentalhealth #mindfulmum #iam #parenting #teachingfromhome #beyourself #childrenswellbeing #emotionsmatter #emotionaleducation #positivethoughtcards

14.01.2022 This is such an important card. To thrive we need to feel valuable, and have a sense of self-worth It is so powerful when we can develop a positive self image, and inner confidence in our early years. Just 1 of 40 delightful cards in our box of Nurture Cards for children ... #positivethinking #mindset #positivethoughts #positivevibes #selfworth #kindness #healing #wellness #mindbodysoul #mindbodyspirit #selflove #beyourself #affirmations #mentalhealth #bullying #stopbullying #wellbeing #kindergarten #conciousparenting #teachingfromhome #teachingresources #mindfulness

14.01.2022 It seems so natural and easy for us to Nurture our family and loved ones, but often we dont take the time.. or feel worthy.. of nurturing ourselves, yet it is so essential! It is so important to fill yourself, so then you can give to others you cant give what you dont have - without draining yourself of your essence. HOW do you nurture yourself? You CHOOSE to make time for you Begin a daily routine of taking 15 minutes for you, to sit with just you.... Light a candle, cut yourself some flowers and write! Writing will help you find yourself. Write down your qualities Write down your dreams Just write down your thoughts and be gentle and kind to yourself about it all, as you would to someone you love. Life has always been so busy! We often dont make time to reflect or feel! To really feel. Feel the pride you have for yourself, for all you have achieved, all you have risen through, for all the times you have fallen to your knees and got back up! FEEL the energy inside you, of ALL that you are. Dont be scared to feel, it is the essence of life. Take the time to see you, soothe you , appreciate you, to see your gifts, to be kind to you, to accept you - just as you are. to be proud of you, to see and FEEL your strength, to be gentle to yourself to nurture your soul and to love you #lovewhoyouare #slowingdown #nurtureyourself #selfcare #timeforyou #reflection #heal #rise #beyourself #loveyou #soul #spirit #connection #lockdown

13.01.2022 We often lie to prevent disappointment, in ourselves, or in others. Learning honestly, is important, it’s also learning acceptance, of ourselves, our journey, our mistakes and our glory. We all makes mistakes . But these mistakes don’t define who we are. We are so much more. As parents it is also important to create a safe space for our children to be honest, and tell them that we appreciate their honesty, and their strength and courage to be honest. ... Find your box of inspirational Nurture Cards at #honesty #safespace #beyou #positivethoughts #conciousparenting #mindfulparenting #reggio #affirmationcardsforkids #childrensmentalhealth #iam #mindfulness #teachingfromhome #harmony #eylf

12.01.2022 Our box of 40 Positive Thought Cards help children to develop a positive way of thinking in their early years #affirmationcardsforkids #minset #mindfulness #childrenswellbeing #conciousparenting #mindfulparenting #teachingfromhome #emotionalhealth #childrensmentalhealth #positivethinking #childrensliterature #kindness #inspirekids

12.01.2022 Inspirational Temporary Tattoos, now in stock <3 Inspire yourself and others. Only $3, with free postage!

12.01.2022 Why is it so difficult for us to love ourselves? Nurture Cards help children create positive ways of thinking in their early years Shining light on their qualities and promoting kind and thoughtful ways of thinking, about themselves, others and the world around them. Helping to build ... self confidence, self worth, resilience and belief in themselves. Find your empowering box of Nurture Cards at #positivethinking #mindset #iam #conciousparenting #positiveaffirmations #selfworth #selfbelief #mentalhealth #childrensmentalhealth #inspirationforkids #beyourself #mindfulness #rainbowcards #nurturecards

12.01.2022 Our Nurture Cards are lightening up the hearts and minds of children and seeing this fills my heart with joy it means so much to me to receive your wonderful messages and photos. thank you so much @themindseteducator for sharing this delightful photo #nurturecards #positivethoughtsonly #childrenswellbeing #mindset #affirmations #inspirechildren #mindfulliving #mindfulparenting #conciousparenting #parenting #teachingfromhome #childrensmentalhealth #kindness #neuropsychology #selfempowerment #affirmationcards #iam

