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Nurturing Touch in Cairns, Queensland, Australia | Alternative & holistic health service

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Nurturing Touch

Locality: Cairns, Queensland, Australia

Phone: +61 448 840 627

Address: 16 Barellan Close 4878 Cairns, QLD, Australia


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24.01.2022 When you chose your forever dog, make sure it has the temperament that suits you. If you have a family and a busy life then a Border Collie is probably not the right fit as they need long walks and lots of stimuli. Some breeds are great as a first owner, others need a bit more experience. If you don't like hair, poodles are great options as they don't shed ;) And don't forget the rescue organisations, they may just have the perfect pet for you <3

24.01.2022 When fascia is damaged, it tightens and loses its fluidity. It can inhibits movement cause restrictions and pain in areas far away from injury The good news is that Fascial damage can be improved through massage, stretching and myofascial release :)

23.01.2022 What is Animal Neuro-myofascial Release Technique (ANMRT)? It's a soft tissue technique and aids in restoring proper communication between the spinal segments and the brain releases associated soft tissues and allows the body to re-set the joints. So far, whilst I finish my study cases, I am amazed at how well it works. There nothing quite like it when a horse gives you a sigh of relief or gives you a beautiful thank you nudge after the therapy <3

23.01.2022 A little treat after the therapy (note, not all dogs can be touched when they have a bone!)

23.01.2022 What is TMJ? it is the temporomandibular joint that allows the mouth to open and close. It can be out of alignment, especially if your dog likes to carry big sticks! If your dog gets ear infections often, this could be one of the causes. If the horses TMJ often is out of alignment it is probably a good idea to check the teeth :) Make an appointment if you think your pet would benefit from a TMJ massage.

23.01.2022 Did you know that the cervical vertebrae on a horse aren't on the top of the neck? (picture from Holisic Animal Studies by Angelique)

22.01.2022 One of the things I look when I evaluate a dog or horse is if one muscle is smaller than on the opposite side. This is called atrophy and can be caused by disuse or nerve damage (disc for example). In the picture below (from Angelique's animal studies) you can see the left hind leg looking smaller (fewer defined muscles, atrophied).

22.01.2022 Zanko was not a happy chap yesterday and unfortunately I didn't bring my therapy stuff with me. Being half German Shepherd, his hips aren't the best. He had too much beach time and was in pain by the end of the day So we went to the vet to assess and get some pain relief until we are home and I can work on him

22.01.2022 What do you feed your dog? I do a weekly meal prep, fresh dig mince, lots of vegetables and lentils. I add some coconut oil on the day and some tumeric.

22.01.2022 If you visited my website you probably wonder why all those different therapies and what they do? Each one is unique and helps with different issues. Here is a good article about the Neuro=myofascial Release Technique and what it can help with.

21.01.2022 Is it finally time to question traditional steel rim shoes? Collapsed, contracted, prolapsed and run forward feet have become such common place that they have ...become normalised. Are they a product of traditional farriery? Is it a coincidence that a broken HPA is also ubiquitous? When a horse comes out of shoes, studies have shown positive morphology. Increased hoof angle, increased digital cushion depth, increased heel height and an improved toe:heel height ratio and as a result improved HPA. Roepstorff (2001) found that frog support padding with shoes created functionality closer to that of a barefoot and Casserley (2018) found inproved hoof morphology in horses shod with padding. It is clear that the caudal structures of the hoof are paramount in hoof health, yet a perimeter fit shoe reduces its functionality. The future of farriery will look to create protection while maintaining optimal function. We should be asking 2 questions. 1. Does this horse actually need shoes? 2. If it does how can we mitigate the unintended consequences of adding protection? Further information in the captions. This subject has been discussed in these articles. . . . . See more

21.01.2022 Question time :) What would you like to know?

21.01.2022 "I felt terrible after a massage..." has said no one What is good for you is also great for your pet. The Myo-Manipulative Functional Therapy is a safe and very effective hands-on technique that involves applying gentle pressure into the Myofascial connective tissue to eliminate pain or restore motion. I generally start with Swedish Massage to relax the dog. Depending on your dogs need I incorporate Gua Sha to release scar tissue, Shiatsu to balance the dogs Ki energy and Aroma Therapy.

20.01.2022 A tip - if you have a puppy, introduce it to the postie so it won't bark every day when the mail arrives :)

19.01.2022 Mine is in the comment

18.01.2022 This made me laugh

18.01.2022 Christmas special! Do you have a friend with a pet (dog/horse)? Why not give them a gift voucher of Nurturing Touch? Gift vouchers are $50 and includes one therapy session (Cairns area only).

17.01.2022 Last day and then we are off on a holiday, spending a week at Dingo beach (and yes, our dog us coming along, lol). It has been a while and I am lookkng forward to a break. What are your plans for this weekend?

16.01.2022 If you have visited a Physio, the chances are that they may have used some Kinesiology Taping on you. It is a stretchy, athletic tape that sticks directly to the skin (or in this case to the hairs) to improve function. I use special Canine Rocktape that has a stronger glue so it sticks better. It can help with back, shoulder, hip and knee pain. It can improve lymphatic and blood circulation and reduce inflammation.

16.01.2022 A phone call of a new client started with "you came highly recommended" <3 Thank you for recommending me! Each animal is different. Some are here to get pampered, others are in need to reduce pain and aches. I deeply connect with the animal but sometimes it needs more than just one session. Like us, it took a while to get there and it will take a while to get out of it :)

16.01.2022 Yes, my new tool for bigger animals (horses, cows, etc) has arrived! Can't wait to test drive it this afternoon, woot!