11.01.2022 Nurture Cards ~ a delightful box of 40 positive thought cards for children Helping children develop positive ways of thinking in their early years. Helping them build self confidence, self worth and learn healthy ways to deal with emotions. They also can begin some very special conversation with your children if you work with them as a family. ... The thoughts that we learn in our childhood, become our beliefs. Find your inspirational box of Nurture Cards at www.nurturecards. #positivethinking #mindset #mindfulness #kindness #conciousparenting #mindfulliving #childrenswellbeing #childrensmentalhealth #teachingfromhome #affirmationcards #affirmationcardsforkids #positivethoughtcards #yoga #kidsyoga #selfbelief #beyourself

11.01.2022 Our minds are so powerful! The Placebo effect shows us this. Our thoughts create our beliefs and our beliefs create our reality. It all begins with our thoughts. Most of our dominant thoughts are created as children. Nurture Cards have been created to help children develop positive ways of thinking in their early years. Thinking positively develops resilience, it allows us to move more confidently through difficult times. ... #mindset #mindfulness #positivethinking #beyourself #healthylifestyle #wellbeing #conciousparenting #lawofattraction #biologyofbelief #affirmationcardsforkids #affirmations #rainbowcards #happykids #iam See more

10.01.2022 All you need to be.. is you! What if, you didnt compare yourself to anyone else... YOU were just you! and you saw your worth, your values, and treasured your uniqueness, loved your body, your mind, and all that makes you YOU! How would you feel to be comfortable with all that you are? Accepting yourself as being ENOUGH, just as you are. ... There is NO perfection. We dont need a world full of people all the same, we need a world full of real and authentic hearts, that are happy and peaceful, offering their unique gifts to the world. When you strive to be like others, you dim the light of who you are, you loose yourself, and who you are is so important to this world! This is one of the many values of Nurture Cards ~ positive thought cards. Helping young children learn positive ways of thinking about themselves, others and the world around them. With 40 beautiful and inspiring cards in a box , children can learn to develop thoughts that create self worth, self belief, kindness, confidence in themselves, and so much more. Visit our website for more information. Link in Bio. #positivethinking #selflove #selfworth #iamenough #iam #mindfulness #believeinyourself #affirmations #mentalhealth #beyou #positivethoughts #happykids #confidentkids #anxiety #selfimage #positiveselftalk #selflovequotes #lovewhoyouare #authenticself #affirmationcards

10.01.2022 You know your worth, dont let negative words, opinions and perspectives of others take away your light. Just do you, follow your heart and soul, honour your emotions and thoughts. Be aware of thoughts that you may have adopted from others, and if they are really thoughts you want to let in. FOCUS on thoughts that make you feel happy when you are happy, you shine! For all that you are all that you were created to be #believeinyourself #honouryourself #authenticself #positivethinking #affirmationcards #mindset #iam #selftalkmatters #mentalhealth #conciousparenting #mindfulparenting #wellbeing #kidsbooks #mindfulness #teachersofinstagram #positivevibes

09.01.2022 And tears of joy and gratitude rolled down my cheeks. This is why I am so passionate about Nurture Cards. I am always so grateful for feedback on my cards ... To hear how they are helping children to build confidence and feel special, discovering positive ways of thinking and how it all helps them so much. It is such a gift that I am truly grateful for . #positivethinking #positiveaffirmations #mindset #mindfulness #gratitude #childrensmentalhealth #childrenswellbeing #selfbelief #selfconfidence #conciousparenting #autism #nids #mindfulparenting #toolsforlife #emotionaleducation #raisingconsciousness #nurturecards #affirmationcardsforkids #beyourself #positivethoughtcards

08.01.2022 We can all keep our feelings and thoughts bottled up inside us, this card is a gentle reminder to share our feelings. We can often overlook how important it is to talk about how we feel. It is an important reminder also to validate the words of someone opening up to us, provide a gentle space for them to share, and to really quite your mind and listen. You dont need to sort it all out for them right away, just listen. When we make a gentle space for someone to share heart, they will begin to feel safe to share more often. honour this privilege This is especially important for parents to develop with their children #speakyourtruth #safespace #positivethinking #mindset #selftalk #affirmationcards #affirmationcardsforkids #mindfulness #conciousparenting #mindfulparenting #emotionaleducation #teachingfromhome

08.01.2022 It takes practice to build a new thought. You may not resonate with a new thought, but that is just because it is new to you. Your stronger thoughts, Negative or positive are just ones you have strengthened by repetition. Your situation may not seem or feel peaceful.. but YOU can be peaceful. Breathe. Let calm fill you. Try to stay in the moment and let go of what ifs . Trust, it is all going to be ok. Trust your journey. Trust yourself to handle it as best you can. Tr...ust the contrast is bringing what is needed. Trust~ that it is all right Its alright Nurture Cards ~ helping children develop a positive way of thinking in their early years #positivethoughtsonly #positivethinking #mindset #affirmationsoftheday #affirmations #mindfulness #conciousparenting #positivityforchildren #inspirationforkids #emotionalhealth #wellbeing #teachersofinstagram #mentalhealth #calm #selftalkmatters

07.01.2022 We develop our thought patterns as children. Our thoughts create our beliefs. Our beliefs effect every aspect of our lives. This is why I created Nurture Cards. Helping children to develop positive ways of thinking, about themselves and the world around them. Helping children build resilience through challenging times, to help them build self-confidence in who they are as an individual ... To help children to see their value and believe in themselves. Nurture Cards also promote kindness, gratitude, courage thoughtfulness, helping others and much more. Children just love how Nurture Cards make them feel. Positive thoughts dont prevent difficult times, but they help us move through those times in a healthier and easier way. In our early years is the most important time to develop our mental pathways. Find your box at #mindset #selfbelief #beyourself #mindfulliving #positiveparenting #mindfulness #iam #mentalhealthtips #rainbowcards #nurturecards #affirmationcards #kindergartenclassroom #teachingresources #positivethinking #childrensbooks #cards See more

07.01.2022 How often do you give yourself credit for what you have achieved ? As young children we are learning many new things and therefore are making many mistakes. Often hearing no, that’s not right, you can do better ... it is important to encourage a balance and have children feeling proud of what they can do. and for our children to learn to be proud of themselves, not just for others to feel proud of them. I am so proud of you, you must be proud of yourself too! I...t can help for them to write down a long list of things that they are proud of themselves for doing. My daughter is now 15, and can struggle with a lot of acne, yesterday afternoon she said with a smile, I deserve an Oscar Award for getting through my day today! For some of us just getting out of bed and facing the day can be something we are proud of ourselves for. A positive way of thinking will always help. It doesn’t take away our struggles and growth, it just makes it easier to move through. Nurture Cards help children develop a positive way of thinking in their early years #mindset #positivethinking #affirmationcards #childrenswellbeing #conciousparenting #mindfullness #mindfulparenting #teachingfromhome #childrensmentalhealth #selfcare #happykids #childrenbooks #iam #emotionalwellbeing #inspirekids See more

07.01.2022 What we think about, good or bad, we attract into our lives. Helping our children learn this in their early years is so important. Practicing positive ways of thinking builds positive thought patterns in the brain. Nurture Cards have been created to also help build self-belief, self-worth and confidence., with 40 inspirational cards in a box. I had the absolute please of watching a young boy use Nurture Cards today. He was sad, and having a down day, and as he read them, he... began to shine. He said for one card this is my favourite card, but I read it, and I dont believe it.. I said, thats ok, just keep reading it, and you will build a path in your brain (like you build with LEGO) and you WILL believe it. The card says I am smart, I love to learn . I continued you know smart doesnt just mean at school, you could be smart at LEGO or in your ways of thinking He lit up, and said I am smart at building LEGO!! I made a robot that moves! I said wow! Well now you can believe what your favourite card says My heart was dancing ! See more