15.01.2022 Are you more a dog or a cat person? I am both Are you more a dog or a cat person? I am both

15.01.2022 Who am I and how did I have the idea to start Nurturing Touch? Like many, I have had many twists and turns in my life. Once upon a time, I was a secretary, living in Switzerland. However, I felt something was missing and that I wasnt really following my passion, which was animals. My mum told me that when I was little I would run away from home and they would find me in the cafe next door, under the table, hugging a dog. So I packed my bags, followed my heart, moved to Au...stralia and studied Zoology at James Cook University, Townsville. After I finished my PhD in Biology (frog disease ecology), I moved to Cairns and met my husband. While being a home-stay mum I looked at opportunities to learn and grow. I became a qualified IAIM infant massage instructor and an ENJO consultant. In 2019 my life was turned upside down, cutting a long story short, it reached the peak of some ongoing back problems. During that year I learnt that healing your back isnt only about mechanics but emotions and more. I also realised that it was time to focus back on animals, because that is why I moved to Australia in the first place. This is when I found Dr. Angeliques holistic animal studies (https://holistic-animal-studies-by-angels-animals-llc.think) and I fell in love. My passion for animals was re-ignited and after a year of study, I am so happy to apply the wisdom of my own healing journey.

15.01.2022 Shiatsu massage is one of the techniques I use. It shares the philosophy with acupuncture and I use my hands along the meridians to balance the Ki energy of the dog. It is all about balance and harmony. For example: - water energy has a calming effect and promotes spine alignment. - wood energy promotes and increases the healing time of joints and ligaments. - fire energy is great if there was a trauma and - earth energy helps with an upset stomach.

14.01.2022 At YAPS fundraiser

13.01.2022 Here is a few food items that are a big NO for dogs. I know I know, they give you those puppy eyes but it is still a no as it really can cause some damage. - Anything Containing the Sweetener Xylitol. It just gets too quickly absorbed. - Onions, Garlic and Chives. They contain thiosulfate which is toxic for them - Grapes and Raisins. as they can cause kidney failure

13.01.2022 My very first horse to practice on. It was super chilled and I had so much fun

12.01.2022 what would your dog say?

12.01.2022 Is your dog getting older, maybe getting up not as quickly, or in general need of some remedial massage? Maybe your horse is getting a stiff neck lately. Like us humans, our animals can get tight muscles and "sticky" fascia. Book in for a consultation and therapy to come up with a treatment plan.

11.01.2022 What was your last pet photo you took? Zanko at our fabourite dog walk at Yorkey's knob.

11.01.2022 Really important up here. Take care of your furry friends <3

10.01.2022 I love my job! Fingers crossed the front leg of this big fellow improves

10.01.2022 What is fascia? It is like stocking that encases the muscles, blood vessels, nerves and organs. So really, everything is connected by fascia! It is a shock Absorber tension Sensor water Storage... communicator throughout the body Due to stress, wrong posture, etc, the fascia can thicken, become knotty and lose flexibility. There are several techniques you can use to loosen the fascia. The Myo-manipulative Functional Therapy is amazing in doing so. PM me if you dog needs a release.

08.01.2022 Question time! What would you like to know?

08.01.2022 A wonderful weekend, one on one training (Craniosacral Therapy) from 9-4 both days <3 It was amazing and can't wait to translate it into the body of animals :) What did you do this weekend?

06.01.2022 Remember the old game of telephone children used to play with two tin cans connected to each other by a rope? A similar communication occurs within the body through the meningeal system, from the cranium down the spinal cord to the sacrum. The cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) passes between two layers of the meninges and thus slowly circulates over the central nervous system. Craniosacral Therapy is a safe and non-invasive technique that brings with it many lasting and beneficial results.

06.01.2022 Lu was my first practice case study. She wasn't the youngest and owners thought maybe it is just age. She slowed down, wasn't chasing the ball as much and had milky eyes. This just happened gradually in the last six months. I did myo-manipulative Therapy on Lu, balanced her Chi (shiatsu massage with her it was liver) and worked on her very tight hips. I did 5 sessions and really wished I had a before and after picture (a lesson I learned quickly! This picture was taken by her owner). Her eyes cleared up and she was happy chasing the ball and outrun her younger dog buddy <3

06.01.2022 If you could have any animal as a pet, what would you choose?

05.01.2022 Like us humans, gut health in dogs is vital. A few tips: - no grains - variety diet, you can even include fermented vegetables! - add occasionally bone broth - raw bones will keep the teeth healthy... PM me if you like some more tips on great food items for your dog.

05.01.2022 Merry Christmas to you all <3

05.01.2022 Today is our 10th Wedding anniversary <3 I would be here without him! He always believes in me and cheers me on!

04.01.2022 I don't often get asked to work on cats because well cats are cats! This one did pretty awesome though, no bites or scratches, although I did get a hiss and warning at the end

04.01.2022 what is your favourite pet name? I loved our "chicken" eggy, except the she turned out to be a he! The name was even funnier after that

04.01.2022 Who would like to know the essential oil blend I use on my dog for separation anxiety? PM me your email and I will send you the recipe.

03.01.2022 A new tool coming soon!!! I can't wait as it is awesome for: - treating Post-surgical Wounds - relieve Pain & Reduce Inflammation - cellular Rejuvenation... - faster muscle recovery - increase Blood Circulation - promotes Healing See more

03.01.2022 Meet Basil. Basil was super active, had sore hips and always had sloppy poo :) Basil LOVED the myo-manipulative Therapy, especially the Shiatsu and also enjoyed some Craniosacral Therapy and Kinesiology Taping. He was one of my case studies - sloppy poo is gone and his hips are not as sore anymore <3

02.01.2022 And my website is done, woot! Let me know what you think - and if you see any errors let me know those too!

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