06.01.2022 Helping children to learn positive ways of thinking in their early years Nurture Cards have been created with such a passion to help children love and embrace who they are as unique individuals, and beam with confidence 40 positive thought cards, designed with warm colourful illustrations that young children resonate with, each offering a kind and positive thought. Building positive thought patterns in the brain, in their early years. Visit our website for more infor...mation on the many values in Nurture Cards, #positivethinking #mindset #authenticself #selfconfidence #selflove #selfbelief #selftalkmatters #positiveparenting #conciousparenting #childrensbookstagram #mentalhealth #childrensmentalhealth #positiveaffirmations #affirmationcardsforkids #rainbowcards #nurturecards #beyourself #beunique #lovewhoyouare See more

06.01.2022 This heartwarming book will prompt important discussions between you and your little one. Through the journey of dealing with worries. Our children have many thoughts and worries that they dont always share. They may seem like little worries to us, but they can be big and real to our children. This beautiful story helps children to learn how to deal with worries. Jenny is the main character and slowly develops a bag full of worries, that she pushes into a bag, but the ba...g of worries follows her everywhere she tried to ignore it, but it didnt work . This is a reassuring story for children and helps them realise that they are not alone, we can all have worries. That just by sharing them can help settle our feelings. Remember to honour your childrens emotions, even if they seem silly to you. Just by acknowledging them is all that can be needed to help. Often we want to dive in with advice or ways to help... but its not always needed, especially as they get older. Enjoy this comforting story book. Available on our website. Link in bio. #childrensbooks #worries #inspirationalbooks #lockdown #mindset #positivethoughts #parentingtips #teachingfromhome #teachingkids #teachersofinstagram #mindfulness #anxiety #wellbeing4kids #mindfulnessforchildren

05.01.2022 I am not good enough , is a common choice of thought and belief. It does take time, and practice, it starts with just being aware of your thoughts. Notice if they are thoughts you learnt from your parents, or did you consciously create them ? . Do you really agree with the thoughts you have, or are they coming from fear or insucurities ? Do you want to choose a different thought? , a more positive thought ? Start with just being aware of your thoughts. Take it slowly, be... patient and kind to yourself. This is why I have the passion that I have for Nurture Cards. Teaching children positive ways of thinking in their early years. There are so, so many benefits . #conciousness #selfworth #beliefsystem #kids #positivethinking #mentalheal #mindfulness #motivationalquotes #positivequotes #iam #positiveparenting #affirmationcards #affirmationcardsforkids #healing #anxiety #empowerment #positivethoughts

05.01.2022 We all have our challenging times, our weaker days.. or even years. Dont judge yourself or define yourself by those moments. We can often be so critical of ourselves. See your strong days, see your qualities, see your bravery, see your kindness, see your value. We are all perfect just being true to who we are. There is no comparisons to be made. We all have such unique qualities. Be kind and gentle with yourself, and your self-talk Our box of Nurture Cards have crea...ted to help children create positive ways of thinking in their early years. link in bio. #mindset #positivethoughts #conciouseparenting #mindfulness #selfbelief #affirmations #affirmationcards #childrensmentalhealth #teachingfromhome #selfconfidence #kids #wholistichealth #wellbeing

05.01.2022 Our Nurture Cards are lightening up the hearts and minds of children and seeing this fills my heart with joy it means so much to me to receive your wonderful messages and photos. thank you so much @themindseteducator for sharing this delightful photo #nurturecards #positivethoughtsonly #childrenswellbeing #mindset #affirmations #inspirechildren #mindfulliving #mindfulparenting #conciousparenting #parenting #teachingfromhome #childrensmentalhealth #kindness #neuropsychology #selfempowerment #affirmationcards #iam

05.01.2022 ~ They caught all the wild children, and put them in zoos. They made them do sums and wear sensible shoes. They put them to bed at the wrong time of day, And made them sit still, when they wanted to play. They scrubbed them with soap and made them eat peas, ... They made them behave and say pardon and please. They took all their wisdom and wilderness away, and that is why there are none in the Forrest today ~ Jeanne Willis Please remember to allow your children to shine their unique light. To spend time in nature To be heard, and be accepted as they are. Free their spirit and find peace in their hearts. #peace #freedom #mindbodysoul #mindset #mindfulness #hippy #affirmations #gypsy #kids #conciousparenting #soul #positiveparenting #parentinggoals #authenticself

04.01.2022 We are all so important to this world, as the unique individuals that we are. Just by being our authentic and imperfect selves. We may have small things to offer, we may have larger things to offer, but it all important. Often fear holds us back, a fear of failure...or a belief that we may not get it right, or even deserve what we dream to be. We all deserve all that we dream of, because we are all pure love at our core. It is just beliefs that we adopt along the way that... play tricks with our minds, and they can hold us back from all we can be. Beliefs are just practiced thoughts, And thoughts can be changed. Just be aware of your thoughts, and focus on turning around those negative ones This is why Nurture Cards are so powerful, they help our children to learn positive ways of thinking in their early years. Developing thoughts and beliefs that will support them through life. Building their self-worth, self-confidence and each card provides them with kind and positive thoughts about themselves, others and the world around them. #selfworth #believeinyourself #positivethinking #positivethoughts #mentalhealth #conciousparenting #positiveparenting #mindfulness #affirmationcards #beyourself #raisingkids #iam #mindbodysoul #empowerment #mindset #authenticself

04.01.2022 Just be aware of your thoughts and the way you think about yourself and the world around you. Your thoughts are POWERFUL! They effect your body, your cells and your reality. Try to find good feeling thoughts and focus on them. Worrying isnt going to change anything, it is just a learnt thought pattern. And what you focus on, you attract. ... Be kind to yourself #positivevibes #positivethinking #mindsetmatters #mindset #mindfulness #affirmationsoftheday #conciousparenting #neurosculpting #mindsetiseverything #inspirekids #iam #teachingfromhome #biologyofbelief #powerofthemind #powerofpositivity #healing #kids #selfawareness #teachingchildren #emotionaleducation #nurturecards

04.01.2022 What we think, what we tell ourselves, creates our beliefs, and in turn our reality, because if we tell ourselves we are not good enough, we wont be able to achieve our dreams. If we are cheering ourselves on, focusing on our qualities, we will be able to move towards our desires and dreams. Nurture Cards are a box of 40 inspiration cards, designed for young children, helping them to develop positive ways of thinking in their early years. Building strong foundations for LIFE #selftalkmatters #positivethoughts #positivevibes #mindset #selflove #affirmationsoftheday #selfconfidence #resilience #happykids #conciousparenting #positiveminds #believeinyou

03.01.2022 An affirmation- a new thought that you wish to affirm. Is just the first step, you may not believe and feel that new thought right away, it takes time to develop this thought pattern, and for it to become a stronger thought than your old thought. You mind is so powerful, and the thoughts you have just adopted from around you since you were a child, are what are creating your beliefs, and that creates your life. This is why I am so passionate about Nurture Cards, as they hel...p children create positive ways of thinking in their early years. They teach children to think positively about themselves and others. They connect children to emotions and help them learn positive ways to deal with them. Nurture Cards help promote self awareness and self acceptance, self love and confidence. Find your box at www. Link in our Bio. #affirmations #positivity #mindset #positivevibes #mindfulness #conciousparenting #mindfulness #mindfulparenting #teachingfromhome #rainbowcards #iam #mentalhealth #childrensmentalhealth #mumsofinsta See more

03.01.2022 Courage doesn’t exist without fear. Courage is the belief, trust, knowing that you will make it through your fear. ~. faith These words resonated in me as truth. This quote was by an elderly gentleman ( I wish I could recall his name) he was on a documentary recalling personal events that he experienced in Word War 3, He had been tortured for 14 days, and in the last day he just let go, and put his faith in a higher power to get him through. He said I learnt an import...ant lesson that day, that courage is not the absence of fear, it is the presence of faith Thank you for these words . Wishing you faith. #courage #courageous #mindset #wisdom #positivity #affirmations #faith #trust #knowing #infinate

02.01.2022 You can go anywhere in your imagination! take sometime for yourself to close your eyes and imagine going to your favourite place. Maybe the beach, imagine laying on the sand, and a beautiful blue sky above you, white clouds sweeping the sky and the warmth of the sun on your skin(and in your imagination, the sun doesnt burn your skin) and you can hear the sound of the waves crashing down smell the salt ocean air. Your toes wiggle in the sand, and you feel relaxed and happy.... You have not one thing to worry about. You may be sipping on your favourite wine or tea. Take some time to go somewhere beautiful, and really try to feel the feeling of it, the sounds and views, and feelings. You may think that when you open your eyes, it will feel crappy to come back but when you finish imagining, open your eyes with gratitude for that little time away, be grateful for those feelings and be proud of yourself for taking a few minutes to relax and find joy. #positivemindset #positivethoughts #childrenswellbeing #teachingfromhome #lockdown #mindset #mindfulness #meditation #relaxingtime #selfcare #lockdownactivities #positiveenergy #wellbeing

01.01.2022 Nurture Cards ~ a delightful box of 40 positive thought cards for children Helping children develop positive ways of thinking in their early years. Helping them build self confidence, self worth and learn healthy ways to deal with emotions. They also can begin some very special conversation with your children if you work with them as a family. ... The thoughts that we learn in our childhood, become our beliefs. Find your inspirational box of Nurture Cards at www.nurturecards. #positivethinking #mindset #mindfulness #kindness #conciousparenting #mindfulliving #childrenswellbeing #childrensmentalhealth #teachingfromhome #affirmationcards #affirmationcardsforkids #positivethoughtcards #yoga #kidsyoga #selfbelief #beyourself

01.01.2022 CHOOSING to CHANGE a thought can totally change the way we feel about anything . You may often think - I dont like they way I look ... A new chosen, conscious thought - I choose not to compare myself to others, I am perfectly me, I am unique and I am beautiful. I have so many values. Which thought feels better? You may laugh and think , changing the thought doesnt change the feeling.. I still feel unhappy about myself BUT that is because its a new thought and you are still carrying the feeling from the old thought. It takes practice. Be easy with yourself when trying to change a thought. Even our thought of changing a thought is difficult We might say its hard! I cant! But what if you told yourself this will be easy and fun! Just being aware of what you are thinking is a big step, be kind to yourself and enjoy the journey to where you want to be A belief is just a practiced thought. This is why I have so much passion for my Nurture Cards, DEVELOPING positive ways of thinking is easier than CHANGING them #Consciousness #mindset #positivethinking #iam #abrahamhicks #affirmations #selftalkmatters #mentalhealth #wellbeing #teachingfromhome #conciousparenting #mindfulparenting #teachingideas #positivevibes #inspire #kids #emotionaleducation

01.01.2022 Vulnerability is strength. To be open, honest, raw, true. To walk your path with an open heart allows you to immerse yourself in the richness of life. ... Our box of Nurture Cards help children become aware of emotions and positive ways to move through them. Honouring their feelings, and not hiding them or pushing them away. We learn how to deal with our emotions in our early years, and we face emotions throughout our life, every day. Emotions guide us, and are an important part of who we are, so it is important to learn a healthy way to process the way we feel #vulnerability #emotions #positivethinking #mindset #selftalkmatters #mentalhealth #selfworth #authenticself #conciousparenting #mindfulparenting #family #emotionaleducation #children #selfawareness

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